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           Therefore,there is an urgent need to develop new diagnostic markers and methods to improve the detection rate of AFP-negative
           and other types of HCC. Objective To assess the diagnostic efficacy of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor m3 autoantibody
           (m3AchR-Ab)in AFP-negative HCC,and to explore the diagnostic value of m3AchR-Ab in HCC. Methods Participants
           (n=257)were selected from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University,including 90 with confirmed diagnosis
           of HCC,89 with liver cirrhosis,hepatic hemangioma or other benign liver diseases,and 78 healthy controls. ELISA was the
           technique used for measuring the serum m3AchR-Ab level in venous blood samples of all cases stored in the serum repository
           of the hospital from November 2011 to September 2015. Serum m3AchR-Ab levels were compared in the three groups. The
           associations of serum m3AchR-Ab level with gender,age,size(the maximum diameter)of HCC,number and TNM stage of
           HCC,prevalence of lymph node metastasis,distant metastasis and HBsAg positivity in HCC patients were analyzed. The efficacy
           of m3AchR-Ab in the diagnosis of AFP-negative HCC was evaluated by the receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve.
           Results HCC patients had higher serum m3AchR-Ab level than benign liver disease patients and healthy controls(P<0.05).
           The level of m3AchR-Ab was correlated with the size and TNM stage of HCC,as well as prevalence of lymph node metastasis and
           HBsAg positivity(P< 0.05). The area under the ROC curve of serum m3AchR-Ab in the diagnosis of AFP-negative HCC was 0.69
           〔95%CI(0.54,0.83)〕,with 64.00% sensitivity and 91.02% specificity when 74.00 ng/ml was chosen as the optimal cut-off
           value. The area under the ROC curve of m3AchR-Ab with AFP in serum in diagnosing HCC was 0.90〔95%CI(0.85,0.95)〕,
           with 90.00% sensitivity and 88.02% specificity. Conclusion Serum m3AchR-Ab level is a potential diagnostic maker for AFP-
           negative HCC,and its combination with serum AFP level could produce higher diagnostic efficiency for HCC,which may be a
           reference for further research on novel diagnostic markers for HCC.
               【Key words】 Liver neoplasms;Alpha-fetoproteins;Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor m3 autoantibody;
           Biomarkers;Sensitivity;Specificity;Root cause analysis;Diagnosis

               肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)是临床
           常见的恶性肿瘤之一         [1] ,死亡率居所有癌症第三位。
           在中国因 HCC 死亡的癌症患者仅次于肺癌                [2] 。HCC 病
                                                                (HCC)的诊断,但约 40% 的肝癌患者 AFP 水平并
           因复杂,早期诊断难度大           [3] 。目前,甲胎蛋白(alpha
           fetoprotein,AFP)已广泛应用于 HCC 的诊断          [4-5] ,但
           其灵敏度仅为 41%~65%       [6] 。在临床上 AFP 诊断 HCC
                                                                清毒蕈碱乙酰胆碱受体 m3 自身抗体(m3AchR-Ab)
           的截断值为 20 ng/mL,血清 AFP 水平 < 20 ng/ml 的 HCC
                                                                对 AFP 阴性 HCC 具有较高的诊断效能,m3AchR-Ab
           被称为 AFP 阴性 HCC      [7-8] 。AFP 阴性 HCC 患者在早
                                                                与 AFP 进行联合诊断可以提高 HCC 诊断效能。(3)
                                                                m3AchR-Ab 与 HCC 严重程度相关,可能在 HCC 发生、
           用于诊断 AFP 阴性的疑似 HCC 患者。毒蕈碱乙酰胆碱
           受体 m3 自身抗体(muscarinic acetylcholine receptor m3
           autoantibody,m3AchR-Ab)是原发性干燥综合征           [9] 、
           原发性胆汁性肝硬化         [10] 等疾病的候选生物标志物。然
           而,有关其对 AFP 阴性 HCC 诊断价值的研究报道较少。
                                                                究了 m3AchR-Ab 在 HCC 中的表达水平,暂未评估其
           本研究通过测量血清 m3AchR-Ab 水平,探讨其对 AFP
           阴性 HCC 患者的诊断价值,旨在为 AFP 阴性 HCC 患
           者的临床诊断提供参考依据。                                       (3)病历资料完整;(4)参与本研究前未行手术、放
           1 对象与方法                                             化疗等治疗。排除标准:(1)合并其他恶性肿瘤;(2)
           1.1 研究对象 收集新疆医科大学第一附属医院标本                           合并免疫性疾病、血液系统疾病。受试者均签署知情同
           库于 2011年 11月至 2015 年 9 月入库的 257 例患者血                意书,本研究通过新疆医科大学第一附属医院伦理委员
           清样本,其中 90 例为 HCC 患者(HCC 组),89 例为                    会批准(伦理审批号:k201906-06)。
           良性肝病(如肝硬化及肝血管瘤)患者(良性肝病组),                           1.2 研究方法
           78 例为健康受试者(对照组)。纳入标准:(1)HCC                         1.2.1 一般资料收集 收集 HCC 患者一般资料,包括
           组患者均经病理组织学检查确诊,且符合《原发性肝癌                            性别、年龄、肿瘤大小(最大直径)和数量、TNM 分期、
           病理诊断实践指南(2015 年版)》             [11] ;(2)良性肝         淋巴结转移、远处转移、乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)等;
           病组患者均经临床、免疫学、影像学及血清学检查确诊;                           收集良性肝病患者和健康受试者的性别、年龄等资料。
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