Page 96 - 中国全科医学2022-17
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           图 3 术前糖化血红蛋白水平对成人心脏手术后发生胸骨感染影响的
           Figure 3 Forest plot of the association of preoperative glycosylated
           hemoglobin with postoperative sternal wound infection in adults undergoing
           cardiac surgery                                     图 5 术前糖化血红蛋白水平对成人心脏手术后发生急性肾损伤影响
                                                               Figure 5 Forest plot of the association of preoperative glycosylated
                                                               hemoglobin with acute kidney injury in adults undergoing cardiac surgery

                                                               图 6 术前糖化血红蛋白水平对成人心脏手术后发生心肌梗死影响的
           图 4 术前糖化血红蛋白水平对成人心脏手术后发生脑血管事件影响                     森林图
           的森林图                                                Figure 6 Forest plot of the association of preoperative glycosylated
           Figure 4 Forest plot of the association of preoperative glycosylated   hemoglobin with postoperative myocardial infarction in adults undergoing
           hemoglobin with adverse cerebrovascular events in adults undergoing cardiac   cardiac surgery
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