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P. 127
含糖饮料摄入与高血压发病风险剂量反应的 Meta 分析
赵镇雪,王欣,谭凯文,赵春善 * 扫描二维码
【摘要】 背景 饮用含糖饮料现象在我国普遍存在,摄入过多可诱发多种疾病的发生。国内外多项研究报道了
摄入含糖饮料与高血压发病风险的关系,但在具体摄入剂量与发病风险方面仍存在争议。目的 分析含糖饮料摄入与
高血压发病风险的剂量反应关系。方法 计算机检索中国知网、维普网、中国生物医学文献服务系统、万方数据知识
服务平台、PubMed、EMBase、Cochrane Library、Web of Science 中有关含糖饮料摄入与高血压发病风险的横断面研究
和前瞻性研究,检索时限自建库至 2021 年 11 月。由 2 位研究者分别单独对文献数据独立提取,并进行文献质量评价,
采用 Stata 16.0 软件进行 Meta 分析。结果 共纳入 16 篇文献,316 205 例研究对象。Meta 分析结果显示,含糖饮料摄
增加 34% 的高血压发病风险〔OR=1.34,95%CI(1.20,1.51),P<0.05〕,北美洲人群含糖饮料摄入增加 11% 的高
血压发病风险〔OR=1.11,95%CI(1.09,1.14),P<0.05〕,大洋洲人群含糖饮料摄入增加82% 的高血压发病风险〔OR=1.82,
95%CI(1.04,3.21),P<0.05〕,欧洲人群含糖饮料摄入增加 18% 的高血压发病风险〔OR=1.18,95%CI(1.02,1.36),
P<0.05〕;未成年人含糖饮料摄入增加 43% 的高血压发病风险〔OR=1.43,95%CI(1.21,1.69),P<0.05〕,成年人
含糖饮料摄入增加 12% 的高血压发病风险〔OR=1.12,95%CI(1.09,1.15),P<0.05〕;体质指数(BMI)正常者含
糖饮料摄入增加 12% 的高血压发病风险〔OR=1.12,95%CI(1.09,1.15),P<0.05〕,超重者含糖饮料摄入增加 17%
的高血压发病风险〔OR=1.17,95%CI(1.00,1.38),P<0.05〕,肥胖者含糖饮料摄入增加19% 的高血压发病风险〔OR=1.19,
95%CI(1.06,1.34),P<0.05〕。剂量反应分析结果显示,每天每增加 1 份含糖饮料(即 12 盎司,约为 340 g 或
355 ml)的摄入,高血压发病风险增加 16%〔OR=1.16,95%CI(1.13,1.18),P<0.05〕。文献的漏斗图显示基本对称,
Begg's 检验(Z=0.23,P>0.05)和 Egger's 检验(t=1.46,P>0.05)显示无发表偏倚。结论 含糖饮料摄入会增加高血
压的发病风险,且每天每增加 1 份含糖饮料(即 12 盎司,约为 340 g 或 355 ml)的摄入,高血压发病风险增加 16%,
【关键词】 高血压;含糖饮料;剂量反应;Meta 分析;循证护理
【中图分类号】 R 544.1 【文献标识码】 A DOI:10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2022.0291
赵镇雪,王欣,谭凯文,等 . 含糖饮料摄入与高血压发病风险剂量反应的 Meta 分析[J]. 中国全科医学,2022,
25(26):3324-3330. []
ZHAO Z X,WANG X,TAN K W,et al. Sugar-sweetened beverage intake and risk of hypertension:a dose-response
meta-analysis[J]. Chinese General Practice,2022,25(26):3324-3330.
Sugar-sweetened Beverage Intake and Risk of Hypertension:a Dose-response Meta-analysis ZHAO Zhenxue,WANG
Xin,TAN Kaiwen,ZHAO Chunshan *
School of Nursing,Beihua University,Jilin 132013,China
Corresponding author:ZHAO Chunshan,Associate professor;
【Abstract】 Background Drinking sugary drinks are common in China,but inadequate intake of which can induce
a variety of diseases. Many studies have reported the relationship between intake of sugary drinks and the risk of hypertension,
however,there are still disputes over the specific dose-response relationship between them. Objective To assess the dose-
response relationship between the intake of sugary drinks and the risk of hypertension. Methods We searched for cross-sectional
and prospective studies about the intake of sugary drinks and risk of hypertension in databases of CNKI,CQVIP,SinoMed,
Wanfang Data,PubMed,EMBase,Cochrane Library,and Web of Science from inception to November 2021. Two reviewers
independently extracted data,and evaluated the quality of included studies. Stata 16.0 was used for meta-analysis. Results
Sixteen studies with 316 205 subjects were included. Meta-analysis results showed that the intake of sugary drinks increased the
132013 吉林省吉林市,北华大学护理学院