
  • An index of open-access Osteoporosis content relevant to primary care


    Status and Improvement Recommendations for Bi-directional Referrals for Community Osteoporosis Patients  

    YANG LanZHOU PengDU JieXUE BinWEI YangyangLIU HaijiaoGU Wenqin

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (28): 3555-3559.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.097


    Background Bi-directional referrals are essential in the promotion of community-based prevention and treatment of single diseasesbut there is a lack of practical guidance scheme for clinical referrals. We aimed to explore the bi-directional referrals for osteoporosis between primary care and secondary or tertiary care involving primary care physiciansorthopedic specialists and other medical workers. Objective To summarize the facilitators and barriers to successful bi-directional referrals for community osteoporosis patients based the reviewing of such studiesproviding a reference for the improvement of bi-directional referrals for such patients. Methods Databases of CNKIWanfang DataWeb of Science and Science Direct were searched in June 2019 for studies about bi-directional referrals for community osteoporosis patients included during January 11999 to June 152019. Meta-analysis was conducted on the practices and explorations of bi-directional referrals for community osteoporosis patients with a focus on the expected goaltypes of referralsdevelopment methods for new referral patternseffects and problems during the implementation of referralsand based on the resultsimprovement recommendations were proposed. Results Finally, 14 Chinese documents and 5 English documents were included. The management modes and standards for transferring community osteoporosis patients were different in China and foreign countries during the period. Domestic residents did not attach much weight to osteoporosisand showed poor adherence to treatment. Moreoverthere were no osteoporosis department and sophisticated equipments for detecting osteoporosis as well as a sound system for communicating with higher level hospitals in domestic community hospitals. The types of referrals for such patients in foreign countries were mainly about the referrals for post-osteoporotic fracture patients. Conclusion To promote community-based prevention and control of osteoporosisbi-directional referrals for community osteoporosis patients should be implemented effectivelyand to do thispriority should be given tothe determination of coverage of long-term preventive and control services of osteoporosisenriching general practitioners' osteoporosis-related knowledgeimproving the resources needed by community-based prevention and treatment of osteoporosisand the development of a procedure for bi-directional referrals for osteoporosis including four factors such as division of laborreferral indicators and other details.


    Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment Pathway in the Community Based on Primary Osteoporosis Management GuidelinesExploration and Development  

    SONG HuijiangLIU HuaileiZHUANG Kanglu

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (28): 3548-3554.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.175


    Background In Shanghaithe construction of community-based prevention and treatment of osteoporosis has entered the second roundduring which many new relevant guides have been issuedsuch as osteoporosis guidelines for primary careguiding principles for osteoporosis managementand standardized management options for osteoporosisproviding rich evidence for primary care practice. Howeversuccessful application of guides in primary practice can not be achieved overnightwhich should be done according to the real conditions of the communitysuch as humanfinancial and material resourcessize and roles of the community. Objective To develop a pathway for the second round construction of community-based prevention and treatment of osteoporosis based on our experience summarized from the first round of constructionand the latest osteoporosis guidelinesoffering a reference for appropriate use of guidelines in community-based practice. Methods The entire development process of the pathway to community-based osteoporosis prevention and treatment includes pre-development preparation phasedevelopment phaseinformation realization phaseand acceptance phase before the offline use. The first two phases were completed from May 2018 to December 2019. In the pre-development preparation phasewe formulated project management options for developing the pathway by reviewing the latest evidence-based studies regarding osteoporosis prevention and treatment and two rounds of group discussions. In the development phasewe developed a standardized process of osteoporosis prevention and treatment used as a reference guide to primary care by analyzing and modifying the first version of osteoporosis prevention and treatment pathway in the community based on the literature review results of in the pre-development preparation phasethree rounds of expert consultation and two rounds of group discussions. Results The document library formed in the pre-development preparation phase has updated 7 domestic guidelines and 5 foreign guidelines. The osteoporosis prevention and treatment pathway in the community was developed by general medical management and executive representatives from the community health centerorthopedics specialists from the general hospitalin collaboration with the information companywith the help of a third-party healthcare and medical and health consulting firm for data collectionanalysis and translation. The final osteoporosis prevention and treatment pathway in the community demonstrates logic in terms of community-based osteoporosis screening and diagnosistransferring to the general hospitaland osteoporosis follow-up for monitoring treatment. Conclusion The successful application of osteoporosis guidelines in primary care practice requires multilateral cooperationthe general hospitalcommunity health centerinformation companytranslator as well as third-party communication and coordination. Our exploratory process may be used as a reference for colleagues to carry out new explorationsand our pathway may be considered as a logical basis for community-based prevention and treatment of osteoporosis using the guidelines appropriately.


    Hospital-community-home Integrated Management Path for Patients with OsteoporosisExploratory Analysis and Insights to Primary Care  

    CAI YaotingFANG Ronghua

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (15): 1938-1942.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.431


    Osteoporosis prevalence is increasing with rapid acceleration of agingwhich is the fifth major common chronic diseaseeasily leading to serious outcomessuch as brittle fracturedisabilityand even death.The prevalence rate of osteoporosis in Chinese people aged over 60 is 36%.It is predicted that by 2050the numbers of Chinese people suffering from osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures will be 202 millionand 6 millionrespectivelywhich will impose a serious burden on society and families.So it is essential to carry out effective systematic management of osteoporosis.We introduced the definition of hospital-community-home integrated managementand explained the necessity of using it in osteoporosis managementand interpreted the development of path of hospital-community-home integrated osteoporosis managementwhich is composed of five aspectsbuilding a multidisciplinary management team for osteoporosisconstructing an online osteoporosis health management platformmodifying the management of osteoporosis patients' health recordsstrengthening osteoporosis-related trainings for general practitioner teamsand strengthening osteoporosis-related health education for osteoporosis patients and their families.We consider this path to be feasible for osteoporosis managementand for the building of an efficient and standardized osteoporosis management modeto cope with the rapid growth of osteoporosis prevalence in China.


    Glucose Variability and Osteoporosis in Newly Diagnosed Male Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus  

    HU Jing

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (9): 1057-1060.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2020.00.630


    Background Diabetic patients have high risk of osteoporosis.There have been many reports on the adverse effects of persistent hyperglycemia on bone mineral densityBMD),but there are few reports on the relationship between glucose variability and osteoporosis.Objective To explore the relationship between glucose variability and osteoporosis in newly diagnosed male T2DM patients.Methods 115 newly diagnosed male T2DM patients were prospectively selected from Department of EndocrinologyPeople's Hospital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region from January 2018 to January 2019.Clinical data were collectedincluding calculated BMIfasting plasma glucoseserum calciumphosphorusand lipid profile indicatorstotal cholesteroltriacylglycerolhigh-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoproteinin the sample collected from the median cubital vein in the early morning after fasting for more than 8 hoursand 2-hour postprandial glucosefasting insulinfasting C-peptideFC-P),2-hour postprandial insulin2-hour postprandial C-peptide2 hC-P),homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistanceHOMA-IR),and glycosylated hemoglobinHbA1c),L1-L4 BMDglucose variability evaluated based on plasma glucose measured at 7 time pointsbefore and after three mealsand at 200),and calculated standard deviation of blood glucoseSDBG),postprandial glucose excursionPPGE),largest amplitude of glycemic excursionLAGE),coefficient of variation for fasting plasma glucoseCV-FPG),and mean plasma glucose.The above-mentioned indicators were compared between those who were detected with osteoporosisn=60and those withoutn=55.Correlation of glucose variability with BMD was analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis.Results T2DM patients with osteoporosis were found with higher mean HOMA-IRHbA1cSDBGPPGELAGECV-FPG and mean plasma glucoseand lower mean high-density lipoproteinFC-P2 hC-P and BMD compared to those withoutP<0.05.BMD was negatively correlated with ageSDBGPPGELAGE2 hPGlow-density lipoproteinHOMA-IR and HbA1cr=-0.501-0.325-0.436-0.111-0.603-0.506-0.324-0.712P<0.05),and positively correlated with serum calcium and 2 hC-P r=0.0290.015P<0.05.After adjusting for age and BMIBMD was positively correlated with 2 hC-Pr=0.008P<0.05and negatively correlated with HbA1cSDBG and LAGEr=0.5190.2850.399P<0.05.Conclusion BMD was positively correlated with 2 hC-P and negatively correlated with HbA1cSDBG and LAGEindicating that glucose variability may be closely related to BMD in newly diagnosed male patients with T2DMand controlling glucose variability may have a positive effect on the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.


    Recent Progresses on Osteoporotic Refractures in the Elderly  

    ZHANG HuaguoSONG MiXU YuePI Hongying

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (7): 886-889.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2020.00.529


    Osteoporosis is a prevalent disease in the elderly. It has become a prominent public health problem in China with rapid population aging. Fracture is the most serious outcome of osteoporosis. Elderly patients with osteoporotic fractures are prone to recurrent fractureswhich are major barriers to healthy aging due to induced difficulty in functional recoveryreduced quality of life and increased morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this review is to systematically examine recent literature regarding the risk factorsrisk assessment and intervention for recurrence of osteoporotic fractures in the elderlyproviding a basis for developing strategies for osteoporotic refractures in this group.


    Clinical Application of Balance Disorder Rehabilitation-assisted Robot in Postoperative Rehabilitation of Elderly Patients with Fall-related Lower Limb Fractures  

    FENG YuningLI KainanJIA Zishan

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (25): 3233-3237.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.260


    Background According to the results of China's seventh national censusChinese population aged 60 and above is 264.02 millionthe proportion of whichcompared with that of 2010has increased by 5.44 percentage points. The accelerated population aging has aroused increased concerns about postoperative rehabilitation of elderly patients with lower limb fractures after fall. Given many unfavorable factors for postoperative rehabilitationsuch as lack of rehabilitation physiciansfew rehabilitation schemesand nonuniform subjective judgment of rehabilitation physiciansrobot-associated balance disorder rehabilitation might be a safer and more effective rehabilitation training choice. Objective To explore the clinical effect of balance disorder rehabilitation-assisted robot in postoperative rehabilitation of elderly patients with fall-related lower limb fractures. Methods One hundred elderly patients with lower limb fractures caused by fall were recruited from Orthopedic WardAffiliated Hospital of Chengdu University and Chinese PLA General Hospital from April to October 2020and equally divided into case group and control group using a computer algorithmreceiving physical exercise therapy with robot-assisted balance disorder rehabilitationphysical exercise therapy with walking for weight lossrespectively. Major indicators for postoperative rehabilitation effect were stride timespeed of 3-meter straight walking and step size of 3-meter straight walking measured by the attitude sensor at the end of the 16th week of postoperative trainingand the Berg Balance Scale score measured at the end of the 8th12th and 16th weeks of postoperative training. Results All the participants were included for final analysis except 5 dropouts3 in the case groupand 2 in the control group. Two groups showed no significant differences in gender ratioand mean age and BMIP>0.05. The mean course of fractures differed significantly between the groupsP<0.05. The case group had much shorter mean left and right stride time than the control groupP<0.05. The case group had quicker average speed of 3-meter straight walking and greater average step size of 3-meter straight walkingP<0.05. The interaction between training contents and time was statistically significant in both groupsF=53.116P<0.001. The recovery degree of lower limb motor function was different between the two groupsF=3.675P=0.013. The Berg Balance Scale scores for both groups differed significantly by measurement timeF=1 364.425P<0.001. Conclusion For older adults with fall-related lower limb fracturesrobot-assisted balance disorder rehabilitation may yield a better outcome concerning lower limb motor function recovery compared with walking for weight lossbut the speed of recovery may slow down with the extension of rehabilitation time.


    Sex-specific Correlations of Fracture Risk with Nutritional StatusBody Composition and Balance Condition in Parkinson's Disease Patients  

    XU XiaohuiTIAN JunmeiCAI WeiweiZHAO YongfeiWANG YupengLIU ChaoDUAN Zhihui

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (36): 4607-4611.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.02.060


    Sex-specific Correlations of Fracture Risk with Nutritional StatusBody Composition and Balance Condition in Parkinson's Disease Patients XU Xiaohui1TIAN Junmei2CAI Weiwei1ZHAO Yongfei2WANG Yupeng1LIU Chao1DUAN Zhihui1* 1.Department of NeurologyLuoyang Central Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou UniversityLuoyang 471000China 2.Department of NutritionLuoyang Central Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou UniversityLuoyang 471000China *Corresponding authorDUAN ZhihuiChief AbstractBackground Sufficient attention has not been paid to malnutritionone of the non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease PD),for a long time. Malnutritionsarcopenia and balance disorders increase fracture risk in PD patients. Currentlythe research in this field is relatively rare in China. Objective To examine sex-specific correlations of nutritional statusbodycomposition and balance condition with fracture risk in PD patients.Methods A total of 68 PD patients 37 males and 31 femalestreated in Luoyang Central Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University from December 2018 to December 2020 were enrolledand their general data were collected. Thenthe 10-year risks for major osteoporotic fractures MOFand hip fractures HFwere predicted using the Fracture Risk Assessment Tool. Motor and balance functions were assessed using the Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale-part Ⅲ (UPDRS Ⅲ ). Nutrition status was assessed using the Mini-Nutritional Assessment MNA. Balance ability was measured by the Berg Balance Scale BBS. Balance confidence for performing activities was rated by the Activities-specific Balance ConfidenceABCScale. The T-score of femoral neck bone mineral densityBMDwas calculated and body composition was measured. The correlations of fracture risk with various factors were analyzed. And fracture risk and various factors were subjected to partial correlation analysis after controlling for agegender and T-score of femoral neck BMD. Results Compared to women PD patientsmen had lower the 10-year risk for MOFUPDRS scoreand body fat rate BFR),as well as greater mean triceps skin fold thicknessbut higher mean T-score of femoral neck BMDmean trunk muscle massupper limb muscle masslower limb muscle mass and BBS score P<0.05. In men PD patientsthe 10-year risks for MOF and HF were negatively correlated with the MNA scorelower limbs muscle massBBS score and ABC score P<0.05),but were positively correlated with the UPDRS score P<0.05);the T-score of femoral neck BMD was positively correlated with lower limbs muscle mass P<0.05),while negatively correlated with BFR P<0.05. In women PD patientsthe 10-year risk for MOF was positively correlated with the UPDRS score and agewhile negatively correlated with the MNA scoremuscle mass of lower limbsBBS score and ABC score P<0.05);the 10-year risk for HF was positively correlated with the UPDRS scorewhile negatively correlated with MNA scoremuscle mass of upper limbs and lower limbsBBS score and ABC score P<0.05. Besidesthe T-score of femoral neck BMD was positively correlated with muscle mass of lower limbs P<0.05),while negatively correlated with age and waist-to-hip ratio P<0.05. The results of partial correlation analysis revealed that the 10-year risks for MOF and HF had negative correlations with MNA scoremuscle mass of lower limbsBBS score and ABC score P<0.05),and a positive association was found between the 10-year risk for MOF and UPDRS score P<0.05. Conclusion The body composition and T-score of femoral neck BMD in males are different from those in females. Malnutritiondecreased muscle mass of lower limbsreduced balance capacity and severity of PD are important predictors of the risk of MOF in PD patients. In view of thisto prevent and treat osteoporosis and fractures in PD patientsit is essential to pay attention to nutritional status and muscle mass of themespecially female patients

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