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蔡郑婷,胡连信,王泽峰 ,谢广东,林贤伟 查看原文
【摘要】 近年来,儿童孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)患病率逐年升高,需要更加科学有效的量表来进行儿童 ASD 的
筛查和诊断。本文通过对儿童 ASD 筛查及诊断量表所适用的年龄、评估方式、计分方法、评定标准和基本内容进行归
的优缺点和差异。基于专业使用与家庭使用的双视角对 ASD 量表进行深层次地解析与重构,探索可用于儿童 ASD 筛
查和诊断的新方法,旨在缓解专业人员资源短缺的问题,提高儿童 ASD 筛查与诊断的准确性,并降低误诊率和假阳性
率,为儿童 ASD 早期干预数据的收集以及后期治疗提供可靠的科学依据。
【关键词】 孤独症谱系障碍;自闭症;诊断筛查项目;早期诊断
【中图分类号】 R 749.91 【文献标识码】 A DOI:10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2022.0231
蔡郑婷,胡连信,王泽峰,等 . 几种常见儿童孤独症谱系障碍筛查及诊断量表的比较研究[J]. 中国全科医学,
CAI Z T,HU L X,WANG Z F,et al. Comparative analysis of several common screening and assessment scales for
childhood autism spectrum disease[J]. Chinese General Practice,2022,25(24):2998-3004.
Comparative Analysis of Several Common Screening and Assessment Scales for Childhood Autism Spectrum Disease
CAI Zhengting,HU Lianxin,WANG Zefeng ,XIE Guangdong,LIN Xianwei
Huzhou University,Huzhou 313000,China
Corresponding author:WANG Zefeng,Professor;
【Abstract】 Given the increasing prevalence of childhood autism spectrum disease(ASD),there is a need for
scales with higher efficiencies for scientifically screening and assessing this disease. We reviewed several common screening and
assessment scales for childhood ASD in terms of applicable age group,applicable methods,scoring methods,assessment criteria
and basic contents,and made a comparative analysis of the merits and limitations of characteristics,applications,sensitivity and
specificity of commonly used primary and secondary screening scales,as well as diagnostic scales. Then we intensively analyzed
and reconstructed these scales from both perspectives of professional use and family use,attempting to explore a screening and
assessment method for childhood ASD,thereby alleviating the shortage of professionals,improving the accuracy of screening
and diagnosis,reducing the misdiagnosis rate and false positive rate,and providing a reliable scientific basis for the collection of
early intervention data and later treatment of childhood ASD.
【Key words】 Autism spectrum disorder;Autism;Diagnostic screening programs;Early diagnosis
孤独症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorders,ASD) ASD 患病率为 2.63%,2019 年我国 6~10 岁儿童 ASD 患
是一种广泛性发育障碍疾病,又称为孤独症或自闭症, 病率不到 1% [2-6] 。ASD 病因复杂多样,至今尚不完全
其主要症状为社会人际交往障碍、言语沟通表达障碍、 清楚其发病机制,遗传因素、环境因素、围产期因素均
刻板动作、兴趣活动局限以及智力障碍 [1] 。近年来, 是诱发 ASD 的主要原因,其中遗传因素包括家族遗传、
ASD 患病率呈上升趋势,据世界卫生组织统计,全球儿 父本基因突变遗传、染色体异常等,环境因素包括儿童
童(14 岁以下)ASD 患病率为 0.67%。2018 年美国 8 家庭周围环境(空气污染程度)、母亲职业毒物接触史、
岁儿童 ASD 患病率为 2.27%,2011 年韩国 7~12 岁儿童 孕期疾病史、孕期生活地点与儿童出生地点等,围产期
因素包括胎儿早产、窒息和母亲服用药物等。ASD 患儿
基金项目:浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题(22NDJC151YB) 一般起病于出生后 36 个月内,3~5 岁时会呈现部分明
313000 浙江省湖州市,湖州师范学院 [7]
* 显病症 。
本文数字出版日期:2022-06-02 ASD 的发现和治疗不及时会影响患儿终生,给其家