
  • An index of open-access hypertension content relevant to primary care


    Relationship of Red Blood Cell Distribution Width with Polysomnography Parameters in Patients with Hypertension and Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome

    LIU GuixinCHENG Wenli*YU JingMA Huijuan

    Beijing Anzhen HospitalCapital Medical UniversityBeijing 100029China

    *Corresponding authorCHENG WenliChief

    AbstractBackground There is a controversy about the relationship of inflammatory factors with upper airway obstruction.Polysomnography serves as a gold standardin support of the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome OSAS),it is not suitable for repeated monitoring due to complex operationtime-consuming and high cost.Objective To explore the relationship of red blood cell distribution widthRDW-CVwith polysomnography parameters and its influencing factors by retrospectively analyzing relevant data of hypertensive patients with OSAS.Methods Participantsn=287were hypertensive patients discharged from Beijing Anzhen HospitalCapital Medical University during 2017 to 2019 were collected at admission.High sensitivity C-reactive proteinhs-CRP),RDW-CVoxygen desaturation indexlowest and mean oxygen saturationapnea-hypopnea indexAHI),24 hSBP and 24 hDBP were detected during hospitalization.Those who were found with OSAS were stratified into mildmoderate and severenumber of apneas 5-1516-30 and >30 times/hsubgroups by AHI level.Results At baselinethere were 62 patients without OSAS and 225 with OSASincluding 50 mild cases78 moderate cases and 97 severe cases.Patients with OSAS had greater mean ageBMI24 hSBPRDW-CV and hs-CRPas well as higher cardiovascular disease prevalence than those withoutP<0.05.The RDW-CV value in patients with OSAS was positively correlated with ageBMI24 hSBPoxygen desaturation indexAHI and hs-CRPand negatively correlated with the lowest and mean oxygen saturationP<0.05.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that ageAHI and hs-CRP were associated with RDW-CVP<0.05.Conclusion RDW-CV may be related to polysomnography parameters in patients with hypertension and OSASindicating that it could be used as an easily monitored parameter.


    Analysis of the Current Situation of Frequent Visits and Influencing Factors of Hypertension Patients in Yuetan Community

    JI YanDING Jing*CHEN XueLIU Meixing

    Yuetan Community Health CenterFuxing HospitalCapital Medical UniversityBeijing 100045China

    *Corresponding authorDING JingChief

    AbstractBackground Frequent visits not only causes unreasonable application of community medical resourcesbut also increases the workload of general practitioners.Objective To understand the current situation of frequent visits to patients with hypertension in Beijing Yuetan Community and to analyze related influencing factors.Methods 434 hypertensive patients with complete outpatient visit records in Yuetan Community Health CenterFuxing HospitalCapital Medical University from July 2017 to June 2018 were retrospectively selected as the research object and their basic informationgenderagemarital statusoccupational statuseducation levelwhether to contract a family doctor service agreement),disease atatusbody mass indexcombination with other chronic diseases),status of visitsnumber of simple consultationstypes of oral hypotensive drugstimes of blood pressure measurementwere analyzed.Results 434 patients with hypertension paying a total of 9 910 visitsamong themthere were 160 patients36.9%in the frequent visits groupthe annual visiting times >24),with a total of 5 694 visits57.5%);274 patients73.1%in the routine visits groupthe annual visiting times 24),with a total of 4 216 visits42.5%.There were statistically significant differences in age compositionproportion of contracted family doctor servicesbody mass indexproportion of patients with coronary heart disease and stroke between the two groupsP<0.05.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the contracted family doctor servicesOR=2.46795%CI1.5363.964)〕 and combination with strokeOR=2.70295%CI0.4491.106)〕 were risk factors for frequent visits.Conclusion Frequent attenders in hypertension patients occupy a large amount of community medical resourcescontracted family doctor services and combination with stroke are the are the risk factors of frequent visits.We should enhance the importance of frequent visitsscreen and interven unnecessary medical visitsso as to help play better role of general practitioners and make full use of community medical resources.


    Correlation between Ambulatory Arterial Stiffness Index and Severity of Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction in Patients with Hypertension

    ZHU Mingna1ZHANG Lihua1*JIANG Youxu2MA Xiaoying1XIONG Haiyan1LI Yuan1ZHU Lina3HUANG Xin1

    1.Cardiovascular Departmentthe Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityZhengzhou 450002China

    2.Cardiovascular DepartmentBeijing Anzhen HospitalCapital Medical UniversityBeijing 100029China

    3.Cardiovascular DepartmentHenan Provincial Chest HospitalZhengzhou 450003China

    *Corresponding authorZHANG LihuaProfessorChief

    AbstractBackground The major pathophysiological mechanism of heart failure with preserved ejection fractionHFpEFrefers to ventricular diastolic dysfunction caused by ventricular remodeling.Ambulatory arterial stiffness indexAASIrefers to a common clinical indicatorwhich is closely related to both arteriosclerosis and left ventricular remodeling.But less researches on AASI and HFpEF has appeared yet.Objective To examine the changes of AASI in patients with hypertension and HFpEFand explore the correlation of AASI with cardiac functional and ventricular structural indices.Methods 210 patients with hypertensionincluding 112 with HFpEF63 with NYHA class -and 49 with NYHA class -Ⅳ)and 98 withoutwho were admitted into the Cardiovascular Departmentthe Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from 2018 to 2019 were enrolled.Genderageadmission systolic and diastolic blood pressuresand heart rate and medication historyuse of ACEIs/ARBscalcium channel blockersdigoxinmineralocorticoid receptor antagonistsdiuretic),serum indicesserum creatinineScr),serum urea nitrogenSUN),alanine aminotransferaseaspartate aminotransferasetotal cholesteroltriglyceridehigh- and low-density lipoproteinin the fasting venous blood sample taken after admissionand NT-proBNP and cardiac functional and structural indicessuch as echocardiography measured left ventricular ejection fractionLVEF),left ventricular end-diastolic diameterLVDd),interventricular septal thicknessleft ventricular posterior wall thicknessleft atrial diameterand calculated left ventricular massleft ventricular mass indexLVMIand AASI were recorded.Pearson correlation analysis was used to explore the correlation of AASI with cardiac function and ventricular structure indices.Results Hypertensive patients with HFpEF had greater average agehigher average levels of ScrSUNNT-proBNPLVMILVDd and AASIas well as higher rate of using diureticsbut had lower average level of LVEF compared with those withoutP<0.05.Hypertensive patients with HFpEF of NYHA class -had lower average levels of NT-proBNPLVDdLVMI and AASIand higher average level of LVEF than those of NYHA class -Ⅳ(P<0.05.AASI was positively correlated with NT-proBNPr=0.434P<0.001),LVDdr=0.470P<0.001and LVMIr=0.417P<0.001),and negatively correlated with LVEFr=-0.410P<0.001in patients with HFpEF and hypertension.Conclusion The AASI was higherand was related to the changes of cardiac function and the degree of ventricular remodeling in hypertension patients with HFpEFwhich may be caused by HFpEF.


    Association of Carotid Intima-media Thickening and Hypertension with New-onset Cardio-cerebrovascular Disease

    ZHANG Ying1DU Xin2*LI Jie1MA Lin1ZHANG Shuhua1WU Shouling2

    1.North China University of Science and Technology Affiliated HospitalTangshan 063000China

    2.Kailuan General Hospital Affiliated to North China University of Science and TechnologyTangshan 063000China

    *Corresponding authorDU XinAssociate chief

    AbstractBackground Either carotid intima-media thickeningCIMTor hypertension is closely related to the occurrence of cardio-cerebrovascular diseaseCVD),yet large-scale studies exploring the combination of the two in relation to cardio-cerebrovascular disease are rare.Objective To investigate the association of new-onset CVD with the combination of CIMT thickening and hypertension.Methods In this prospective cohort study5 440 middle-aged and elderly people(≥ 40 years oldwho participated in the health examination of Kailuan Group from July 2006 to January 2017 and carotid ultrasound in 2010 were randomly selected.The content of epidemiological investigationanthropometric indicesbiochemical indices and the definition of living habits were described in the previous study of our group.Participants were grouped according to CIMT thickening and hypertension prevalencegroup 1normal CIMTCIMT<1.0 mmwithout hypertensiongroup 2CIMT thickening without hypertensiongroup 3normal CIMTCIMT<1.0 mmwith hypertensiongroup 4CIMT thickening with hypertension.The follow-up started since the completion of 2010 physical examinationand ended on 2017-12-31 with CVDincluding stroke and myocardial infarctionas the endpoint event.The CVD cumulative incidence curves of the four groups were plotted by Kaplan-Meier methodand were compared by the Log-Rank test.Multivariate Cox regression analysis was used to explore the association of CIMT thickening and hypertension with new-onset CVD.Results The mean follow-up period was6.84±0.89years.The cumulative incidence of CVD for groups 123and 4 was 1.28%2.96%5.73% and 8.37%respectivelywith a statistically significant difference(χ2=96.10P<0.001.Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that compared with group 1the HR95%CIfor new-onset CVD in groups 23 and 4 was 1.150.552.37),3.342.155.19and 3.161.915.12),respectively.Sex-based analysis showed that compared to men in group 1the HR95%CIfor new-onset CVD in those in groups 23 and 4 was 1.350.622.94),3.462.045.89and 3.291.845.90),respectively.Compared to women in group 1the HR95%CIfor new-onset CVD in those in groups 34 was 2.531.135.65and 2.670.987.31),respectively.After eliminating the interference of antihypertensive drugsthe HR value of group 4 was significantly higher than that of group 3P<0.05.After excluding individuals taking lipid-lowering drugsmultivariate Cox regression analysis showed that compared with group 1the HR95%CIof new-onset CVD in group 4 was 3.362.025.59.After excluding those taking antihypertensive drugsthe HR95%CIof new-onset CVD in group 4 was to group 1in the multivariate Cox regression.And after excluding those taking hypoglycemic drugsthe HR95%CIof new-onset CVD in group 4 was 3.592.066.25compared to group 1showed by multivariate Cox regression analysis.Conclusion CIMT thickening with hypertension may be strongly associated with new-onset CVDwhich can provide help for clinical prevention of CVD.


    Serum Uric Acid Level and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Patients with H-type Hypertension

    LI Qian1ZHAO Jianhua1*PENG Xue1MENG Lifang1LIU Hao1WANG Jin1LIU Junli1ZHAO Panpan1WANG Fan1LI Shaomin2

    1.Department of NeurologyFirst Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University/Henan Key Laboratory of Neurorestoratology/Henan Joint International Research Laboratory of Neurorestoratology for Senile DementiaXinxiang 453100China

    2.Ann Romney Center for Neurologic DiseasesBrigham and Women's HospitalHarvard Medical SchoolBoston 02115United States

    *Corresponding authorZHAO JianhuaAssociate chief physicianAssociate

    AbstractBackground H-type hypertension easily brings about the decline of cognitivewhose incidence in China is increasing with years.Elevated serum uric acidSUAlevels in patients with H-type hypertension may be related to mild cognitive impairmentMCI.Objective The present study aimed at investigating the correlation between SUA level and MCI in patients with H-type hypertension to find early identification indicators of cognitive decline caused by H-type hypertension.Methods Eighty-nine patients with H-type hypertension and 40 health examinees were selected from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University from January 2019 to September 2020.Clinical data of the participants were collectedincluding genderageyears of educationheightweightand body mass indexhistory of smokingdrinkingcoronary heart diseasehyperlipidemiaand diabetessystolic blood pressureSBP),diastolic blood pressureDBP),homocysteineHcy),SUA.The Mini-Mental State ExaminationMMSEand the Chinese version of the Montreal Cognitive AssessmentMoCAwere used to assess cognitive function in hypertension patientsand by the assessment resultsthe patients were divided into H-type hypertension with MCI subgroupn=47),and H-type hypertension with normal cognitive function subgroupn=42.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was carried out to identify the factors associated with H-type hypertension with MCI.The correlation between SUA level and MoCA score in H-type hypertension patients was analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis.Results Compared to health examineesH-type hypertension patients with MCI had lower mean heightand higher mean levels of SBPDBP and HcyP<0.05),those with normal cognitive function had higher mean levels of SBPDBPHcy and SUAP<0.05.In additionH-type hypertension patients with normal cognitive function had higher mean SUA level than those with MCIP<0.05.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis found that elevated SUA was associated with decreased risk of MCIwhile elevated SBP was associated with increased risk of MCI in H-type hypertensionP<0.05.The level of SUA had a positive correlation with the MoCA score in patients with H-type hypertensionr=0.279P=0.008.Conclusion SUA level may be related to MCI in patients with H-type hypertensionand may contribute to a decreased risk of MCI.


    Adherence to WeChat Interventions and Associated Factors among Middle-aged and Elderly People with Prehypertension and Hypertension in the Community

    LUO Yang1LI Xiaowen1LIN Aihua12*

    1.Department of Medical StatisticsSchool of Public HealthSun Yat-sen UniversityGuangzhou 510080China

    2.School of Health SciencesGuangzhou Xinhua UniversityGuangzhou 510520China

    *Corresponding authorLIN AihuaAssociate professorMaster

    AbstractBackground The development of science and technology and the popularity of smart phones have made WeChat a potential tool for community-based hypertension management. Objective To study the adherence to WeChat interventions and associated factors in middle-aged and elderly people with prehypertension and hypertension in the community. Methods From November 2018 to May 2019we delivered a six-month WeChat-based tiered interventionsfirst three-month health educationthen three-month health behavior promotionto middle-aged and elderly people with prehypertension and hypertension selected using convenient sampling method from Baiyun SubdistrictGuangzhou's Yuexiu District. A descriptive analysis of the adherence to the interventions was performed. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify the associated factors of adherence to the interventions. Results A total of 209 cases were enrolledand 16779.9%of them completed the studyincluding 81 with good intervention adherenceand 8651.5%with poor adherence. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis found that education levelcurrent marital statuscomorbiditiesand drinking status were influencing factors of adherence to WeChat interventions in middle-aged and elderly people with prehypertension and hypertension in the communityP<0.05. Conclusion The adherence to WeChat-based interventions in these people may be associated with multiple factorsand needs to be improved. To do thispriority during the intervention delivery shall be given to individuals having a low level of educationspouseat least one comorbidityor drinking.


    Association of Plasma Renin Activity and Early Renal Damage in Essential Hypertensive Patients

    LI Yu1WU Ting2ZHAO Xin2LI Nanfang2*

    1. No.2 Department of Comprehensive Internal Medicinethe First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical UniversityUrumqi 830054China

    2. Department of HypertensionPeople's Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous RegionUrumqi 830001China

    *Corresponding authorLI NanfangProfessorChief

    AbstractBackground Kidney injury is one of the most common target organ damages in essential hypertension. Early detection and intervention will possibly reverse or even eliminate underlying renal damage. Previous studies have shown that plasma renin activityPRAplays an important role in appropriate treatment and prognosis evaluation of essential hypertensive patientsbut it is unclear whether PRA can predict early hypertensive renal damage. Objective To investigate the relationship of PRA with early renal damage in essential hypertensive patients. Methods A total of 1 614 Han Chinese inpatients with essential hypertension were recruited between January 2007 and October 2014 from Department of HypertensionPeople's Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Data including genderageBMIcourse of hypertensionblood pressurefasting blood glucoseblood lipidplasma aldosteronePAC),and renal function indicatorsurea nitrogencreatinineCyst C24-hour urine protein24-hour urine microalbuminuriawere compared between sitting PRA quartiles low reninQ1<0.44 μg?L-1?h-1),medium renin 1Q20.44-1.07 μg?L-1?h-1),medium renin 2Q31.08 -2.36 μg?L-1?h-1and high reninQ4>2.36 μg?L-1?h-1)〕. Multivariate Logistic regression was used to explore factors associated with early hypertensive renal function damage. Results Q1 group had lower male proportionand lower levels of mean DBPPRA and TGand greater mean age and ARR ratio than other groupsP<0.05. This group also showed lower levels of mean PACTC and LDL-C and longer mean course of hypertension than Q3 and Q4 groupsP<0.05. Q2 group had greater mean age and longer mean course of hypertension as well as lower mean level of PRA than Q3 groupP<0.05. Q2 group had lower male proportionand lower mean DBPgreater mean age and longer mean course of hypertensionlower mean PRA and PACand higher mean ARR ratio than Q4 groupP<0.05. Q3 group had lower male proportionand lower mean DBPPRA and PAC as well as greater mean age than Q4 groupP<0.05. Q1 group had lower mean level of creatinine than Q2 and Q3 groupsP<0.05. Q1 group showed lower mean levels of creatinine and Cyst C than Q4 groupso did Q3 groupP<0.05. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that gendercourse of hypertensionBMISBPDBP and PRA level were associated with early renal damageP<0.05. Conclusion In Xinjiang Han Chinese people with essential hypertensionfemaleoverweightlonger course of hypertensionhigher blood pressure and higher PRA were risk factors for early renal damage.


    General Practitioners Should Understand the Subtype of Essential Hypertension "Longitudinal Hypertension"

    NIE Liantao1RUAN Bingxin2ZHANG Fangfang1JING Yan1HUANG Juxiang1YAN Qiongwen1ZHOU Yuhan1LI Shifeng1LI Zhongjian1*

    1.Department of Electrocardiographythe Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityZhengzhou 450014China

    2.Department of ElectrocardiographyNanning First People's HospitalNanning 530022China

    *Corresponding authorLI ZhongjianProfessorChief

    NIE Liantao and RUAN Bingxin are co-first authors

    AbstractIn clinical work and daily lifetarget organ damage caused by blood pressure 140/90 mm Hg1 mm Hg=0.133 kPausually attracts attentionbut target organ damage caused by blood pressure <140/90 mm Hg will often be ignored.Thereforein order to improve the innovative concept and research orientation of hypertensionthe research team proposed "longitudinal hypertension".This article found that the transverse hypertension emphasizes the quantitychange caused by blood pressure 140/90 mm Hgwhile the longitudinal hypertensionemphasizes both "quantity" change and "quality" change of each individual through the introdution of the conceptdiagnostic criteria and advantages of "longitudinal hypertension"similarities and differences between longitudinal hypertensionand transverse hypertension.Thereforeas primary health caregiversgeneral practitioners should understand and master the essenceconceptdiagnosis and treatment methods of "longitudinal hypertension".At the same timethe research team also hopes to discuss and improve the existence and application value of "longitudinal hypertension" with colleagues.


    Relationship between Blood Pressure Level and Renin-aldosterone System Activity in Patients with Essential Hypertensiona Meta-analysis

    YUAN Bo1MA Qing 2LI Wenfei3LI Zhipeng2*

    1.Department of General PracticeWest China HospitalSichuan UniversityChengdu 610041China

    2.International Medical CenterWest China HospitalSichuan UniversityChengdu 610041China

    3.West China College of MedicineSichuan UniversityChengdu 610041China

    *Corresponding authorLI ZhipengAssociate

    AbstractBackground Increased aldosterone is an important risk factor for cardiac hypertrophyheart failure and renal impairmentleading to more serious damage to the target organs of hypertension such as heart and kidney.Except for primary aldosteronismPA),clinical evidence shows that plasma rennin activity and aldosterone are elevated in some patients with essential hypertension.Howeverthere are few studies on the correlation between blood pressure level and plasma renin activity and aldosterone levels in patients with essential hypertensionand the conclusions are also inconsistent.Objective To investigate the relationship between blood pressure and renin-aldosterone system activityand the potential pathophysiological mechanism of hyperaldosteronemia in essential hypertension patientsto provide a theoretical basis for early treatment of essential hypertension and delaying the development of related target organ damages.Methods The databases of PubMedEmbaseCNKICQVIP and Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform were searched from inception to January 2020 to identify articles about the relationship between blood pressure and renin-aldosterone system activity in patients with essential hypertension.Two researchers independently screened the literature based on the inclusion and exclusion criteriaextracted the dataand evaluated the quality using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale.RevMan 5.2 was used to conduct meta-analysis.Results A total of 16 articles with Chinese essential hypertensive individualsn=1 885compared to healthy controlsn=1 438as the participants were included.All scored above 5 points on the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale.The results of meta-analysis showed that plasma renin activityMD=0.4095%CI0.040.76)〕in essential hypertensive individuals was significantly higherMD=60.0395%CI22.2897.79)〕than that of controls in generalP<0.05.But the supine and standing values of plasma renin activity MD=-1.2795%CI-1.37-1.16);MD=-1.6795%CI-1.88-1.46)〕were lower in essential hypertensive individualsP<0.05.Essential hypertensive individuals had higher plasma aldosterone level than the controls MD=60.0395%CI22.2897.79)〕on the whole.They also showed higher supine and standing plasma aldosterone levelsMD=0.0795%CI0.060.09);MD=0.2295%CI0.050.39)〕(P<0.05.Conclusion (1Plasma renin activity and aldosterone levels in patients with essential hypertension were different from those with normal blood pressure.The supine and standing values of plasma renin activity were decreasedand supine and standing values of plasma aldosterone were elevated in essential hypertensive patients.2In some patients with essential hypertensionthe changes of plasma renin and aldosterone are inconsistentsuggesting that elevated aldosterone may be not renin-dependent in essential hypertensionand mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists should be chosen for antihypertension.


    Advances in Impact of Internet Remote Management on Treatment Adherence in Hypertensive Patients in the Community

    YANG RongLIAO Xiaoyang*LI Zhichao

    International HospitalWest China HospitalSichuan UniversityChengdu 610041China

    *Corresponding authorLIAO XiaoyangChief

    AbstractHypertension is one of the most serious chronic diseases that endanger human health seriously. It has a high morbidity and mortality but low control rate worldwideespecially in less developed countries and regions. Effective hypertension management is the key to improving treatment compliance and influencing blood pressure control rate. Along with the development of the Internetthe traditional patterns of hypertension treatment compliance based on doctors' management have been changed. This paper discusses the research progress of Internet remote management on the hypertension treatment adherence at home and abroadand concludes that the Internet remote management of blood pressure treatment adherence has lots of advantages in health educationeconomydoctor-patient communication and follow-upbut disadvantages and shortcomings like use difficultiesinaccurate datalimited research evidenceand lack of guarantee of safety and reliability also exist. It is expected that the Internet remote management of blood pressure could be better applied on community management of hypertension treatment compliance.


    Hypertension and Diabetes Incidence in Community-dwelling Han and Uygur Chinese People with Obstructive Sleep Apneaa 7-year Telephone Follow-up Study

    JIANG Xuelong1CHEN Dongmei1WANG Qin1ZHANG Qinglong1LI Jianping1SHI Juan1LI Min1HE Zhongming1*HAN Fang2CHEN Yan1

    1.Department of Respiratory and Critical Care MedicineKaramay Central Hospital of XinjiangKaramay 834000China

    2.Department of Respiratory and Critical Care MedicinePeking University People's HospitalBeijing 100000China

    *Corresponding authorHE ZhongmingChief

    JIANG Xuelong and CHEN Dongmei are co-first authors

    AbstractBackground Obstructive sleep apneaOSAis highly prevalentwhich has become a serious disease affecting public health. There are little data comparing the incidence of hypertension and diabetes in Uygur and Han people with OSAwhich we assume to be different. Objective To perform a comparative analysis of the incidence of hypertension and diabetes in Han and Uygur people with OSA. Methods This prospective study was conducted from October 2010 to October 2017. Participantsn=1 331were Han and Uygur Chinese snorers aged more than 35 years with no hypertension and diabetes prior to the study who were selected from Tianshan CommunityKaramay. All of them received an annual telephone follow-up in each of the seven yearsfor investigating the incidence of hypertension and/or diabetesand the results of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and oral glucose tolerance test performed when having clinical manifestations of hypertension and diabetes. The primary endpoint was diabetes and/or hypertension. General demographicsand parameters of portable home sleep testapnea-hypopnea indexhypopnea indexlowest oxygen saturationand mean oxygen saturation during sleepand the number of 4% desaturationswere collected. The incidence of hypertension and/or diabetes was compared by OSAassessed by the portable home sleep testin all participantsin Han peopleand Uygur peopleand by OSA and ethnic group in participants. Results All cases were included for final analysis including 53242.4%men and 72457.6%women with a mean age of58±13yearsexcept for 75 missed cases. 820 cases470 Han and 350 Uygur peoplewere diagnosed with OSAand 436164 Han and 272 Uygur peoplewithout. By the end of the follow-upcompared with those without OSAparticipants with OSA had higher incidence of hypertension P<0.05. Uygur people with OSA had higher incidence of hypertension than those withoutP<0.05. The incidence of diabetes differed significantly between participants with and without OSAP<0.05. But the difference in the incidence of diabetes was not significant between Han people with and without OSAUygur people with and without OSAand Han and Uygur people with OSAP>0.05. Conclusion Both Han and Uygur people with OSA were more likely to suffer from hypertension. OSA may be an independent risk factor for hypertension and diabetes. Han people with OSA were more prone to hypertension than Uygur counterpartsso early and aggressive intervention is needed.


    The Influence and Combined Effect of Arteriosclerosis and Essential Hypertension on the Pathogenesis of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseasesa 8-year Follow-up Study

    MA Yihan12LI Xingyu13HAN Xu 12LIU Qian12LI Guo4WU Shouling2WU Yuntao2*

    1.Graduate School of North China University of TechnologyTangshan 063000China

    2.Cardiovascular DepartmentKailuan General HospitalTangshan 063000China

    3.Department of GastroenterologyNorth China University of Technology Affiliated HospitalTangshan 063000China

    4.Cardiovascular DepartmentLuanzhou People's HospitalTangshan 063700China

    *Corresponding authorWU YuntaoChief physicianMaster

    AbstractBackground Either arterial stiffness or essential hypertension has been sufficiently proved to be a major risk for cardio-cerebrovascular diseasebut combined association of them with cardio-cerebrovascular disease has been rarely reported. Objective To further explore the relationship of arterial stiffness or essential hypertension with cardio-cerebrovascular disease in Chinese population in a large prospective community-based cohort studyand examine whether the former two have a combined association with the latter. Methods Participantsn=33 820were selected from individuals attending the four annual follow-up visits20102011201220132014201520162017of Kailuan study and had brachial-ankle pulse wave velocitybaPWVmeasurementwithout any cardio-cerebral vascular events prior to the measurementand ABI<0.9. Agegendersystolic blood pressureSBP),diastolic blood pressureDBP),baPWVheart ratebody mass indexBMI),fasting blood glucoseFBG),total cholesterolTC),triglycerideTG),low-density lipoprotein cholesterolLDL-C),high-density lipoprotein cholesterolHDL-C),uric acidUA),smokingdrinkingphysical exerciseeducation leveldiabetesand the use of antihypertensive drugs and hypoglycemic drugs were collected. The study was completed until December 312017with the occurrence of a cardiovascular or cerebrovascular event as the endpoint event. Arterial stiffness was defined as baPWV > 1 400 cm/s. By the prevalence of arterial stiffness and essential hypertension during the follow-up periodparticipants were categorized into group 1having no essential hypertension and arterial stiffness),group 2having no essential hypertension but arterial stiffness),group 3having essential hypertension and arterial stiffness),and group 4having essential hypertension but no arterial stiffness. Multivariate Cox regression analysis was used to further investigate the association of arterial stiffness or essential hypertension with cardio-cerebrovascular diseaseand the strength of combined association of the former two with the latter. Results The average follow-up years was3.34±2.38. The incidence density of cardio-cerebrovascular disease was 51.67 per 10 000 person-year. The cumulative incidence of cardio-cerebrovascular disease in groups 1-4 was 0.28%1.94%1.75%4.70%respectively. Four groups had statistically significant differences in male proportionmean agebaPWVBMIFBGTCTGLDL-CHDL-CSBPDBPheart rateBMIFBGTCTGLDL-CUAsmokingdrinkingphysical exercisediabetesprevalence of taking antihypertensive drugsprevalence of taking hypoglycemic drugsand cumulative incidence of cardio-cerebrovascular diseaseP<0.05. Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that prevalence of arterial stiffness HR=2.6095%CI1.883.61)〕,baPWV-SDHR=1.2295%CI1.121.33)〕,prevalence of essential hypertensionHR=2.0595%CI1.592.64)〕 and SBP-SDHR=1.2695%CI1.141.38)〕 were the associated with cardio-cerebrovascular diseaseP<0.05. Compared with group G1the HR of cardio-cerebral vascular events in groups 2-4 was 3.3395%CI2.085.33)〕,2.8195%CI1.575.03)〕and 5.9895%CI3.799.43)〕,respectively. The results suggested there was no interact effect between arterial stiffness and essential hypertension on cardio-cerebrovascular diseaseP=0.789. No result was changed after repeating the above analysis after excluding the population taking antihypertensive medications. Conclusion Our study found that both arterial stiffness and essential hypertension increased the risk of cardio-cerebrovascular diseaseand they had a combined association with cardio-cerebrovascular disease.


    Methods of Obtaining Epidemiological Data of Hypertensive Elderly People in an Isolated Natural Villagea Comparative Analysis

    HOU Xuliang1FENG Yong'en2YIN Tianlu3CHEN Wei4XU Shaohua1FENG Lijie1LIU Yahua4SUN Xin5*SHEN Hong1*

    1.Department of Emergencythe First Medical Center of PLA General HospitalBeijing 100853China

    2.Menjiazhuang Xidibei ClinicHengshui 053200China

    3.Affiliated Hospital of Hebei Engineering UniversityHandan 056000China

    4.Department of Emergencythe Third Medical Center of PLA General HospitalBeijing 100853China

    5.School of Computer Science & TechnologyBeijing Institute of TechnologyBeijing 100081China

    *Corresponding authorsSHEN HongChief physicianProfessorDoctoral

    SUN XinAssociate professorMaster

    AbstractBackground In Chinaimperfections in the early detectionreal-time monitoring and effective control of chronic diseases make it impossible to accurately obtain the epidemiological characteristics of hypertension and other chronic diseasesnegatively influencing chronic disease management and residents' health. Artificial intelligenceAItechnologies significantly improve health records management. Exploring methods that can accurately obtain epidemiological characteristics is conducive to the management of chronic diseases. Objective To compare the reliability of three methods used for accurately obtaining epidemiological data of hypertensive elderly people in an isolated natural villageproviding a reference for bettering the prevention and treatment of hypertension in primary care. Methods This study was conducted in an isolated natural village with a population of 2 603 as of June 2019 in Menjiazhuang TownshipJizhou DistrictHengshui CityHebei Province. For obtaining the epidemiological data of hypertension in villagers aged over 65 yearsthree methods were usedwith different numbers of participants. The first method was by searching the data stored in the local health information management systemthe number of villagers aged over 65 years was determinedn=516accounting for 20.76% of the total villagers registered by the village physician since January 2016 n=2 485accounting for 95.47% of the total village residents)〕,and the number of diagnosed hypertensive cases registered was also collectedthen the hypertension prevalence was estimated. The second method was by use of a household surveyconsisting of completing a blood pressure questionnaire and blood pressure measurementconducted between June and July 2019the number of respondents was determined as 416accounting for 80.62% of the total surveyed villagers aged over 65 yearsn=516)〕,and the hypertension prevalenceawareness leveltreatment rate and control rate of hypertension in the respondents were obtained according to the survey results. And the third method was searching the health management data in an AI-assisted diagnosis and treatment systemwhich has been used since December 2017and had stored 9 856 visits of 2 460 villagers as of June 2019including 337 villagers aged over 65 years. By analyzing the healthcare-seeking data of older villagersthe hypertension prevalenceawareness leveltreatment rate and control rate of hypertension were obtained. The merits and limitations of these three methods were compared. Results No significant differences were found in the mean age and sex ratio across the three participant groupsP>0.05. According to the statistics of hypertension registrationthe prevalence of hypertension was 43.80%226/516. According to the household surveythe prevalence of hypertension was 75.24%313/416);260 cases had a history of definite hypertensionand 53 were newly found with hypertensionthe awareness rate of hypertension was 83.07%260/313);238 received anti-hypertensive medication treatment in the past two weekswith a treatment rate of 76.04%238/313);74 had a blood pressure reading of<140/90 mm Hg1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),with a hypertension control rate of 23.64%74/313. According to the analysis of the data in the AI-assisted diagnosis and treatment systemthe hypertension prevalence was 52.23%176/337);172 had a hypertension historythe awareness rate of hypertension was 97.73%172/176);168 received anti-hypertensive medication treatment in the past two weekswith a treatment rate of 96.45%168/176);118 had blood pressure measurement recordsand 32 of them had a blood pressure reading of<140/90 mm Hgwith a hypertension control rate of 27.12%32/118. Conclusion The use of AI-assisted diagnosis and treatment system and household surveys can both better obtain the prevalence rateawareness ratetreatment rate and other epidemiological characteristics of hypertension. In particularusing the AI-assisted diagnosis and treatment system can obtain data more comprehensively and dynamicallywhich facilitates the collection of epidemiological data and chronic disease management.


    Predictive Value of Lp-PLA2 Concentration and AASI Level for Left Ventricular Function in Patients with Essential Hypertension

    XIN Caifeng1ZHANG Qiang1*YANG Lihong2SUN Caihong1YAO Fang1LIU Fangfang1FEI Sijie1

    1.Cardiovascular Departmentthe Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityZhengzhou 450014China

    2.Henan Provincial People's HospitalZhengzhou 450003China

    *Corresponding authorZHANG QiangChief

    AbstractBackground Essential hypertension is supposed to be independently associated with increased risk of multiple cardio-cerebrovascular diseasesand increased arterial stiffness in essential hypertension is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Howeverthere is a lack of adequate indicators to evaluate the cardiac function of essential hypertension patients. Objective To investigate the predictive value of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2Lp-PLA2concentration and ambulatory arterial stiffness indexAASIon left ventricular function in patients with essential hypertension. Methods A total of 216 inpatientsincluding 122 with essential hypertension and 94 withoutwere selected from Cardiovascular Department the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University in 2020. Data were collectedincluding general informationgenderagebody weightBMIhistory of smokingdrinkingdiabetesand dyslipidemia),and biomarkersserum uric acidSUA),creatininefasting plasma glucoseglycosylated hemoglobintriglyceridehigh-density lipoprotein cholesterollow-density lipoprotein cholesterolC-reactive proteinNT-proBNPLp-PLA2AASIand left ventricular ejection fractionLVEF)〕. The concentrations of Lp-PLA2 and AASI were compared between LVEF50% and<50% subgroups to explore the association of them with LVEFand between NT-proBNP514 ng/L and <514 ng/L subgroupsstratified by the median value NT-proBNPto explore the association of them with NT-proBNP. Multivariate Logistic regression was used to explore risk factors of LVEFNT-proBNP and hypertension. ROC analysis was conducted to assess the predictive value of Lp-PLA2 and AASI for heart failure. Results Patients with and without essential hypertension showed significant differences in mean ageand SUALp-PLA2AASISBPNT-proBNP and LVEFP<0.05. Linear regression analysis indicated that LVEF was negatively correlated with Lp-PLA2r=-0.437P=0.036),and AASIr=-0.580P=0.001),but NT-ProBNP was positively correlated with Lp-PLA2r=0.309P=0.038and AASIr=0.519P=0.041in patients with essential hypertension. Howeverin those without essential hypertensionLVEF showed no linear correlation with Lp-PLA2r=0.027P=0.601and AASIr=0.019P=0.372),and NT-ProBNP also showed no linear correlation with Lp-PLA2r=0.033P=0.460),and AASIr=0.058P=0.703. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis revealed that hypertension historyLp-PLA2 and AASI were associated with LVEFP<0.05),Lp-PLA2 and AASI were associated with NT-proBNPand Lp-PLA2smoking history and AASI were associated with essential hypertensionP<0.05. The AUC of Lp-PLA2 concentration in predicting heart failure in essential hypertension was 0.637 95%CI0.480.80)〕,with the optimal cutoff value of 115.77 μg/Lsensitivity64%specificity70%. The AUC AASI in predicting heart failure in essential hypertension was 0.861 95%CI0.7500.973)〕,with the optimal cutoff value of 0.535sensitivity82%specificity85%. Conclusion Essential hypertension may be associated with poorer cardiac function. Lp-PLA2 or AASI may be an effective independent predictor for left ventricular function in essential hypertension.

  • 2021-12-14 Visited: 365