Policies & Ethic

  • Publication Ethics of the Chinese General Practice

    Chinese General Practice sticks to ethical review standards of the whole publishing process, including the standards and guidelines formulated by Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), in terms of authorship, duplicate publication, conflict of interest, confidentiality, ethical review and informed consent, etc. 


    The authorship and ordering should be discussed and determined by all authors before submission. In principle, no changes could be made after submission. If changes are necessary, a certificate from the institution and a written statement on the change of authorship signed by all authors must be presented. Authors should meet the following four conditions at the same time:

     (1) Participate in the topic selection and design of the paper or participate in the analysis and interpretation of data;

     (2) Drafting or revising key theories or other main contents of the paper; 

     (3) Be able to review and revise according to the revision opinions of the editorial office, answer academic questions, and finally agree to publish the paper;

     (4) Responsible for the integrity of all aspects of the research work. Those who are only involved in obtaining funding, collecting data, and general management of research groups are not listed as authors. 

    Those only involved in obtaining funding, collecting data, and general management of the research team are not authors. For group signature, the group name shall be listed under the title of the paper, and the names of members listed at the end of the paper. The main author responsible for the paper must be specified and the name and contact information of the corresponding author must be indicated on the first page of the paper, and only one corresponding author could be usually indicated. For more information on author attribution, please refer to the "Responsible Attribution - Guidelines for Author Attribution of Papers in Academic Journals" (Blue Book) published by China Institute of Science and Technology Information and John Wiley & Sons International Publishing Group in 2022.

    Using ORCID

     The ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) consists of a set of free, globally unique 16-digit identifiers (see http://orcid.org for details). Authors are advised to request an ORCID number for marking in their papers, e.g. 1234-1234-1234-1234-123X. 

    Duplicate Publication and Plagiarism

    Authors should ensure that the manuscript submitted to this journal has not been published or has been submitted to other journals, including any part of data, figures, tables, etc. The manuscript cannot be submitted to other journals until it is rejected by this journal. Multiple submission is prohibited. Submissions from authors who made multiple submission will not be accepted by Chinese General Practice. If any published results, figures, tables, etc. are used in the article, the original authorization letter signed by the copyright owner shall be provided, and the source shall be marked in the corresponding position of the article. 

    Plagiarism is defined that an author passes off someone else's work as his own, including self-plagiarism, which involves reusing parts of his own published content without proper citation. Manuscripts with plagiarized content will not be published. All authors are required to ensure that all data and important ideas in the manuscript are original or properly cited or legally authorized. If the editorial office learns of the above-mentioned misconduct after publication, the journal will initiate an investigation and notify the author, the affiliation and research funding agencies, as well as the original copyright owner. A statement about the investigation result will be published linked to the original text, and the paper may be retracted if necessary. 

     Paper Repetition Rate

    According to the national requirements for quality management of journals, and in order to prevent academic misconduct risks, authors are recommended to check their papers before submitting them to Chinese General Practice, and the journal will also test the papers to be published through the systems provided by CNKI and Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform [Academic Misconduct Document Detection System for Science and Technology Journals (AMLC), Wanfang Testing - Title Paper Edition (WFSD-PROFESSIONAL TITLE PAPER)]. The full-text repetition rate is required to be below 20%. China Knowledge Network and Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform both provide check services for individuals, please click the following link for details: https://piccache.cnki.net/2022/index/images2009/other/2022/duplicatecheck/index.html https://jc.wanfangdata.com.cn/#/index 

    Storage and Sharing of Paper-related Data 

    For research papers, please keep the original data or provide the clinical trial registration number, collaborating labs, and data repository platform for later review and use. 

    In order to promote the development and sharing of linked data, improve the reproducibility of research, promote the principle of FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable), enhance the value and influence of research results, and create a good academic ecosystem, we recommend that authors submit raw data and procedures, processed data, and other materials such as appendices not published due to length limit of papers to the data community (https://www.scidb.cn/c/cgp) established by the journal in cooperation with ScienceDB (Chinese Academy of Sciences), and use the Digital Unique Identification (DOI) for citation. 

    Authors are encouraged to include "Data Availability Statement" at the end of the text, indicating the DOI and CSTR information of the data associated with the paper, for example, 

    Data availability statement: The scientific data supporting this study are publicly available on ScienceDB, the data bank of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and can be accessed at xxxxx or xxxxx (link, DOI, CSTR generated after data submission, review and approval). 

    Remarks for Figures/Tables 

    Figures and tables should be numbered as the order in which they appear in the text. The text and figures/tables should not contain any information that can identify the patient, including name, hospital number, examination serial number, etc., and sensitive parts should be properly covered.

    Editorial Decisions

    The most important criteria for editorial acceptance of an article are originality, novelty, and scientific validity of the content. Editorial decisions are based not only on the academic quality of the article content, but other factors like the standardization of paper writing. 

    Funding and Conflicts of Interest

     (1) Authors should report all sources of financial support and conflict of interest statements for their work, and each author should disclose any relevant or potential interest affiliations, including financial relationships, academic collaborations/competitions, personal interactions, etc. at the time of submission. 

    (2) It is the author's responsibility to disclose any (commercial) organization having a conflict of interest in the submitted manuscript, clinical trial, or report on a drug product or medical device. 

    (3) Authors should indicate on the title page the funding agency of the project and the institute or company to which the authors belong. 

    (4) Authors shall guarantee that the manuscript or its main content will not be published anywhere else before published in this journal. 

    (5) Authors shall declare in the Recommendation Letter that the submitted manuscript does not have any ghostwriting. 

    Conflict of interest is an important factor affecting the judgment of authors, reviewers, and editors. Conflict of interest may involve personal, business, political, academic, and financial matters. Therefore, conflicts of interest must be stated in advance or they may cause misinformation and deception to readers. Authors of “Reader’s Comments” and “Editorials” should also state conflicts of interest. In addition, reviewers are also required to state conflicts of interest, and in most cases, reviewers with conflicts of interest are required to stop reviewing the manuscript. Conflicts of interest should also be noted in the online version of academic papers. 

    For more information on conflicts of interest, see the Statement of Authors' Responsibilities by ICMJE and Responsible research publication: international standards for authors by COPE. 

    Withdrawal, Corrections and Retractions 

    If there are serious errors or academic misconduct in the manuscript, it will be withdrawn at any stage of publication. If there is suspicion of misconduct in the manuscript, the editorial office will conduct further investigations and the author's institute or its administration shall be notified. 

    Written corrections to appropriate revisions to published articles will be made by Chinese General Practice and will be published in print journals and databases. If the amendment does not change the original meaning (such as spelling mistakes), this journal will publish corrections and a corresponding statement in the latest issue. If the amendment request affects the scientificity, integrity, conclusion, author reputation, journal reputation, or violates the scientific research and publishing ethics, a standard investigation procedure will be initiated which may result in retractions. 

    When the author proposes to retract the manuscript, all authors must sign a retraction statement, detailing the reasons for retracting the paper, explaining the problems and the impact on the conclusion. All final decisions on corrections or retractions of manuscripts rest with the editorial office.

  • 2022-05-31 Visited: 520