Page 113 - 中国全科医学2022-20
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           women in late pregnancy who underwent routine prenatal check-ups in the Obstetrics Clinic,the First Affiliated Hospital of
           Anhui Medical University from October 2020 to May 2021. A self-designed general information questionnaire was used to collect
           sociodemographic and obstetric data. The Partner Phubbing Scale(PPS) was used to assess partner phubbing prevalence. The
           Quality of Marriage Index(QMI) was used to measure the level of marital satisfaction. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
           (EPDS) was used to assess the prenatal depression prevalence. Mplus 8.3 was used to establish a structural equation model for
           mediation analysis. Results Altogether,300 cases were recruited. All of them were included for analysis except nine cases who
           returned unresponsive questionnaires,obtaining a survey response rate of 97.00%. The prenatal depression prevalence in the
           respondents was 40.89%(119/291). The mean scores of PPS,QMI,and EPDS for them were(25.6±6.3),(37.9±6.0),
           and(8.0±3.5),respectively. Correlation analysis showed that partner phubbing was negatively associated with marital
           satisfaction(r=-0.292,P<0.01),and positively associated with prenatal depression(r=0.350,P<0.01). Marital satisfaction
           level was negatively correlated with prenatal depression(r=-0.338,P<0.01). Mediation analysis revealed that the size of direct
           effect of partner phubbing on prenatal depression was 0.214,accounting for 82.63% of the total effect. Marital satisfaction partially
           mediated the relationship between partner phubbing and prenatal depression,with a size of mediation effect of 0.045,accounting
           for 17.37% of the total effect. Conclusion Partner phubbing could positively predict depression in late pregnancy,and their
           relationship may be partially mediated by marital satisfaction. To reduce the prevalence of depression in late pregnancy,maternal
           and child healthcare professionals could improve the marriage of pregnant woman via providing them with interventions to decrease
           the prevalence of partner phubbing.
               【Key words】 Prenatal depression;Partner phubbing;Marital satisfaction;Intermediary role;Late pregnancy

               近年来,产前抑郁的发生率以每年 9% 的速度增长               [1] ,     行业贡献:
           在我国的发生率已高达 40%        [2] 。同时,产前抑郁是产后抑郁
           最强烈的预测因子,不仅严重影响孕妇的心理、生理健康,                           头行为会影响夫妻关系,进而降低婚姻满意度,使个体产
           也影响婴幼儿的认知、情感和行为的正常发育                [3] 。而以往国        生不良情绪。当前,产前抑郁发生率高且呈持续上升趋势,
           内外研究多集中于产后抑郁          [4-5] ,随着近年来研究视角的转
               孕晚期是女性各器官功能负荷达到妊娠期峰值、即将面                         提供了理论依据。
           临分娩的特殊时期       [6] 。研究证实,这一时期缺乏足够的伴
           侣支持会导致婚姻质量不佳或婚姻满意度降低从而增加产前                          (4)精神正常,理解、表达能力正常,知情同意。排除标准:
           抑郁的发生风险      [7-9] 。家庭生活中,孕妇希望获得伴侣更多                (1)既往有心理障碍及严重精神病史;(2)高危妊娠孕妇;
           的关注、关爱,但信息时代,随着手机使用频率和对手机依                          (3)理解、沟通障碍。
           赖的增加,伴侣会因过度使用手机从而冷落孕妇。因伴侣习                              样本量计算:根据横断面研究样本量计算公式 N=Z 1-α/2
           惯性的玩手机引发个体被冷落、疏离的行为称为伴侣低头行                          P(1-P)/d ,N 为研究所需样本量;Z 1-α/2 为标准正态分布
           为 [10] 。孕妇的伴侣低头行为可能会导致孕妇对婚姻满意度降                     下面积为 1-α/2 所对应的百分位数,取 α=0.05 时,对应的
           低,婚姻满意度作为婚姻质量的重要保护因素是指当事人对                          Z 1-α/2 =1.96;d 为允许偏离的误差,常取预期发病率的 10%,
           伴侣及婚姻关系的态度和看法           [11] 。有研究表明中国成年人            P 表示产前抑郁发生率,查阅文献约为 41%           [13] ,则 d 为 4.1%。
           的伴侣低头行为与婚姻满意度呈负相关,与抑郁情绪呈正相                          经计算,样本量应≥ 283 例,本研究样本量取 300 例。所有
           关 [12] ,但目前研究对象尚缺乏妊娠期人群。综上所述,从预                     孕妇对本研究知情同意,本研究已获得安徽医科大学伦理委
           防产后抑郁的角度探讨伴侣低头行为、婚姻满意度对产前抑                          员会批准(伦理号:2020H031)。
           郁的影响及婚姻满意度在两者之间的中介作用,为母婴保健                          1.2 研究工具
           人员加强孕妇及伴侣有关低头行为的教育指导、调节其婚姻                          1.2.1 一般资料调查表 由研究者在阅读大量文献的基础上
           关系提供依据,以期改善孕妇的产前抑郁情绪,切实保障母                          自行设计,包括社会人口学资料(年龄、文化程度、目前工
           婴健康。                                                作状态、家庭人均月收入、是否计划内妊娠、睡眠状况、夫
           1 对象与方法                                             妻感情)和产科资料(孕周、是否初次妊娠)。
           1.1 研究对象 采用便利抽样法,选取 2020 年 10 月至 2021               1.2.2  伴 侣 低 头 量 表(Partner Phubbing Scale,PPS) PPS
           年 5 月在安徽医科大学第一附属医院产科门诊进行常规产检                        由 ROBERTS 等 [10] 于 2016 年针对恋爱中的伴侣编制,丁倩
           的孕晚期女性。纳入标准:(1)年龄≥ 20 周岁,达到法定                       等 [14] 将其汉化,本研究用于评估处于婚姻关系中的孕妇感
           结婚年龄且已婚;(2)妊娠期与伴侣同住;(3)孕周≥ 28 周;                    受到的伴侣低头行为严重程度。PPS 属单维度,包括 9 个条
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