
  • An index of open-access Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease content relevant to primary care

    Economic Burden of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Induced by Tobacco Smoke Exposure in Yunnan Naxi People  

    LIU YingnanWANG XumingSHEN JingrongCUI WenlongHE LianjuZUO ChunmeiCAI Le

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (32): 4099-4103.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.01.019


    Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPDhas become a major public health problem due to its high prevalencecost of treatmentand economic burden of conditions associated with COPD. Objective To analyze the economic burden of COPD attributed to active and passive smoking exposure among the Naxi People in Yunnan province. Methods From July to August 2018a questionnaire survey and lung function tests were conducted with the Naxi People(≥35 years oldselected from Yunnan's Yulong County by use of multi-stage stratified random sampling. Per capita direct and indirect economic burden of COPDtotal economic burden of COPDand the economic burden attributable to active/passive smoking were estimated. Results Altogether2 600 cases participated in the surveyand 2 531 of them97.35%who completed the survey effectively were finally included. The prevalence of COPDsmokingand passive smoking among the participants was 17.66%40.58%and 38.29%respectively. Men had obviously higher prevalence of active smoking and notable lower prevalence of passive smoking than women P<0.001. Active smokersOR=1.90395%CI1.5072.404)〕had a higher likelihood of developing COPD than non-smokers. Passive smokersOR=2.19595%CI1.7182.805) 〕 had a higher likelihood of developing COPD than non-passive smokers. The per capita directindirect and economic burden of COPD for the COPD participants was 2 827.82 yuan105.00 yuan and 2 932.82 yuanrespectivelyand the total economic burden of COPD was 64.07 million yuan. The economic burden of COPD attributable to active and passive smoking was 17.18 million yuan and 20.11 million yuanrespectively. Passive smoking contributed less to economic burden of COPD than active smoking in menwhile for women the opposite was true. Conclusion Active and passive smoking may produce substantial economic burden of COPD in the Naxi peoplewhich might be reduced by reducing the smoking prevalence via increasing tobacco control efforts.


    Interpretation of Guideline for the Diagnosis and Treatment of COPD2021 revisionfor General Practitioners  

    WANG FengyanZHANG DongyingLIANG ZhenyuSU GuanshengZHENG JinpingCHEN Rongchang

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (29): 3660-3663.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.01.304


    According to the Guideline for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2021 revision),different levels of medical institutions undertake different tasks in the stratified diagnosis and treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease hereinafter referred to as COPD. General practitioners are main force responsible for prevention of COPD. General practitioners use questionnaire surveys and popularize the application of simple lung function to implement early screening of COPDimplement drug treatment for stable maintenance treatment through patient educationsupervision and regular follow-upparticipate in the overall management of COPD by guiding and verifying the correct use of inhaled drugsimproving complianceimplementing respiratory rehabilitation treatmentetc. With reference to the revised guidelinegeneral practitioners are expectedto participate in the overall management of COPD to improve the medical level of COPD in primary care institutions.

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    Effect of Mobile Terminal-based Management in Patients with Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease  

    ZHAO XinyingWU HaoGAO WenjuanGE CaiyingLI ZhiliKONG MinCHEN YingZHU Xiayuan

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (28): 3609-3614.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.279


    Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCOPDrequires long-term and effective health management. Mobile APP has many merits in facilitating chronic disease management as an emerging methodbut its effect in comprehensive management of stable COPD patients has been insufficiently studied. Objective To examine the effect of mobile terminal-based comprehensive management in stable COPD patients. Methods Eighty stable COPD patients treated in Fangzhuang Community Health Service Center of Fengtai DistrictBeijing from January to December 2019 were randomly divided into control group and observation group. The control group received routine outpatient treatment and health educationand the observational group received routine outpatient treatment and health education with mobile terminal-based management. Comparisons were made between two groups in terms of the grasp of COPD knowledge and breathing skillsmental statetreatment adherencelung function indicesclinical assessment of symptomsand status of acute exacerbation at baseline and 12 months after intervention. Results After the interventionthe proportion of patients with increased knowledge of the etiologymain symptoms and preventive measures of COPD in the observation group was higher than those in the control groupP<0.05. The patients in the observation group had better mastery of lip contraction breathing and abdominal breathing than those in the control group after the interventionP<0.05. After the interventionthe scores of depression and anxietythe treatment compliance scores of correct medicationdiet control and respiratory function exercise and the scores of CAT and mMRC in the observation group were lower than those before the intervention and lower than those in the control group after the interventionP<0.05. There was no significant difference in FEV1% and FEV1/FVC between the control group after intervention and before interventionP>0.05. After the interventionFEV1% and FEV1/FVC in the observation group were higher than those before the interventionand higher than those in the control group after the interventionP<0.05. There was no significant difference in the number of emergency and hospitalization in the control group after interventionP>0.05. After the intervention, the times of emergency and hospitalization in the observation group were less than those before the interventionand the times of emergency were less than those in the control group after the interventionP<0.05. Conclusion Mobile terminal-based management may contribute to the grasp of COPD knowledge and breathing skillsalleviation of negative moodimprovement of treatment adherencelung function indicatorsand clinical symptomsas well as the reduction of possibility of acute exacerbation in stable COPD patients.


    Impact of Aerobic Exercise on Serum Inflammatory Factors and Cardiopulmonary Function in Patients with Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease  

    HUANG XinQIAN JunCHEN FayuHAO JianYAO YanmeiZHU ShifeiWANG Jinghua

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (28): 3615-3619.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.217


    Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCOPDis a common chronic airway disease that can occur repeatedly throughout the yearseriously endangering the quality of life and health of patients. It is quite necessary to explore the effect of aerobic exercise on enhancing cardiopulmonary reserve and quality of life. Objective To comparatively analyze the levels of serum IL-10IL-17matrix metalloproteinase-9MMP-9and cardiopulmonary function in stable COPD patients before and after aerobic exerciseto explore the mechanism of aerobic exercise in improving body function and promoting rehabilitation. Methods Sixty admitted inpatients with stable COPD were randomly and equally divided into control group and experimental group. Both groups received oxygen therapybronchodilator therapy and other usual care for 12 weeksthe experimental groupexcept one dropout due to acute exacerbationalso received a 12-week regular cycling with the intensity of the individual anaerobic threshold. Pre- and post-treatment expression levels of IL-10IL-17 and MMP-9 in peripheral serum and cardiopulmonary functions were compared between the groups. Results Compared to baselinethe mean levels of IL-17MMP-9and ratio of ventilation to carbon dioxide production at anaerobic thresholdVE/VCO2 at ATdeceasedwhile mean levels of IL-106-minute walk distancepeak oxygen uptakePeak VO2and maximal exercise ventilationVEmaxas well as mean score of St. George's Respiratory QuestionnaireSGRQincreased in the experimental group after treatmentP<0.05. The experimental group showed lower mean post-treatment levels of IL-17 and MMP-9and VE/VCO2 at ATand higher mean post-treatment levels of IL-106-minute walk distancepeak VO2 and VEmax as well as higher mean post-treatment mean score of SGRQ than the control groupP<0.05. Conclusion Early initiating aerobic exercise and maintaining aerobic exercise adherence could significantly improve the health statusreduce inflammatory reactionenhance cardiopulmonary reservequality of life and the prognosis of stable COPD patients.


    The Effects of Smoking Cessation Intervention on Local Airway Immunity and Life Quality in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Early Stable Stage  

    LIU XianbingLI FangXU NingZHU LifenZHENG Xiaoyan

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (23): 2927-2939.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.576


    Background Smoking is harmful to the local airway immune function and life quality of COPD patients. The harm of tobacco is hugequitting smoking is imminent. Smoking cessation can benefit quitters. There are currently many literatures on smoking cessation interventionsbut fewer studies on moking cessation and local airway immunityand also fewer studies on smoking cessation intervention for early COPD. Objective To investigate the effect and clinical significance of smoking cessation intervention on airway local immunity and life quality in patients with early stable COPD. Methods A total of 170 patients with stable COPD who met the following inclusion and exclusion criteria enrolled by People's Hospital of Quzhou in Zhejiang Province from June 2016 to June 2019 were selected and divided into smoking cessation group106 casesand non-smoking group64 cases. The smoking cessation group was divided into a successful cessation group48 casesand a smoking cessation group58 casesaccording to the success or failure of smoking cessation. The genderagesmoking indexetc of the patients were collected.All patients in the three groups were followed up for 12 months after enrollmentie0 month0.5 month1 month3 months6 months9 months and 12 months. Induced sputum immune indicators including T lymphocyte subsetsCD3+CD4+CD4+/CD8+CD8+),immunoglobulinsIgGIgAlgMand complement C3C4lung function test resultfirst second end of expiration volumeFEV1)〕;life quality indicators including coughcough score),sputum expectorationsputum expectoration score),dyspneaDyspnea ScalemMRCscore〕,COPD conditionchronic obstructive pulmonary disease assessment testCATScore〕,tobacco dependencetobacco dependence score),smoking severity indexexhaled CO valuecombined anxiety/depressiondepression and anxiety scaleHADscorewere recorded.The incidence of respiratory tract infection and the acute exacerbation of COPD within 1 year before the follow-up and during the follow-up were also recorded. The chages in related indicators during follow-up were compared. Results There is an interaction between the group and time in terms of cough scoreexpectoration scoreFEV1mMRC scoreCAT scoreHAD scoretobacco dependence scoresmoking severity index scoreexhaled CO valuenumber of respiratory infections and acute exacerbations during follow-upP<0.05. The group has the significant main effect on cough scoresputum scoreFEV1mMRC scoreCAT scoreHAD scoretobacco dependence scoresmoking severity index scoreexhaled CO valuenumber of respiratory infections during follow-upand number of acute exacerbations during follow-up SignificantP<0.05),time in the cough scoresputum scoreFEV1mMRC scoreCAT scoreHAD scoretobacco dependence scoresmoking severity index scoreexhaled CO valuerespiratory tract infections during follow-upP<0.05. With the extension of follow-up timethe non-smoking group cough scoreexpectoration scoreCAT scoremMRC scoreHAD scoretobacco dependence scoresmoking severity indexexhaled CO valuenumber of respiratory infections and acute exacerbation of COPD during follow-up gradually increasedand FEV1 gradually decreasedP<0.05. There is an interaction between group and time in CD3+CD4+CD8+CD4+/CD8+IgGIgAIgMcomplement C3and complement C4P<0.05);the main effect of the group was significant on CD3+CD4+CD8+CD4+/CD8+IgGIgAIgMcomplement C3and complement C4P<0.05),and the main effect of the time was significant on CD3+CD4+CD8+CD4+/CD8+IgGIgAIgMcomplement C3and complement C4P<0.05. The levels of CD3+CD4+CD8+CD4+/CD8+IgGIgAcomplement C3and complement C4 in the successful smoking cessation group were compared at the rest of the follow-up time with that at the 6-month follow-upand the differences were statistically significantP<0.05. The IgM level of the successful smoking cessation group was compared at the rest of the follow-up time with that at the 12-month follow-upand the difference was statistically significantP<0.05. The levels of CD3+CD4+CD8+CD4+/CD8+IgGIgAIgMcomplement C3and complement C4 in the smoking cessation failure group were compared at the rest of each follow-up time with that at 1 monthand the difference was statistically significantP<0.05. At the beginning of the follow-upthe CD3+CD4+CD4+/CD8+IgAIgGIgMcomplement C3complement C4 and FEV1 in three groups were positively correlatedP<0.05),and were negatively correlated with HAD scoretobacco dependence scoresmoking severity index score and exhaled CO detectionP<0.05. CD8+ was negatively correlated with FEV1P<0.05),and positively correlated with HAD scoretobacco dependence scoresmoking severity index score and expiratory CO valueP<0.05. At the end of the follow-upCD3+CD4+CD4+/CD8+IgAIgGIgMcomplement C3and complement C4 were positively correlated with FEV1 in the successful and non-quit smoking groupP<0.05),and were negatively correlated with cough scoresputum scoreHAD scoretobacco dependence scoresmoking severity index score and exhaled CO valueP<0.05. CD8+ was negatively correlated with FEV1P<0.05),and positively correlated with HAD scoretobacco dependence scoresmoking severity index scoreand exhaled CO valueP<0.05. Conclusion Tobacco is harmful to the local airway immune function and life quality of patients with early COPD. Smoking cessation intervention is conducive to airway immune function and life quality. Those who succeed in smoking cessation benefit moreeven if smoking cessation failspatients who quit smoking in the short term can also benefit.Howeverthe harm of tobacco to the human body is continuousand the indicators can be significantly improved at least 6 months after quitting smoking. Local airway immune function is related to the quality of life. The improvement of airway immune function can improve the life quality and prognosis of patientsamong themT cell subgroups and IgA and IgG can better reflect the airway immune status.


    Velocity Time Integral Guides Fluid Therapy for COPD Patients with Septic Shocka Clinical Study  

    YU JiangquanZHENG RuiqiangZHU JinZHAO YuanYANG Penglei

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (23): 2945-2949.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.01.003


    Background Central venous pressureCVPprovides little value for guiding fluid therapy for septic shock in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCOPDpatients as they often have right heart insufficiency. The widespread application of ultrasound in the ICU has made bed-side measurement of left ventricular outflow tract velocity-time integral LVOT VTIbecome possiblewhich is superior to CVP in reflecting volume responsiveness as it is similar to the stroke volume. Objective To examine the clinical value of LVOT VTI in guiding fluid therapy for COPD patients with septic shock. Methods COPD patients with septic shock were selected from the Intensive Care UnitNorthern Jiangsu People's Hospital of Jiangsu Province from March 2017 to June 2018and randomized into CVP grouptreated with fluid therapy guided by CVPtill CVP reaching 15 mm Hg),global end-diastolic volume indexGEDVIgrouptreated with fluid therapy guided by GEDVItill GEDVI reaching 800 ml/m2),and VTI group treated with fluid therapy guided by LVOT VTItill the increase of LVOT VTI <15%. Baseline dataagegenderAPACHEscoreSOFA scoremean arterial pressureCVPblood lactateoxygenation indexand pulmonary hypertension prevalence at ICU admission),fluid treatment-related data the volume of fluid administered and norepinephrine dosage during the first six and 24 hours of resuscitationblood lactate level and blood lactate clearance during the first 24 hours of resuscitationAPACHEscore and SOFA score during the first 72 hours of resuscitation),renal replacement therapy ratemechanical ventilation timeICU hospital stayand in-hospital mortality were compared between the groups. Results Three groups showed statistically significant differences in the volume of fluid administered and norepinephrine dosage during the first 24 hours of resuscitationP<0.05),but showed no significant differences in the volume of fluid administered and norepinephrine dosage during the first six hours of resuscitationblood lactate level and blood lactate clearance during the first 24 hours of resuscitationAPACHE score and SOFA score during the first 72 hours of resuscitationrenal replacement therapy ratemechanical ventilation timeICU hospital stayand in-hospital mortalityP>0.05. CVP group received less volume of fluid during the first 24 hours of resuscitation than other groupsP<0.05. VTI group used less norepinephrine dosage during the first 24 hours of resuscitation than other groupsP<0.05. Conclusion LVOT VTI used in fluid therapy may help to evaluate the required fluid volume more accurately and reduce the dosage of norepinephrine more significantlyso it may have a good clinical application prospect.


    Research Progress of Sputum Biomarkers in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease  

    MA QingsongLIU LingZHAO Zhihuan

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (20): 2624-2628.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.497


    Sputum is mainly derived from the central airwaywhich contains inflammatory cells and inflammatory mediators in these parts.The assessment of airway inflammation through sputum cytology classification and detection of related inflammatory mediators has been clinically confirmed.In recent yearssputum biomarkers have made some progress in the study of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD.This article reviews the progress of various biomarkers in the diagnosis and treatment of COPD.It is found that the detection of inflammatory cells and inflammatory factors in sputum and the application of cluster analysis to propose more specific subgroup classification methods can better distinguish COPD and asthmawhich is conducive to the study of the mechanism of the overlap between the two.Analyze the correlation among sputum biomarkersvarious clinical indicators and scoring scales further to propose new disease evaluation indicators.Exploring the biomarkers that mediate the frequent acute attacks of COPD and the increased susceptibility of bacteria and viruses is expected to identify patients with frequent acute exacerbation phenotypes and provide a theoretical basis for the new diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets.


    Efficacy and Safety of Revefenacin in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseasea Meta-analysis  

    LI LingYANG MingLI XuefengLIU Fu

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (11): 1400-1405.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.414


    Background Revefenacin is the first anti-muscarinic drug that needs to be administered only once a day for maintenance therapy in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCOPD.There is no systematic review of its treatment of COPD in China.Objective To perform a systematic review of the efficacy and safety of revefenacin in COPDto provide a basis for the selection of drug treatments for COPD.Methods The databases of CNKIWanfang Data Knowledge Service PlatformCQVIPCBMPubMedEMBaseThe Cochrane Library and were searched for clinical studies of revefenacin in treating COPD from inception to May 2019.Literature enrollment was performed using strict inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria.The first authorpublication timeNCT numbercountryregion),interventionsample sizesexageracecourse of treatmentindices of efficacytrough forced expiratory volume in one secondtrough FEV1),peak FEV1response rate to St.George's Respiratory QuestionnaireSGRQ)〕 and indices of safetycommon and serious adverse reactionsregarding the eligible studies were recorded.The Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing risk of bias was used to evaluate the methodological quality.RevMan 5.3 was used for meta-analysis.Results A total of 6 randomized controlled trials were includedwith a total sample size of 2 175 participantsand high methodological quality.According to the result of meta-analysisthe improvement of trough FEV1 in remifenaxine group was better than that in placebo group MD=146.7895%CI133.52160.05),P<0.000 01.Peak FEV1 MD=129.5095%CI115.69143.31),P<0.000 01〕,and the SGRQ response rate in remifenaxine group were lower than those of placebo group OR=1.6095%CI1.291.98),P<0.000 1.Both groups showed no significant differences in the incidence of severe adverse reactionsOR=0.9395%CI0.441.94),P=0.84〕,upper respiratory tract infection OR=1.4295%CI0.722.82),P=0.31〕,headache OR=0.8895%CI0.491.58),P=0.66〕,and cough OR=1.0695%CI0.621.82),P=0.82.The incidence of dyspnea in remifenaxine group was higher than that in placebo group OR=0.5495%CI0.330.87),P=0.01.Conclusion Revefenacin is effective and safe in the treatment of COPD.


    Physicians and Nurses' Perspective of Barriers and Solutions to the Delivery of Home-based Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseasea Qualitative Study  

    FANG HuiSHI YanLIU XianliangGUAN Jiabei

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (10): 1284-11288.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.034


    Background The latest epidemiological survey shows that there are about 100 million patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCOPDin Chinaabout 1 million people die of respiratory diseases each yearand more than 5 million people become disabled due to respiratory diseases. The effectiveness of home-based pulmonary rehabilitation is as good as hospital and community pulmonary rehabilitation in improving the quality of life and lung function of COPD patients. Howeverthere are few studies showing the barriers to the delivery of home-based pulmonary rehabilitation from the perspective of physicians and nurses. Objective To investigate the barriers to the delivery of home-based pulmonary rehabilitation based on a survey of physicians and nurses blocking the quality of life and lung function of COPD. Methods From July to November 2019in-depth semi-structural interviews regarding the barriers to the delivery of home-based pulmonary rehabilitation based on a self-developed framework were carried out in a purposive sample of 14 medical workers from respiratory and rehabilitation departments of a grade A tertiary hospital in Shanghai. Content analysis was performed to sort out and analyze the recorded interview results. Results Three themes with nine sub-themeseach including three sub-themeswere extractedpatients' negative healthcognitiveand psychological conditionsprevalence of multiple comorbidities and low motivation of receiving home-based pulmonary rehabilitationinsufficient knowledge of home-based pulmonary rehabilitationdistrust of the efficacy of home-based pulmonary rehabilitation and low exercise compliance. Physicians and nurses' insufficient knowledge and trainings and attentions regarding home-based pulmonary rehabilitationinsufficient related knowledge and feeling incompetent to carry out home-based pulmonary rehabilitationinsufficient related standard trainingsinsufficient attentions paid to home-based pulmonary rehabilitation by hospitals and related departments . Limited capacities at the organizational level for the delivery of home-based pulmonary rehabilitationinadequate communication and cooperation among the hospitalcommunity and family and imperfect follow-up monitoring systeminsufficient medical professionals for delivering such serviceslack of systematic rehabilitation training mode and simple and practical evaluation indicators. Conclusion There are many barriers to the delivery of home-based pulmonary rehabilitation. To address these barriers to make sure COPD patients can really benefit from home-based pulmonary rehabilitationstrengthened professional trainings for physicians and nurses to improve their knowledgemore attentions paid to the guidance on home-based pulmonary rehabilitation are neededwith the joint help of social supports as well.


    Development of a Comprehensive Assessment System for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Based on ICF  

    WANG LanZHENG JinpingSHEN YuehaoYU Xi

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (10): 1289-1293.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.093


    Background The health management of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCOPDrequires comprehensive and individualized treatment based on the whole person assessmentso as to improve the patients' physiological and psychological status and long-term compliance to healthy behaviors. Objective To establish a comprehensive assessment system for COPD based on the International Classification of FunctioningDisability and Health ICF),to offer a reference for the development of integrated intervention options involving physiologypsychologyfunctioning and social participation for such patients. Methods From April to August2019we constructed a questionnaire based on the comprehensive ICF core set for COPDand used it to carry out a two-round email-based survey with expertsin fields of clinical diagnosis and treatmentclinical nursingnursing managementnursing educationpulmonary rehabilitation and psychological therapy related to COPDusing the Delphi techniquethen in accordance with the survey resultswe improved it and developed the final version. Results The response rate and Cr were 100.0%21/21and 0.836respectivelyfor the first round of surveyand were 95.2%20/21and 0.845respectivelyfor the second round of survey. The Kendall's coefficient of concordance were 0.209 and 0.271 for indices and subindices. The average importance value of indices ranged from 3.55-4.90. The variation coefficients of indices ranged from 0.061-0.297and full mark rate was 15%-90%. The Comprehensive ICF-COPD Assessment System consists of 4 indicesincluding physical and mental functionsbody structureactivities and participationand environmental factorsand 53 subindices. Conclusion The development of Comprehensive ICF-COPD Assessment System is scientific and rationalwhich could ensure the comprehensiveness of the assessment content before the formulation of rehabilitation intervention plan.


    Exercise Capacity and Prognosis Evaluation Methods for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in the Community  

    LI HaiyanYANG TingYAO FanxiuLIU Hong

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (10): 1294-1297.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.031


    Background Elderly patients are more easily to be found with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD),as well as its associated sarcopenia and decreased exercise capacity. Exercise capacity has an association with the prognosisbut there is little research on the evaluation methods of the two. Objective To explore simple and accurate methods that can assess the exercise capacity and prognosis of patients with COPD in the community. Methods A total of 100 patients with stable COPD were recruited from China-Japan Friendship Hospital from January 2018 to December 2019. The relationships of six-minute walking distance6MWDwith Short Physical Performance BatterySPPBscore and modified British Medical Research CouncilmMRCclassification were analyzed. Results The result of 6MWD increased with the decrease of mMRC score for classifying COPD rs=-0.431P=0.002. The AUC of mMRC classification for predicting 6MWD was 0.749 P<0.001),and the maximum Youden index was 0.426 when 6MWD was 483.5 meterswhich was determined as the cut-off threshold. The SPPB was positively correlated with the intragroup dataP<0.001),and its correlation with 5-repetition sit-to-stand5STSwas the strongestrs=0.751. Therefore6MWD was correlated with 5STSrs=0.291P=0.038. Conclusion Both mMRC classification and 5STS test could be used as simple methods with relatively high accuracy for the assessment of exercise capacity and prognosis of patients with COPD in primary careand they are partially correlated. When the 6MWD is less than 483.5 metersdyspnea restricts movement greatlyand pulmonary rehabilitation can be carried out timely.


    Improving the Role of General Practitioners in the Early Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Diseases: a Case Analysis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease  

    LI FanSHENG ChunfengWANG Huanying

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (9): 1044-1050.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2020.00.607


    Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCOPDis a common and frequently-occurring disease in clinical practice.In Chinathe number of COPD patients is nearly 100 millionand COPD constitutes another chronic disease with heavy disease burden besides hypertension and diabetes.Howeverunlike hypertension and diabetesCOPD has not received enough attention from patientsdoctors and the governmentand its early diagnosis and standardized diagnosis and treatment levels are still relatively low.General practitioners play important roles in the preventioncontrol and management of COPDespecially in early screeningmanagement of patients in stable phaseas well as pulmonary rehabilitation.And it is imminent to establish a hospital-community-family COPD prevention and control modelconduct the general-specialty careand develop standardized prevention and control of COPD in primary care.This paper discusses the role of general practitioners in the early diagnosis and management of COPD.


    Interpretation of the 2020 GOLD's Global Strategy for PreventionDiagnosis and Management of COPD(Ⅰ):Pharmacological Treatment of Stable COPD  

    LI ZhenghuanZHANG XiaoyunCHEN YangSONG XueliQIN ZhongmingLI Hong

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (8): 923-929.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.155


    Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCOPDis now the third leading cause of death in the worldafter ischemic heart disease and stroke.Howeverclinical practices in China still have many challenges to address COPD as an important public health issuesuch as insufficient patient educationmissing follow-up datanon-standardized management of stable COPD and/or acute exacerbationswhich may be important causes of frequent aggravation and deterioration of conditionsleading to increased difficulties in treating and higher possibility of poor outcome after late treatment as well as increased social and economic burden of COPD.Thereforeit is of great practical significance to accelerate the standardization of preventiondiagnosis and management of COPD to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment of COPD.To provide a reference for emergency and respiratory clinicians to better treat COPD patients clinicallyin view of domestic diagnosistreatment and studies regarding COPDwe comprehensively interpreted the 2020 GOLD's Global Strategy for PreventionDiagnosis and Management of COPD in three parts from a clinical perspectivepharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of stable COPD and management of exacerbations.This paper is the first part of interpretationmainly including diagnostic evaluationinitial management and follow-up management.


    Analysis of the Status Quo and Influencing Factors of Beijing Community General Practitioners on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease  

    LIU QingCHEN YahongWANG ZhongYU JingWU Yonghao

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (8): 982-988.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.401


    Background At presentchronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD for short),as a preventable and controllable chronic diseasehas become one of the most prominent public health and medical problems in our countryand the prevention and treatment of COPD in grassroots community is particularly important.Understanding the cognitive ability and current status of community general practitioners on COPD can provide a better scientific basis for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in grassroots level.Objective To investigate the status quo of cognition of COPD among general practitioners in community health service institutions in Beijingand analyze the influencing factors to provide scientific basis for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases at the grassroots level.Methods From September 28 to October 4 in 2020a survey was conducted on the frontline general practitioners in 34 community health service centers and 159 community health service stations in Beijing. Self-designed questionnaireafter joint demonstrationthe final draft of the questionnaire formed through star technology platform was published on the WeChat work group.The content of the questionnaire includes the basic information and the approaches to update and learn professional knowledge and general practitionersthe ways to carry out patient education of general practitionersthe knowledge test of COPD prevention and treatment ability60 points or more is a pass60 points or less is not enough. The different demographic characteristicsapproaches to obtaining professional knowledgeand the way to conduct patient education of the community health service organization and the situation about the passing of COPD prevention and control ability test of general practitioners were analyzed.And the binary Logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of the prevention and control ability test of general practitioners.Results A total of 1 226 questionnaires were distributedand 1 226 valid questionnaires were returned.The recovery rate was 100.0%.1The total average score of the general practitioner's COPD knowledge test was 45.5±18.5pointswith 987 failing doctors and 239 passing doctorspass rate 19.5%.Among themthe passing rate of female doctors was higher than that of malesP<0.05.The difference in the passing rate of doctors with different academic qualifications is statistically significantP<0.05);among themthe passing rate of doctors with master degree and above is higher than the doctors with bachelor degreecollege degreetechnical secondary school education and belowand the passing rate of doctors with bachelor degree is higher than doctors with college degreetechnical secondary school education and below.The difference in the passing rate of doctors with different professional titles was statistically significantP<0.05);among themthe passing rate of doctors with senior and intermediate titles was higher than the passing rate of doctors with junior titlesP<0.05.2The passing rate of general practitioners who had passed the COPD prevention and control ability knowledge test at the community health service center/community health service station by listening to the lectures by outside experts and the experts organized by the medical association was higher than the general practitioners without listening to the lectures by experts outside the hospital and the experts organized by the medical society on the spotP<0.05.3General practitioners who carried out patient education and education had a higher pass rate than those who did not carry out patient educationP<0.05);general practitioners who disseminate health education manualshealth education lectures and health consultations to teach patients had a higher pass rate than general practitioners without distributing health education manualshealth education lectures and health consultations to teach patients.4The results of binary Logistic regression analysis showed that gendereducational backgroundand professional title were the influencing factors of general practitioners' passing knowledge test of COPD prevention and treatment P<0.05.Conclusion The general practitioners in Beijing community health service institutions have insufficient knowledge of COPDand further training and assessment in this area need to be further strengthenedemphasis should be placed on strengthening community malelow-educated and low-professional title grade practitioners in COPD knowledge trainingamong the approaches to obtain professional knowledge of COPDit is more effective to listen to the lectures by experts outside the hospital at the community health service center/community health service station and the experts organized by the medical society on the spotthe general practitioner's cognitive level of COPD can be also improved through the distributing COPD health education manualsconducting health education lectures and health consultations for patient education.


    Recent Advances in Pathogenesis and Nutrition Interventions of Frailty in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease  

    TAO YangGUO HonghuaZHANG Caihong

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (6): 684-689.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2020.00.614


    With the aging of the global populationfrailtyas a geriatric syndromehas attracted extensive attention from researchers in the field of geriatrics in recent years.Since chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPDis one of the high risk factors of frailtyfrailty in COPD has been a research focus.Howeverprevious studies are mainly cross-sectional investigations on the incidence of frailty in COPD and their correlationswhile comprehensive studiesespecially reviews on the pathogenesis and nutrition interventions of frailty in COPD are relatively lacking.Considering the importance of pathogenesis and effective nutrition interventions of frailty in improving the long-term life quality of COPD patientswe reviewed relevant advances that have been recently achievedaiming to provide a reference for the development of nutrition intervention programs targeting population with COPD with frailty.


    Diaphragmatic Mobility Function and Its Correlation with Pulmonary Function in Patients with COPD  

    FU XumingWANG JihongPAN Dianzhu

    Chinese General Practice    2021, 24 (5): 561-565.   DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2020.00.329


    Background Systemic skeletal muscularincluding diaphragmdystrophy and atrophyare common in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCOPDpatients.Diaphragmatic fatigue is one of the important pathophysiological bases for disease progression in these patients.But the application of ultrasound combined with pulmonary function in the evaluation of diaphragm function is rarely reported.Objective To perform a disease severity-based analysis of diaphragm mobility and its correlation with pulmonary function in COPD patients.Methods From Ansteel Group Hospital during March 2018 to January 201981 COPD patientsconsisting of mildmoderate and severe patients evaluated by the GOLD criteria),and 30 healthy controls undergoing examination in Pulmonary Function Examination Room were selected.Pulmonary function test was used to examine lung function related parameters.Ultrasound was carried out to measure the diaphragm mobility during quiet breathing at functional residual capacityFRCand during forced breathing at total lung capacityTLC),respectively.The mMRC Dyspnoea Scale was used to assess the status of dyspnea.The heightweightbody mass index (BMI)mMRC dyspnoea scoreFEV1%predFVC%predFEV1/FVCFRCTLCTLC-FRCand inspiratory breath were recorded IC%predMVV%predRV/TLC%pred were compared.Pearson correlation analysis was used to explore the correlation between diaphragmatic mobility and research variables. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to explore the influencing factors of diaphragm mobility.Results COPD patients had greater average heightweightand mMRC dyspnoea scorebut lower average FEV1%predFVC%pred and FEV1/FVC compared with the controlsP<0.05.The diaphragm mobility in quiet breathing phaseforced breathing phaseand the difference of diaphragm mobility from FRC to TLC were significantly different among mildmoderate and severe COPD patients and controlsP<0.05.Severe patients had greater average diaphragm mobility at FRC and lower average diaphragm mobility at TLC and difference of diaphragm mobility from FRC to TLC than mild and moderate patients and controlsP<0.05.Moderate patients showed greater average diaphragm mobility at FRC and lower average diaphragm mobility at TLC and difference of diaphragm mobility from FRC to TLC compared with mild patients and controlsP<0.05.Mild patients demonstrated lower average difference of diaphragm mobility from FRC to TLC compared with controlsP<0.05.In COPD groupdiaphragm mobility was positively correlated with BMIr=0.501P<0.001),FEV1%predr=0.697P<0.001),FVC%predr=0.639P<0.001),FEV1/FVCr=0.564P<0.001),IC%predr=0.438P<0.001),MVV%predr=0.578P<0.001),and negatively correlated with mMRCr=-0.615P<0.001and  RV/TLC%predr=-0.350P<0.001.Multiple linear regression analysis showed that FEV1% pred〔β=0.72895% CI0.0270.042),P=0.001was the influencing factor of diaphragm mobility.Conclusion Diaphragm mobility in COPD patients can be assessed by ultrasound.The degree of diaphragm mobility is related to the level of pulmonary function.


  • 2021-12-14 Visited: 377