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blood glucose management in patients with pancreatectomy published from inception to December 2020. The AGREE Ⅱ scale
updated in 2009 by the International AGREE Collaboration Organization was used to assess the quality of guidelines. The quality
assessment of the expert consensus used the 2017 version of the expert consensus evaluation standard of the Australian JBI
Evidence-based Health Care Center. The Jadad scale was used to assess the quality of randomized controlled trials(RCTs).
Results A total of 6 637 studies were retrieved,and 13 of them were finally included,of which 7 were clinical practice
guidelines,4 were expert consensus,and 2 were RCTs. The results of quality assessment showed that 3 of the 7 clinical practice
guidelines were rated grade A,and the remaining 4 were rated grade B. In assessing the quality of the 4 expert consensuses,
the answers of raters for all items were “yes”,except that their answers for the item “Is there a reasonable explanation for the
point of view inconsistent with other literature?”were “unclear”. Both the two RCTs were rated high. A total of 62 pieces of best
evidence were collected,mainly related to perioperative organization and management,admission evaluation and treatment,
blood glucose control goals,blood glucose monitoring,preoperative,intraoperative and postoperative blood glucose management
strategies,management of emergency conditions,and discharge guidance. Conclusion Clinical medical workers can develop
individualized and holistic perioperative blood glucose management plans for patients with pancreatectomy,based on the above-
mentioned 9 aspects of best evidence.
【Key words】 Pancreatic neoplasms;Pancreatectomy;Perioperative period;Blood glucose;Evidence-based
medicine;Perioperative nursing
科患者中 10%~20% 合并糖尿病,30%~50% 合并糖代谢 相较于一般外科问题,由于疾病原因(胰腺外科
紊乱 [1] 。胰腺疾病手术后不可避免会损伤胰腺内外分
泌功能,从而导致围术期血糖紊乱问题较突出,甚至当 不利于胰腺切除患者的预后和临床结局,使感染、出
损伤达到一定程度时,还会导致“胰源性糖尿病” [2] 。
一项回顾性研究指出,在 370 例胰腺切除的患者中,
34% 术前存在糖尿病或空腹血糖受损,56.3% 术后存在 问题。目前,国内外围术期血糖管理的文献较多,但
血糖升高(血糖≥ 10.0 mmol/L) [3] 。围术期血糖紊乱
不利于胰腺切除患者的预后和临床结局,使感染、出 不齐、侧重点各有不同,鲜有基于证据总结或专家论
血、胰瘘甚至死亡等严重并发症的发生风险增加 [4-5] 。
问题。然而,目前国内开展的胰腺切除患者围术期血糖 本研究首次系统检索了国内外围术期血糖管理相
管理实践多以经验为指导,缺乏循证依据 [6] 。基于此,
围术期血糖管理最佳证据,缩小实践与知识之间的差距。 关措施,包括筛查、监测、治疗、护理、健康教育等。
1 资料与方法 第 2 个 P(Professionals)表示应用证据的专业人员,即
1.1 研究准备 为胰腺切除围术期患者提供血糖管理的医师、护理人员。
1.1.1 成立研究小组 研究小组成员共 12 名,包括护 O(Outcome)表示临床结局,即围术期血糖改善情况,
理管理者 3 名、胰腺疾病专家 3 名、糖尿病专家 2 名、 感染、低血糖等并发症发生情况以及住院时长等结局指
图书管理员 1 名、全日制护理研究生 3 名。护理管理者 标。H(Healthcare setting)表示临床环境,即收纳胰腺
负责资源调配及项目质控,胰腺疾病及糖尿病专家负责 切除手术围术期患者的中国医疗场所。
把控疾病相关流程,图书管理员负责提供文献检索策略 1.2 文献检索策略 按照“6S”证据资源金字塔模
及检索方法培训,硕士研究生负责证据搜寻、整理与 型,自上而下系统检索。检索资源包括 BMJ 最佳临
归纳。 床实践、Up to Date、国际指南协作组、国际糖尿病
1.1.2 健康问题界定 采用 PIPOH 模式界定结构化健 联 盟(International Diabetes Federation,IDF)、 世 界
康问题。第 1 个 P(Population)表示证据应用人群, 卫 生 组 织(World Health Organization,WHO)、 美 国
即年龄≥ 18 周岁、行胰腺切除手术的围术期患者;I 国 立 指 南 数 据 库(National Guideline Clearinghouse,
(Intervention)表示干预措施,即围术期血糖管理的相 NGC)、美国糖尿病协会、英国国家临床优化研究所