
  • An index of open-access Heart Failure content relevant to primary care


    Effects of Effective Components of Yixintai on CaN and SERCA2a mRNA and Protein Expression Levels in Myocardial Tissue of a Rabbit Model of Heart Failure Due to Dilated Cardiomyopathy  

    LI YaWEI JiamingLI YuyingGUO Zhihua

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (32): 4086-4093.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.01.106


    Background Dilated cardiomyopathy is a major cause of heart failureHF. Effective components of YixintaiECYXThave proven to be very effective against HFbut the mechanism of action is not completely clear. Objective To explore the effects of the ECYXT on the protein and mRNA expression of CaN and SERCA2a in myocardial tissue of a rabbit model of HF induced by dilated cardiomyopathy. Methods The rabbit model of HF was established by injecting adriamycin into the marginal ear vein and giving propylthiouracil by gavage in January 2018. The rabbits successfully modeled were divided into HF model groupn=17single intragastric dose of 0.9% saline solution10 ml/kgper day〕,groups of low dose ECYXT n=17single intragastric dose of ECYXT solution10 ml/kgwith a concentration of 2.1 g/kg per day〕,medium dose ECYXTn=17single intragastric dose of ECYXT solution10 ml/kgwith a concentration of 4.2 g/kg per day〕,high dose ECYXTn=17single intragastric dose of ECYXT solution10 ml/kgwith a concentration of 8.4 g/kg per day〕,and losartan potassium groupn=16single intragastric dose of losartan potassium suspension10 ml/kgwith a concentration of 2.75 mg/kg. And other 20 rabbits were selected for comparisoncontrol groupsingle intragastric dose of 0.9% saline solution10 ml/kgper day. The intervention for all groups lasted for 4 weeks.When the experiment endedserum atrial natriuretic peptideANP),brain natriuretic peptideBNP),left ventricular ejection fractionLVEF),left ventricular short-axis shorteningLVFS),and E/A ratio of the rabbits were measuredthen the rabbits were sacrificed and cardiac muscles were obtained to observe the myocardial tissue morphologyand to measure the concentration of Ca2+i in myocardial cellsthe protein and mRNA expression of CaN and SERCA2a in myocardial tissue. Results HF model group showed edema and necrosis of cardiomyocyteswith shrinkage of nucleiwidening of intercellular substanceand a small amount of inflammatory cells exudedand demonstrated disordered arrangement of myocardial fiberswith some broken. Compared with HF model groupthe injury of myocardial cells in each dose group of ECYXT and losartan potassium group was alleviated in varying degreesespecially in medium and high dose groups of ECYXTand losartan potassium group. Compared with the control groupHF model group demonstrated increased levels of serum ANP and BNPdecreased LVEFLVFSand E/A ratioelevated concentration of Ca2+i

    in myocardial cells and protein and mRNA expression levels of CaN in myocardial tissueas well as reduced protein and mRNA expression levels of SERCA2a in myocardial tissueP<0.01. Compared with HF model groupthree ECYXT groups and losartan potassium group had decreased serum ANP and BNPincreased LVEFLVFS and E/A ratioreduced concentration of Ca2+i in myocardial cellsand protein and mRNA expression levels of CaN in myocardial tissueas well as increased protein and mRNA expression levels of SERCA2a in myocardial tissueP<0.01. Compared with the low dose ECYXT groupmedium and high dose ECYXT groups and losartan potassium group presented decreased levels of serum ANP and BNPincreased LVEFLVFS and E/A ratioreduced concentration of Ca2+i in myocardial cellsand protein and mRNA expression levels of CaN in myocardial tissueas well as increased protein and mRNA expression levels of SERCA2a in myocardial tissueP<0.01. The above-mentioned indicators in the medium dose ECYXT group were similar to those in high dose ECYXT group and losartan potassium groupP>0.05except that the protein and mRNA expression levels of SERCA2a in myocardial tissue were increased in the latter two groupsP<0.01. There were no significant differences in the above-mentioned indicators between high dose ECYXT group and losartan potassium groupP>0.05. Conclusion ECYXT could improve the protein and mRNA expression of SERCA2a in myocardial tissuedecrease the concentration of Ca2+i in myocardial cellsinhibit the protein and mRNA expression of CaN in myocardial tissueindicating that ECYXT improve heart function and HF induced by dilated cardiomyopathy in the rabbit model.


    Clinical Characteristics and Comprehensive Management of Heart Failure with Improved Ejection Fraction  

    WANG YuchengCHEN ZhiweiCHEN Ruizhen

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (32): 4049-4054.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.01.108


    Left ventricular ejection fraction LVEFis often used as a guideline for classification of heart failureHF. With the advancement of heart failure diagnosis and treatment technologymore heart failure patients have experienced improvement in LVEF. The 2021 report of multi-national heart failure societies denominates and defines heart failure with improved ejection fractionHFimpEF),but there is still a lack of authoritative guidelines to discuss the diagnosis and treatment of HFimpEF. Thereforethis article will review the research progress of HFimpEF based on the existing research evidencein order to discuss the clinical characteristicsdiagnosisand treatment of HFimpEF.


    Efficacy and Safety of Wenyang Lishui Recipes for Heart Failure with Diuretic Resistancea Meta-analysis  

    WANG MengxiCAO PeihuaWU ChenjieCHEN Xiaohu

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (29): 3734-3741.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.01.001


    Background Diuretics are a cornerstone treatment for heart failurebut some patients will gradually develop reduced sensitivity to diureticsresulting in weakened or even disappeared diuretic effect after a long-term use of themwhich is clinically called diuretic resistance. Diuretic resistance is independently associated with heart failure-related mortalitywhich cannot be cured by western medicinebut has been proven to be partially improved by Wenyang Lishui RecipesWLR),a type of Chinese medicine treatment. Objective To systematically evaluate the efficacy and safety of WLR in treating heart failure with diuretic resistance. Methods The authors searched the databases of PubMedWeb of ScienceThe Cochrane LibraryEMBaseCNKIWanfangVIP and CBM to screen randomized controlled trialsRCTscomparing WLR with western medicine treatment against western medicine treatment in heart failure with diuretic resistance patients from inception to January 2020. The major primary outcome indicators included 24-hour urine collectionand left ventricular ejection fraction LVEF. Secondary outcome indicators included N-terminal proB-type natriuretic peptide NT-proBNP),clinical symptom response rateand cardiac function improvement rate. Safety indicators included serum potassium and creatinine. The Risk of bias' tool described in Cochrane Handbook version 5.1.0and the modified Jadad Scale were used to evaluate the quality of the included RCTs. RevMan 5.3 and Stata 12.0 were used for meta-analysis. Results Fourteen RCTs were includedinvolving 932 patients. Meta-analysis revealed that compared with western medicine treatment aloneWLR with western medicine treatment could further increase the 24-hour urine collectionMD=499.4195%CI287.26711.55),P<0.000 01〕,improve the LVEFMD=5.2595%CI3.287.22),P<0.000 01〕,clinical symptom response rateRR=1.2695%CI1.161.37),P<0.000 01〕,cardiac function improvement rateRR=1.2595%CI1.141.38),P<0.000 01〕,and serum potassium levelMD=0.1995%CI0.140.24),P<0.000 01〕,as well as further decrease the NT-proBNPMD=-594.1495%CI-796.95-391.33),P<0.000 01. Subgroup analysis found that WLR with western medicine treatment showed greater effects on improving LVEF no matter the sample size was greater or less than 80MD=2.0495%CI0.643.44),P=0.004MD=6.6195%CI5.178.04),P<0.000 01. Conclusion WLR with western medicine treatment may have better clinical efficacy in patients with heart failure with diuretic resistance with good safety.Howevermore high-quality clinical studies are still needed to verify this conclusion.


    Recent Evidence on Angiotensin Receptor-neprilsin Inhibitor in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction  

    GAO ManBAI WenlouCHENG SiyaoQI Xiaoyong

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (23): 2967-2971.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.587


    Heart failure is the end stage of most cardiac diseases with high morbidity and mortality. Heart failure with preserved ejection fractionHFpEF),as a clinical focusaccounts for about 50% of all cases of heart failureand is associated with increased incidence of hospitalization due to low rate of diagnosis and multiple comorbidities. Angiotensin receptor-neprilsin inhibitorARNIhas been proved to significantly decrease the rates of death and readmissionand is widely used as the recommended drugs of class in heart failure with reduced ejection fractionHFrEF. Howeverthe mechanism of action of ARNI in HFpEF is still unclear. Thus we summarized the latest clinical evidence on its mechanism of action in HFpEF. This article reviews the mechanism of the effect of ARNI in HFpEF and the latest clinical evidence for itexpounds the advantages of ARNI in improving heart and kidney function and reversing ventricular remodeling in patients with HFpEFin order to provide new treatment ideas for HFpEF.


    Predictive Value of Glycogen Protein 125 Combined with Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor for Acute Heart Failure in Elderly Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction  

    WANG YatingYAO JieGUAN ShiheCHENG Cheng

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (23): 2962-2966.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.594


    Background Acute myocardial infarction AMIis currently an important clinical cause of sudden cardiac death in patients. The occurrence of AMI in general patients can easily lead to myocardial damagewhich can lead to acute heart failure AHF. Early diagnosis of AHF in AMI patients has positive significance for improving the prognosis of patients and reducing the risk of death. At presentthe main clinical diagnosis of AHF is based on brain natriuretic peptide BNP),but there are many related factors which can affect BNPand when BNP reaches a diagnostically meaningful valueAHF has occurred in the patientwhich may seriously affect the prognosis and survival of the patient. Thereforea more accurate diagnosis method is needed to predict the occurrence of AHF in the early stage of AMI. Objective To explore the diagnostic value of glycogen protein 125 CA-125combined with brain-derived neurotrophic factor BDNFin predicting the occurrence of AHF in elderly patients with AMI. Methods 144 patients with AMI admitted to the Department of Cardiology of The Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University from September 2017 to March 2020 were enrolled. The clinical data of all patients were collected at the time of admission and their fasting venous blood was drawn after admission to measure serum CA-125 and BDNF levels by an automatic immunoassay analyzer. The enrolled patients were divided into heart failure group 42 casesand control group 102 casesaccording to whether AHF occurred within 1 week after coronary reperfusion therapy. The clinical data of the two groups were comparedand the multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the independent risk factors that affect the occurrence of AHF in AMI patients. Receiver operating characteristic ROCcurve was drawn to analyze the predictive value of CA-125 combined with BDNF for AHF in elderly patients with AMI. Results The patients in the heart failure group had higher cardiac troponin cTnI. BNPCA-125BDNFand higher number of diseased branches than the control group P<0.05. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that elevated levels of BNP OR=1.01595%CI 1.0031.026)〕,CA-125 OR=23.22895%CI 4.095131.748)〕and BDNF OR=1.45595%CI 1.1481.845)〕 were independent risk factors for AHF in AMI patients P<0.05. The ROC curve shows that the area under the ROC curve of CA-125 combined with BDNF in prediction of AHF in AMI patients is higher than that of CA-125 and BDNF alone P<0.05),with a diagnostic sensitivity of 78.57% and a specificity of 89.22%. Conclusion Monitoring serum CA-125 and BDNF levels can effectively predict the risk of AHF in elderly patients with AMI.


    Prognostic Value of Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure  

    LI Wenjing12LI Shuren2*SUN Mingchao3SHEN Zexue4LUO Fei3HAO Xiao2XUN Liying2

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (23): 2955-2961.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.541


    Background Currentlythere are few studies on objective nutritional assessment tools in patients with heart failureand there is no recognized nutritional assessment method for such patients. Objective To evaluate the prognostic value of geriatric nutritional risk indexGNRIin hospitalized patients with chronic heart failure. Methods A total of 293 chronic heart failure inpatients were selected from Heart CenterHebei General Hospital between January and December 2017.Clinical dataincluding general demographicsadmission heart rate and blood pressureNYHA classlaboratory indicesand echocardiographic indicescollected through consulting electronic medical records were compared between patients divided by GNRIGNRI group 1100 cases with GNRI98having a risk of malnutrition),and GNRI group 2193 cases with GNRI>98and normal nutrition)〕. All cases were followed up by telephone till 2019-04-25. All-cause mortality was used as the endpoint. ROC analysis was conducted to estimate the predictive value of GNRIBMI and serum albumin for death in chronic health failure. The Kaplan-Meier curve was plotted to estimate the survival in two GNRI groups. The Cox proportional-hazards model was adopted to examine the association of GNRI with the risk of death in chronic heart failure. Results The median follow-up time was 509253days. For predicting death in chronic heart failureGNRIAUC=0.70295%CI0.6330.772with the optimal cut-off value of 97.87had higher accuracy than serum albumin AUC=0.65795%CI0.5860.728with the optimal cut-off value of 35.65 g/L〕,and BMIAUC=0.64595%CI0.5720.718with the optimal cut-off value of 22.88 kg/m2. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis found that GNRI group 2 had a statistically higher survival rate than GNRI group 1P<0.001. Univariate Cox regression analysis of factors showing statistically intergroup differences and potential factors associated with death revealed that age HR=1.04895%CI1.0261.071)〕,GNRI levelHR=3.28395%CI2.0855.171)〕,history of diabetes HR=1.95595%CI1.2453.071)〕,history of old cerebral infarction HR=1.77995%CI1.1312.800)〕,use of ACEI/ARBHR=0.47095%CI0.3000.763)〕,hospital stay HR=1.03695%CI1.0181.054)〕,diastolic blood pressure HR=0.98495%CI0.9690.999)〕,NYHA class HR=1.54695%CI1.0662.240)〕,serum hemoglobin HR=0.98795%CI0.9790.995)〕,serum creatinineHR=1.00395%CI1.0011.005)〕,and glomerular filtration rate HR=0.98595%CI0.9750.995)〕 were associated with death in chronic heart failureP<0.05. Multivariate Cox regression analysis of the above-mentioned factors showed that age HR=1.03095%CI1.0061.054)〕,GNRI level HR=2.82195%CI1.7274.616)〕,and diabetes history HR=2.03195%CI1.2613.273)〕 were associated with the risk of death in chronic heart failureP<0.05. Conclusion Malnutrition may be a risk factor for poor prognosis in hospitalized patients with chronic heart failure. The prognostic value of nutritional status assessed by GNRI may be higher than that of serum albumin or BMIwhich will help to predict the prognosis of such patients.


    Correlation between Ambulatory Arterial Stiffness Index and Severity of Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction in Patients with Hypertension  

    ZHU MingnaZHANG LihuaJIANG YouxuMA XiaoyingXIONG HaiyanLI YuanZHU LinaHUANG Xin

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (20): 2568-2572.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.429


    Background The major pathophysiological mechanism of heart failure with preserved ejection fractionHFpEFrefers to ventricular diastolic dysfunction caused by ventricular remodeling.Ambulatory arterial stiffness indexAASIrefers to a common clinical indicatorwhich is closely related to both arteriosclerosis and left ventricular remodeling.But less researches on AASI and HFpEF has appeared yet.Objective To examine the changes of AASI in patients with hypertension and HFpEFand explore the correlation of AASI with cardiac functional and ventricular structural indices.Methods 210 patients with hypertensionincluding 112 with HFpEF63 with NYHA class -and 49 with NYHA class -Ⅳ)and 98 withoutwho were admitted into the Cardiovascular Departmentthe Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from 2018 to 2019 were enrolled.Genderageadmission systolic and diastolic blood pressuresand heart rate and medication historyuse of ACEIs/ARBscalcium channel blockersdigoxinmineralocorticoid receptor antagonistsdiuretic),serum indicesserum creatinineScr),serum urea nitrogenSUN),alanine aminotransferaseaspartate aminotransferasetotal cholesteroltriglyceridehigh- and low-density lipoproteinin the fasting venous blood sample taken after admissionand NT-proBNP and cardiac functional and structural indicessuch as echocardiography measured left ventricular ejection fractionLVEF),left ventricular end-diastolic diameterLVDd),interventricular septal thicknessleft ventricular posterior wall thicknessleft atrial diameterand calculated left ventricular massleft ventricular mass indexLVMIand AASI were recorded.Pearson correlation analysis was used to explore the correlation of AASI with cardiac function and ventricular structure indices.Results Hypertensive patients with HFpEF had greater average agehigher average levels of ScrSUNNT-proBNPLVMILVDd and AASIas well as higher rate of using diureticsbut had lower average level of LVEF compared with those withoutP<0.05.Hypertensive patients with HFpEF of NYHA class -had lower average levels of NT-proBNPLVDdLVMI and AASIand higher average level of LVEF than those of NYHA class -Ⅳ(P<0.05.AASI was positively correlated with NT-proBNPr=0.434P<0.001),LVDdr=0.470P<0.001and LVMIr=0.417P<0.001),and negatively correlated with LVEFr=-0.410P<0.001in patients with HFpEF and hypertension.Conclusion The AASI was higherand was related to the changes of cardiac function and the degree of ventricular remodeling in hypertension patients with HFpEFwhich may be caused by HFpEF.


    Influencing Factors of Treatment Outcome of Chronic Heart Failure in Primary Hospitals  

    REN LixiaJIA XuWANG ZhihaoZHANG WeiZHONG MingMA Xiao

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (14): 1769-1775.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.474


    Background The treatment outcome of chronic heart failure during hospitalization is affected by many factors.Previous research mostly focused on the provincial hospitalbut rarely focused on primary hospital.Objective To explore the influencing factors of the treatment outcome of chronic heart failureCHFtreated in primary hospitals.Methods 339 inpatients diagnosed with CHF of grade-by New York Heart AssociationNYHAclassification in Zaozhuang Central District People's Hospital during June 2012 to July 2018 were selected as the research objects.They were divided into improvement groupn=320and deterioration groupn=19according to treatment outcome.The data of genderageadmission factorsmedical historydiagnosisimaging examinationcardiac ultrasoundbiochemical examinationmedicationtreatment outcome was collectedand the differences between the two groups was compared by unconditional Logistic regression analysisto explore the influencing factors of the treatment outcome.The patients were divided into 100 mm Hg group41 cases),100 mm Hg < systolic pressure < 130 mm Hg group132 cases),≥130 mm Hg group166 casesaccording to the systolic blood pressure at admission and the clinical treatment outcomes in the 3 groups were compared.Results The proportion of pulmonary infectionleft ventricular end-diastolic diameterpulmonary artery systolic blood pressuretransglutaminaseurea nitrogenNT-proBNPand the application rate of dobutamine in the worsening group were higher than the improvement group.The high-density lipoprotein cholesterolprealbuminblood sodiumblood chlorideapplication rate of β-blockers and statins were lower than the improvement groupP<0.05.The results of unconditional Logistic regression analysis showed that systolic blood pressureOR=0.97795%CI0.9720.981),P<0.001〕,pulmonary infectionOR=4.79995%CI1.15619.919),P=0.031〕,aspartate aminotransferaseOR=1.00395%CI1.0001.006),P=0.039〕,albumin OR=0.91095%CI0.8910.928),P<0.001〕,application rate of β-blockers OR=0.20295%CI0.0460.898),P=0.036〕,application rate of spironolactoneOR=0.12595%CI0.0660.235),P<0.001〕,application rate of statins OR=0.30795%CI0.1210.779),P=0.013〕,application rate of dobutamine OR=9.17395%CI1.35162.272),P=0.023are the influencing factors of treatment outcome of CHF patientsP< 0.05.In the 100 mm Hg group7 cases17.1%deteriorated34 cases improved82.9%);in the 100 mm Hg < systolic pressure <130 mm Hg group5 cases3.8%deteriorated127 cases improved96.2%);in the 130 mm Hg group7 cases deteriorated4.2%),159 cases95.8%improved.Comparison among the three groupsthe differences of improvement rates of CHF patients were statistically significant(χ2=8.369P=0.015);the proportion of deterioration in the 100 mm Hg group was higher than the 100 mm Hg < systolic pressure <130 mm Hg group(χ2=6.619P=0.010and the 130 mm Hg group(χ2=6.700P=0.010.Conclusions The treatment outcome of CHF in primary hospitals can be affected by many factors.Pulmonary infectionsystolic blood pressure 100 mm Hg at admissionlow albumin proteinimpaired liver functionand application of dobutamine are risk factors for treatment outcome of CHFand the use of β-blockersspironolactone and statins are protective factors.


    Effects of Euthyroid Sick Syndrome on the Long-term Prognosis of Patients with Chronic Heart Failure  

    SHI GenlingFANG HuiDAI XixiGAO MingxiSU Gong

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (12): 1476-1481.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.120


    Background Abnormal metabolism of thyroid hormones is involved in the pathological processes of chronic heart failure CHF.Howeverthere are few studies on the long-term prognosis of CHF patients with euthyroid sick syndrome ESSin China.Objective To study the effects of ESS on long-term prognosis of CHF patients.Methods This study included 304 CHF patientswho were hospitalized in Department of CardiologyWusong Hospital of Zhongshan HospitalFudan University from January 2017 to June 2019.The general information and laboratory indicators were compared between those with T3 level<1.01 nmol/L and/or FT3 level<3.28 nmol/LESS groupand those with T3 level of 1.01-2.48 nmol/L and FT3 level of 3.28-6.47 nmol/Lnormal thyroid function group.Post-discharge follow-up was conducted until June 2020 with all-cause death including death due to heart failure and non-cardiac deathas the primary endpointand readmission due to heart failure as the secondary endpoint.Thyroid hormones T3FT3thyroxine T4),free T4 FT4),and thyroid stimulating hormone TSH)〕,B-type natriuretic peptide BNP),and left ventricular ejection fraction LVEFof the survivors were compared with those of the deceased due to all causesthe deceased due to heart failureand the deceased due to noncardiac causes.The readmission rate due to heart failureheart failure mortality rateand all-cause mortality rate between the ESS and normal thyroid function groups were comparedand Kaplan-Meier survival curves were plotted.Cox regression analysis was used to identify the factors associated with heart failure death and all-cause death.Results There were 164 patients in the ESS group and 140 patients in the normal thyroid function group.The distribution of NYHA class showed significant difference between the two groups P<0.05.The mean levels of T3FT3FT4TSHalbuminand hemoglobinand LVEF were lowerand mean levels of BNPC-reactive proteinand creatinine were higher in the ESS group P<0.05.In a median follow-up period of 25.7 interquartile range 14.2monthsthere were 46 all-cause deaths 32 due to heart failureand 14 due to noncardiac causesand 258 survivors115 were readmitted at least once for heart failure.The survivors showed higher mean levels of T3FT3 and LVEF and lower mean level of BNP compared with the deceased due to all causesor the deceased due to heart failure P<0.05.Those with ESS had higher heart failure readmission rateheart failure mortality rateand all-cause mortality rate than those with normal thyroid functionP<0.05.Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that the heart failure mortality rate and all-cause mortality rate of the ESS group were higher than those in the normal thyroid function group P<0.016.Cox regression analysis showed that age HR=1.05695%CI1.0091.105)〕,FT3 HR=0.56495%CI0.3250.976)〕,hemoglobin HR=0.95595%CI0.9320.980)〕,and LVEFHR=0.98095%CI0.9611.000)〕 were associated with heart failure death in CHF patients P<0.05),and age HR=1.05595%CI1.0191.093)〕,hemoglobinHR=0.96495%CI0.9440.984)〕,and LVEF HR=0.97995%CI0.9630.994)〕 were associated with all-cause death P<0.05.Conclusion CHF patients with ESS had poor renal and liver function.Their heart-failure mortality rate and all-cause mortality rate were higherand their prognosis was poorer than those of CHF patients without ESS.T3 and FT3 levels reflected the severity and prognosis of CHF patients.


    Frailty Prevalence and Associated Factors in Elderly Heart Failure Patients with Preserved Ejection Fraction  

    YANG QiqiSUN YingXING YunliZHANG YanyangLUO ZhiWANG Yubo

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (11): 1354-1358.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.411


    Background Chronic heart failure is associated with high prevalence of frailty in older adult patientswhich may increase the rate of hospitalization and mortality.Early recognition and intervention of frailty may improve the prognosis of elderly.Howeverrelevant evidence is limited.Objective To investigate the prevalence and associated factors of frailty in elderly patients with preserved ejection fractionHFpEF.Methods A total of 95 patients with stable chronic HFpEF(≥65 years oldwho hospitalized in Department of GeriatricsBeijing Friendship HospitalCapital Medical University from April 2017 to May 2019 due to various causes were selectedand divided into two groupsnon-frailtyhealthy and pre-frail)(n=64<3 pointsand frailtyn=31,≥3 pointsby the Fried Frailty Phenotype.Demographic informationagegenderheightweightBMIsmoking historydefined as consuming cigarettes more than 20 a year),comorbidity prevalencehypertensiondiabetescoronary heart diseasechronic obstructive pulmonary diseasechronic kidney diseasestrokeperipheral vascular disease),and polypharmacydefined as the use of at least five medications),laboratory test resultswhite blood cell counthemoglobinplatelet countalanine aminotransferasecreatinineglycosylated hemoglobinfasting blood glucosetotal cholesteroltriacylglycerolhigh-sensitivity C-reactive proteinserum ironalbuminprealbumin),and echocardiographic indicatorsleft ventricular ejection fractionleft atrial diameterleft ventricular end diastolic dimensionright ventricular diameterand E/A ratiowere collected.Activities of Daily LivingADLscale and the Instrumental Activities of Daily LivingIADLscale were used to assess the activities of daily living.The Nutritional Risk ScreeningNRS2002scale was used to assess the nutritional risk.Charlson Comorbidity Index was used to assess the comorbidity risk.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the influencing factors of frailty.Results Compared to non-frail groupthe frail group had a greater mean agehigher rate of polypharmacy and higher mean score of Charlson Comorbidity IndexP<0.05.MoreoverThe frail group had lower mean ADLIADL and albumin levels as well as greater mean left atrial diameterP<0.05.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis revealed that older age and polypharmacy were associated with frailty P<0.05.Conclusion The prevalence of frailty was 32.6% among elderly patients with HFpEFwhich was associated with older age and polypharmacy.


    Novel Advances in Heart Failure with Mid-range Ejection Fraction  

    SHI Fang'eZHU Jihong

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (5): 526-532.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.005


    Heart failure is the final stage of the development of heart disease.Previous studies classified heart failure into two types based on left ventricular ejection fractionheart failure with preserved ejection fractionHFpEFand heart failure with reduced ejection fractionHFrEF.But according to the 2016 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failureheart failure is categorized into HFpEFHFrEF and heart failure with mid-range ejection fractionHFmrEFbased on the LVEF.The comparison of epidemiologyclinical characteristicspathophysiologytreatment and prognosis among the patients with HFrEFHFmrEF and HFpEF suggests that HFmrEF may be an intermediate phenotype between HFrEF and HFpEF.There are still many diagnosis and treatment strategies for HFmrEF that need to be further exploredsuch as finding active anti-myocardial ischemia therapies and examining the protective value of ambulatory monitoring of ejection fraction for cardiomyocytesclinical value of screening for cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular comorbidities in understanding the pathophysiological characteristics of HFmrEFthe diagnostic value of cardiac MRI for pathophysiological changes of HFmrEFand values of cFGF23 and NPY levels in risk and clinical outcome prediction of HFmrEF.The exploration and research of more relevant information will contribute to improving clinicians' understanding of the pathogenesis and characteristics of HFmrEF to develop effective diagnosis and treatment strategies.


    Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection FractionDiagnosis and Treatment Strategies  

    LIU WeiWEI Ran

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (3): 253-258.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2020.00.603


    HFpEF accounts for about 50% of heart failure cases.With the aging of populationits incidence and mortality tend to increase year by year.On the basis of recent developments and recommendations from definitive guidelines/ consensuses regarding HFpEFwe introduced and analyzed the diagnostic procedures and treatment strategies for HFpEFaiming to provide assistance and guidance to Chinese primary care physicians.Howeverwe believe that there are still many problems and challenges in this fieldthe pathogenesis of HFpEF is still unclearthere is a lack of effective treatment methodsand a large number of clinical trials have shown negative resultsand so on.Further clinical studies are needed to provide evidence for HFpEF treatment and reducing the incidence and mortality of related cardiovascular events.

  • 2021-12-17 Visited: 335