Page 129 - 中国全科医学2022-17
P. 129


               【Abstract】 Background Spirometry is the most common and extensively used pulmonary function test method,
           whose quality control is the cornerstone for its promotion and application. The report format is a key factor associated with the
           quality control of spirometry,but it is generally various in China,which is not conducive to the popularization and application of
           spirometry. Objective To assess the current status of report formats for spirometry in Chinese mainland. Methods  The reports
           of spirometry were collected from some hospitals in China between April 2016 and December 2018,which are composed of four
           parts,including the general demographic information,test indicators,graphs,and results evaluation. The key and/or essential
           information for each part is as follows:(1)the general demographicinformation part:sex,height,BMI,age and the reference
           source;(2)test indicators part:forced vital capacity(FVC),forced expiratory volume in 1 second(FEV 1 ),the ratio
           of FEV 1 /FVC or FEV 1 /VCmax,maximal mid-expiratory flow〔FEF 25%-75% ,forced expiratory flow at 50%(FEF 50% ),forced
           expiratory flow at 75%(FEF 75% )〕,peak inspiratory flow(PIF)and forced expiratory time(FET);(3)graphs part:
           flow-volume curve(F-V curve)and volume-time curve(V-T curve);(4)results evaluation part: subjects cooperation,
           test quality control level,and physician interpretation. The differences in the report format of spirometry were compared by region
           and hospital level in this study. Results In total,1 562 spirometry reports from 1 562 hospitals(one from each hospital)
           across China were enrolled,but only 0.4% provided all key indicators.(1)For the general demographic information part,only
           27.7% reports provided complete key indicators,which differed significantly by regions and the level of hospitals(P<0.05).
           Moreover,the part showed the reference source only accounted for 28.2%.(2)Furthermore,in the test indicators part,
           91.9% of the total reports provided all key indicators. More than 90.0% reports listed FEF 25%-75% ,FEF 50%  and/or FEF 75% ,while
           the PIF and FET was reported in 36.4%,46.0%,respectively.(3)In terms of the graphs part,73.4% reports provided key
           indicators,but 26.6% did not report the important information like V-T curve.(4)Finally,in the results evaluation part,the
           report without lacking key indicators were only accounted for 1.6%,and there were great differences between hospitals of different
           levels(P<0.05). What's more,only 14.9% clearly showed the quality control of spirometry. Conclusion There were great
           differences of the report formats for spirometry analyzed and the 2019 Standard for pulmonary function examination report. Lack of
           the key information such as the reference resource,inspiratory phase indicators,the indicators about quality control and quality
           control of test would seriously affect the clinical value of spirometry. Therefore,it is suggested to add the program of report format
           standards during the standardized trainings of pulmonary function testing,and strengthen the understanding and application of
           various indicators of spirometry among pulmonary function practitioners.
               【Key words】 Spirometry;Breath tests;Spirometry report;Format;Standardization

               肺量计检查是临床上最常用的肺功能检查手段,已广泛                         本研究价值:
           应用于呼吸系统疾病的诊疗和管理中             [1-2] ,质量控制(以下
                                                                囊括全国 31 个省市 1 562 家医院,且数据资料均由医院从
           量控制,而忽视了对肺量计检查报告单(以下简称报告单)                           事肺功能检查的医务人员提供,研究结果具代表性;(3)
           格式规范的要求      [3-5] 。规范的缺失导致不同医疗机构之间的
           较不同医疗机构数据增添了困难,因此规范报告单格式越发                           式在肺功能检查中的重要地位;(4)对进一步推广及规范
           受到重视,国内外也发布了有关报告单格式的指南性文件                   [6-7] ,
           1 资料与方法
           1.1 资料收集 收集 2016 年 4 月至 2018 年 12 月上传于肺功
           参加了中国肺功能检查临床应用与质量控制规范化培训(肺                          中记录的医院名称不一致;(3)非肺量计检查(如支气管舒
           功能检查规范化培训)        [8] 的各受访医院中从事肺功能检查工               张试验和支气管激发试验)的报告单;(4)同一医院格式相
           作的学员拍照上传。排除标准:(1)因照片模糊等导致信息                         同的报告单。
           不完全的报告单;(2)报告单上医院名称与肺功能评审系统                         1.2 研究方法
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