
    A Multidisciplinary Precision Medicine Service in Primary Care
  • A Multidisciplinary Precision Medicine Service in Primary Care


    A need for accessible genomic services is growing with the rise of commercial genetic testing.

    Because of this, primary care clinicians may increasingly encounter genetic cancer risk assessment, pharmacogenomics, and direct-to-consumer genetic testing in routine clinical care.


    In July of 2019, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Health System launched the Primary Care Precision Medicine clinic, an innovative multidisciplinary care model to deliver genomic testing and services in the primary care setting.


    Before scheduling, patients are triaged telephonically by the clinic manager. At the initial visit, the genetic counselor begins by collecting a detailed personal and family history. Together, the genetic counselor and the physician determine the need and clinical utility of genetic testing. If a decision is made to test, informed consent is collected by the genetic counselor. Next, the patient meets with the pharmacist, who performs a comprehensive medication review. At the follow-up visit, genetic test results are returned to patients by the genetic counselor.


    A multidisciplinary primary care team focused on precision medicine can expand patient access to genetic services. The experience provides an innovative and accessible approach to offering intermediate genetic services care for patients in the primary care setting.



  • Pubdate: 2022-03-11    Viewed: 269