
  • An index of open-access tumor content relevant to primary care

    Establishment of the Norms of Proactive Prevention Behavior Scale in the Population at High Risk of Digestive System Cancer in Heilongjiang 

    XIN Bo1ZHAO Qiuli1*WANG Nannan1YU Yang2MA Dexin3ZHANG Yukun3    

    1.School of NursingHarbin Medical UniversityHarbin 150086China

    2.Nursing Departmentthe Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical UniversityHarbin 150086China

    3.Department of Colorectal Surgerythe 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical UniversityHarbin 150086China

    *Corresponding authorZHAO QiuliProfessorMaster

    Abstract: Background The prevention and control of digestive system cancer is under tough conditionsbut there are differences in prevention awareness and behaviors in the population at high risk of digestive system cancer. There is a lack of reference for physicians and nurses to evaluate the prevention ability among them. Thereforeit is of great significance to establish the regional norm of the proactive cancer prevention behavior scalewhich may greatly promote cancer prevention. Objective To establish the norms for the proactive prevention behavior scale in the population at high risk of digestive system cancerDSC-PPBS),to provide references for the evaluation of high-risk population of digestive system cancer. Methods From May 2019 to January 2020DSC-PPBS was used to investigate high-risk population of digestive system cancer from 6 grade A tertiary hospitals3 grade A secondary hospitalsand 3 community health centers in Heilongjiang. The characteristics of their DSC-PPBS scores were used to develop the meanpercentile and threshold norms for this specific population. Results Of the 1 400 cases surveyed1 236 returned responsive questionnaires with a response rate of 88.29%. The mean norms of DSC-PPBS were established according to gender and age groups40-4546-65,≥66 years. The percentile norms of DSC-PPBS from the 5th percentile to 95th percentile were established with 5% as interval. The threshold norms were based on the four critical points-s-0.5s+0.5s+s),the cancer prevention status of the subjects was divided into five categoriespoorrelatively poorgeneralgoodexcellentand the four demarcation standards were in closed with the 15th30th70th and 85th of the percentiles norm. Conclusion The mean normpercentile normand threshold norm of DSC-PPBS in the population at high risk of digestive system cancer in Heilongjiang are well-representedwhich lay a foundation for further promotion of the scale. It can be used as a reference for clinical and community physicians and nurses to evaluate the intervention of prevention behaviors in the population at high risk of digestive system cancer.


    Lung Cancer with Dizziness as the Initial Symptoma Case Report and Literature Review 

    LI JiarongLIAO YuLI JianweiLIU Feiqi*    

    Department of General MedicineXiangtan Central HospitalXiangtan 411100China

    *Corresponding authorLIU FeiqiChief

    Abstract: Dizziness is an undifferentiated disease commonly encountered in outpatient settingswhich is difficult to diagnose and treat due to complex and diverse causes.Presentlypatients with small-cell lung cancer with dizziness as the initial symptom are very rare.They may be missed if having no typical symptoms of lung caner as specialists may tend to pay attention to dizzinessand neglect important laboratory examinations of abnormalities.In this articlea patient who hospitalized in Department of General MedicineXiangtan Central Hospital on September 252019 was retrospectively reported.She was diagnosed with lung cancer although dizziness was the chief complaint.The diagnostic and therapeutic process of this case indicates thatif a dizziness patient with laboratory-detected hyponatremia shows poor response to symptomatic treatmentwhether he has small-cell lung cancer manifested by syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretionSIADHshould be carefully considered.It is hoped that this study can provide help for reducing the possibilities of missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis of atypical lung cancer patientsso that they may obtain early diagnosis and treatmentwhich is beneficial to their prognosis.


    Impact of Shared Decision Making on Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients Partially Mediated by Functional Exercise Adherence 

    ZENG JieJIN LeiLI QianWU WenjingSHI Baoxin*    

    School of NursingTianjin Medical UniversityTianjin 300070China

    *Corresponding authorSHI BaoxinProfessorMaster

    Abstract: Background Shared decision makingSDMcan improve the quality of life and treatment compliance of breast cancer patientsbut there is no study on whether functional exercise compliance as a mediator variable between SDM and quality of life. Objective To investigate the perceived level of involvement in SDM of breast cancer patients with modified radical mastectomyand discussed the correlation of SDMexercise adherence and life of quality. Methods During the period from January to April 2019277 breast cancer patients who accepted modified radical mastectomy in Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital were enrolled by means of convenience sampling. A set of questionnaires including socio-demographic questionnairethe Chinese version of the 9-item Shared Decision Making QuestionnaireSDM-Q-9),the Postoperative Functional Exercise Compliance Scale-Breast CancerPFECS-B),and the Chinese version of Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-BreastFACT-Bwere used to collect data in a survey. Spearman correlation analysis was used to explore the relationships between SDMfunctional exercise adherence and quality of life. AMOS 25.0 was applied to analyze the mediating effect of functional exercise adherence between SDM and quality of lifeand to establish a structural equation model containing these three indicators. Results The median scores of SDM-Q-9 and PFECS-Band average score of FACT-B for these breast cancer patients were 271834),494653),and 89.38±9.073),respectively. The score of SDM-Q-9 showed a statistically significant positive correlation with that of PFECS-B and FACT-BP<0.05. The partial mediating effect of functional exercise compliance between SDM and quality of life was significantP<0.05. The direct effect of SDM on quality of life was 0.391 and the mediating effect was 0.299accounting for 43.3% of the total effect),the total effect was 0.690. Conclusion Breast cancer patients with modified radical mastectomy may have a low perceived level of involvement in SDM. SDM may directly affect their quality of lifeand also may affect it indirectly through the mediating effect of functional exercise adherence.


    Mechanism and Management of Primary Resistance to Targeted Therapy in NSCLC Patients Harboring EGFR Sensitive Mutations 

    LIANG Wenhua1*LI Caichen1LIANG Hengrui1ZHAO Yi1LI Feng1ZHONG Ran1XIONG Shan1LI Jianfu1CHENG Bo1CHEN Zisheng12LIU Xiwen1CAI Xiuyu3XIE Zhanhong1WANG Wei1LIU Jun1HE Jianxing1*    

    1.National Center for Respiratory Medicine/The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University/Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health/National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease/State Key Laboratory of Respiratory DiseaseGuangzhou 510120China

    2.The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical UniversityQingyuan 511518China

    3.Sun Yat-sen University Cancer CenterGuangzhou 510060China

    *Corresponding authorsHE JianxingChief physicianProfessorDoctoral

    LIANG WenhuaAssociate chief physicianAssociate professorDoctoral

    LIANG WenhuaLI CaichenLIANG Hengrui and ZHAO Yi are co-first authors

    Abstract: Clinical evidence has showed that targeted therapy with small molecule inhibitors produces good efficacy in patients with non-small cell lung cancerNSCLCharboring epidermal growth factor receptorEGFRsensitive mutationsbut there are also some patients who display primary resistance or insensitivity to the therapy.As the response rate and level to the initial therapy are determinants for patients'long-term survivalwe reviewed evidence about major mechanisms leading to primary resistanceincluding the impact of the structure of EGFR mutation subtypesprimary EGFR T790M mutationconcurrent EGFR mutationsand immune status on the therapy responseas well as their associationsthen proposed targeted management strategiessuch as treatment targeting the genetic mutation or the mutation siteprecise targeted therapycocktail therapy and so onand evaluated the development trend of treatment for primary resistance to targeted therapy.All these aimed at helping medical workers with clinical practice and research.


    TSH Suppression Therapy May Affect Bone HealthHow to Manage Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Scientifically

    SUN LeiLI Mei*    

    Department of EndocrinologyChinese Academy of Medical Science/Peking Union Medical College Hospital/Key Laboratory of Endocrinology of National Health and Family Planning CommissionBeijing 100730China

    *Corresponding authorLI MeiChief

    Abstract: Differentiated thyroid cancerDTCis the most common type of thyroid cancer.TSH suppression therapy after thyroidectomy can reduce the risk of tumor recurrence and metastasis.Howeverlong-term TSH suppression therapy can reduce bone mineral density and increase the risk of osteoporosis and bone fracturewhich should be highly valued.We analyze the effects and mechanism of TSH suppression therapy on boneand suggest the physicians to choose individualized treatment based on consideration of DTC recurrence risktreatment responses and bone imaging informationrisks of side effects and to monitor bone metabolic biomarkersbone mineral densityrisk of bone fractureso as to take effective measures for the protection of bonewhich including maintaining a healthy lifestylesupplementing calcium and vitamin Dand using anti-osteoporosis drugs when necessary.


    Circulating Tumor Cells Detection and Progress in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 

    ZENG LeiYANG Kaixuan*    

    Department of Head and Neck OncologyWest China HospitalSichuan UniversityChengdu 610041China

    *Corresponding authorYANG KaixuanLecturerAttending

    Abstract: Circulating tumor cells CTCsrefer to tumor cells that have shed into the circulatory system from primary tumors or metastaseswhich are closely related to tumor recurrence and metastasis.CTCsemerging as novel tumor biomarkerswhose value has been confirmed in the early diagnosisefficacy evaluation and prognosis evaluation of various types of tumorssuch as breast cancerprostate cancer and colorectal cancer.In recent yearsCTCs have also been studied in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.This review mainly focuses on CTCs' characteristicsdetection and the research progress in nasopharyngeal carcinomaaiming to give a reference for clinical application of CTCs.


    Research Progress in the Treatment of Hormone Receptor/Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2-positive Breast Cancer 

    WU Yanqi12LUO Ting12*    

    1.Department of Head and Neck OncologyWest China HospitalSichuan UniversityChengdu 610041China

    2.Clinical Research Center for BreastWest China HospitalSichuan UniversityChengdu 610041China

    *Corresponding authorLUO TingAssociate

    Abstract: Breast Cancer is the most common cancer among women in China.According to the expression of estrogen receptorERand progesterone receptorPRand the status of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2HER2gene amplificationbreast cancer has been classified into various molecular subtypes.And the prognosis of different subtypes is also different.HER2 positive breast cancer behaves more aggressively and has a worse prognosis than HER2 negative breast cancer.Moreoverthere are interactive crosstalks between HR and HER2 signaling pathways so that endocrine therapy and anti-HER2 therapy could influence and restrict each other.Nowadayshow to treat HR+/HER2+ breast cancer reasonably and effectively has been one of the difficulties in the treatment of breast cancer.In this articlethe treatment situation of HR+/HER2+ breast cancer and the exploration of anti-HER2 therapyendocrine therapyimmunotherapyPI3K/mTOR pathway inhibitorsand other aspects associated with HR+/HER2+ breast cancer have been briefly described.


    Liver Carcinoma-related Mortality and Potential Years of Life Lost among Residents in Pudong New Area of Shanghai between 2002 and 2019 

    CHEN YichenQU XiaobinSUN LianghongLI XiaopanCHEN HanyiCHEN HuaZHOU YiXIAO Shaotan*    

    Shanghai Pudong New Area Center for Disease Control and Prevention/Fudan University Pudong Institute of Preventive MedicineShanghai 200136China

    *Corresponding authorXIAO ShaotanAssociate chief

    Abstract: Background Liver carcinoma is a common digestive malignancy worldwide.There is still lack of epidemiological data of liver carcinoma-related deaths of residents in Pudong New Area.Objective To explore liver carcinoma-related mortality and potential years of life lostPYLLamong residents in Pudong New Area of Shanghai between 2002 and 2019to provide a reference for the development of targeted interventions.Methods Data of people who died of liver carcinoma ICD-10 C22during 20022019 were collected from Pudong New Area' Residents Death Surveillance Database with death causes classified by the ICD-10.The crude mortality rateage-standardized mortality ratePYLLrate of PYLLaverage PYLLage-standardized PYLLand age-standardized PYLL rate were calculated and used to analyze the deaths and PYLL from liver carcinoma.The tendency of mortality and PYLL were estimated by annual percent change APC.Results During 2002201912 522 cases died of liver carcinoma in Pudong New Areawith 25.38/100 000 and 12.29/100 000 as the average annual crude mortality rate and average annual standardized mortality raterespectively.Both the crude mortality rate and the age-standardized mortality rate of liver carcinoma declined over the years APC=-1.88%Z=-12.468P<0.001APC=-4.71%Z=-10.601P<0.001.And these two indicators also showed a downward trend either among males or females P<0.001.The crude mortality of liver carcinoma declined over years for those aged 15-59 and those aged 60-79 P<0.001),but kept stable for those over 80 years old P=0.053.The PYLL of liver carcinoma was 98 580 yearsthe PYLL rate was 2.00‰,the average PYLL was 7.87 years per personage-standardized PYLL was 61 767 years and age-standardized PYLL rate was 1.25‰,respectively.The PYLL rateage-standardized PYLL rate and average PYLL due to liver carcinoma on total showed a downward trend during 2002 to 2019P<0.001.Howeverthe trend of average PYLL kept stable between 2002 and 2010 P=0.853.The PYLLPYLL rateaverage PYLLage-standardized PYLLand age-standardized PYLL rate of liver carcinoma were 81 126 years3.29‰,9.20 years per person50 225 years and 2.04‰,respectivelyamong malesand were 17 454 years0.71‰,4.72 years per person10 942 years and 0.44‰,respectivelyamong females.All the above-mentioned 5 indicators of males were higher.Conclusion The crude mortality rate and age-standardized mortality rate of liver carcinoma in Pudong New Area showed a tendency to descend during 20022019but still caused severe life loss.More attention should be paid to the harm of liver carcinoma to males and the aged population over 80 years old.So interventions should be delivered according to the conditions of different populationspriority should be given to improving liver carcinoma-related behavioral risk factors to reduce the harm of this disease in malesand should be given to hospice care and supportive care to improving survival status in aged liver carcinoma patients.


    Hospice Care Resource Utilization Related to Cancer Management and Hospice Care Physicians and Nurses' Occupational Satisfactiona Survey from Community Healthcare Institutions in Shanghai's Central Districts 

    YANG Sen123ZHAO Huaxin4NIU Xiaomin5CHEN Chen6ZHANG Wenjing 7GE Xuhua123LU Yuan123MA Le123SHI Xiaoxiao 123YU Dehua123*    

    1.Department of General PracticeYangpu HospitalTongji University School of MedicineShanghai 200090China

    2.Academic Department of General PracticeTongji University School of MedicineShanghai 200090China

    3.Shanghai General Practice and Community Health Development Research CenterShanghai 200090China

    4.Tongji UniversityShanghai 200082China

    5 Shanghai Lung Tumor Clinical Medical Center/Shanghai Chest HospitalShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityShanghai 200030China

    6.Jiangning Road Sub-district Community Health CenterJing'an DistrictShanghai 200052China

    7.Yangpu District Daqiao Community Health CenterShanghai 200090China

    *Corresponding authorYU DehuaProfessorChief

    Abstract: Background Hospice care has been implemented in Shanghai for over 30 yearsand currently it can be accessed from all the community health centersCHCs) (n=246in the city.Actions taken in these years by Shanghai such as pilot projects promotiondevelopment of standards for hospice care and hospice care-related trainings for medical workershave promoted the sustainablestandardized and efficient development of hospice care.Objective To investigate hospice care resource use related to cancer management and hospice care physicians and nurses' occupational satisfaction based on a survey in community healthcare settings in Shanghai's central districts Methods This survey was conducted from March to September 2019.From seven central districtsHuangpu DistrictXuhui DistrictYangpu DistrictPutuo DistrictJing'an DistrictChangning District and Hongkou Districtselected by simple random sampling14 CHCs delivering hospice care as the pilot institutions were extracted by stratified samplingfrom which 42 hospice care physicians and nurses were sampled by use of simple random sampling.Data about hospice care resource usesuch as occupancy rate of hospice bedsaverage length of hospice care per capitaaverage medical expense per capita and average daily medical expense per capita in the hospice care center were collected from the 2018 health statistics and financial statements of these CHCs.A self-developed questionnaire named Hospice Care Physicians and Nurses' Occupational Satisfaction in Shanghai's Pilot Institutions for Hospice Careinvolving general demographicsoccupational satisfactionevaluated in terms of salary and welfarecareer developmentprofessional identityturnover intentionpeer relationshipsjob satisfactionand associated factorswas used to survey the participants.Results In 2018the occupancy rate of hospice bedsaverage length of hospice care per capitaaverage medical expense per capita and average daily medical expense per capita in the hospice care center were 48.42±2.34%,(41.8±3.5days,(7 632.8±234.7yuan,(182.6±22.6yuanrespectively.The average length of home hospice care per capitaaverage home medical expense per capita and average home daily medical expense per capita were 56.2±7.5days,(1 371.3±186.4yuanand 24.4±4.2yuanrespectively.Physicians and nurses showed low satisfaction with salary and welfare and career developmentbut high satisfaction with peer relationships and professional identity in delivering institution-based hospice care.They showed similar satisfaction with delivering home hospice care.The main factors associated with the delivery of institution-based hospice care by physicians and nurses werethe contradiction between heavy workload and low salarythe delivery of hospice care relying on the institution's own operating subsidies without enough special fundshigh level of negative emotions and great mental burdens caused by long-term caring dying patients.The major factors associated with the delivery of home hospice care by physicians and nurses weretoo much trivial details in care but low paymentinsufficient number of hospice care practitionersand insufficient attentions to home hospice care from all walks of life.Conclusion The institution-based and home hospice care services delivered by CHCs in central districts of Shanghai may effectively reduce the social and family burdenbut there are aspects need to be improvedlow occupancy rate of hospice bedslow payment and occupational satisfaction of hospice care physicians and nursesand unsatisfied referrals for cancer patients with hospice care between medical institutions.


    Diagnostic Value of Plasma SEPT9 Methylation Test for Colorectal Cancer 

    WU XiufangNAN Qiong*ZHANG XiaohongGENG TingCHEN Zihong    

    Department of GastroenterologyFirst Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical UniversityKunming 650032China

    *Corresponding authorNAN QiongProfessorChief

    Abstract: Background Colorectal cancerCRCis a common malignant tumor of the digestive systemits morbidity and mortality present a year-by-year ascending tendency.Early diagnosis and treatment are the key to CRC prevention and treatment.Howeverthere is short of noninvasivesimpleconvenient and effective detecting methods for clinical diagnosis of CRC.Objective To probe into the diagnostic value of plasma SEPT9 methylation testmSEPT9for CRCto provide evidence for the diagnosis of this disease.Methods Two hundred and seventy-two126 cases of CRC146 cases of non-CRCcases of patients who visited the gastroenterologygastrointestinal surgery and oncology departments of First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University between December 2017 and December 2018 were enrolled.They were divided into control group82 cases),colorectal adenoma group64 cases),early CRC group72 casesand progressive CRC group54 casesaccording to colonoscopy and pathological examination results.The relationship between positive expression of plasma mSEPT9 and the clinical characteristics of CRC patients was analyzed.The diagnostic performance of plasma mSEPT9 and serum carcinoembryonic antigenCEA),and the combination of the two for early and progressive CRC was comparedand the accuracy of these three tests were evaluated.Results The positive rate of plasma mSEPT9 was not related to CRC patients' agegendertumor location or tumor diameterP>0.05.The positive rate of plasma mSEPT9 was significantly lower in early CRC patients than that of progressive CRC patientsP<0.001.The positive rate of plasma mSEPT9 was significantly higher in CRC patients with lymph node metastasis than that of those withoutP<0.001.The positive rate of plasma mSEPT9serum CEA and the combination of the two for CRC showed significant differences across the four groupsP<0.001.The combination of plasma mSEPT9 and serum CEA for CRC diagnosing was superior to either plasma mSEPT9 or serum CEA in terms of sensitivityaccuracynegative predictive valuesand its Kappa value was 0.514indicating a moderate level of agreement with the gold standard.Conclusion In the diagnosing for early and progressive CRCthe plasma mSEPT9 showed higher accuracy than serum CEAbut the accuracy of the combination of these two may be higherin terms of sensitivityaccuracynegative predictive valuesand level of agreement with the gold standard),which may be used as a new thought or method for the diagnosis of CRC.


    The Value of Ultrasound Elastography and Molybdenum Target X-ray in the Diagnosis of Breast Invasive Ductal Carcinoma 

    FANG Kaifeng*DING GuanbaoHAN Lu    

    Department of UltrasoundAnhui Wanbei Coal Electricity Group General HospitalSuzhou 234000China

    *Corresponding authorFANG KaifengAssociate chief

    Abstract: Background Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in womenso it is extremely important to find an effective method for early diagnosis of breast cancer.Objective To investigate the value of ultrasonic elastography and molybdenum target X-ray in the diagnosis of breast invasive ductal carcinoma.Methods From October 2017 to December 2019102 female patients with suspected breast invasive ductal carcinoma treated in the Wanbei Coal Electricity Group General Hospital were selected as research objects.Ultrasonic elastography and molybdenum target X-ray examination were performed before operation or biopsywith pathological diagnosis as the gold standard.The correlation between histological grade and ultrasonic elasticity score of breast invasive ductal carcinoma was analyzed.The ROC curves of ultrasound elastography and molybdenum target X-ray in the diagnosis of breast invasive ductal carcinoma were drawn.Results 98 cases of invasive ductal carcinoma of breast were confirmed by the gold standard.The histological grade of breast invasive ductal carcinoma was positively correlated with ultrasonic elasticity scorers= 0.452P=0.003.When the optimal cutoff value of ultrasound elastography was 4the sensitivityspecificity and AUC in diagnosis of breast invasive ductal carcinoma were 88.1%92.1% and 0.95395%CI0.9120.995)〕;when the optimal cutoff value of molybdenum target X-raywas 4bthe sensitivityspecificity and AUC in diagnosis of breast invasive ductal carcinoma were 72.4%83.3% and 0.85595%CI0.8050.893)〕.AUC of ultrasound elastography in the diagnosis of breast invasive ductal carcinoma was higher than that of molybdenum target X-rayZ=3.337P<0.05.Conclusion The diagnostic value of ultrasound elastography is higher than molybdenum target X-ray in the diagnosis of breast invasive ductal carcinomaand ultrasound elastography is positively correlated with the histological grade of breast invasive ductal carcinomawhich is greatly significant in the evaluation of maligant degree of clinical diagnosis of breast invasive ductal carcinoma.


    Expert Recommendations on Community-based Management of Women with Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening Test Results 

    Chinese Medical Doctor AssociationCMDA's General Practitioners Sub-associationthe Primary Care Branch of Beijing Institute of Obstetrics & Gynecology.Expert recommendations on community-based management of women with abnormal cervical cancer screening test results

    Abstract: Chinese Medical Doctor AssociationCMDA's General Practitioners Sub-associationthe Primary Care Branch of Beijing Institute of Obstetrics & Gynecology To reduce the incidence of cervical cancer via standardizing the prevention and control of cervical cancer in primary careand the management and follow-up of women with abnormal cervical cancer screening test results and those with treatment for cervical lesionsChina General Practitioner AssociationChinese Medical Doctor Associationand Community and Primary Care BranchBeijing Institute of Obstetrics & Gynecologyinvited relevant experts to develop the Expert Recommendations on Community-based Management of Women with Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening Test Resultson the basis of reviewing guidelines on cervical cancer screening and managing women with abnormal cervical cancer screening test resultsmainly involving cervical cancer prevention and control issues in primary caresuch as creating personal health recordshealth educationclassified management and bi-directional referrals.The recommendations will be vital to the improvement of community-based management of women with abnormal cervical cancer screening test results.


    Effect of Hyperthermia on M2 Polarization of Macrophages and Invasion and Migration of Lung Cancer Cellsan in Vitro Experimental Study 

    RAO ZiqiLIU JingCHEN BinglinDENG YongranLIU Wenqi*    

    Department of Radiotherapythe Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical UniversityNanning 530000China

    *Corresponding authorLIU WenqiProfessorMaster

    Abstract: Background Hyperthermia is a safe adjuvant therapy that can suppress the occurrence and progression of tumor cells by inhibiting DNA repairpromoting cell apoptosis and improving immunityHoweverlittle is known about whether hyperthermia can indirectly affect tumor cells by interfering with macrophagesObjective This study aimed to examine the regulatory efficacy of M2 macrophages on lung cancer cellsLCCsunder in vitro hyperthermiaMethods This study was implemented from June to December2019RAW264.7 cells were stimulated with interferon-γ(INF-γ,10 000 ng/L+lipopolysaccharideLPS100 000 ng/L),and interleukin-4IL-420 000 ng/Lfor 72 h to induce M1 and M2 macrophagesrespectivelyThe expression of surface antigens CD86 and CD206 in M1 and M2 macrophages were evaluated by flow cytometrySecretion levels of IL-10 and IL-12 were measured by ELISAThenCCK-8 assay was used to detect the proliferation inhibition of M2 macrophages at 2448 and 72 h after hyperthermia at different temperatures of 41℃,42and 43℃.Real-time polymerase chain reactionRT-PCRand Western blotting were performed to determine the mRNA and protein expression of Arg-1Fizz-1 and Ym-1 in M0 macrophagesM2 macrophages and M2 macrophages after hyperthermia42 ℃),respectivelyTranswell assay was utilized to measure the invasion and migration abilities of LCCs in LCCs+M2 and LCCs+M2+42hyperthermia groupsResults IFN-γ+LPS-and IL-4-induced RAW264.7 cells were successfully transformed into M1 and M2 macrophagesrespectivelyFlow cytometry results showed that the expressions of CD86 and CD206 in M2 macrophages were higher than those in M0 and M1 macrophagesP<0.001).ELISA results revealed that the secretion level of IL-10 in M2 macrophages was higher than that of M0 and M1 macrophagesP<0.001).The secretion level of IL-12 in M1 macrophages was higher than that of M0 and M2 macrophagesP<0.001).Besideswe also found that the inhibition level of macrophages by hyperthermia at 42was higher than that at 41and 43℃(P<0.001).RT-PCR results showed that M0 macrophagesthe mRNA expressions of Ym-1Arg-1 and Fizz-1 in M2 macrophages were increasedP<0.001).But the mRNA and protein expressions of Ym-1 and Arg-1 in M2 macrophages were decreased after hyperthermia42 ℃,P<0.001).In additioncompared with LCCs+M2 grouphyperthermia42 ℃)significantly decreased the invasion and migration abilities of LCCsP<0.001).Conclusion In summaryhyperthermia may inhibit the invasion and migration of LCCs by downregulating the mRNA expression of Arg-1 and Ym-1 in M2 macrophages


    Malignant Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Tumor of the Uterusa Case Report and Literature Review 

    ZHENG YongfeiZHENG HailanWANG ShengHUANG Danjiang*    

    Department of Radiologythe First People's Hospital of TaizhouTaizhou 318020China

    *Corresponding authorHUANG DanjiangChief physician

    Abstract: Malignant perivascular epithelioid cell tumor PEComaof the uterus is a rare gynecologic tumorwhich is easy to be misdiagnosed before operation.We retrospectively analyzed the clinical dataimaging presentations and pathological characteristics of a patient with PEComa of the uterusand reviewed available studies about the diseasein order to improve the knowledge of the disease among medical workers.


    Prognostic Value of Partial Ephrectomy in Patients with Localized Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma 

    CAI MenghuiLIU FengGE TianyuFENG ZihaoHUANG KunpingGE Bo*    

    Department of Urologythe Second Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical UniversityGuilin 541199China

    *Corresponding authorGE BoProfessorChief

    Abstract: Background At presentpartial nephrectomyPNis preferred for patients with localized T1a clear cell renal cell carcinomaccRCC.Howeverit remains controversial whether PN is the first-choice surgical procedure for patients with localized T1b ccRCC.Objective To estimate the effects of PN on overall survivalOSand cancer-specific survivalCSSof patients with localized ccRCC.Methods From April to May 2020we downloaded the clinicopathological data of patients diagnosed with ccRCC pathologically from 1975 to 2016year of diagnosisagesexracemarital statustumor lateralitypathological stageT stagesurgical methodfrom SEER after getting permission to use the database.According to the use of surgical techniquesthe patients were divided into PN group and radical nephrectomyRNgroup.Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to identify independent prognostic factors of CSS in patients with localized I ccRCC.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the the influencing factors of surgical methods in patients with ccRCC.Propensity score matching method was used to adjust samples.Kaplan-Meier curve and multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression model were used to estimate the effects of two surgical methods on the OS and CSS of patients before and after matching.Results The results of univariate Cox proportional hazard regression model showed that agemarital statuspathological stageT stage and surgical method were factors associated with CSS in patients with localized ccRCCP<0.05.The results of multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression model showed that agemarital statuspathological stageT stage and surgical method were all independent factors for CSS in patients with localizedccRCCP<0.05.In terms of evaluating the prognostic value of surgical method by overall survival population and tumor specific survival populationlocalized T1b stage ccRCC with PN and those with RN had statistically significant differences in the year of diagnosisagetumor laterality and pathological stageP<0.05.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis revealed that year of diagnosisagetumor laterality and pathological stage were associated with the use of surgery method in patients with localized T1b stage ccRCCP<0.05.Kaplan-Meier survival analysis found that either before or after propensity score matchingPN significantly prolonged the OSP<0.05),but showed similar effect on the CSSP>0.05of patients compared with RN.After propensity score matchingmultivariate Cox regression analysis found that PN was independently associated with prolonged OS of patientsHR=0.695P=0.009),but was not significantly associated with CSSHR=0.804P=0.301.Conclusion When surgery is feasiblePN is recommended as the first-choice surgical mode for patients with stage ccRCC in light of long-term survival.


    Diagnostic Value of Circulating Cell-free DNA to Prostate Cancera Meta-analysis 

    LI Fan1XU Bin1XIANG Hui2CHEN Zejia1PANG Zisen1ZHANG Tianyu1*    

    1.Department of UrologyAffiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical UniversityGuilin 541001China

    2.Department of Respiratory and Critical Care MedicineAffiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical UniversityGuilin 541001China

    *Corresponding authorZHANG TianyuProfessorChief physicianMaster

    LI Fan and XU Bin are co-first authors

    Abstract: Background Numerous studies have shown that circulating free DNAcfDNAhas diagnostic value in prostate cancerbut there is no consensus on its accuracy.Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of cfDNA in prostate cancer by a Meta-analysis.Methods Articles in Chinese and English regarding diagnosing prostate cancer using cfDNA were collected by searching databases of PubMedEMBaseWeb of ScienceThe Cochrane LibraryCNKIand WANFANG DATA from inception to February 2020and were enrolled according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria.Data were extractedincluding the first author's nameyear of publicationcountry of publicationsample sizedetection method and accuracy assessment indicestrue-positivefalse-positivefalse-negativetrue-negative.Spearman correlation was used to assess whether there was a threshold effect.The SROC plot was used to examine whether the diagnostic performance curve of cfDNA presenting a shoulder-armshape.The heterogeneity between the included studies was measured by the Cochran's Q test and I2 test and used for selecting an appropriate model for pooling data.Meta-analysis and Fagan's nomogram were used to estimate the diagnostic efficiency and probability of cfDNArespectively.Results  Twenty-two articles were includedinvolving 2 774 cases1 936 of whom were diagnosed with prostatic cancer by cfDNA and 838 were not.The overall quality of the included literature was good.The pooled sensitivityspecificitypositive likelihood rationegative likelihood ratiodiagnostic odds ratio of cfDNA for prostate cancer diagnosis were 0.4995%CI0.470.51)〕,0.9195%CI0.890.92)〕,6.0495%CI4.399.31)〕,0.5295%CI0.450.60)〕,and 18.1995%CI12.3326.85)〕,respectively.The AUC of the SROC curve was 0.898 2.Subgroup analysis showed that the AUC value of cfDNA in the diagnosis of prostate cancer did not change significantly in each subgroupP>0.05.Fagan's nomogram demonstrated that using cfDNA to detect prostatic cancer increased the posttest probability to 88% from the pretest probability of 20%.Conclusion cfDNA might be a diagnostic biomarker for prostate cancer.It may be used as a helper for prostate-specific antigen screeningbut it still needed a large number of prospective stuides to support this.


    Laboratory Test Indices and Survival Status in Patients with Advanced Cancer 

    YU Wenkai1CHEN Jianlin1*WANG Jianfang2NI Xiaorong3LIU Deng4PAN Jumei1SHI Yongxing5    

    1.Hospice WardLinfen Community Health CenterShanghai 200435China

    2.Department of Traditional Chinese MedicineHuangpu District Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western MedicineShanghai 200011China

    3.Department of GynecologyHospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese MedicineShanghai 200071China

    4.Bachu County People's HospitalKashgar 843800China

    5.Research DepartmentChinese Association for Life CareBeijing 100026China

    *Corresponding authorCHEN JianlinChief

    Abstract: Background Accurate assessment of expected survival in patients with advanced cancer is important to improve their quality of life.Howevercurrent tools for predicting the survival of these patients need to be improved.Objective To explore the relationship between laboratory test indices and survival status of advanced cancer patients.Methods Totally 175 advanced cancer patients were recruited from Hospice WardLinfen Community Health CenterShanghai's Jing'an Districtfrom 2018-11-01 to 2019-06-31.Admission laboratory test results were collectedincluding white blood cell counthemoglobinlymphocyte countneutrophil countplatelet countC-reactive proteinserum albuminneutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio.The follow-up was conducted until September 302019.The end point for follow-up was death.Cox regression analysis was used to examine the association of each laboratory indicator with the survival status.Results Of the 175 cases150 died in hospitalwith a median survival of 8 daysrange1-29 days),other 25 were lost to follow-up after dischargewith a median length of stay of 67.5 daysrange30-167 days.Univariate Cox regression analysis showed that high white blood cell countneutrophils count and C-reactive proteinand low lymphocyte countplatelet countand serum albumin were associated with the survival status of advance cancer patientsP<0.05.Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that lymphocyte count lowHR=1.49895%CI 1.0352.170),P=0.032highHR=8.49095%CI 1.89438.057),P=0.005〕,neutrophil count highHR=2.22795%CI 1.4783.357),P<0.001〕,platelet count lowHR=2.18595%CI 1.4183.366),P<0.001〕,and C-reactive protein highHR=1.47895%CI 1.0052.201),P=0.047were independently associated with the survival status of advance cancer patients.Conclusion Lymphocyte countneutrophil countplatelet count and C-reactive protein are independently associated with survival status of patients with advanced cancermay have a certain value in assessing the survival status.


    Recent Advances in Molecular Mechanism of Metformin against Gastrointestinal Cancer in Type 2 Diabetics 

    TAN Zhiqiang1HE Li2JIANG Yanxia3*    

    1.Department of Gastroenterologythe First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang UniversityNanchang 330006China

    2.Department of PathologyJingdezhen No.1 People's HospitalJingdezhen 333000China

    3.Department of Endocrinologythe First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang UniversityNanchang 330006China

    *Corresponding authorJIANG YanxiaAttending

    Abstract: The morbidity and mortality rates of gastrointestinal cancers are increasing with the aging of population in Chinasuch as esophageal cancergastric cancerpancreatic cancer and colorectal cancerseriously endangering people's health.Metformin has been used for type 2 diabetes since 1995and has become a first-line drug for type 2 diabetes for its safe and stable anti-hyperglycemic and cardiovascular protective effects favored by endocrinologists.Meanwhileepidemiological and clinical studies at home and abroad have confirmed that metformin can reduce the incidence rate of various tumors and improve the prognosis in type 2 diabeticssuggesting that chemoprophylaxis of gastrointestinal cancer may be a breakthrough obtained in cancer chemoprophylaxis.In this paperthe molecular mechanism of metformin against gastrointestinal cancer in diabetics was reviewed.


    Gemcitabine Has a Lower Recurrence Rate and Less Side Effects than Mitomycin for Non-muscular Invasive Bladder Cancer after TURBTa Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials 

    PENG Lei1MENG Chunyang1LI Jinze2LI Yunxiang1*LI Jinming3*ZHAO Pan1WEI Tangqiang1WU Ji1    

    1.Department of UrologyNanchong Central Hospital/the Second Clinical Medical CollegeNorth Sichuan Medical CollegeNanchong 637000China

    2.Department of UrologyWest China Hospital of Sichuan University/Institute of UrologyChengdu 610041China

    3.Department of UrologyAffiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical CollegeNanchong 637000China

    *Corresponding authorsLI YunxiangChief

    LI JinmingAttending

    Abstract: Background Gemcitabine and mitomycin are both chemotherapy drugs for non-muscular invasive bladder cancerNMIBCafter transurethral resection of bladder tumorTURBT. Howeverno final conclusion has been reached on these two drugs in terms of differences in clinical efficacy and safety. Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of gemcitabine versus mitomycin in the treatment of NMIBC after TURBT. Methods Published randomized controlled studiesRCTcomparing gemcitabine and mitomycin for NMIBC after TURBT were searched in databases of PubMedEMBaseWeb of ScienceThe Cochrane LibraryCNKIWanfang DataSinoMedand CQVIP from inception to 2020-10-01and enrolled according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria.Data of included RCT were extractedincluding the first authorpublication yeardesignlevel of evidencesample agesample sizetumor growthWHO classificationTNM stagingdrug infusion dosagecancer recurrencerecurrence within one and two years after surgery),and chemotherapy perfusion-related adverse eventsbladder irritationhematurialiver and kidney damagerashnausea and vomitingsuprapubic pain. The patients were divided into GEM group and MMC group according to the drug use after TURBT. Meta-analysis of recurrence within one and two years after surgery and incidence of chemotherapy perfusion-related adverse events was performed in two groups. Results A total of seven RCT were includedinvolving 484 patientswith high quality rated by the Jadad Scale. Meta-analysis showed no statistically significant difference in one-year recurrence rate between the two groups of patientsOR=0.8695%CI0.292.56),P=0.17. But gemcitabine group gained more benefits in reducing the two-year recurrence rateOR=0.3795%CI0.230.59),P=0.01. Furthermoregemcitabine group demonstrated lower overall incidence of chemotherapy perfusion-related adverse eventsOR=0.2895%CI0.180.43),P=0.01〕,lower incidence of bladder irritationOR=0.3095%CI0.170.54),P=0.04as well as lower incidence of other complicationsrashnausea and vomitingsuprapubic pain)〔OR=0.4695%CI0.240.88),P=0.01. There were no statistically significant intergroup differences in the incidence of postoperative hematuriaOR=0.5295%CI0.211.26),P=0.22and liver and kidney damageOR=0.5195%CI0.290.85),P=0.16. Conclusion Gemcitabine may be more effective and safe for NMIBC after TURBTowing to its better effects on lowering the recurrence rate and incidence of adverse events.


    The Chinese Version of the Demoralization Scale-Ⅱ:DevelopmentReliability and Validity in Chinese Cancer Patients 

    OU Na1HU Xiaoping2*QI Sanyang3LUO Xiaoyan2NIE Wenjie1    

    1. School of NursingUniversity of South ChinaHengyang 421001China

    2. Department of NursingAffiliated Nanhua HospitalUniversity of South ChinaHengyang 421000China

    3. Department of Geriatric Rehabilitationthe Second People's Hospital of HengyangHengyang 421000China

    *Corresponding authorHU XiaopingChief superintendent nurseAssociate

    Abstract: Background Demoralization syndrome is a kind of psychological pain caused by a series of negative life events. It is a new psychiatric diagnosisand closely related to suicidal ideation. It has a high incidence in cancer patientsbut relevant effective evaluation may be an early warning indicator for intervention. Howeverthere is a lack of assessment tools for demoralization syndrome in China. Objective  To develop a Chinese version of the Demoralization Scale-Ⅱ(DS-Ⅱ)and test its reliability and validity. Methods From August 2019 to January 2020410 cancer inpatients from Affiliated Nanhua HospitalUniversity of South ChinaHengyangHunan Province were recruited and investigated with a self-compiled questionnaire named Socio-demographic and Disease-related InformationCronbach's α=0.87),Chinese version of the DS-Ⅱ(formed by forward and backward translationexpert review and pre-testing research),Hospital Anxiety and Depression ScaleHADS),and Edmonton Symptom Assessment ScaleESAS. Item scores of the DS-were compared between high and low score groupsthe top-ranked and bottom-ranked 27% of patients. The content validityconstruct validityconvergence validitydiscrimination validity and internal consistency of the Chinese version of DS-were evaluated. Results  Two groups showed significant differences in the score of each of the 16 items of the DS-Ⅱ(P<0.05. The item-total correlation coefficients of the DS-ranged from 0.532 to 0.663P<0.05. The items of the scale had adequate content validityI-CVI=0.83-1.00S-CVI=0.94. Exploratory factor analysis showed that KMO value was 0.887Bartlett spherical test χ2=4 018.126P<0.001. Two common factors with an eigenvalue greater than 1 were extracted by varimax rotationwhich could explain 61.342% of the total variation. The load value of each item was more than 0.400without double load. Both factors 1 and 2 contain 8 itemsand the factor attribution of the item is consistent with the original scale. The item-domain correlation coefficients ranged from 0.60 to 0.86and the inter-domain correlation coefficient was 0.15. The total score of the Chinese version of DS-was positively correlated with the total scorer=0.581),and the anxietyr=0.443and depression r=0.655subscales scores of the HADSand also positively correlated with the total score of the ESASr=0.512and its items including painr=0.393),tirednessr=0.266),depressionr=0.497and anxietyr=0.418),but was negatively correlated with the score of KPSr=-0.249P<0.05. The Cronbach's coefficient of the Chinese version of DS-was 0.877. Conclusion The Chinese version of DS-has good psychometric propertieswhich may be a reliable tool for evaluating demoralization syndrome in Chinese cancer patients.


    Expression of MOS Gene and Its Correlations with Clinicopathological Features and Prognosis of Patients with Colorectal Cancer 

    PENG Junfu1PENG Jisheng2*WANG Rui3LIU Chao1WANG Zhenbiao1    

    1.Department of TCM SurgeryBeijing Shijitan HospitalCapital Medical UniversityBeijing 100038China

    2.Department of Traditional Chinese MedicinePeking University Shougang HospitalBeijing 100144China

    3.Department of Anorectal SurgeryDongzhimen HospitalBeijing University of Chinese MedicineBeijing 100007China

    *Corresponding authorPENG JishengAssociate chief

    Abstract: Background The specific pathogenesis of colorectal cancer is not completely clear at presentand there are few reports about the relationship of MOS gene with biological characteristics and prognosis of colorectal cancer patients. Objective To examine the expression of MOS gene and its correlations with clinicopathological features and prognosis of patients with colorectal cancer. Methods Data of 86 newly diagnosed colorectal cancer patients were selected from Beijing Shijitan HospitalCapital Medical University from October 2009 to June 2019. The expression of MOS gene and its correlations with clinicopathological features and prognosis of colorectal cancer patients were analyzed. Results The relative expression quantity of MOS gene was4.56±2.17in colorectal cancer tissueswhich was significantly higher than that3.12±1.65in paracancerous tissuesP<0.001. Subgroup analysis based on MOS expression found thathigh and low MOS expression subgroupsstratified equally by the mean value of relative expression quantity of MOS genehad no significant differences in gender ratiodistributions of agecancer differentiationprevalence of lymphatic metastasis or distant metastasisP>0.05. High MOS expression subgroup had much higher proportion of T3-4 colorectal cancer patientsP<0.05. The median survival for high and low MOS expression subgroups was 101 months95%CI92.4112.6)〕and 116 months95%CI105.6128.7)〕,respectivelywith significant intergroup difference in Kaplan-Meier survival curveP=0.029. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis showed thathigh expression of MOS geneHR=7.69595%CI1.37743.003)〕,lymphatic metastasisHR=28.58595%CI1.401583.297)〕and distant metastasisHR=47.85295%CI3.527649.257)〕were independently associated with increased risk of poor prognosis of patients with colorectal cancerP<0.05. Conclusion As one of the independent risk factors of poor prognosis of patients with colorectal cancerhigh expression of MOS gene may be closely correlated with the degree of colorectal cancer infiltration and prognosiswhich may be a valuable predictive and prognostic biomarkerand a potential therapeutic target for colorectal cancer.


    Analysis of Risk Factors of Lung Cancer Patients Combined with Sarcopenia and Their Correlation with Clinical Prognosis 

    LI Zhouhua1JI Shuang 12HU Xianwei1YOU Qinghai1FEI Guanghe12*    

    1.Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicinethe First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical UniversityHefei 230022China

    2.Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases Research and Medical Transformation of Anhui ProvinceHefei 230022China

    *Corresponding authorFEI GuangheChief physicianProfessorDoctoral

    Abstract: Background Patients with lung cancer often suffer from sarcopeniabut the relationship between sarcopenia and quality of lifeemotional status is unclear. Objective To investigate the incidence of sarcopenia in lung cancer patientsanalyze its risk factors and their impact on the clinical prognosis including emotional statusquality of lifeetcso as to provide evidence for the overall improvement of the clinical prognosis of lung cancer patients. Methods 87 patients with lung cancer who attended the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicinethe First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University from December 2019 to July 2020 were recruitedand their agegendereducation levelsmoking statustumor pathological typePS scorelength of illnesstreatment statuscomorbiditiesbody mass indexBMIwere collectedtheir hemoglobinlactate dehydrogenaseprealbuminalbumin were measured. The body composition analyzer was used to measure the muscle mass of the limbs and calculate skeletal muscle mass index SMI),and the patients were divided into sarcopenia group46 casesand no sarcopenia group41 casesaccording to the diagnostic criteria of the Asia Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older PeopleAWGSOP. The Nutritional Risk Screening 2002NRS2002was used to evaluate the patients' malnutrition riskthe Quality-of-Life Questionnaire-Core 30QLQ-C30was used to evaluate the quality of life of the patientsand the Hospital Anxiety and Depression ScaleHADSwas used to evaluate the emotional state of the patients. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to explore the influencing factors of lung cancer combined with sarcopeniaand Pearson correlation analysis was used to explore the correlation between sarcopenia and quality of lifeemotional status. Results The prevalence of sarcopenia in lung cancer patients was 52.9%. Ageproportion of long-term smokingCharlson comorbidity indexNRS2002 scoreand risk of malnutrition in the sarcopenia group were higher than the non-sarcopenia groupwhile BMIlimb muscle massand SMI were lower than the non-sarcopenia groupP<0.05. The results of binary logistic regression analysis showed that long-term smoking historyOR=5.51595%CI1.23424.646)〕,duration of illnessOR=1.13295%CI1.0071.272)〕,BMI OR=0.67695%CI0.5190.880)〕,NRS2002 score OR=1.77395%CI1.0123.108)〕 are the influencing factors of lung cancer combined with sarcopenia. The scores of anxiety scaledepression scalefatiguepainshortness of breathand loss of appetite in the sarcopenia group were higher than the no sarcopenia groupP<0.05. The total score of QLQ-C30the scores of physical functionrole functionemotional functionand social function in sarcopenia group were lower than the no sarcopenia groupP<0.05. Pearson correlation analysis results showed that sarcopenia was positively correlated with the scores of anxietydepressionfatiguepainshortness of breathand appetite lossP<0.05),but negatively correlated with the scores of global quality of liferole functioningphysical functioningemotional functioningsocial functioningP<0.05. Conclusion Longer disease durationlong term smoking historyhigher NRS2002 score and lower BMI has higher risk for developing sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is significantly associated with poorer quality of lifeand anxiety and depressive symptoms in patients with lung cancer.


    Study on the Effect of Baseline Blood Lipid Level on the Prognosis of Patients with Non-triple-negative Breast Cancer 

    WU WenxiaZHANG Meng*    

    Department of General PracticeSun Yat-sen Memorial HospitalSun Yat-sen UniversityGuangzhou 510289China

    *Corresponding authorZHANG MengAssociate chief

    Abstract: Background Dyslipidemia is one of high risk factors of breast cancer. Current studies have found that the level of blood lipid metabolism may also be closely related to the stagepathologyoverall survivalOSand disease free survivalDFSof breast cancerbut the results were stil controversial. Objective To explore the effect of baseline blood lipid metabolism on the prognosis of non-Triple Negative Breast CancerTNBC. Methods Retrieved from January 2019 to March 2021 in Sun Yat-sen memorial Hospital from January 2016 to March 2017 in the electronic medical record system202 cases of non-triple-negative breast cancer patients were included. All the patients had no history of diabetesdyslipidemiacardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease. The clinical general information including agemenopausal statushistory of hypertensionbody mass indexBMI),fasting blood glucoseblood lipidsincluding total cholesterolTC),triacylglycerolTG),low-density lipoprotein cholesterolLDL-C),high-density lipoprotein cholesterolHDL-C),apolipoprotein A1APOA1),apolipoprotein BAPOB),apolipoprotein EAPOE)〕,high-sensitivity C-reactive protein hsCRP),uric acidpathological results including tumor sizeT stage),lymph node metastasisN stage),ERPRHER-2Ki-67tissue gradewere collected. The OS and DFS time until three years of diagnosis were recorded. The patients were divided into two groups according to the breast cancer stage. Group 1was stage -and group 2 was stage . Kaplan-Meier curves were used to determine OS and DFS rates. Log rank-tests were performed to compare differences in survival curves. Multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to study the associations between pre-diagnostic lipids and DFSOS of non-TNBC. Results The TG level of group 2 was higher than that of group 1while the level of HDL-C was lower than that of group 1

    P<0.05. The optimal cutoff values of the TG level and HDL-C were determined to be 1.39 mmol/LAUC=0.62695%CI0.5620.690)〕 and 1.14 mmol/LAUC=0.59995%CI0.5310.668)〕,respectively. The proportion of stage was higher in patients with TG1.39 mmol/L or HDL-C<1.14 mmol/L than TG<1.39 mmol/L or HDL-C1.14 mmol/LP<0.05. Patients with TG1.39 mmol/L had higher proportion of lymph node metastasis than with TG<1.39 mmol/L. Patients had more advanced T stage in group with HDL-C<1.14 mmol/L than HDL-C1.14 mmol/L. Patients with HDL-C1.14 mmol/L had higher OS98.1%and DFS89.8%than HDL-C<1.14 mmol/Lwhich was 90.9% and 77.4% respectively(χ2=4.669P=0.031;χ2=3.859P=0.049. After adjusting for menopausal statusBMIblood pressure and blood glucose levelsbaseline HDL-C<1.14 mmol/L is considered recurrencemetastasisHR=2.90795%CI1.0248.255),P=0.045and deathHR=8.71895%CI 1.14866.198),P=0.036influencing factors. Conclusion HDL-C<1.14 mmol/L might be an influencing factor for the poor clinical prognosis of non-triple-negative breast cancer.


    Risk Factors for Breast Cancer-related Lymphedema in Chinese Womena Meta-analysis 

    ZHANG HaoLIU RuiruiZHU LinBO DingxiZHONG YizhuLIANG YunGAO Jing*    

    School of NursingChengdu University of TCMChengdu 611137China

    *Corresponding authorGAO

    Abstract: Background Breast cancer-related lymphedema BCRLis the most common postoperative complication of breast cancerwhich cannot be cured clinically at present. Early identification of the risk factors for BCRL may improve the outcome significantlyyet it is still controversial in existing relevant studiesand there is no relevant systematic review in China. Objective To systematically evaluate the risk factors for BCRL in Chinese women. Methods We searched the databases of CINAHLPubMedEMBaseWeb of ScienceThe Cochrane LibraryCNKICQVIPWanfang Data and SinoMed for articles about the risk factors of BCRL among Chinese women published from inception to June 2020.Two researchers independently screened the studies based on the inclusion and exclusion criteriaextracted data including the first authortime of publicationtype of studiessample sizemeasurement methods for edemadegree of edemafollow-up timeand BCRL-related factorsageBMIhypertension prevalencelymph node metastasis prevalencescope of axillary lymph node dissectionhaving a lymph node dissectionnumber of lymph nodes dissectedpostoperative healing complicationchemotherapyradiation therapy)〕,and performed risk of bias assessment using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.3. Results 31 studies involving 2 618 subjects were includedwith moderate or high methodological quality. Meta-analysis showed that older ageOR=2.5995%CI1.953.45),P<0.000 01〕,increased BMIOR=2.3395%CI1.912.85),P<0.000 01〕,hypertensionOR=4.7695%CI2.538.94),P<0.000 01〕,lymph node metastasisOR=1.2295%CI1.061.39),P=0.005〕,extended axillary lymph node dissectionOR=2.3095%CI1.882.81),P<0.000 01〕,having a lymph node dissectionOR=8.2995%CI2.3229.60),P=0.001〕,number of dissected lymph nodes 15OR=1.1295%CI1.061.19),P<0.000 1〕,postoperative healing complicationOR=4.1195%CI3.265.17),P<0.000 01〕,chemotherapyOR=3.1795%CI2.164.63),P<0.000 01〕,radiation therapyOR=2.6995%CI2.323.13),P<0.000 01were risk factors of BCRL. Conclusion BCRL among Chinese women may be associated with various risk factorssuch as age>40BMI24 kg/m2hypertensionlymph node metastasisextended axillary lymph node dissectionhaving a lymph node dissectionnumber of dissected axillary lymph nodes 15postoperative healing complicationchemotherapyand radiation therapy. Due to limited quality and quantity of the included studiesmore large-sample prospective cohort studies are required to verify the above conclusion.


    The Treatment Value of Taking Twice Abiraterone Acetate for the Metastatic Prostate Cancer 

    WANG Hui*ZHAO ShankunLIU ShixiongLI Xin    

    Department of UrologyTaizhou Central HospitalTaizhou University Hospital),Taizhou 318000China

    *Corresponding authorWANG HuiAssociate chief physicianAssociate

    Abstract: Abiraterone acetateAA),a new antiandrogenhas just recently been introduced into the Chinese marketand used once for most patients. We retrospectively analyzed the diagnosis and treatment process of two cases of metastatic prostate cancermPCtreated using a comprehensive treatment scheme including the sandwichtherapy with AAand found this scheme may be effective for mPC. Moreoverwe also found that the response time of the first AA treatment may be longer if the first AA treatment was stopped as early as possible at the end of the hormone-sensitive periodbut that may be shorter if being stopped later in the castrate-resistant period. Furthermoreearly discontinuation of the first AA treatment significantly prolonged the overall drug response period and the cancer-specific survival. Thereforethe "sandwich" regimen of AA could be used as a new strategy to improve the efficacy of mPC. And the earlier discontinuation regimen will be more conducive to optimizing the existing sequential treatment of mPC than the later discontinuation regimen.


    Summary of the Best Evidence Regarding Perioperative Exercise Improving the Health Outcome in Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 

    WANG TingtingZHANG Xinqiong*WANG AimeiHAN ShiyuZHANG Honghui    

    School of NursingAnhui Medical UniversityHefei 230032China

    *Corresponding authorZHANG

    Abstract: Background Appropriate perioperative exercise can effectively improve the health outcome of non-small cell lung cancer NSCLCpatientsbut the related best evidence about the effectiveness of various intervention programs has not been summarized. Objective To search and evaluate studies about perioperative exercise improving the health outcome of NSCLC patientsthen summarize the best evidence. Methods We searched Up To DateBMJ Best PracticeJoanna Briggs Institute Evidence-Based Practice DatabaseChina National Guideline ClearinghouseNational Guideline ClearinghouseThe Cochrane LibraryPubMedCNKI and other databases to collect evidence summariesguidelinesexpert consensuses and systematic reviews regarding perioperative exercise improving the health outcome in patients with NSCLC from inception to July 2020. Methodological quality and evidence level were assessed by researchers systematically trained on evidence-based medicine. Results Totally 22 studies were includedincluding 1 evidence summary3 guidelines1 expert consensus14 systematic reviews and 3 randomized controlled trials. Their methodological qualities were rated high overall. Finally 22 pieces of best evidence involving 7 dimensions were summarizednamelynecessity of perioperative exercisepopulation suitable for performing perioperative exercisepre-exercise health evaluationpreoperative exercise programpostoperative exercise programprecautions and effectiveness evaluation. Conclusion This summary indicates that clinical healthcare workers should value the exercise management for NSCLC patientsand develop personalized intervention programsincluding preoperative and postoperative exercise programswith the patient's individual featuressuch as comprehensive health evaluationincluding per-exercise evaluationand preference〕,precautions and effectiveness evaluation regarding the exercise taken into account.


    Intracranial Failure Analysis in Patients with Brain Metastasis from Lung Adenocarcinoma Harboring Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutation 

    SONG Yuzhi1ZHEN Chanjun1BAI Wenwen1LI Bo2QIAO Xueying1ZHOU Zhiguo1*    

    1. Radiotherapy Departmentthe Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical UniversityShijiazhuang 050011China

    2. Radiology Departmentthe Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical UniversityShijiazhuang 050011China

    *Corresponding authorZHOU ZhiguoChief

    Abstract: Background The treatment of patients with brain metastasisBMfrom lung adenocarcinomaLACwith epidermal growth factor receptorEGFRmutation is a hot and controversial issueas no standard treatment modality currently exists. Objective To analyze the clinical factors associated with intracranial failure following BM treatment in BM patients from LAC with EGFR mutation. Methods In this studywe retrospectively enrolled 282 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of BM from LAC with EGFR mutation from the Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University between January 2011 and June 2018. Baseline characteristics were obtainedcontaining agegendersmoking historyKarnofsky Performance Status Scale scoreextracranial disease control statusnumber of involved extracranial organsnumber and symptoms of BMstiming of BM developmenttreatment modality for BMstreatment strategy for the primary lung tumorand Lung-molGPA. At four weeks after the end of whole-brain radiation therapyWBRTor targeted oral therapy using tyrosine kinase inhibitorsTKIs),we assessed the intracranial responseand delivered a follow-up to patientsduring which the overall survival-BMOS-BM),intracranial progression-free survivaliPFSand time of intracranial control were recorded. We plotted Kaplan-Meier curves for OS-BM and iPFS. We used multivariate Logistic regression analysis to explore clinical factors associated with intracranial failure and to further investigate the associated factors between two subgroups divided by the median time to intracranial failureearly failure subgroup(≤10.0 monthsand late failure subgroup>10.0 months)〕. Results (1Baseline characteristicsthe median follow-up time was 28.4 monthsrange3.0 to 94.8 months. The median OS-BM was 45 monthsand the 3-year OS-BM rate was 28.5%. The median iPFS time was 24 monthsand the 3-year iPFS rate was 38.4%. 2Group analysis of intracranial failurein all48.9% of the patients developed intracranial failure. BM symptoms and related treatment modality as well as Lung-molGPA were significantly different for those who developed intracranial failure as compared to those who did not in the baseline characteristicsP<0.05. Other baseline data showed no intergroup differencesP<0.05. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that BM treatment modality was associated with intracranial failureOR=1.99295%CI1.3083.437),P=0.004. The patients receiving WBRT combined with TKIs or not had a higher 3-year iPFS rate as compared to those receiving TKIs alone51.6% vs 26.7%)(χ2=10.769P=0.001. 3Subgroup analysis of intracranial failureearly failure subgroupn=71had a lower 3-year OS-BM rate than late failure subgroupn=67)(5.9% vs 42.1%)(χ2=51.888P<0.001. By the multivariable analysesthe number of involved extracranial organs was associated with early intracranial failureOR=0.33695%CI0.1260.894),P=0.029. The 3-year iPFS rate was 4.2% in patients with 4 involved extracranial organsand 14.0% in those with 3(χ2=4.993P=0.025. Conclusion For patients with EGFR-mutated LAC with BMBM treatment modality was associated with intracranial failure. Compared to the use of TKIs aloneusing WBRT in combination with TKIs or not may delay the time to develop intracranial failure with an around 50% reduced risk. In additionthe number of involved extracranial organs was associated with early intracranial failure. The higher the number(≥4),the earlier intracranial failure occurred.


    Efficacy and Safety of Tumor-treating Fields Versus Angiogenesis Inhibitors in Combination with Stupp Protocol for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastomaa Network Meta-analysis 

    SU Dongpo1ZUO Zhengyao1LI Mei1HAN Qian1ZHANG Weihong2FU Aijun1ZHU Jun1CHEN Tong1*    

    1.Department of NeurosurgeryNorth China University of Science and Technology Affiliated HospitalTangshan 063000China

    2.Department of NursingNorth China University of Science and Technology Affiliated HospitalTangshan 063000China

    *Corresponding authorCHEN TongProfessorChief physicianE-mailct.1973@

    Abstract: Background Tumor-treating fieldsTTFieldswith Stupp protocol and angiogenesis inhibitors with Stupp protocol have proved to be effective in the treatment of newly diagnosed glioblastomabut there are few studies directly comparing their efficacies and safety. Objective To compare the efficacy and safety of TTFields versus angiogenesis inhibitors in combination with Stupp protocol for newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Methods The databases of PubMedThe Cochrane LibraryEMBase and OVID were comprehensively searched from January 12004 to January 12020 for studies about newly diagnosed glioblastoma treated by TTFields with Stupp protocol compared with those treated by angiogenesis inhibitors with Stupp protocol. The literature information was extracted and stored in the Excel fileincluding the first authorcountry of the authoryear of publicationnumber and age of participantstreatment schemeexperimental groupsStupp protocol in combination with bevacizumabcilengitideor TTFields combined with other treatment regimenscontrol groupStupp protocol),outcome indicatorsoverall survivalOS),progression-free survivalPFS)〕 and adverse events. The quality of the included literatures was evaluated. Revman 5.3 and Stata 13.1 were used for network meta-analysis. Results Seven studies were includedinvolving 1 859 cases and 1 566 controlswith a relatively high methodological quality. Seven therapies from studies were included in the network meta-analysisTTFields with Stupp protocolbevacizumab with Stupp protocolbevacizumab with irinotecanbevacizumab with irinotecan and Stupp protocolcilengitidetwice a weekwith Stupp protocolcilengitidefive times a weekwith Stupp protocoland Stupp protocol. Through network meta-analysisthe 6-month OS rate of each treatment modality was ranked from high to lowTTFields with Stupp protocol > cliengitidefive times a weekwith Stupp protocol > bevacizumab with Stupp protocol > cliengitidetwice a weekwith Stupp protocol > bevacizumab with irinotecan and Stupp protocol > bevacizumab with irinotecan > Stupp protocol. The one-year OS rate was ranked from high to low as followsTTFields with Stupp protocol > bevacizumab with irinotecan> bevacizumab with Stupp protocol> cliengitidetwice a weekwith Stupp protocol > cliengitidefive times a weekwith Stupp protocol > bevacizumab with irinotecan and Stupp protocol > Stupp protocol. The 6-month PFS rate of each treatment modality was ranked from high to lowbevacizumab with irinotecan> bevacizumab with Stupp protocol > TTFields with Stupp protocol > bevacizumab with irinotecan and Stupp protocol > cliengitidefive times a weekwith Stupp protocol > cliengitidetwice a weekwith Stupp protocol > Stupp protocol. The one-year PFS rate of each treatment modality was ranked from high to lowbevacizumab with irinotecan > bevacizumab with Stupp protocol > bevacizumab with irinotecan and Stupp protocol > TTFields with Stupp protocol > cliengitidetwice a weekwith Stupp protocol > cliengitidefive times a weekwith Stupp protocol > Stupp protocol. In terms of adverse eventsBevacizumab and irinotecan increased the incidence of treatment-related adverse eventsbut TTFields and cilengitide did not. Conclusion TTFields with Stupp protocol seems to be safer and more effectivebut whether it can be used as an alternative to other six therapies still needs to be verified.


    High-risk HPV Infection Analysis in 18 378 Cervical Cancer Screening Participants in Urban Areas of ShiheziXinjiang 

    WEI Yan12BAI Rui1RUAN Yangyang1SUN Qianyu1DIAO Bowen1YANG Ping1*    

    1.Department of GynecologyFirst Affiliated HospitalSchool of MedicineShihezi UniversityShihezi 832008China

    2.Shihezi People's HospitalShihezi 832008China

    *Corresponding authorYANG PingChief physicianProfessorDoctoral

    Abstract: Background Cervical cancer is a highly prevalent malignancy in womenwhich can be effectively prevented through standardized screening based on its clarified etiology. Howevercytology-based cervical cancer screening programs are unfeasible in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Regionwhere medical resources are inadequate. So it would be meaningful to understand the status of high-risk human papilloma virushrHPVinfection in Shihezi region for optimizing the primary hrHPV screening. Objective To investigate the hrHPV infection status in cervical cancer screening participants aged 30-65 years from urban areasShiheziXinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Methods The cervical cancer screening data results of hrHPV DNA testingThinPrep cytologic testcolposcopy and histopathologyof 18 378 womenwho underwent primary hrHPV screening at First Affiliated HospitalSchool of MedicineShihezi UniversityShihezi People's Hospitaland Shihezi Maternal and Child Health Hospital during December 2018May 2019were retrospectively collected. The prevalence of hrHPV subtypeshrHPV16 and/or 18 positive versus other hrHPV positivewere comparatively analyzed. The prevalence of hrHPV was compared between four age groups30-3940-4950-59and 60-65. Results Among the participantsthe hrHPV prevalence was 15.32%2 816/18 378),with single infections accounting for 11.38%2 092/18 378and multiple infections for 3.94%724/18 378. The five most common hrHPV subtypes of single infections were hrHPV522.37%),hrHPV161.65%),hrHPV530.97%),hrHPV510.90%),and hrHPV39/680.87%),hrHPV18 was ranked 11th0.36%. Participants infected with both hrHPV16 and hrHPV18 had higher prevalence of cervical lesions than those infected with only hrHPV1835.71% vs 8.95%),and so did those infected with hrHPV1630.86% vs 8.95%)(P<0.05. Although the hrHPV52 was the most frequent subtypeno precancerous cervical lesion or cervical cancer was detected in the cohort with hrHPV52 infection. Among the people with infections of other hrHPV subtypes and histology LSIL revealed by colposcopic cervical biopsieshrHPV58hrHPV56hrHPV51hrHPV33and hrHPV39 were more common than other subtypes. In additionthere was a statistically significant difference in hrHPV infection rates between different age groups(χ2=7.866P=0.049. Conclusion The prevalence of hrHPV infection among women in urban areasShihezi is highand infections with single hrHPV are predominantwhere infections of hrHPV16 need to be given special attention.


    Advances in the Key Oncogene and Tumor-suppressor Gene in Early Lung Adenocarcinoma 

    YANG RongLIAO XiaoyangLEI Yi*YUAN Mengyi    

    General Practice WardInternational Medical CenterWest China HospitalSichuan UniversityChengdu 610041China

    *Corresponding authorLEI YiAssociate chief

    Abstract: Lung cancer is a malignant tumor with high incidence and mortality ratescausing a heavy socio-economic burden worldwide. Lung adenocarcinoma is the main type of lung cancer with a poor prognosisbut most early lung adenocarcinomas cases may have a high rate of 5-year survival. So it is vital to early evaluate condition and prognosisand based on thisto choose an appropriate personalized regimen for early lung adenocarcinoma patients. And the research on key oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes in early lung cancer has become a hot topic. We reviewed five key genes in lung cancerincluding four oncogenes EGFRALKROS1 and KRASand a tumor-suppressor geneTP53),with a description of clinical featuresprognosis evaluation and targeted therapies of early lung adenocarcinoma patients with mutations of the genesand a summary of other small molecular biomarkers related to the diseasewith a view to advancing general practitioners' understanding of key genes related to early lung adenocarcinomathereby improving the personalized management of these patients.


    Latest Developments in Natural History and Tumor Growth Rate of Breast Cancer 

    GAO Ying1*WEI Wei1ZHANG Peng2ZHANG Qing1    

    1.Health Management CenterTianjin Medical University General HospitalTianjin 300052China

    2.Department of Rehabilitation MedicineTianjin Medical University General HospitalTianjin 300052China

    *Corresponding authorGAO YingAssistant

    Abstract: In developed countriesearly screening for breast cancer is already part of health services. The screening effect is greatly affected by the screening intervalwhich is determined by the natural history and tumor growth rate of breast cancer in the target population. In this reviewwe systematically reviewed the previous global studies on natural history of breast canceranalyzed the most important parameter of tumor progressionnamelytumor growth rateand its influencing factorsand summarized that most natural history progression models of breast cancer are multi-phasedusually covering four-phases of non-detectablepre-clinicalclinical and deathwith more potentially associated tumor characteristic parameters incorporatedthe growth rate of breast tumor is assessed by pre-clinical sojourn time and doubling timetumor growth rate is influenced by ageBRCA1/2 gene mutationfamily history of breast cancerother traditional breast cancer risk factorstumor histopathology featuresother clinical information and so on. Understanding the growth pattern of breast cancer and its influencing factors will help to formulate the optimal screening strategy and improve early screening effects. As tumor growth rate is associated with the survival of breast cancer patientseffective assessment of tumor growth will give support to develop new treatment strategies and personalized screening interval.


    A Multimodal Ultrasound-based Decision-making Tree Model for the Diagnosis of Papillary Thyroid CarcinomaDevelopment and Efficacy Evaluation 

    LI NingKAN Yanmin*LI XiaosongWANG YihuaZHANG ManMENG JianMA Lin    

    Department of UltrasoundAffiliated Hospital of North China University of TechnologyTangshan 063000China

    *Corresponding authorKAN YanminProfessorChief

    Abstract: Background The detection rate of papillary thyroid carcinomaPTCis increasing in recent yearswhich may be due to advances in various ultrasonic imaging technologies and residentsincreased awareness of participating in the screening for PTC. The development of a decision-making tree model is helpful for identifying and diagnosing PTC timely. Objective To develop a multimodal ultrasound-based decision-making tree model for the diagnosis of PTCand to assess its efficacy. Methods One hundred and eighty inpatients with excision of thyroid nodules were recruited from North China University of Technology Affiliated Hospital from January 2018 to October 2020. One hundred and eighty-six thyroid nodules were found in themand 87 of which were malignantPTC group),and other 99 were benignnon-PTC group. The results of routine ultrasoundshear wave elastographySWE),and contrast-enhanced ultrasoundCEUSof PTC and non-PTC groups were compared. And the imaging parameters of PTC detected by routine ultrasoundSWECEUSand the combination of routine ultrasoundSWE and CEUShereinafter referred to as multimodal ultrasound”)were used to develop a decision-making tree modelrespectivelythen the efficacies of these four models were evaluated. Results There were significant differences in nodule echoaspect ratioedgefocal hyperechomaximum elasticityEmax),minimum elasticityEmin),mean elasticityEmean),standard deviation of elasticityEsd),elasticity ratio to normal surrounding tissueEratio),enhancement degreeenhancement characteristicscontrast medium distributioncontrast medium arrival timecontrast medium subsidence timepeak concentrationPeak),area under the time-intensity curveAUCtand mean transit timeMTTbetween PTC and non-PTC groupsP<0.05. Root nodes of decision-making tree models based on imaging parameters of PTC measured by routine ultrasoundSWECEUS and multimodal ultrasound were focal hyperechoEmaxAUCt and Emaxrespectively. Ten-fold cross-validation test showed thatmisdiagnosis rates of decision-making tree models for PTC based on routine ultrasoundSWECEUS and multimodal ultrasound were 33.9%19.4%37.6% and 7.0%respectively. The sensitivityspecificityaccuracy ratepositive likelihood rationegative likelihood ratio and Kappa value of multimodal ultrasound-based decision-making tree model for PTC were 88.5%99.0%94.1%88.50.12 and 0.880respectively. And it had higher diagnostic efficiency than other three models. Conclusion We successfully constructed the multimodal ultrasound-based decision-making tree model for PTC with relatively high diagnostic efficiency. Moreoverit contributes to the improvement of diagnostic accuracy of PTCwhich may be considered as a new approach to diagnosing PTC.


    Different Medications for Preventing 131I-induced Salivary Gland Damage in Thyroid Cancer Patientsa Network Meta-analysis 

    MA Dan1YIN Xinbo2LIU Jiahui1FANG Qunyao1HE Qiu1XIONG Yu3*GONG Fanghua4    

    1.Medical CollegeHunan Normal UniversityChangsha 410013China

    2.Nursing Teaching and Research DepartmentXiangya Hospital of Central South UniversityChangsha 410013China

    3.Department of Endocrinologythe Second Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Normal UniversityChangsha 410013China

    4.Department of NursingHunan Provincial People's HospitalChangsha 410013China

    *Corresponding authorXIONG YuChief superintendent

    Abstract: Background Although 131I adjunctive therapy can significantly improve the survival rate of patients with thyroid cancerits induced salivary gland damage seriously affects the quality of life. Currentlythere are a variety of drugs for the prevention and treatment of 131I-induced salivary gland damagebut it needs to conduct a network Meta-analysis to fill the gap of comparison of these medications. Objective To perform a network Meta-analysis of different medications for preventing 131I-induced salivary gland damage in thyroid cancer patients. Methods Randomized controlled trialsRCTsor non-RCTs about different medications for preventing 131I-induced salivary gland damage in thyroid cancer patients were searched in databases of Cochrane Central Register of Controlled TrialsWeb of SciencePubMedand EMBaseVIPCNKIWanfang Data and SinoMed from inception to January 2021. Literature screening and data extraction were performed by two researchersseparately. The literature quality was evaluated using the risk of bias assessment tool in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of InterventionsVersion 5.1.0and MINORS. Consistency testpublication bias analysis and graph drawing were carried out using Stata 16.0. OpenBUGS 3.2.3 was used for network Meta-analysis. Results A total of 11 articles were includedinvolving 7 intervention schemesamifostinevitamin Camifostine with vitamin Ccitric acidvitamin Eselenium and propylthiouracil. Network Meta-analysis revealed that in terms of preventing 131I-induced loss of salivary excretion fraction in the parotid glandamifostine with vitamin C was superior to citric acid and propylthiouracilso was amifostineP<0.05. Amifostine was also superior to the regular treatmentP<0.05. The SUCRA score for the schemes in preventing 131I-induced loss of salivary excretion fraction in the parotid gland ranked from highest to lowest wasamifostine with vitamin C> amifostine > vitamin C>regular treatment > vitamin E> selenium >citric acid > propylthiouracil. In terms of preventing 131I-induced loss of salivary excretion fraction in the submandibular glandpropylthiouracil was inferior to vitamin Eamphostine with vitamin Camphostine and regular treatmentP<0.05. The SUCRA score for the schemes in preventing 131I-induced loss of salivary excretion fraction in the submandibular gland ranked from highest to lowest wasvitamin E>amphostine with vitamin C> amphostine>selenium> vitamin C> citric acid> regular treatment > propylthiouracil. The funnel plot of comparing different medications for preventing 131I-induced loss of salivary excretion fraction in the parotid gland or submandibular gland was obviously symmetrical. Conclusion Amphostine with vitamin C may be the best intervention for preventing 131I-induced loss of salivary excretion fraction in the parotid gland. And vitamin E may be the best scheme for preventing 131I-induced loss of salivary excretion fraction in the submandibular glandfollowed by amphostine with vitamin C. Due to limitations of this studythese results should be taken with cautionwhich still need to be verified by more large-samplehigh-quality clinical studies.


    Prognostic Value of Prognostic Nutritional Index and a Prognostic Nomogram Developed Based It for Gastric Cancer Patients with Lung Metastasis 


    1.Cancer Centerthe First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical UniversityUrumqi 830011China

    2.Xinjiang Medical UniversityUrumqi 830011China

    *Corresponding authorMAYINUER?AiliProfessorChief

    Abstract: Background Gastric cancer is a common digestive tract cancer worldwide that seriously endangers the life and health of residents. Nutritional status has been reported to be closely related to cancer patients' prognosiswhich is assessed by prognostic nutritional indexPNIin increasing studies to predict long-term prognosis of cancer patients. Objective To evaluate the prognostic value of PNI in gastric cancer patients with lung metastasisand to establish a PNI-based prognostic nomogram. Methods Participants were 245 gastric cancer patients with lung metastasis who were admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University from July 2010 to July 2018. By reviewing medical records and test reportsdemographic and clinicopathological data were collectedincluding agesexprimary lesionhistological gradeT stageN stagetype of lung metastasistiming of lung metastasischemotherapy statustumor diameterprevalence of pleural effusion and intravascular tumor thrombusprimary lesion surgeryserum CEAserum CA199number of peripheral lymphocytes and albumin level one week before operationand calculated PNI. Follow-up data were collected through a telephone or clinic follow-up till April 2019. The influencing factors of PNI and its association with the prognosis were analyzed. A prognostic nomogram was constructed based on potential prognostic factors of gastric cancer patients with lung metastasis. Results The optimal cut-off value of PNI for predicting 3-year survival in gastric cancer patients with lung metastasis was 46.1 with 71.7% sensitivity and 67.8% specificity. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that age >65 years oldOR=2.12395%CI1.2013.752)〕,advanced T stageOR=2.10495%CI1.3363.313)〕,advanced N stageOR=1.87695%CI1.2862.735)〕 and tumor diameter> 5 cm OR=1.83995%CI1.0543.208)〕were independent risk factors for PNI<46.1P<0.05. The 1-year2-year and 3-year survival rates of gastric cancer patients with lung metastasis were 33.3%15.1% and 4.3%respectively. The 3-year survival rate of low PNI groupn=114PNI<46.1was lower than that of high PNI groupn=131PNI>46.1)(P=0.001. Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that histological gradeHR=1.41495%CI1.0591.887)〕,type of lung metastasisHR=1.64795%CI1.2132.237)〕,chemotherapyHR=0.74095%CI0.5590.981)〕,primary lesion surgery HR=0.64995%CI0.4750.886)〕 and PNIHR=0.73395%CI0.5500.978)〕 were independent prognostic factors for gastric cancer patients with lung metastasisP<0.05),and all of which were used to construct the prognostic nomogram to predict the 1-year2-year and 3-year overall survival with a C-index of 0.755. Conclusion PNI may be a major prognostic factor for gastric cancer patients with lung metastasis. And the prognostic nomogram based on PNI is helpful for individualized prognosis analysis.


    The Role of m6A RNA Methylation Modification in Esophageal Cancer 

    ZHU LingyanSHEN YiSHAO YiLIU Fen*    

    Department of Epidemiology and Health StatisticsSchool of Public HealthBeijing Municipal Key Laboratory of Clinical EpidemiologyCapital Medical UniversityBeijing 100069China

    *Corresponding authorLIU

    Abstract: N6-methyladenosine m6A),as the most abundant epitranscriptomic modification in eukaryotic cellsplays an important role in the occurrence and development of tumors. At presentdomestic and foreign research on how m6A methylation modification participates in the occurrence and development of esophageal cancer mainly focuses on the biological functions of cell malignant proliferationmigration and invasion. Research on the differential expression of m6A methylation modification regulators in esophageal cancer suggests that m6A methylation modification regulators are expected to become potential prognostic molecular markers for esophageal cancer. This review focuses on the biological functions of m6A methylation modificationas well as the prognostic value of m6A methylation in esophageal cancerpostoperative treatment and other aspects of research progressaiming to provide new ideas for the prognosis and targeted therapy of esophageal cancer.


    Colorectal Cancer ScreeningCurrent Strategies and Thoughts 

    HU XiyueLIU Zheng*WANG Xishan*    


    Department of Colorectal SurgeryNational Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer HospitalChinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical CollegeBeijing 100021China

    *Corresponding authorsLIU ZhengChief

    WANG XishanChief

    Abstract: The incidence of colorectal cancer has shown an upward trend in China. Colorectal cancer turns to be a great threat to people's healthand also brings serious negative socio-economic impacts. The screening for colorectal cancer using effective strategies has been proven efficacious for reducing colorectal cancer burden in many countries. In Chinadue to incomplete coverage of colorectal cancer screening programs implemented using non-uniform strategiesthere is a need to develop a comprehensive colorectal cancer screening system used throughout the country. We overviewed colorectal cancer screening researches at home and abroadand discussed the common screening strategies based on the reviewing of the latest guidelines and consensuses on colorectal cancer screeningthen predicted the prospects of colorectal cancer screening in Chinawith a view to assisting the development of colorectal cancer screening strategies with Chinese characteristics.


    Colorectal Cancer Screening Program in ChinaRecent Advances and Screening Dilemma 

    HAN Xi1LIU Jun2MA Qi3HU Shengjuan2*    

    1.Ningxia Medical UniversityYinchuan 750002China

    2.Department of GastroenterologyPeople's Hospital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous RegionYinchuan 750002China

    3.Northwest Minzu UniversityLanzhou 730030China

    *Corresponding authorHU ShengjuanMaster supervisorChief

    Abstract: In recent yearsthe incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer CRCin China are increasing rapidly. But CRC screening is quite feasiblebecause its development from normal intestinal mucosa to abnormal growth and to malignancy can last for decadeswhich makes early screening and removal of precancerous colorectal lesions before cancerization become possible. Increasing countries aim to reduce high incidence and mortality of CRC and enhance its current low early diagnosis rate via implementing CRC screening programs. We reviewed recent advances in the common methods and means as well as relevant studies regarding CRC screeningproviding a reference for clinical practice.


    Recent Advances in Research on Cost-effectiveness of Colorectal Cancer Screening 

    GUAN YazheWU SiqiZHANG XueHE Yutong*    

    Cancer Institutethe Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical UniversityShijiazhuang 050011China

    *Corresponding authorHE YutongProfessorChief

    Abstract: Colorectal cancer is one of common cancers that threatens human health seriously. Early screening has been a global focus as an effective measure to reduce the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancerand an important prevention and treatment strategy. The key issues for colorectal cancer screening include delivering interventions specially focusing on populations at high risk for colorectal cancerdetermining the appropriate screening interval for populations with different levels of risk for colorectal cancerraising residents' health awareness from the community levelincreasing screening participationand performing health economic evaluation of the optimal screening strategy. Introducing colorectal cancer screening guidelines helps to identify people at high risk for colorectal cancerexplore appropriate screening ages and screening intervalsand improve the recognition of valuing screening participationconsequently increasing the cost-effectiveness of colorectal cancer screeningso we summarized the recent colorectal cancer screening guidelines and studies about the cost-effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening.


    Development of a Individual Rothman-Keller-type Risk Prediction Model for Colorectal Cancer in Chinese People 

    QIN ChengjieSHU TingYAO QiangLI MandiLIN YidieSUN YueZHOU LingJIANG MinZHU Cairong*    

    West China School of Public HealthWest China Fourth HospitalSichuan UniversityChengdu 610041China

    *Corresponding authorZHU

    Abstract: Background Colorectal cancer is a malignancy seriously threatening the health of Chinese people.Effective risk prediction model for colorectal cancer is an important tool to guide people to develop a healthy lifestyle by screening morbidity risk and identifying high-risk peopleto prevent or reduce the mortality of colorectal cancer. Objective To develop a Rothman-Keller-type model for predicting and classifying individual risk of colorectal cancer suitable for Chinese population. Methods We did a review of studies about risk factors for colorectal cancer that were collected from databases of CNKIWanfang DataVIPPubMedEMBaseand OVID from inception to 2020-08-31 to quantitatively examine the relationship of colorectal cancer with its major risk factorsthen used the results to develop a Rothman-Keller-type model for predicting individual risk of colorectal cancer in Chinese population. We applied binomial distribution function to further rate the risks. Results In totalthere were 15 risk factors included in the Rothman-Keller-type modelincluding family history of colorectal cancersmokingdrinkingobesityexcessive intake of red meathigh intake of preserved foodhistory of appendicitishistory of diabeteshistory of chronic colorectitishistory of chronic diarrheahistory of chronic constipationand low vegetable intakelow fruit intakeuse of aspirin and take of physical exercise. We generated 10 000 random data sets using binomial distribution functionand using segmented gradient comparison methodwe found the risk threshold for women was 0.033 7% and for men was 0.046 3%. Conclusion This risk prediction model is easy-to-usewhich facilitates high-risk people to undergo colonoscopyand help them to develop healthy lifestylespromoting the prevention of colorectal cancer.


    Research Progresses on the Role of Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase in Tumors 

    SUN Jian12MAO Xingxing12LONG Yuanyuan12SHA Mengqi12LIU Xiping3CHEN Yan12*HUANG Pei12*    

    1.No. 2 Department of Pediatric MedicineAffiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical UniversityZunyi 563000China

    2.Department of Hematology and OncologyGuizhou Children's HospitalZunyi 563000China

    3.Department of NeurologyAffiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical UniversityZunyi 563000China

    *Corresponding authorsCHEN YanChief

    HUANG PeiAssistant

    Abstract: Tumorigenesis is a dynamic and complex progressThe change in energy and metabolism is one of the basic characteristics of the tumor. Metabolic reprogramming meets the needs of energy and biosynthesis of rapidly proliferated tumor cells. The pentose phosphate pathwayPPPwith glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenaseG6PDas the rate-limiting enzyme is an important branch of glucose metabolismand play a vital role in the synthesis of nucleotideslipidsand other biomolecules and the maintenance of redox homeostasis. Howeverour understanding of the role of G6PD in tumors needs to be further strengthened. We reviewed the metabolic changes and signal pathways associated with the expression and activity of G6PD in tumorsand found that targeting G6PD could not only inhibit the rapid development of tumor but also could enhance the sensitivity of tumors to other chemotherapeutics and radiotherapy.



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