
    Primary health care measurement framework and indicators
  • Primary health care measurement framework and indicators



    WHO and UNICEF are jointly releasing the landmark Primary health care monitoring framework and indicators monitoring health systems through a primary health care lens. As countries strive to reorient their health systems around the principles of primary health care, this Framework responds to Member Statesrequest to monitor primary health care performance to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage and the other health-related Sustainable Development Goals.


    ? COVID-19 has escalated a historic need, opportunity, and demand for health systems that protect everyone, crisis or calm. The most powerful action we can take now is to radically reorient health systems towards primary health care as the foundation of health security, universal health coverage, and Health for All.


    ? More and better action on primary health care depends on more and better data. Leaders need a clear picture of where their health system is strong and weak to focus attention and resources where they are needed most. No leader should have to govern their health systems in the dark.


    ?The Primary health care monitoring framework and indicators represents a pivotal turning point for primary health care measurement and a crucial opportunity to accelerate progress on a global scale . It is the first-ever globally normative and endorsed primary health care measurement and monitoring framework and the culmination of years of hard work and partnership. 

  • Pubdate: 2022-03-17    Viewed: 275