Page 55 - 2022-27-中国全科医学
P. 55


           generic scale was used to understand the level of HRQOL(including the child self rating scale and parent report) in children
           with primary NS. Results A total of 183 questionnaires were distributed,and 174 valid questionnaires were returned,with
           an effective recovery rate of 95.1%. Among the 174 children,119 were males and 55 were females. Median age was 6(4,
           11) years. There were 100 children with recurrence(57.5%),with a median number of 3(1,5) recurrences. 54 patients
           had frequent recurrences and 46 patients had non frequent recurrences. 31 patients were treated with immunosuppressants. The
           usual place of residence was urban in 86 patients,rural in 63 patients,and urban-rural junctions in 25 patients. The ICC of the
           concordance analysis between the children's self-rating scale and the parent-reported scale were both greater than 0.75. There
           were no significant differences in physiological scores,emotional scores,social scores,role scores and total scores between
           genders(P>0.05). There were statistically significant differences in physiological scores,emotional scores,social scores and
           total scores among different ages(P<0.05). However,there was no significant difference in the role scores at different ages
           (P>0.05). There were no significant differences in the physiological scores,emotional scores,social scores,role scores,
           and total scores among different disease durations(P>0.05). There were no significant differences in the physiological score,
           emotional score,social score,role score and total score between children with and without frequent recurrence(P>0.05). The
           emotional scores,social scores,and total scores were significantly different between children who used immunosuppressants
           and those who did not use(P<0.05),and those who did not apply immunosuppressants achieved a higher score. There were no
           significant differences in the physiological scores,emotional scores,social scores,role scores and total scores among different
           family residing places(P>0.05). Conclusion The scores of children with NS in physical,emotional,social,and role
           functioning were reduced. When treating the disease,clinicians need to focus on the children's physical,psychological and social
           adaptability,and intervene in time to improve their quality of life.
               【Key words】 Nephrotic syndrome;Child health;Quality of life;Health-related quality of life;Child

               肾病综合征是以肾病范围内的蛋白尿、低白蛋白血                          2~18 岁,男女不限;(2)知情同意并自愿参与填写
           症、水肿和高胆固醇血症为特点的一组综合征,是儿童                            PedsQL 4.0 核心通用量表;(3)所有临床资料保持完
           常见的慢性肾脏疾病,原发性肾病综合征发病率为(1~3)                         整性;(4)无其他系统严重功能不全及合并精神疾病。
           /100 000,约 85% 的患者接受糖皮质激素治疗后蛋白尿                     1.3 研究方法 由经过培训的负责人发放和回收调查
           完全缓解,为激素敏感型肾病综合征,部分最初激素敏                            问卷,自行设计一般情况调查表,主要内容包括年龄、
           感的患者可能会出现激素依赖,频繁复发,更有甚者会                            性别、病程、是否为频繁复发、复发次数、是否应用免
           发展为终末期肾脏病          [1-2] 。原发性肾病综合征治疗周               疫抑制剂(包括环磷酰胺、他克莫司等)、居住地(城
           期长,易出现迁延、反复,影响患儿的心理及生理健                             市、农村、城乡接合部)等,以原发性肾病综合征患儿
           康,治疗以糖皮质激素和免疫抑制剂为主,治疗产生的                            为研究对象,采用 PedsQL 4.0 核心通用量表进行横断面
           不良反应亦可影响患儿的生理、心理,进而影响患儿的                            研究,了解原发性肾病综合征患儿 HRQOL 水平,未填
           生活质量。健康相关生活质量(Health-related Quality of             写条目超过各问卷条目的 50% 为无效问卷。
           Life,HRQOL)从个体生理、情感、社会及角色功能 4                       1.4 HRQOL 评估 采用 PedsQL 4.0 核心通用量表来评
           个维度主观评价疾病和治疗对患者自身的影响,同时还                            估原发性肾病综合征患儿的 HRQOL,包括儿童自评量
           为疗效评估提供重要依据。目前国外已有研究显示肾病                            表及家长报告量表,共 4 个维度、23 个条目。生理功
           综合征患儿的生活质量量表得分明显低于健康儿童                     [3-5] ,  能 8 个条目反映生理方面,情感功能 5 个条目、社交功
           而国内相关研究较少,本文将重点了解原发性肾病综合                            能 5 个条目和角色(学校)功能 5 个条目反映的是心理
           征患儿 HRQOL 的水平并进行分析。                                 方面情况。根据患儿年龄段及认知的不同,可分为 5~7
           1 对象与方法                                             岁、8~12 岁、13~18 岁 3 个年龄段量表;家长报告量表
           1.1 研究对象 选取 2019 年 10 月至 2020 年 12 月就               分 为 2~4 岁、5~7 岁、8~12 岁、13~18 岁。PedsQL 4.0
           诊于中国医科大学附属盛京医院小儿肾脏风湿免疫科                             核心通用量表的每个条目均是调查近 1 个月内某一件事
           的 2~18 岁原发性肾病综合征患儿为研究对象。本研究                         情的发生频率,每个条目的回答选项有 0~4 个等级:0
           已经中国医科大学附属盛京医院医学伦理委员会审批                             (100 分)表示“从来没有”,1(75 分)表示“几乎
           (2021PS669K)。                                       没有”,2(50 分)表示“有时有”,3(25 分)表示“经
           1.2 诊断标准和纳入标准 患儿诊断均参照原发性肾                           常有”,4(0 分)表示“一直有”。各维度分数为所
           病综合征诊断标准,频繁复发指半年内复发次数≥ 2 次                          含条目分数的总和除以所含条目数,总表分数为各条目
           或 1 年内复发次数≥ 3 次        [6] 。纳入标准:(1)年龄              分数的总和除以全量表条目数,分数越高表示生存质量
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60