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           between June 2020 and March 2021 were selected,and followed up until delivery. Clinical data and pregnancy outcomes(normal
           and adverse) were collected. Multivariate Logistic regression was used to examine the factors associated with adverse pregnancy
           outcomes. Results Among the 411 cases,245 received standardized glycemic management,157(38.2%) of whom achieved
           adequate glycemic control,but other 88 cases(21.4%) still had poor glycemic control;the other 166 cases(40.4%) did
           not receive standardized blood glucose management. Three hundred and twenty-three(78.6%) patients had adverse pregnancy
           outcomes,and other 88(21.4%) had normal pregnancy outcomes. Patients with normal and adverse pregnancy outcomes
           had statistically significant differences in mean maternal age,prevalence of pre-pregnancy maternal obesity,intra-pregnancy
           glycemic management,mean fasting glucose,one- and two-hour plasma glucose level during the OGTT,prevalence of
           HbA 1c ≥ 5.5%,serum total protein,serum albumin,prevalence of hypoproteinemia and the AUC of the time-blood glucose
           curve of the OGTT(P<0.05). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that pre-pregnancy maternal overweight or
           obesity〔OR=2.89,95%CI(1.45,5.78),P=0.003〕,intra-pregnancy glycemic management 〔poor glycemic control:
           HbA 1c 〔OR=2.38,95%CI(1.06,5.34),P=0.035〕,hypoproteinemia〔OR=2.25,95%CI(1.15,4.41),P=0.018〕,
           and elevated AUC of the time-blood glucose curve of the OGTT〔OR=1.23,95%CI(1.03,1.47),P=0.024〕 were associated
           with increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Conclusion Pre-pregnancy maternal overweight or obesity,uncontrolled or
           non-management of blood glucose during pregnancy,high prenatal HbA 1c  values,hypoproteinemia,and high AUC of the time-
           blood glucose curve of the OGTT may be high risk factors for adverse outcomes in GDM with isolated fasting hyperglycemia. To
           improve the rate of normal maternal and neonatal outcomes,clinical guidance should be given to pregnant women to maintain a
           normal pre-pregnancy weight and to standardizedly manage the blood glucose.
               【Key words】 Diabetes,gestational;Pregnancy outcome;Isolated fasting hyperglycemia;Overweight;Glycosylated
           hemoglobin;Hypoproteinemia;Root cause analysis

               国际糖尿病联盟(IDF)数据显示,2017 年全球妊                      例 GDM 孕妇为研究对象。
           娠期糖尿病(GDM)的发生率约为 14.0%,其中北美为                            纳入标准:(1)妊娠 24~28 周 OGTT 检查结果显
           12.6%,非洲为 9.0%,亚洲为 21.0%        [1] 。随着我国经          示仅空腹血糖单项升高;(2)单胎妊娠;(3)产检及
           济的发展和生育政策的改革,GDM 患病率呈上升趋势,                          分娩资料完整。
           荟萃分析和系统性评价结果表明,根据国际糖尿病与妊                                排除标准:(1)妊娠前存在糖尿病或高血压;(2)
           娠研究组(IADPSG)的标准,我国 GDM 总体患病率为                       合并肝、肾、心血管及血液系统疾病;(3)甲状腺功
           14.8% [2-3] 。GDM 孕妇发生母婴不良妊娠结局如早产、                   能异常及其他内分泌疾病;(4)存在感染、炎症等其
           大于胎龄儿、妊娠期高血压、剖宫产、产后出血及新生                            他严重内、外科合并症或产科并发症。
           儿低血糖的概率较非 GDM 孕妇明显增加                [4-6] 。单纯空          本研究经西北妇女儿童医院医学伦理委员会审批通
           腹血糖升高的 GDM 孕妇为口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)                       过(审批编号:2019-025),所有孕妇对本研究知情同意。
           检查后仅空腹血糖升高的类型。有研究显示,单纯空腹                            1.2 方法 所有孕妇随访至分娩,并根据最终分娩结
           血糖升高 GDM 孕妇相对于空腹血糖升高合并 OGTT 1 h                     局分为不良妊娠结局组和无不良妊娠结局组。
           或 OGTT 2 h 血糖升高患者预后好         [7] ,然而,部分单纯           1.2.1 相关诊断标准及定义 GDM:OGTT 服糖前及
           空腹血糖升高 GDM 孕妇可能对仅空腹血糖升高未重视,                         OGTT 1 h、OGTT 2 h 的血糖值应分别低于 5.1、10.0、8.5
           因此妊娠期未管理血糖或血糖管理不佳,从而造成不良                            mmol/L,任何一项血糖值达到或超过以上标准即诊断为
           妊娠结局。另外,空腹血糖受多种因素影响,部分单纯                            GDM [7] 。
           空腹血糖升高可能为假性升高,因此分析这类孕妇不良                                不良妊娠结局:初次剖宫产、巨大儿、低体质量儿、
           妊娠结局的影响因素可以减少不必要的干预,对单纯空                            早产、妊娠期高血压、羊水异常、胎膜早破、产后出
           腹血糖升高的 GDM 孕妇进行个性化指导和管理,进而                          血、胎儿窘迫、顺产中转剖宫产、产钳助产、新生儿窒
           降低不良母婴结局。本研究选取 411 例单纯空腹血糖升                         息、新生儿低血糖、感染,出现以上任意一项即认为发
           高 GDM 孕妇为研究对象,对其不良妊娠结局的影响因                          生不良妊娠结局。超重肥胖:根据体质指数(BMI)将
           素进行分析,旨在为临床诊疗提供依据。                                  研究对象分为正常(18.5 kg/m <BMI<24.0 kg/m )和超
           1 资料与方法                                             重肥胖(BMI ≥ 24.0 kg/m )。妊娠期规范化血糖管理:
           1.1 研究对象 选取 2020 年 6 月至 2021 年 3 月在西                诊断为 GDM 后孕妇参加本院“GDM 一日门诊”,接受
           北妇女儿童医院行产前检查的单纯空腹血糖升高的 411                          规范化指导并进行饮食、运动控制;血糖仍不达标需给
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