
  • An index of open-access diabetes mellitus content relevant to primary care


    Development of a Primary Care Needs-based Health Education Services Framework for Type 2 Diabetics Using the Nominal Group Technique  

    LIN KaiYAO MiXIE JieyingYUAN GangJI XinxinCHEN Yongsong


    Background Most of the health education recommendations from Chinese guidelines ignore the characteristics and patient needs of primary health careespecially type 2 diabetes mellitusT2DMhealth education delivered by primary outpatient clinics is randomuntargeted and so on. Objective To develop a primary care needs-based health education services framework for T2DM patients using the nominal group techniqueNGT),and to expand its essentials. Methods From September to October 2020NGT was used to conduct meetings in three groups of Chinese health professionalsn=23in various medical specialties selected using purposive sampling. The results of meetings were recorded and transcribedand divided into qualitative and quantitative data for analyses. After merging the similar ones of keywords of qualitative data of each group discussionthe list of network codedNCkeywords was obtainedand essential contents of these key words were expandedand analyzed using thematic analysis. Intra-group and overall ranking of keywords of the quantitative data in the list were determined. Finallythe hierarchical frameworkwas determined according to the quartile assigned by the overall ranking. Results Twenty-eight keywords regarding T2DM health education were obtained through group discussions and decision-makingand classified into five themes by thematic analysis and content developmentdiabetes-related knowledgeself-managementcommunity managementmultiple comorbidities managementtreatment and medication. After two rounds of ranking and stratificationa four-level hierarchical framework of health education for T2DM patients was finally determined. The A hierarchy includes four top-ranked keywordsaccounting for 45.69% of the total mean rank scores. Conclusion We applied NGT to develop a primary care needs-based health education services guiding framework for Chinese T2DM patientsand used an evidence-based approach to determine its four-level hierarchy and highlighted contents. As patients' primary care needs are complexwhich need to be satisfied based on group decision-makingour framework may contribute to achieve a higher consistency between guidelines and clinical practice.


    Factors Associated with Medication Adherence in Beijing Community-dwelling Residents with Type 2 Diabetesa Study Using the Theory of Planned Behavior  

    WU YaoLIN YanmingGUO KaiWU Ming


    Background In accordance with the regulations of China's national essential public health servicescommunity health centersCHCsare required to deliver health management services to diabetic patients to effectively achieve glycemic control. Taking medications regularly and on time is one of the main means to control diabetes. So it is of practical significance to explore the impact of community-based diabetes health management services on medication adherence of diabetic patients. Objective To investigate the utilization status of community-based diabetes health management services and medication adherence in Beijing community-dwelling residents with type 2 diabetesand to analyze the possible influencing factors of medication adherence. Methods A face-to-face questionnaire survey was conducted between July and August 2018 with 1 218 diabetic patients selected by use of convenient sampling from six CHCs in Beijing using a questionnaire developed by our research group for collecting the patients' general demographicsutilization of community-based diabetes management services and medication adherenceincluding MMAS-8 and a questionnaire of intention to take medication based on the theory of planned behavior. The structural equation modeling was used to explore the influencing factors of medication adherence. Results Altogether1 156 cases94.91%who effectively completed the survey were included for final analysisand the medication adherence of them was 77.16%892/1 156. After verificationthe number of face-to-face follow-ups and guidance on antidiabetic medications were included as covariates into the modified structural equation model. The values of RMSEA0.041),CFI0.893),PNFI0.639),and CN499of the final model indicated that the goodness-of-fit of the model was excellent. Face-to-face follow-up and diabetes medication guidance affected the attitude towards medication0.09and subjective norms0.08respectively. Face-to-face follow-up indirectly affected medication adherence with an overall standardized effect size of 0.01P=0.013. Guidance on antidiabetic medications also indirectly influenced medication adherence with an overall standardized effect size of 0.01P=0.011. Conclusion Community-based diabetes health management services indirectly affected the medication adherence of type 2 diabetics. Receiving medication guidance increased the patients' behavioral intention to adhere to medicationand face-to-face follow-ups enhanced the patients' belief in medication adherenceconsequentlyincreasing the possibility of developing medication compliance behaviors.


    Application of a Self-made Diabetic Diet Manager in Empty Nesters with Type 2 Diabetes and Poor Glycemic Control  

    LYU JuanqinSHEN LilanMENG ZuolongWANG XiaopingLI Fulian


    Background Poor treatment adherence and glycemic control are common in older adults with diabetes. Diet is strongly associated with glycemic controlso studying diet management will greatly contribute to prognosis improvement of diabetic patients. Objective To examine the effect of a self-made diabetic diet manager in empty nesters with type 2 diabetes and poor glycemic control. Methods Participants were 120 empty nesters with type 2 diabetes and poor glycemic control selected from the Third Affiliated Hospital of Gansu University of Chinese Medicineincluding 60 hospitalized between February and October 2018traditional group with 6-month-follow-up routine health education),and 60 hospitalized between February and October 2019diabetic diet manager group with 6-month-follow-up intervention using a diabetic diet manager developed by our research group. Medical records and complete follow-up data were collected retrospectively. Pre- and post-follow-up fasting and two-hour postprandial glucose levels and self-care abilityevaluated by the Summary of Diabetes Self-care Activitiesof two groups were compared. The complications and readmission of the two groups during intervention were observed and recorded. Results After 6 months of interventionthe fasting blood glucosetwo-hour postprandial blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin levels fell notably in both groupsP<0.05),and they decreased more significantly in diabetic diet manager groupP<0.05. Both groups had an obvious increase in the scores of successful self-management of diet and exerciseblood glucose self-monitoring and taking medicines as prescribedP<0.05),and a more significantly increase was observed in diabetic diet manager groupP<0.05. No peripheral neuropathy and macroangiopathy were found in both groups. The incidence of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathyand readmission rate in diabetic diet manager group were lower than those in the traditional groupP<0.05. Conclusion The intervention using the diabetes diet manager developed by us may be far superior to traditional health education in terms of improving self-care ability and glycemic controlas well as reducing complication incidence and readmission rate in empty nesters with type 2 diabetes and poor glycemic controlindicating that it has a high value of clinical application.


    Clinical Study of Gegen Qinlian Decoction in Type 2 Diabetes with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease  

    FAN YaofuCAO LinSUN HongpingXU JuanBAO WeipingCHU Xiaoqiu


    Background Recent years have seen considerable growth in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DMcombined with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease NAFLD),but there is still a lack of effective targeted interventions. Traditional Chinese medicineTCMmay have some merits in treating T2DM with NAFLDbut few studies have investigated the effects and mechanism of actions of TCM in treating the disease. Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of adding Gegen Qinlian DecoctionGDto care as usual to treat T2DM with NAFLD. Methods One hundred patients with T2DM with NAFLD who were treated in the Affiliated Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western MedicineNanjing University of Chinese Medicine from January 2020 to March 2021 were selected. They were randomly allocated to either the control groupn=51or the observation group n=49. The control group received usual care. The observation groupreceived usual care plus GD. The therapeutic course for all was 8 weeks. Data about the pre- and post-treatment TCM symptom scoreglycemic indicesfasting plasma glucose FPG),two-hour postprandial glucose2 hPG)〕,glycated hemoglobinHbA1c),blood lipid indicestriglyceride TG),total cholesterol TC),low-density lipoprotein cholesterolLDL-C)〕,homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance HOMA-IR),liver function indicesALTASTGGT),lymphocyte subsetsand NAFLD fibrosis score measured by color Doppler ultrasonography of two groups were obtained. Results All patients were included for final analysis except for 10 dropoutsfour cases and six controls. After treatmentthe TCM symptom score decreased more significantly in the observation groupP<0.05. But HbA1c and TC were still similar in both groups after treatmentP>0.05. The FPG2 hPGTGLDL-C and HOMA-IR decreased more significantly in the observation group after treatmentP<0.05. SimilarlyALTAST and GGT were lowered more significantly in the observation group after treatmentP<0.05. In terms of post-treatment levels of lymphocyte subsetsCD4+ T cellCD4+/CD8+ ratio and NK cell were elevated while CD8+ T cell was lowered more significantly in the observation groupP<0.05. The post-treatment NAFLD fibrosis score was also much lower in the observation groupP<0.05. Conclusion Patients with T2DM and NAFLD could be treated with GD to improve glycolipid metabolisminsulin resistanceand immune function more effectively.


    KnowledgeAttitude and Practice of Metformin Hydrochloride Sustained Release Tablets in Outpatients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus  

    LIU ChangZHOU YilingWANG YangTAN JixueAN KangAN ZhenmeiHE LongtaoLI Sheyu


    Background Metformin is an important anti-diabetic drug for type 2 diabetes mellitusT2DM. Metformin hydrochloride sustained release tabletsXRshows similar efficacy and safety with normal preparation of metformin metformin IR),but simpler administrationonce-daily use. Objective To investigate the knowledgeattitude and practice of metformin XR in outpatient adults with T2DM. Methods We recruited outpatient adults with T2DM from the Department of Endocrinology and MetabolismWest China HospitalSichuan University using simple sampling from January 1 to July 312020. A single investigator interviewed each participant using a self-designed questionnaire of the knowledgeattitude and practice of metformin XR in a face-to-face manner. Results Altogether151 cases attended the surveyand 149 of them gave an effective responsewith a response rate of 98.7%149/151. Among the 149 included participants149.4%knew the correct dosing range of metformin XR4328.9%knew the correct dosing frequencyand 74.7%knew the right time to take the drug. Forty patients26.8%preferred metformin XR to metformin IR. A toal of 121 patients81.2%believed in the priority of metformin XR in safety. Fifteen patients10.1%felt confident to change their treatment regimen without consulting the doctor. Fifty-one34.2%and 2919.5%patients thought that once or at least twice daily does and does not affect the efficacyrespectively. The numbers of taking metformin XR once dailytwice dailyand thrice daily were 3624.2%),8053.7%),and 2718.1%),respectively. Forty-five patients30.2%reported adverse events during the use of metformin XR.According to the subgroup analysespatients older than 60 years old were less likely to answer the correct dosing frequency but more likely to answer the correct time to take the drugP<0.05. Patients receiving 12-year education and more were more likely to believe the priority of metformin XR and the impact of dosing frequencyP<0.05. Conclusion Our study suggested that the knowledgeattitudeand practice of outpatient adults with T2DM need improving. Most patients did not know the correct usage or understand the advantage of metformin XR.


    Construction of a Multi-layer Artificial Neural Network Classification Model for Predicting Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Type 2 Diabetic Patients  

    WANG QiLIU Shangquan


    Background There are a large number of type 2 diabetes mellitusT2DMpatients in China at presentit is urgent to develop a simple and effective risk assessment tool for subclinical atherosclerosis in T2DM. Objective To construct a multi-layer artificial neural network classification model for predicting subclinical atherosclerosis in T2DM patients and verify its prediction accuracy based on multiple indicators. Methods A total of 3 627 T2DM patients who were hospitalized in the Third Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University from January 2020 to December 2016 were selected. All of them underwent color Doppler ultrasound of bilateral carotid arteriesincluding 2 196 cases detected subclinical atherosclerosisobservation groupand 1 431 cases did not detectedcontrol group. The general informationlaboratory examination indicators and fatty liver occurrence of the two groups were compared and a multi-layer artificial neural network classification model was constructed accordingly. A total of 3 027 patients were randomly selected from the 3 627 T2DM patients as the training setand the remaining 600 patients as the test set to verify the prediction accuracy of the multi-layer artificial neural network classification model. Results There were no significant differences of BMIDBPproportion of people with smoking historyproportion of people with alcohol consumption historyalcohol consumptionDBiLtotal proteinASTSUATGLDL-C/HDL-C ratioTSHFT3FT4HbA1cFBGfasting C-peptideHOMA-C-peptide indexproportion of severe fatty liver between two groupsP>0.05);but compared with control groupobservation group showed higher female ratioSBPproportion of hypertension historyglobulintotal bile acidBUNScrcystatin CUARETCLDL-CHDL-CWBC and neutrophil countolder agelarger smoking amountlonger course of diseasesmoking timedrinking timeP<0.05),lower proportion of family history of diabetesTBiLIBiLalbuminALTGFRTG/HDL-C ratiolymphocyte countred blood cell countHb and incidence of fatty liverP<0.05. Combining clinical practicethe above 49 indicators are used as input variables to construct the multi-layer artificial neural network classification modelin the testing setthe accuracy of Logistic model for predicting subclinical atherosclerosis in T2DM was 59%that of multi-layer artificial neural network classification model was 76% when the number of plies was 3. Conclusion The multi-layer artificial neural network classification model successfully constructed in this study has a high accuracy in predicting subclinical atherosclerosis in T2DM patientsand can be used as a risk assessment tool for subclinical atherosclerosis in T2DM patients.


    Correlation of Serum Asprosin and Spexin Levels with Visceral Obesity in Type 2 Diabetics  



    Background The associations of adipokines with body fat distribution and glycolipid metabolism have become hot topics of research. But the associations of Asprosin and Spexin with obesity in type 2 diabetics have been rarely reported. Objective To explore the correlation of serum Asprosin and Spexin levels with visceral obesity in type 2 diabetics. Methods We recruited 381 type 2 diabetics from National Metabolic Management CenterEndocrinology Departmentthe First Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical CollegeInner Mongolia University of Science and Technology between January 2019 and June 2020. We compared general demographicsbody fat indicesand serum asprosin and spexin levels between patients withn=226and withoutn=155visceral obesity defined as visceral fat areaVFA)≥100 cm2. We examined the association of serum asprosin and spexin with other indicators. We used binary Logistic regression analysis to identify factors associated with visceral obesity in type 2 diabetes. Results Compared to patients without visceral obesitythose with visceral obesity had higher mean values of diastolic blood pressureheightfasting C-peptideFCP),2-hour postprandial C-peptide 2 hCP),serum triglycerideuric acid and Asprosinand homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistanceHOMA-IR),greater mean values of weightBMIwaist circumference WC),hip circumference HC),waist-to-hip ratio WHR),VFAsubcutaneous fat area SFA),visceral-to-subcutaneous fat ratio VSR),and lower male ratio as well as lower mean serum spexinP<0.05. Asprosin was positively associated with heightweightBMIWCHCWHRFCP2 hCPtriglycerideHOMA-IRVFASFAVSRbut negatively with Spexin P<0.05. Spexin was negatively correlated with weightBMIWCHCWHRFCP2 hCPserum creatinine and uric acidHOMA-IRVFASFAand VSRbut positively with HbA1c P<0.05. Binary Logistic regression analysis showed that gender OR=2.96795%CI1.8304.810)〕,BMIOR=1.72995%CI0.8013.732)〕,WHROR=0.00095%CI0.0000.105)〕,SFAOR=0.98595%CI0.9770.992)〕,asprosinOR=0.53995%CI0.4260.681)〕,and SpexinOR=1.00195%CI1.0001.001)〕were associated with visceral obesity in type 2 diabetics. Conclusion Both serum Asprosin and Spexin levels are closely correlated with visceral obesity in type 2 diabeticswhich might be new potential targets for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and the prevention of its related complications.


    Construction and Verification of a Predictive Model for Microalbuminuriain Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients  

    LU ZuoweiLIU TaoLIU XiangyangWANG QiongLAI JingboCHEN YanyanLI Xiaomiao


    Background The early onset of diabetic kidney disease DKDis insidiousand most patients have irreversible kidney impairment at the time of diagnosis. Early diagnosis and treatment greatly contribute to the prevention or delay the development of DKD. Henceconstruction of a simple and effective personalized risk prediction model will significantly help the early diagnosis and treatment of DKD. Objective To identify the risk factors independently associated with microalbuminuriaMAUin type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DMpatientsand to use them to develop a simple and effective personalized risk prediction model for MAU in T2DM. Methods T2DM participantsn=1 311were recruited from Department of Endocrinologythe First Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical Universityand assigned those who were hospitalized between March 2014 and September 2015and between October 2015 and March 2016 to a development sub-cohortn=933),and a validation sub-cohortn=378),for the convenience of developing and validating a predictive model for MAU. Demographicsresults of laboratory and auxiliary examinationspharmacological treatmentand prevalence of albuminuriaUACR<30 mg/gor MAU 30 mg/g 300 mg/gfor all cases were collected. LASSO regression was applied to screen the optimized variables by running cyclic coordinate descent. Multivariate Logistic regression analyses were applied to build a prediction nomogram incorporating the selected features. The receiver operating characteristic curve ROC),calibration curvesand Hosmer-Lemeshow test were used to validate and evaluate the discrimination and calibration of the modelwhile the decision curve analysis was used to evaluate its clinical validity. Results A multivariable model that included diabetes durationsystolic blood pressure SBP),fasting plasma glucoseFPG),triglycerideTG),serum creatinineScr),cystatin CCys C),and diabetic retinopathyDRwas represented as the nomogram. The results of multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that SBP140 mm HgFPG7.0 mmol/LTG1.7 mmol/LScr>106 μmol/LCys C>1.09 mg/Land DR were risk factors for MAU in T2DM patients P<0.05. The predictive model was constructed by drawing nomogram according to the predictors. The nomogram model demonstrated very well discrimination with the development sub-cohort AUC of 0.76295%CI0.7340.789)〕,while the internal validation AUC was 0.73495%CI0.6860.777)〕. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test showed perfect fitting degree internal validationP=0.377external validationP=0.236. Decision curve analysis showed a risk threshold of 20% and demonstrated a clinically effective predictive model. Conclusion The nomogram model containing seven predictorsdiabetes durationSBPFPGTGScrCys Cand DRcould be used to predict the risk of MAU in T2DM patients.


    Comparative Study of Inflammatory Markers in Early Diagnosis of Diabetic Kidney Disease  

    WU HongWANG BinLI TingNIE Yijun


    Background Diabetic kidney disease DKD),a common diabetic complicationhas become a major cause of end-stage renal disease. There are no comparative studies about the values of six inflammatory laboratory markersheparin binding protein HBP),C-reactive protein CRP),serum amyloid A proteinSAA),procalcitonin PCT),white blood cell count WBCand neutrophil percentage N%),in early diagnosing DKD. Objective To assess the values of six inflammatory markersHBPCRPSAAPCTWBC and N%in early diagnosis of DKD via comparing the levels of them between type 2 diabetic patients and early DKD patients. Methods Participants were selected from Xianghu Branchthe First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University from May to December 2020including 32 with simple type 2 diabetes35 with early DKD patients and 30 physical examinees with normal examination results and without organic diseases. Fasting venous blood samples were collected for measuring HBPCRPSAA and PCT using quantitative immunofluorescence methodmeasuring WBC and N% using the automated hematology analyzer. ROC analysis was implemented to evaluate the value of HBPCRPand SAA in the early diagnosis of DKD. Results There were no significant differences in mean levels of PCTWBCand N% among three groupsP>0.05. The mean level of HBP was increased in simple diabetic patients compared with that of healthy controls. The mean levels of HBPCRPand SAA in early DKD patients were significantly higher than those of other two groupsP<0.05. In predicting early DKDthe AUC of HBP was 0.90895%CI0.8410.975)〕 with 71.4% sensitivity96.7% specificity and Youden index of 0.681the AUC of CRP was 0.76095%CI0.6440.875)〕 with 48.6% sensitivity96.7% specificity and Youden index of 0.452the AUC of SAA was 0.83695%CI0.7380.934)〕 with 74.3% sensitivity86.7% specificity and Youden index of 0.610. Conclusion HBP has proved to be more effective in diagnosing DKDwhich could be promoted clinically as a predictor of DKD.


    Correlation between Serum FGF21 Level and Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy  

    LI YongQI LicuiZHANG RanYANG QiwenCHEN Shuchun


    Background Fibroblast growth factor 21 FGF21is a pleiotropic endocrine metabolism regulatorwhich can facilitate the regeneration of peripheral nerve axons and myelin sheaths in mice by inhibiting oxidative stress and inflammation. Howeverthere are few studies on the correlation between FGF21 and diabetic peripheral neuropathy DPNin humansand the mechanism of action is still unclear. Objective To explore the correlation between serum FGF21 level and DPN. Methods A total of 200 patients with type 2 diabetes were recruited from Hebei General Hospital from November 2019 to November 2020including 109 with DPN and 91 without. Serum FGF21 was detected using ELISAand other clinical data were collected. Pearson and Spearman rank correlation analysis was used to examine the correlation between serum FGF21 and various indicators. Binary Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the influencing factors of DPN in type 2 diabetes. Results The average serum FGF21 in patients with DPN was significantly higher than that in those without P<0.05. Correlation analysis showed that FGF21 was positively correlated with fasting plasma glucoseglycosylated hemoglobinmalondialdehydeand TNF-α (r=0.184r=0.156rs=0.164r=0.175P<0.05),and was negatively correlated with the superoxide dismutase r=-0.189P<0.05. Binary Logistic regression analysis showed that course of type 2 diabetesOR=1.49995%CI1.0851.935)〕,malondialdehydeOR=1.24295%CI1.0621.452)〕,TNF-α〔OR=1.03695%CI1.0121.060)〕 and FGF21OR=1.00795%CI1.0021.012)〕 were independent influencing factors for DPN in type 2 diabetes P<0.05. Conclusion FGF21 is an independent influencing factor of DPN in type 2 diabeteswhich can affect DPN by regulating glucose metabolisminhibiting oxidative stress and inflammation.


    Value of Fasting Fingerstick Glucose as a Screening Test for Diabetes and Prediabetes  

    SONG RongweiYU JieWU ChunxiangZHANG XiayunCAI NingWANG ZhongwangWU Wenjing


    Background The prevalence of diabetes remains high in China. What's morethere may be a large number of people who may have undiagnosed prediabetes or diabetes. Stable and reliable screening methods will help to identify diabetes and prediabetes patients more quickly and effectively. Objective To evaluate the effect of fasting fingerstick glucoseFFGin the screening for diabetes and prediabetes in high-risk populations. Methods A stratified sampling survey was conducted in 10 communities of Shanghai's Putuo District according to the population distribution of the district in 2017. A questionnaire developed based on the 2017 Chinese Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes was used for screening residents at high risk for diabeteswhich named Diabetes Risk Assessment for Shanghai Community Residents. Then these high risk people underwent laboratory tests to measure FFG and fasting venous blood glucose FVBG),and received oral glucose tolerance test to determine whether they had prediabetes or diabetes. ROC analysis and performance table of screening test were used to determine the optimal cut-off value of FFG for screening diabetes and prediabetesand evaluate its effect. Results A total of 13 057 individuals at high risk for diabetes were identifiedamong whom 108 cases without FVBG were excludedand the other 12 949 cases were finally includedincluding 3 182 24.57%diagnosed with diabetes and prediabetes1 380 10.66%with diabetesand 1 802 13.92%with prediabetes. There was a strong correlation between FFG and FVBGrs=0.722P<0.001. The ROC analysis showed that the AUC of FFG to predict diabetes and prediabetes was 0.923 8. When 5.7 mmol/L was taken as the cut-off value of the FVBG testthe Youden Index reached the largest value 0.70),and the sensitivityspecificitypositive predictive valuenegative predictive value and Kappa value were 88.62%81.10%60.44%95.63% and 0.83respectively. The cut-off value of FFG in diagnosing diabetes and prediabetes was 5.7 mmol/L either in men or womenand that ranged 5.6-5.8 mmol/L in different age groupsall were similar to that for the overall population. Conclusion FFG measurement is a rapidaccuratereliable and stable test and has high potential to be used as a pre-screening for diabetes and prediabetes. The recommended cut-off value of FFG for screening for diabetes and prediabetes is 5.7 mmol/Lbut it could be adjusted within a certain range according to needs of screening.


    Impact of Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Time-in-range on Pregnancy Outcome in Patients with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus  

    FU WeiLI QingjuLI JunFU YanqinZHANG Qi


    Background Gestational diabetes mellitus GDMis a common clinical disease with a morbidity about 12.8%-16.7% in Chinawhich may lead to significantly increased risk of maternal and fetal complications due to poor blood glucose control or imprecise blood glucose monitoring in pregnancy. Continuous glucose monitoring CGMsystem detects the glucose concentration in the intercellular fluid through a probereflecting the changes of blood glucosewhich makes up for the deficiency of traditional capillary glucose monitoringand could better monitor in-pregnancy blood glucosepromoting the improvement of maternal and infant outcomes. Objective To explore the impact of CGM and time-in-rangeTIRon pregnancy outcome in patients with GDM. Methods One hundred and twenty GDM inpatients who were hospitalized in Department of Endocrinology of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from September 2019 to March 2021were selected and divided into ambulatory glucose monitoring group n=80and capillary glucose monitoring group n=40according to the glucose monitoring method. Gestational outcomes were compared between ambulatory glucose monitoring and capillary glucose monitoring groupsand between two subgroups of ambulatory glucose monitoring patients divided by the average value of TIR monitored by the CGM system within 72 hours TIR85%and TIR<85%. Results Ambulatory glucose monitoring and capillary glucose monitoring groups had no significant differences in the incidence of abnormal amniotic fluidincidence of intrauterine infectionlength of newbornsincidence of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and incidence of asphyxiaP>0.05. Ambulatory glucose monitoring group had statistically lower incidence of cesarean sectionpremature deliveryplacental abruptionpremature rupture of membranespregnancy-induced hypertensionlow-weight infantsand macrosomiaand lower average weight of newbornsas well as greater average gestational age of newbornsP<0.05. Two TIR subgroups had no significant differences in the incidence of premature deliveryplacental abruptionpremature rupture of membranesabnormal amniotic fluidintrauterine infectionpregnancy-induced hypertensionmacrosomianeonatal hyperbilirubinemia and asphyxiaP>0.05. TIR85% subgroup demonstrated statistically lower incidence of cesarean sectionlower average weight and length of newbornsas well as greater average gestational age of newbornsP<0.05. Conclusion The data of CGM for GDM patients may support the clinical treatmentbenefiting the improvement of maternal and infant outcomesand the benefit may be greater when TIR85%.


    Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetic Kidney Diseasea Systematic Review  

    FANG FengzhenLI ZhuangmiaoCHEN Tingyu


    Background Diabetic kidney disease DKDhas gradually become a noticeable global issue in recent years. As provedearly assessment and intervention of risk factors can prevent or delay the development of DKD. Objective To systematically review the risk factors of type 2 DKD. Methods The databases of the Cochrane LibraryPubMedWeb of ScienceSinoMedCNKIVIP and Wanfang Data were electronically searched for cohort studies and case-control studies on the risk factors related to type 2 DKD. The retrieval time was from the inception to April 2020. Two researchers screened literatureextracted dataand evaluated the bias risk of the eligible studies separately. RevMan 5.3 was used for Meta-analysis. Results In allthree cohort studies and nine case-control studies were included. Meta-analysis showed that older ageSMD=0.3495%CI 0.230.46)〕,maleOR=1.5195%CI 1.201.90)〕,smokingOR=1.6495%CI 1.302.07)〕,hypertensionOR=2.0195%CI 1.732.34)〕,elevated systolic blood pressureSMD=0.3795%CI 0.120.63)〕,elevated glycosylated hemoglobin SMD=0.4195%CI 0.020.80)〕,elevated total cholesterolSMD=0.1495%CI 0.060.22)〕,elevated serum creatinineSMD=0.7395%CI 0.391.07)〕,vitamin D deficiencyOR=4.0695%CI 2.117.78)〕,non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseOR=3.5395%CI 1.617.74)〕,associated retinopathyOR=2.1695%CI 1.553.01)〕,and insulin therapyOR=2.6395%CI 1.793.85)〕 were associated with increased risk of type 2 DKDP<0.05. The prolonged duration of type 2 diabetesSMD=-0.4495%CI-0.54-0.34)〕 and elevated HDL-CSMD=-0.2095%CI -0.30-0.10)〕 were associated with reduced risk of type 2 DKDP<0.05. Conclusion Maleolder agesmokingdiabetic retinopathyhypertensionnon-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseabnormal somatic factorsincluding elevated total cholesterolsystolic blood pressureglycosylated hemoglobinserum creatinineas well as vitamin D deficiencyand insulin therapy are risk factors for type 2 DKDwhich need to be verified by more high-quality large-sample studies due to limited quality and quantity of included studies.


    Advances in the Mechanism of Intestinal Electrical Stimulation in the Treatment of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes  

    MENG QiaoTAN ChangYAO Shukun


    Although there are many therapies for diabetespoor glycemic control can occur in some diabetes patients due to various reasons. Intestinal electrical stimulation IES),a new treatment for diabeteshas attracted wide attention of scholars. We reviewed recent studies about IES for type 2 diabetesand concluded that IES could reduce fasting and postprandial plasma glucose levels and insulin resistancewhich has proved its therapeutic value. Furthermorewe found that the glycemic control mechanism of IES may be related to delaying gastric emptyingaccelerating intestinal transitaffecting gastrointestinal hormones involved in plasma glucose regulationand regulating autonomic nervous function. It is hoped that this study could provide new ideas for future research.


    Consensus of Chinese Experts on the Remission of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus  

    Committee of Consensus of Chinese Experts on the Remission of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


    Type 2 diabetes mellitusT2DMis a progressive disease characterized by hyperglycemiawhich is generally considered as a disease requiring chronic hypoglycaemic agents therapy. In recent yearsa large number of research results have shown that lifestyle interventiondrug therapyand metabolic surgery can promote the remission of T2DM combined with overweight and obesityso that patients can avoid the use of hypoglycemic drugs for a long time. T2DM relief can help reduce the psychological burden of patientsenhance patients' confidence in complying with healthy lifestylesand improve patients' quality of life. In the long termit can also delay disease progression and reduce the risk of life-long complications. In order to help Chinese clinicians to standardize the clinical diagnosis and treatment related to the alleviation of T2DM in overweight and obese T2DM patientspromote the development of related researchand enable patients to obtain safe and effective intervention measuresthe Consensus of Chinese Experts on the Remission of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was formulated.


    Association of Obesity with Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus  

    BI LinaZHENG XinQI YanyanHU SuZHAO DanLI ChangZHANG Yan


    Background Cardiorespiratory fitnessCRFis closely related to the incidence rate and mortality of type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DM. Overweight and obesity are prevalent in a large proportion of patients with T2DMbut it is not clear whether they deteriorate the damage of CRF. Objective To investigate the characteristics of CRF and its association with overweight and obesity in patients with T2DM. Methods We enrolled 87 T2DM inpatients and outpatients from Department of EndocrinologyBeijing Boai HospitalChina Rehabilitation Research Center from December 2018 to December 2019. They all completed symptom-limited cardiopulmonary exercise testingCPET),and parameters such as peakVO2peakVO2/kgresting VO2peak-METspeakVO2%Pand Peak-WR were compared among normal weight groupn=22),overweight groupn=27and obesity group n=38stratified by BMI to evaluate the association of BMI with CRF parameters. Results We noted that the level of peakVO2/kg in 59 patients 67.8%was lower than 20 ml?kg-1?min-1and the peakVO2%P in 70 patients 80.5%was lower than 84%. There were significant differences in the peakVO2peakVO2/kgresting VO2and peak-METs among the three groups P<0.01. The resting VO2 of overweight group was higher than that of normal weight groupP<0.05. The peakVO2 of obesity group was higher than that of normal weight groupP<0.05. The obesity group had lower peakVO2/kg and peak-METs and higher resting VO2 than other two groupsP<0.05. There were no significant differences in Peak-WR and peakVO2%P across the groupsP>0.05. Pearson correlation analysis showed BMI was positively correlated with peakVO2resting VO2and Peak-WRr=0.5250.4050.222P<0.05),and was negatively correlated with peakVO2/kgand peakMETsr=-0.402-0.402P<0.01. Conclusion It is suggested that the CRF in most T2DM decreased and the impaired CRF is further aggravated by obesity.


    Management of Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes in the Communitya Survey from Shanghai  

    WANG JunweiGUAN LihuaXING YuanPENG YanZHOU WanyingXUE HuijuanLIU YunLI Lianxi


    Background The prevalence of adult type 2 diabetes and prediabetes is highbut the rates of treatment and control of diabetes are low in China. Prediabetic patients have higher risk and prevalence of diabetic complications compared to the general population. There is currently a lack of evidence on community diabetes management in terms of interventionsscreening for chronic complicationsand scientific popularization and education of the knowledge about prediabetes. Objective To investigate and analyze the community-based management of diabetic and prediabetic populationsproviding evidence for optimizing community-based diabetes management. Methods An epidemiological survey using the Epidemiological Questionnaire on Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes was conducted from November 2020 to January 2021 among 101 prediabetic patients and 1 055 type 2 diabetic patients selected from five community health centersAntingZhenruCaoyangQingcunand Taopuin Shanghaicovering the sociodemographic informationprevalence of receiving lifestyle interventionsmedication treatment and screening for chronic complicationsprevalence of chronic complicationsand receiving the scientific popularization of the knowledge about type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. The data of type 2 diabetic and prediabetic patients were compared. Results Compared to prediabetic patientstype 2 diabetes patients had higher prevalence of using lifestyle interventions and medication treatmentP<0.05. Moreoverthey also had higher prevalence of screening for chronic complications78.6% 829/1 055vs 19.8%20/101)〕(P<0.001. No chronic complications of diabetes were found in the prediabetic population who had been screened for complicationswhich was lower than that 24.7% 205/829)〕 of their counterparts P=0.022. The prevalence of receiving the scientific popularization of the knowledge about type 2 diabetes and prediabetes among the prediabetic population was lower 27.7% 28/101vs 67.2% 709/1 055)〕(P<0.001. Conclusion Community-dwelling prediabetics had lower prevalence of receiving lifestyle interventionsscreening for chronic complications and scientific popularization of the knowledge about type 2 diabetes and prediabetes than community-dwelling diabeticssuggesting that community-based management of this population is under-appreciated and needs to be improved.


    Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of ARL15 and PGC-1α Genes with Diabetic Kidney Disease  

    TU YingyeZHANG HongjiangKANG ChunDU FeiCUI JiahuiSHAO WeiYUAN ZhiminWANG WeijieYANG Kangjuan


    Background ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 15ARL15rs4311394 and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator 1α(PGC-1α) rs7656250 have been demonstrated to be closely correlated with dyslipidemiaa key risk factor for diabetic kidney disease DKD),but whether these gene loci have an association with DKD remains unknown. Objective To explore the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms SNPsof ARL15 and PGC-1α genes with DKD. Methods Participants were China's Han and Korean individuals who were enrolled during 20182019including 393 with T2DMT2DM groupincluding 205 Han and 188 Korean cases),and 90 with DKDDKD groupincluding 55 Han and 35 Korean casesfrom Yanbian University Hospital and Yanji Municipal Hospitaland 268 workers with normal glucose tolerance NGTundergoing physical examination in Yanbian University Hospital NGT groupincluding 137 Han and 131 Korean cases. Data were collectedcomprising physiological and biochemical indicatorsalleles and genotypes of ARL15 rs4311394 and PGC-1α rs7656250 detected by single-base extension assayand levels of ARL15 and adiponectin proteins detected using ELISA. Results The results exhibited no statistically significant differences regarding both allele and genotype frequencies of ARL15 rs4311394 and PGC-1α rs7656250 between Han and Korean cases in the NGT group P>0.05. Alsothe differences in both allele and genotype frequencies of ARL15 rs4311394 and PGC-1α rs7656250 across three groups were not statistically significant P>0.05. In additionno statistically significant differences were noted in allele and genotype frequencies of ARL15 and PGC-1α gene loci among the three groups P>0.05. Howeverthe FPG level was higher in carriers of CT genotype of PGC-1α rs7656250 than in carriers of CC or TT genotype of PGC-1α rs7656250 P<0.05. The adiponectin protein level was lower in carriers of CT or TT genotype of PGC-1α rs7656250 than in carriers of CC genotype of PGC-1α rs7656250and also lower in carriers of TT genotype of PGC-1α rs7656250 than in carriers of CT genotype of PGC-1α rs7656250 P<0.05. Besidesthe adiponectin protein level in T2DM patients was lower than that in individuals with NGT P<0.05. And ARL15 and adiponectin protein levels in DKD patients were higher than those in individuals with NGT and T2DM patients P<0.05. FurthermoreSpearman's correlation analysis suggested a positive correlation between ARL15 level and adiponectin level rs=0.372P<0.05. Conclusion Although SNPs in ARL15 and PGC-1α shared no correlation with DKDthe adiponectin protein level was reduced in carriers of CT or TT genotype of PGC-1α rs7656250.


    Clinical Efficacy of Dangguibuxue Decoction as an Adjuvant Therapy for Diabetic Nephropathya Meta-analysis  

    CHENG LiyingWANG MengxiZHANG ZhuSHAO Fengmin


    Background Excessive inflammatory response and renal fibrosis play key roles in the progression of diabetic nephropathy to end-stage renal disease. Howeverthe usual western treatment for diabetic nephropathy has no significant anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrosis effects. Dangguibuxue DecoctionDDis often used as an adjuvant therapy clinically due to its notable anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrosis effectbut there is a lack of relevant medical evidence. Objective To systematically study the efficacy and safety of DD as an adjuvant therapy for diabetic nephropathy. Methods Databases of CNKIWanfang DataVIPSinoMedPubMedThe Cochrane LibraryEMBaseChiCTRand were searched from inception to December 2020 to identify randomized controlled trialsRCTsregarding diabetic nephropathy patients treated by usual integrated treatment and modified DD compared with those treated by usual integrated treatment.Data extraction of the included RCTs were performed. The Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing risk of bias was used to evaluate the methodological quality. Review Manager 5.4 was used for meta-analysis. Results A total of 10 RCTs meeting the inclusion criteria were includedinvolving 879 patients. The results of meta-analysis found that the combined therapy of usual integrated treatment with modified DD could further improve the overall response rateRR=1.1895%CI1.101.28),P<0.000 1〕,reduce the 24-hour urinary protein quantificationMD=-69.2295%CI-76.96-61.48),P<0.000 01and urinary albumin excretion rateMD=-31.3295%CI-59.87-2.76),P=0.03〕,decrease the levels of serum creatinineMD=-10.2495%CI-11.51-8.98),P<0.000 01and urea nitrogen MD=-0.9595%CI-1.61-0.29),P=0.005with no significant effect on adverse eventsRR=1.0095%CI0.303.34),P>0.05. Conclusion The clinical effect of DD in adjuvant treatment of diabetic nephropathy is significant and has good safety.


    Latest Developments in the Effect of Meal Sequence on Postprandial Blood Glucose in Diabetic Patients and Its Possible Mechanism  

    DING ShaoyuJU ChangpingYANG BingquanYU XingxingCAI XueCUI LeiCHEN WeixiaZHOU Xu


    Postprandial hyperglycemia is a condition where a person has elevated blood glucose higher than 7.8 mmol/L1-2 hours after eating a mealwhich is a major contributor to elevated glycosylated hemoglobinand is related to the occurrence and development of chronic diabetic complications. Thereforepostprandial glycemic control is a key facilitator to reaching the target glycosylated hemoglobinand preventing and treating chronic diabetic complications. It has been found recently that changing the eating ordera dietary treatmenthas notable effect on controlling the postprandial blood glucose of diabetic patients. We reviewed the concept and latest developments in the effect of meal sequence on postprandial blood glucose of diabetics and the potential mechanismoffering evidence for further research.


    Fulminant Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Following Type 2 Diabetes MellitusClinical Diagnosis and Treatment and Literature Review  

    BAO YahuiXU QianLIU FangZHANG YangCAO ZhibinQU JunshengSUN XiaodongHUI Zongguang


    Fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus is a novel subtype of type 1 diabetes mellitus. It is a relatively rare disease with no sufficiently clear pathogenesis. With rapid onset and progressionnotably destroyed or even failed pancreatic β-cell function as the main clinical featuresthe prognosis of this disease is very poor. This paper reported a case of fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus following type 2 diabetes mellitusand analyzed her clinical features and treatment experience by reviewing relevant literatureso as to improve clinicians' understanding of the disease.


    Interpretation of SGLT-2 Inhibitors or GLP-1 Receptor Agonists for Adults with Type 2 Diabetesa Clinical Practice Guideline  

    AN KangLI Sheyu


    With a comprehensive review of the latest evidencethe BMJ Rapid Recommendations released a clinical practice guideline entitled SGLT-2 inhibitors or GLP-1 receptor agonists for adults with type 2 diabetesthoroughly introducing the selection of the two novel anti-diabetic drugs in adults living with type 2 diabetes. This guideline adopts a risk-based decision-making strategy instead of that based on glycemia or glycosylated hemoglobin control. It provides a visualized summary for both evidence and recommendations to facilitate quick check and shared-decision making for general practitioners.


    Latest Advances in Management Models for Prediabetes  

    LI XixiBIAN SensenGUO Qing


    Diabetes and its complications are currently one of chronic non-communicable diseases that seriously threaten public healthshowing an increasing incidence rate year by year. Prediabetes is a high-risk stage for normal glucose metabolism to develop into diabetesand effective interventions received in this stage is the key to lowering the occurrence of diabetes. To identify a better management model feasible for prediabeteswe selected five representative onesself-managementfamily participatory managementcommunity-based group managementTCM managementand management with combined new technologiesfrom the available prediabetes management modelsand performed a comparative analysis of their strengths and limitations. We recommend the management with multiple forms of interventionswhich may effectively reduce the possibility of developing diabetes from prediabeteswith a broad application prospect.In additionthe management by a community health team including at least a health manager may be an innovative model for effectively managing prediabetes in the future.


    Active ScreeningComprehensive EvaluationTiered Diagnosis and Management of Diabetic FootEssentials of ScreeningDiagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies  

    WANG AihongZHAO Weibo


    Diabetic foot is a major cause of diabetes-related disability and mortalitywhich imposes a tremendous social and economic burden on individuals and society due to high recurrence rate and healthcare expenditure. Diabetic foot ulcer is the most common manifestation of diabetic footand the main reason of limb amputation. Complicated disease statepoor general physical conditionssevere infectionand poor outcomes are the features of Chinese patients with diabetic foot ulcerMoreoverinadequate screening and evaluationas well as nonstandard diagnosis and treatment still exist clinically. This commentary highlights the value of active screening and early intervention for patients with a high risk of diabetic footcomprehensive evaluation for diabetic foot patientsusing a multidisciplinary approach for tiered diagnosis and treatmentand new model for the management of diabetic foot under regular containment of COVID-19.


    Diabetes Management in ChinaTypes and Reflections  

    WANG JunweiLIU YunLI Lianxi


    Diabetes management plays very important roles in delaying the progression of diabetesdecreasing the risk of diabetes complications and reducing diabetes-related medical expenditure. Currentlythe types of diabetes management in China mainly include hospital managementcommunity managementhospital-community integrated management and information technology-assisted management. Howeverlimitations of various types of diabetes management have become increasingly prominent as the increase of diabetes incidencesuch as non-uniform criterialow management efficiencyand formality. Thereforeit is urgently necessary to develop a standardized information technology-assisted hospital-community integrated management model for diabeteswhich will finally reduce the harm of diabetes and its chronic complications via effectiveefficient and long-term diabetes management.


    Recent Developments in Postpartum Blood Glucose Screening among Patients with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus  

    ZHANG DengyanZHU Qingshuang


    Gestational diabetes mellitusGDMis defined as diabetes diagnosed in pregnancy although the patient's pre-pregnancy glucose metabolism is normal. The prevalence of GDM is rising globally in recent yearswhich has become a major public health issue endangering women's health. GDM patients have been found with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetesbut which may be prevented or delayed effectively by low-cost interventionsso it is critical to carry out postpartum blood glucose screening. Many guidelines for postpartum glucose screening have been issued successivelywith partial differences in contentsbut a similarity of achieving low patient adherence to screeningwhich may be attributed to many factorssuch as low awareness of postpartum glucose screeningand low rate of being informed about screening by physicians among patientsas well as insufficient communication between involved departments. Various attempts have been made to improve the postpartum glucose screening rate in this groupbut the results are as yet unsatisfactory. To offer views on improving postpartum glucose follow-up management of GDM patientswe reviewed the guidelines on postpartum glucose screening among GDM patientsand their adherence to postpartum glucose screeningas well as methods improving the screening prevalence.


    Effects of Gestational Diabetes on Glycolipid Levels and Macrosomia Incidence in Late Pregnancy  

    YANG JieHOU ShanshanZHAO LizhengWANG Yutong


    Background Great attention has been paid to lifestyle intervention such as diet and exercise in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitusGDMclinically. Recent studies have found that glycemic control in pregnant women with GDM is satisfactorybut the incidence of macrosomia has not decreased significantly. Objective To investigate the effects of GDM on glycolipid levels and macrosomia incidence in the third trimester of pregnancy. Methods Through the hospital information system of Tongzhou Maternal & Child Health Hospital of Beijingwe retrospectively selected 16 134 women with full-term delivery in the hospital from 2014 to 2018and divided them into GDM groupincluding those with a delivered baby with macrosomiaGM subgroupand with a delivered baby with normal birth weightGN subgroup)〕and non-GDM group including those with a delivered baby with macrosomiaNM subgroupand with a delivered baby with normal birth weightNN subgroup)〕by GDM prevalence. We compared total cholesterol TC),triglyceride TG),high-density lipoprotein cholesterol HDL-C),low-high lipoprotein cholesterol LDL-C),and fasting blood glucoseFBGat the third trimester between GDM and non-GDM groupsGM and GN subgroupsNM and NN subgroupsNM and GM subgroupsand NN and GN subgroupsrespectively. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the associated factors of macrosomia. Results There were 3 834 cases in GDM group411 in GM subgroupand 3 423 in GN subgroup),and 12 300 in non-GDM group898 in NM subgroupand 11 402 in NN subgroup. GDM group showed higher mean TG and FBG levels and lower mean TCHDL-C and LDL-C levels than non-GDM group P<0.05. GN subgroup had lower mean TG and FBG levels and higher mean HDL-C level than GM subgroup P<0.05. NM subgroup had higher mean TCHDL-C and LDL-C levels and lower mean TG and FBG levels than GM subgroup P<0.05. NN subgroup had higher mean TCHDL-C and LDL-C levels and lower mean TG and FBG levels than GN subgroup P<0.05. NN subgroup had higher mean HDL-C level and lower mean TG and FBG levels than NM subgroup P<0.05. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis found that GDMOR=1.33895%CI1.1581.547)〕,and pre-pregnancy BMI emaciatedOR=0.47695%CI0.3610.626);overweightOR=1.77095%CI1.5372.039);obesityOR=2.85495%CI2.2823.568)〕,weight gain during pregnancy OR=1.10095%CI1.0871.113)〕,gestational age at delivery OR=1.72895%CI1.6221.841)〕,TC in late pregnancy OR=0.70595%CI0.5140.966)〕,TG in late pregnancy OR=1.28295%CI1.1531.425)〕,LDL-C in late pregnancy OR=1.48795%CI1.0942.021)〕,and FBG in late pregnancy OR=1.69295%CI1.4821.933)〕 were associated with the delivery of a baby with macrosomia P<0.05. Conclusion Elevated TG and FBG and decreased TCHDL-C and LDL-C were found in pregnant women with GDM. GDMblood lipid and blood glucose in late pregnancy may be associated factors of delivering a baby with macrosomia. To reduce macrosomia incidenceit is suggested to strengthen the monitoring of blood lipid and blood gluceseespecially TG and FBG levelsas well as weight management in pregnancy.


    Effectiveness and Safety of Immunosuppressive Agents Derived from Chinese Medicine with ACEI/ARB in Early- and Middle-stage Diabetic Nephropathya Meta-analysis  

    WU YuZHANG ZhengFANG JinyingWANG YuedanLI Wenge


    Background For early-and middle-stage diabetic nephropathyDN),the efficacies of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitorACEIand angiotensin receptor antagonistARBare limited although they are used as first-line drugs. As inflammatory response play a key role in the development of DNimmunosuppressive agents derived from Chinese medicine may be used as adjuvant therapies for DN. Objective To perform a meta-analysis of the effectiveness and safety of immunosuppressive agents derived from Chinese medicine with ACEI/ARB in the treatment of early-and middle-stage DN. Methods Randomized controlled trialsRCTsabout effectiveness and safety in early-and middle-stage DN patients treated with immunosuppressive agents derived from Chinese medicine with ACEI/ARBexperimental groupcompared with those treated with ACEI/ARBcontrol grouppublished in Chinese were screened from databases of CNKIWanfang DataVIP and CBMand those published in English from databases of MedlineEMBasethe Cochrane LibraryWeb of Sciencefrom inception to May 52020. RevMan 5.3 software was used to complete the meta-analysis. Outcome indicators were the decrease in serum creatinine24-hour urinary protein quantification and leukocyte countimprovement in serum albuminand change in glutamic pyruvic transaminase after treatmentincidence of adverse reactions and overall response rate. Results A total of 23 studies were includedinvolving 1 878 patients. The analysis revealed that compared to the control groupthe experimental obtained greater decreases in serum creatinine levelMD=-6.0695%CI-10.89-1.22)〕,24-hour urinary protein quantificationMD=-0.7095%CI-0.87-0.53)〕,and white blood cell countMD=-0.4295%CI-0.76-0.08)〕as well as improvement of serum albumin levelMD=2.8395%CI1.664.01)〕. The experimental group had higher incidence of adverse reactionsOR=1.8795%CI1.262.77)〕and overall response rateOR=3.0595%CI1.874.97)〕(P<0.05. But there was no significant difference in the change of glutamic pyruvic transaminase level between the two groupsMD=0.5195%CI-0.651.66),P=0.39. Conclusion In patients with early-and middle-stage DNthe combination use of immunosuppressive agents derived from Chinese medicine and ACEI/ARB may effectively improve the renal functionserum albumin level and overall response ratebut it may result in higher risk of adverse reactions such as decreased white blood cell countso it should be used cautiously in clinic practice.


    Fulminant Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Complicated with Acute Myocarditisa Case Report and Analysis  

    YU FangWANG AihuaJIN JianlanXU ChenglinGONG Min


    We reported the diagnosis and treatment of a patient with fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus FT1DMwith acute myocarditisand discussed the possible pathogenesis. The FT1DM is a subtype featured by rapid-onsetcritical conditionquick progression from hyperglycemia to diabetic ketoacidosis and nearly complete destruction of pancreatic beta cells even just after the onset while the patient is autoantibody negative. The patient that we encountered had a history of upper respiratory tract infection before the onset of FT1DMand suffered from acute myocarditis one week after the onset of FT1DMsuggesting that FT1DM may be caused by the destruction of islet beta cells due to virus infectionwhich may be a clue for exploring the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. Clinicians should improve their understanding of FT1DM in order to identify it in the early stage and provide an active treatment.


    Hypertension and Diabetes Incidence in Community-dwelling Han and Uygur Chinese People with Obstructive Sleep Apneaa 7-year Telephone Follow-up Study  

    JIANG XuelongCHEN DongmeiWANG QinZHANG QinglongLI JianpingSHI JuanLI MinHE ZhongmingHAN FangCHEN Yan


    Background Obstructive sleep apneaOSAis highly prevalentwhich has become a serious disease affecting public health. There are little data comparing the incidence of hypertension and diabetes in Uygur and Han people with OSAwhich we assume to be different. Objective To perform a comparative analysis of the incidence of hypertension and diabetes in Han and Uygur people with OSA. Methods This prospective study was conducted from October 2010 to October 2017. Participantsn=1 331were Han and Uygur Chinese snorers aged more than 35 years with no hypertension and diabetes prior to the study who were selected from Tianshan CommunityKaramay. All of them received an annual telephone follow-up in each of the seven yearsfor investigating the incidence of hypertension and/or diabetesand the results of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and oral glucose tolerance test performed when having clinical manifestations of hypertension and diabetes. The primary endpoint was diabetes and/or hypertension. General demographicsand parameters of portable home sleep testapnea-hypopnea indexhypopnea indexlowest oxygen saturationand mean oxygen saturation during sleepand the number of 4% desaturationswere collected. The incidence of hypertension and/or diabetes was compared by OSAassessed by the portable home sleep testin all participantsin Han peopleand Uygur peopleand by OSA and ethnic group in participants. Results All cases were included for final analysis including 53242.4%men and 72457.6%women with a mean age of58±13yearsexcept for 75 missed cases. 820 cases470 Han and 350 Uygur peoplewere diagnosed with OSAand 436164 Han and 272 Uygur peoplewithout. By the end of the follow-upcompared with those without OSAparticipants with OSA had higher incidence of hypertension P<0.05. Uygur people with OSA had higher incidence of hypertension than those withoutP<0.05. The incidence of diabetes differed significantly between participants with and without OSAP<0.05. But the difference in the incidence of diabetes was not significant between Han people with and without OSAUygur people with and without OSAand Han and Uygur people with OSAP>0.05. Conclusion Both Han and Uygur people with OSA were more likely to suffer from hypertension. OSA may be an independent risk factor for hypertension and diabetes. Han people with OSA were more prone to hypertension than Uygur counterpartsso early and aggressive intervention is needed.

  • 2021-12-14 Visited: 332