Page 52 - 中国全科医学2022-17
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           region reported,current address,date of onset,date of death,age,sex and occupation. The population information includes
           the resident population and sex ratio. Meteorological data includes AP,ARH,AT,MaT,MRH,MiT,PR and SD. SPSS
           23.0 was used for descriptive statistical analysis and tested to learn the correlation between HFRS cases and meteorological factors
           with ARIMA. Results The average annual incidence of HFRS in Guangdong from 2015 to 2020 was 0.23/100,000,showing a
           fluctuating downward trend. The confirmed cases of HFRS in Guangdong totalled 1 627 as its fatality rate was 0.18%. The ratio of
           clinical cases vs confirmed cases was 1∶2.36 (690/1 627),as the number of cases in Guangzhou,Dongguan and Shenzhen
           accounted for 63.24% (1 029/1 627). The temporal-spatial clusterings featured in Guangzhou clustering (38.3%,of which
           Guangzhou accounted for 75.6%) and Dongguan clustering (61.7%,of which Dongguan accounted for 27.8%). The incidence
           peaks were in January and March to May. The sex ratio (male/female) was 3.11∶1 and these coefficient of variations(CV)
           were 30% and 41%,respectively,the later suggested a greater chance of susceptibility in females. The 25-50 year-old group
           accounted for 62.75%,where the statistical differences existed among the yearly age-groups (P=0.031). The occupations
           included mainly housework and unemployed,business service,labor and farmer,occupied 70.68%. The results included that
           HFRS cases were significantly correlated with relative humidity (ARH,MRH;Lag4M),sunshine duration and precipitation (SD,
           PR;Lag2M) (P<0.05). The ARIMA(1,1,0)(R stationary =0.710) predicted the HFRS cases in the first half of 2021,
           with(61±18)% of the agreement rate between the fitted value and the measured value. Conclusion The HFRS epidemic in
           Guangdong from 2015 to 2021 showed a fluctuating downward trend;high humidity and precipitation might increase the level
           of HFRS epidemic in the next seasonal quarter. For the clustered HFRS epidemic areas in both Guangzhou and Dongguan,the
           current HFRS prevention and control mission is to strengthen field protection to HFRS and improve the laboratory diagnosis rate of
           clinical HFRS cases.
               【Key words】 Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome;Epidemiological features;Meteorological factors;
           Autoregressive integrated moving average

               肾 综 合 征 出 血 热(hemorrhagic fever with renal      年 HFRS 流行特征,结果发现 ARIMA 预测效果更佳
           syndrome,HFRS)是由汉坦病毒属病毒感染引起的自                       (RMSE SARIMA =16.28,MAPE SARIMA =13.18%)。广东地区
           然疫源性急性传染病,以肾功能损害、高热、毛细血管                            位于中国大陆东南部(北纬 20° 13`~25° 31`,东经
           损伤和低血压休克为主要临床表现;多在亚欧地区流                             109° 39`~117° 19`),属于亚热带季风气候;面积为
           行,是我国法定报告传染病(乙类)之一                  [1-3] 。我国是      17.97 万平方公里,辖区内有 21 个地级市。广东省气候
           HFRS 高发地区,病原体包括汉坦病毒(hantan virus,                   具有气温高、降水多、日照长的特征。余靓等                     [7] 曾描
           HTNV)和汉城病毒(seoul virus,SEOV)2 个血清型;                 述 2004—2014 年广东省 HFRS 流行特征并分析存在的
           人类通过接触啮齿动物或其排泄物而感染                  [2] 。           防治措施缺陷,此后对 HFRS 防控有所加强;但从流行
               俄罗斯 2000—2017 年 HFRS 年均发病率为 4.9/10              特征报告来看,尚存在某些防控短板。为此,本研究收
           万, 病 死 率 达 0.4%   [4] 。黑龙江省是国内最早发现                  集广东省 2015—2021 年 HFRS 流行资料,描述其聚集
           HFRS 的区域,2018 年发病率为 3.3/10 万,男性病例数                  性特征,发现存在的薄弱环节,探索气象因素对 HFRS
           是女性的 3 倍,以 41~60 岁农民为主要发病人群                [5] ;    流行特征的影响,为制定防控策略提供与时俱进的参考
           山 东 省 2004—2017 年 年 均 发 病 率 为 15.30/10 万, 病         依据。
           死率为 1.18%,相对湿度与 HFRS 流行呈负相关                [6] ;    1 资料与方法
           而广东省 2004—2014 年年发病率呈逐年上升趋势                         1.1  资 料 来 源 2015 年 1 月 至 2021 年 6 月 广 东 省
          〔(0.069~0.328)/10 万〕 [7] 。韩国学者 PARK 等    [8] 报告,     HFRS 资料、人口信息(截至 2020 年末,常住总人口
           6 名医护人员在接触 HTNV 血清型的 HFRS 患者后出现                     达 11 520.6 万,男 / 女比例为 1.095:1)源自中国疾病
           发热等症状,2 名医护人员伴有 HFRS IgG 抗体水平升                      预防控制信息系统(。
           高,但无明确证据显示 HTNV 在人与人之间传播。目前,                        气象资料源自国家气象科学数据中心(http://data.cma.
           HFRS 依然是亚欧地区的一种不能忽视的急性传染病。                          cn/site/index.html),气象监测点包括 7 个市:广州市、
               王玲等   [9] 报告淄博市 HFRS 具有春季和秋冬季两                  河源市、汕头市、韶关市、深圳市、湛江市和肇庆市。
           个发病高峰,且发病具有聚集性特征。邵瑛琦等                       [10]    1.2 诊断标准及病例定义 根据《流行性出血热诊断
           利用 2005—2014 年湖南省 HFRS 流行资料,分别构建                    标准(WS273—2008)》       [11] ,结合流行病学史、临床
           差分整合自回归滑动平均模型(autoregressive integrated             表现和实验室检查结果进行诊断。临床诊断病例是指具
           moving average,ARIMA)和指数平滑模型以预测 2015                有流行病学接触史,伴有典型临床症状,或血常规、尿
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