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           丛方远,薛倩,邓利华,朱蕗颖,王晶桐                    *                                             查看原文

               【摘要】 背景 非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)已成为最常见的慢性肝病,有研究认为 NAFLD 对心肌结构
           及功能均有明显影响,但 NAFLD 是否是心肌结构或功能异常的独立危险因素仍存在争议。目的 比较 NAFLD 患者
           与非 NAFLD 患者左心室结构及功能指标的异同,初步探究 NAFLD 与左心室早期舒张功能不全的相关性。方法 选
           取 2018—2020 年北京大学人民医院老年科符合纳入标准的 519 例住院患者为研究对象,根据腹部超声或 CT 检查结
           果分为 NAFLD 组与非 NAFLD 组。比较两组患者左心室结构及功能指标差异。以左心室舒张早期左房室瓣血流最大
           流速与左心房收缩期左房室瓣血流最大流速之比(E/A)<1 判定为左心室早期舒张功能不全。采用多因素 Logistic 回
           归分析探究 NAFLD 与左心室早期舒张功能不全的关系。采用 FIB-4 指数评估 NAFLD 患者肝纤维化风险,其中 FIB-4
           指数 <1.30、1.30~3.25、>3.25 分别判定为低风险、中风险、高风险。依据 FIB-4 指数是否 <1.30 将 NAFLD 组患者
           分为低风险亚组(n=81)和中高风险亚组(n=100)。结果 519 例住院患者中 NAFLD 患者 181 例(NAFLD 组)、
           非 NAFLD 患 者 338 例( 非 NAFLD 组)。 与 非 NAFLD 组 患 者 相 比,NAFLD 组 患 者 E/A 较 低〔(0.79±0.25) 和
           (0.87±0.34),t=2.607,P=0.009〕,室间隔舒张末期厚度(IVSd)较厚〔(0.92±0.13)cm 和(0.89±0.13)cm,
           t=-2.525,P=0.012〕。多因素 Logistic 回归分析结果显示,合并 NAFLD 是左心室早期舒张功能不全的独立危险因素
          〔OR=2.941,95%CI(1.736,4.981),P<0.001〕。中高风险亚组患者 E/A 低于低风险亚组〔(0.75±0.21)和(0.84±0.28),
           t=2.275,P=0.024〕,左心室质量指数(LVMI)高于低风险亚组〔(80.22±14.92)g/m 和(74.72±16.83)g/m ,
           t=-2.327,P=0.021〕。结论 合并NAFLD是左心室早期舒张功能不全的独立危险因素,NAFLD患者的肝纤维化风险越高,
               【关键词】  非酒精性脂肪性肝病;肝纤维化;左心室;心室功能障碍;影响因素分析
               【中图分类号】 R 575.5 【文献标识码】 A DOI:10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2022.0252
               丛方远,薛倩,邓利华,等 . 非酒精性脂肪性肝病与左心室早期舒张功能不全的相关性研究[J]. 中国全科医学,
           2022,25(26):3290-3297,3307. []
               CONG F Y,XUE Q,DENG L H,et al. Correlation between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and early left ventricular
           diastolic dysfunction[J]. Chinese General Practice,2022,25(26):3290-3297,3307.

           Correlation between Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Early Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction CONG
           Fangyuan,XUE Qian,DENG Lihua,ZHU Luying,WANG Jingtong *
           Geriatric Medicine Unit,Peking University People's Hospital,Beijing 100044,China
           Corresponding author:WANG Jingtong,Chief physician;
               【Abstract】 Background As the most common chronic liver disease,nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
           has been reported to be associated with significant changes in myocardial structure and function,but it is still a controversial issue
           whether it is an independent risk factor for abnormalities in cardiac structure and function. Objective To assess the correlation
           of NAFLD with early left ventricular diastolic dysfunction by comparing left ventricular structure and functional indices between
           NAFLD and non-NAFLD patients. Methods A total of 519 inpatients from Geriatric Medicine Unit,Peking University People's
           Hospital were enrolled during 2018 to 2020,and divided into NAFLD group and non-NAFLD group according to the results
           of abdominal ultrasound or CT examination. Left ventricular structural and functional indices of two groups were comparatively
           analyzed. Early left ventricular diastolic dysfunction was defined as the ratio of the peak velocity of the early filling (E) wave to
           the atrial contraction (A) wave <1. Multivariate Logistic regression was used to assess the correlation between NAFLD and early
           left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. FIB-4 index was used to assess the risk of liver fibrosis in NAFLD patient〔low risk (<1.30),

               100044 北京市,北京大学人民医院老年科
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