
  • Correlation between C-reactive Protein to Albumin Ratio and Spontaneous Recanalization of Infarct-related Arteries in Patients with Acute ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction 

    WANG ShunliTANG Jianmin*WANG FengyunSU DongshengZHU YinchuanWANG Tong    

    Cardiovascular Departmentthe Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityZhengzhou 450014China

    *Corresponding author:TANG JianminChief

    Abstract: Background Multiple studies reported that there is spontaneous recanalization of infarct-related arteriesIRAin some STEMI patients before emergency PCIwhich may be associated with a better outcome.So it is very important to find a simple and effective predicative index for spontaneous recanalization of IRA.At presentthere are few studies on the relationship between C-reactive protein/albumin ratio CARand spontaneous recanalization of IRA in patients with acute STEMI at home and abroad.Objective To investigate the predictive value of CAR for spontaneous recanalization of IRA in patients with acute STEMI.Methods A retrospective study was conducted.271 acute STEMI patients who underwent emergency PCI in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from May 2016 to February 2019 were enrolledand divided into spontaneous recanalization group n=56and non-spontaneous recanalization groupn=215by the prevalence of spontaneous recanalization of IRA found in the surgery.Clinical baseline data and laboratory results of two groups were compared.Multivariate logistic regression analysis was applied to screen the influential factors of spontaneous recanalization of IRA.The receiver operating characteristic ROCcurve was used to evaluate the value of CAR in predicting spontaneous recanalization of IRA.Results The leucocyte countplatelet/lymphocyte ratio PLR),neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio NLR),monocyte/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio MHR),and CAR in the spontaneous recanalization group were all lower than those in the non-spontaneous recanalization group P<0.05.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that leucocyte countOR=0.85695%CI0.7530.973)〕,NLROR=0.36895%CI0.1870.724)〕,MHROR=0.94795%CI0.8970.999)〕,and CAROR=0.79495% CI0.7320.862)〕 were influencing factors of spontaneous recanalization of IRA.ROC curve analysis showed that the AUC of CAR for predicting spontaneous recanalization of IRA was 0.76895%CI0.7050.832)〕when the cut-off point was determined as 11.99with 67.9% sensitivity and 79.1% specificityrespectively.Conclusion The leucocyte countNLRMHR and CAR may independently influence spontaneous recanalization of IRA in patients with acute STEMIand CAR had certain value in influencing spontaneous recanalization of IRA.


    Effect of Different Chest Pain Management Models on Acute ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction in Tianjina Comparative Study 

    CHEN Jinyu1ZHAO Kun2HUO Yong3LI Chunjie4SUI Binyan5*    

    1.China Health Economics AssociationBeijing 100191China

    2.China National Health Development Research CenterBeijing 100044China

    3.Department of CardiologyPeking University First HospitalBeijing 100034China

    4.Tianjin Chest HospitalTianjin 300051China

    5.School of Social Development and Public PolicyBeijing Normal UniversityBeijing 100875China

    *Corresponding authorSUI

    Abstract: Background Since the establishment of the first chest pain center in Tianjin in 2014the mortality rate of acute myocardial infarction in Tianjin residents decreased for three consecutive years. Evaluating the significance of the construction of chest pain center may have important practical guidance for further establishment of high-quality and efficient healthcare delivery system. Objective To compare the effect of acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarctionSTEMIby different chest pain management models in Tianjinproviding suggestions for improving the construction of chest pain centerand offering evidence for the promotion of management model of chest pain center. Methods From October 2014 to February 20198 011 STEMI patients who underwent emergency percutaneous coronary interventionPCIin 33 chest hospitals in Tianjin were selected. They were divided into groups AB and C according to the chest pain management model in the hospital they visitedgroup A received the chest pain management without chest pain center certificationn=915),group B received the chest pain management with chest pain center certificationstandard level)(n=6 981),and group C received the chest pain management with chest pain center certificationprimary level)(n=115. Symptom-to-doorS2Dtimesymptom-to-first medical contactS2FMCtimefirst medical contact-to-ECGFMC2ECGtimefirst medical contact-to-balloonFMC2Btimeand door-to-balloonD2Btime were compared among three groups. Moreoverthe prevalence rates of intensive 24-hour statins treatmentuse of β-blockerspost-PCI TIMI grade 3 flowand post-discharge combined use of drugsdual antiplatelet drugsstatins,β-blockersRAS blockerswere compared. Results The median time of S2DS2FMCFMC2ECGFMC2B and D2B in the participants were 117147min100128min22min7647min

    and 6732minrespectively. There were significant differences in average median FMC2ECG timeFMC2B timeD2B timeas well as the prevalence rates of intensive 24-hour statins treatment,β-blocker usepost-PCI TIMI grade 3 flowand post-discharge combined use of drugs among the three groupsP<0.05. Further comparison showed that the prevalence rates of average median FMC2ECG timeFMC2B timeD2B time in group B were lower than those of group AP<0.017),and post-PCI TIMI grade 3 flow in group B was higher than that of group AP<0.017);the prevalence rates of intensive 24-hour statins treatment,β-blocker use and post-discharge combined use of drugs in groups B and C were higher than those of group AP<0.017);Group C had lower average median FMC2ECG and D2B time and higher prevalence rate of intensive 24-hour statins treatment than group BP<0.017. From 2017 to 2019the yearly median D2B time in group B was shorter than group Aand the prevalence rat of yearly median D2B time<90 min in group B was greater than group A. Conclusion The standard chest pain management may significantly shorten the reperfusion timestandardize the clinical medication and improve the prognosis of acute STEMI patientsbut the pre-hospital emergency time could not be shortened. It is necessary to continue to promote the construction of regional chest pain centers to save more patients.


    Value of Hematological Parameters in Predicting Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events after PCI in Patients with Acute STEMI 

    CHEN XinsenSHAO MengZHANG TianZHANG HongyanMENG YoubaoHAI HuaLI Guihua*    


    Department of Emergency MedicineFirst Affiliated HospitalSchool of MedicineShihezi UniversityShihezi 832002China

    *Corresponding authorLI GuihuaChief

    Abstract: Background Monocyte to lymphocyte ratioMLR),mean platelet volume to lymphocyte ratioMPVLR),neutrophil to lymphocyte ratioNLRare all new markers of inflammatory responsewhich are related to the adverse outcomes in patients with acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarctionSTEMI.Howeverfew studies at home and abroad have been found to explore the relationship between these hematological parametersand the clinical value of the combination of them in predicting the prognosis of acute STEMI patients.Objective To investigate the clinical value of hematological parameters in predicting major adverse cardiovascular eventsMACEafter percutaneous coronary interventionPCIin patients with acute STEMI.Methods A total of 524 patients who were diagnosed with acute STEMI and who underwent emergency PCI for the first time at the First Affiliated HospitalSchool of MedicineShihezi University from August 2017 to February 2019 were enrolled.They were divided into MACE group and non-MACE group according to whether MACE occurred during the follow-up period.Baseline characteristics were collectedincluding ageproportions of malessmokersdiabeteshypertensionand hyperlipidemiaKillip class of post-admission acute myocardial infarction-induced heart failureadmission GRACE scorepre-PCI clinical indicatorsfasting blood glucosecreatine kinase isoenzymeCK-MBpeakpeak troponin TTnT),total cholesteroltriacylglycerollow-density lipoproteinhigh-density lipoproteinleft ventricular ejection fractionC-reactive proteinCRP),N-terminal brain natriuretic peptide precursorNT-proBNP),white blood cell countneutrophil countlymphocyte counthemoglobinplatelet countmonocyte countMPVMLRMPVLRNLRred blood cell distribution widthplatelet distribution widthand culprit vessels detected by coronary angiographynumber of stentstime from symptom onset to PCIno-reflow prevalenceand medical treatment.Cox regression analysis was used to investigate the influencing factors of MACE in STEMI patients after PCI.The receiver operating characteristic curve was plotted to evaluate the predictive value of MLRMPVLR and NLRalone and in double-combination formsfor MACE after PCI in patients with acute STEMI.Results In this studya total of 56 patients developed MACE during the follow-up periodincluding 23 cases of cardiogenic or all-cause death15 cases of heart failure7 cases of recurrent angina pectoris5 cases of malignant arrhythmia4 cases of recurrent myocardial infarction and 2 cases of stroke.Compared to those without MACEMACE patients had greater mean agehigher mean admission GRACE scorepeak TnTCRPNT-proBNPneutrophil countmonocyte countMPVMLRMPVLRand NLRand also a higher proportion of admission Killip class ≥Ⅱ.MoreoverMACE patients had lower levels of lymphocyte count as well as LVEFP<0.05.And they had a higher no-reflow prevalenceP<0.05.Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that lymphocyte countHR=0.88495%CI0.8170.966),P<0.001〕,monocyte countHR=1.16995%CI1.1041.463),P=0.009〕,MPVHR=1.33395%CI1.0051.752),P=0.039〕,MLRHR=1.70195%CI1.3322.172),P<0.001〕,MPVLRHR=1.37295%CI1.1961.443),P<0.001and NLRHR=1.42895%CI1.0371.576),P=0.015were the influencing factors of MACE in acute STEMI patients after PCI.MLR was positively correlated with NLRrs=0.195P<0.001and MPVLRrs=0.210P<0.001.NLR was positively correlated with MPVLRrs=0.483P<0.001.MLR+NLRMLR+MPVLRor NLR+MPVLR was better than MLRNLRor MPVLR in predicting MACE after PCI in acute STEMI patientsP<0.05.Conclusion Hematological parameters such as MLRMPVLRand NLR shortly after admission are related to the prognosis of acute STEMI patients.And combined application of these hematological parameters can more effectively identify high-risk patients and predict the occurrence of MACE.


    Electrocardiograms with de Winter syndrome of acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction during the whole period of treatment

    CHU Qingmin1TANG Na2JIN Zheng1LI Rong1*    

    Department of Cardiologythe First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese MedicineGuangzhou 510405China 2.Baiyun District Sanyuanli Subdistrict Community Health CenterGuangzhou 510406China *Corresponding authorLI RongChief

    Abstract: The de Winter electrocardiogramECGpattern is considered as the ECG manifestation for acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction STEMI),based on the evidence of clinical coronary angiography suggested severe proximal stenosis or complete occlusion of the anterior descending branchand its intrinsic relationship with the typical four-stage ECG findings of STEMI is not clear.In this paperwe analyzed the changes on the ECGs with de Winter pattern of a case of acute STEMI during the whole period of treatmentand reviewed relevant studiesthen assessed the relationship between acute STEMI and de Winter ECGin order to provide new ideas for the further understanding of de Winter ECG.


    Effect of Metabolic Syndrome on Long-term Prognosis of Patients with ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

    CHEN Hairong*LI MinglanPAN BiyunCHEN XunchunLU ShijuanWANG Yanying    

    Department of General MedicineCentral South University Xiangya School of Medicine Affiliated Haikou HospitalHaikou 570208China

    *Corresponding authorCHEN HairongAssociate chief

    Abstract: Background Metabolic syndromeMetSis a collection of conditionswhich increases the risk for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.Its influence on long-term prognosis of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarctionSTEMIpatients is rarely reported.Objective To evaluate the impact of MetS on long-term prognosis of STEMI patients.Methods We enrolled 507 STEMI patients treated with PCI from Cardiovascular DepartmentCentral South University Xiangya School of Medicine Affiliated Haikou Hospital from March 2014 to March 2015including 217 with coexisting MetSMetS group),and 290 withoutnon-MetS group).We collected their general clinical dataand information about severity of conditionslength of stayincidence of complications during hospitalizationpharmacological treatment within one-month follow-upand major adverse cardiovascular eventsMACEand death within four-year follow-up.We performed a multivariate analysis of the impact of MetS on MACE and death using the Cox proportional hazard regression model.Results Both groups showed significant differences in sex ratiomean ageprevalence of history of smokinghypertensiondiabeteshyperlipidemialow HDL cholesterolcentral obesitydistribution of BMIand multi-vessel lesionsas well as mean SYNTAX scoreP<0.05).AlsoMetS group showed longer mean length of stay than non-MetS group P<0.05.At one-month follow-upthe rates of using ACEIs/ARBscalcium channel blockersand hypoglycemic agents in MetS group were higher than those of non-MetS groupP<0.05).During the four-year follow-upMetS group had higher incidence of angina pectorisand target vessel revascularizationand lower incidence of receiving repeat PCI/coronary artery bypass grafting than no-MetS groupP<0.05).The death rate differed significantly by the number of MetS componentsP<0.05).The incidence of MACE also varied significantly by the number of MetS componentsP<0.05).Multivariate analysis with the Cox proportional hazards regression model showed that age HR=1.05795%CI1.0221.090)〕,renal insufficiency HR=3.02595%CI1.1807.759)〕,previous myocardial infarctionHR=2.43095%CI1.4885.151)〕,left ventricular ejection fraction HR=0.95895%CI0.9230.995)〕,Killip class≥Ⅱ 〔HR=4.64195%CI2.1889.825)〕 were independent risk factors for death in STEMI patientsP<0.05);age HR=1.02995%CI1.0061.054)〕,renal insufficiency HR=2.82695%CI1.2296.496)〕,left ventricular ejection fraction HR=0.96095%CI0.9340.987)〕,SYNTAX score HR=2.13895%CI1.2813.567)〕,Killip class≥Ⅱ 〔HR=2.09895%CI1.1313.893)〕 and MetS HR=1.83395%CI1.1622.896)〕were independent risk factors for MACE in STEMI patientsP<0.05).MetS was independently associated with TVR HR=2.20495%CI1.2733.815),P=0.005.Conclusion STEMI patients with MetS had longer length of stay and higher long-term MACE incidence after PCI.MetS is not associated with long-term death of STEMI patientsbut is independently associated with MACEespecially with TVR.


    Application of Intra-hospital + Home-based Continuous Cardiac Rehabilitation Model in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction after Emergency Coronary Intervention 

    ZHAO Dongjing*TANG WeiCAO ShujunSUN PengyuHU ShuoqiangTONG Zichuan    

    Department of Cardiovascular MedicineDaxing Teaching Hospital of Capital Medical UniversityBeijing 102600China

    *Corresponding authorZHAO DongjingAttending

    Abstract: Background At presentthe participation rates of phaseoutpatient cardiac rehabilitation both at home and abroad are low.Foreign studies have shown that the clinical benefits of home-based cardiac rehabilitation are equivalent to that of outpatient cardiac rehabilitationand are reliable and safe.Howeverthere are few researches on home-based cardiac rehabilitation in China.Objective To explore the effect of intra-hospital+home-based continuous cardiac rehabilitation model on patients with acute myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary interventionPCI.Methods From June in 2018 to February in 201980 patients with acute myocardial infarction who were hospitalized in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of Daxing Teaching Hospital of Capital Medical University and underwent emergency PCI were selected as the study objects.The subjects were divided into observation groupn=40and control groupn=40according to the method of random number table.The observation group adopted intra-hospital+home-based continuous cardiac rehabilitation model for three monthsand the control group was intervened by routine intervention for three months.The body mass indexBMI),blood pressuretotal cholesterolTC),low-density lipoprotein cholesterolLDL-C),6-minute walk distance6MWD),left ventricular ejection fractionLVEFand smoking status were compared between the two groups at admission and three months after intervention.According to the results of 6-min walk test before dischargethe patients in the observation group and the control group were divided into 6MWD400 m group and 6MWD<400 m groupand the 6MWD before and after the intervention was further compared between the two groups.Results There was no significant difference in blood pressureTCLDL-CLVEF and BMI between the two groups at admissionP>0.05.There was no significant difference in 6MWD between the two groups before dischargeP>0.05.The systolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressureTCLDL-C and BMI in the observation group after three months of intervention were lower than those before the intervention6MWD in the observation group after three months of intervention was higher than those before the intervention.The TCBMI in the control group after three months of intervention were lower than those before the intervention6MWD in the control group were longer than those before the interventionP<0.05.After three months of interventionTCLDL-C and 6MWD in the observation group were higher than those in the control group with a statistically significant differenceP<0.05.The difference value of TCLDL-CBMI and 6MWD in the observation group before and after the intervention were higher than those in the control groupP<0.05.The rate of quitting smoking was 70.6%24/34in the observation group and 39.4%13/33in the control group after three months of interventionand the difference was statistically significantP=0.010.There was no significant difference in 6MWD between 6MWD400 m groups in the observation group and the control group at discharge and three months after interventionP>0.05.The 6MWD in the two groups increased significantly after three months of interventionP<0.05.The 6MWD between 6MWD<400 m groups in the observation group and the control group after three months of intervention was significantly longer than that at dischargeP<0.05.The 6MWD in the observation group was significantly longer than that in the control group after three months of interventionP<0.05.Conclusion The intra-hospital and home-based continuous cardiac rehabilitation model is beneficial for patients with acute myocardial infarction after PCI to control risk factorsblood pressureblood lipidsmoking and BMI),change behavior and improve daily physical activity abilityespecially for patients in the 6MWD<400 m groups.


    Relationship between Acute-to-chronic Glycemic Ratio and Poor Short-term Prognosis in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction 

    DU FawangLI LingWU QiangCHEN DandanWU YuetingWANG JirenCHEN Baolin*    

    Cardiovascular DepartmentGuizhou Provincial People's HospitalGuiyang 550002China

    *Corresponding authorCHEN BaolinChief

    Abstract: Background Elevated levels of acute glycemia at hospital admission are common among patients with acute myocardial infarctionAMI.It has been found that in clinical practiceAMI patients are often combined with a variety of complex clinical factorswhich may cause acute hyperglycemia.Acute-to-chronic glycemic ratio may be a predictor of poor short-term prognosis in such patientsbut relevant studies are still lacking in China.Objective To study the relationship between acute-to-chronic glycemic ratio and poor short-term prognosis in patients with AMI.Methods We enrolled 272 inpatients with ST-elevation and non-ST-elevation AMI from CCUGuizhou Provincial People's Hospital between January 2017 and January 2018.The primary end point of the study was mortality within a 30-day follow-up.Venous plasma glycemia and glycosylated hemoglobinHbA1clevels were measured at hospital admissionthen the chronic glycemia was estimated based on HbA1cand acute-to-chronic glycemic ratio was calculated further.Factors associated with poor short-term prognosis were analyzed.The ROC curve of acute-to-chronic glycemic ratio in predicting poor short-term prognosis of AMI was plottedand the optimal cutoff value was estimated.Kaplan-Meier method was used for survival analysis.The incidence of adverse cardiovascular events was explored by acute-to-chronic glycemic ratio.Results By the survival statusthe patients were divided into the survival groupn=256and the death group n=16.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that Killip class-Ⅲ,three-vessel coronary artery lesions and elevated acute-to-chronic glycemic ratio were independent risk factors associated with poor short-term prognosisOR=23.1100.07335.885P<0.05.Patients were divided into acute-to-chronic glycemic ratio >1.01 groupn=138and1.01 groupn=134by the cutoff valueand the former group had much lower short-term cumulative survival rate90.3% vs 97.8%)(χ2=6.932P=0.008showed by survival analysis.Further subgroup analysis by diabetes indicated thatthose without diabetes and acute-to-chronic glycemic ratio >1.01 had a significantly reduced short-term cumulative survival rate compared with those with diabetes and acute-to-chronic glycemic ratio1.0192.3% vs 97.5%)(χ2=4.465P=0.035those with diabetes and acute-to-chronic glycemic ratio >1.01 had a significantly reduced short-term cumulative survival rate compared with those with diabetes and acute-to-chronic glycemic ratio1.0186.0% vs 100.0%)(χ2=5.658P=0.017.Acute pulmonary edemacardiogenic shockatrial tachycardiaand ventricular tachycardia were significantly increased in acute-to-chronic glycemic ratio >1.01 group P<0.05.Conclusion  Elevated acute-to-chronic glycemic ratio is an independent risk factor for poor short-term prognosis in patients with AMIand is closely related to adverse cardiovascular events.Elevated acute-to-chronic glycemic ratio is also associated with lower short-term cumulative survival rate and poorer short-term prognosis in AMI patients with or without diabetes.Its value is more valuable to predict the poor short-term prognosis in those with diabetes.Acute-to-chronic glycemic ratio >1.01 may be used as the optimal cutoff value to predict the poor short-term prognosis of patients with AMI.Above this levelcardiovascular adverse events may increase significantly and the short-term prognosis of patients may be poor.


    Analysis of the Utilization of Medical Resources in Different Treatments of Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Inpatients 

    CHEN Aiming1TIAN Lin1QIU Hengjia23*    

    1.Department of Pharmacythe Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen UniversityZhuhai 519000China.

    2.Institute for Hospital ManagementTsinghua UniversityShenzhen 518055China

    3.School of Public Healththe Johns Hopkins UniversityBaltimore Maryland MD4321USA

    *Corresponding author:QIU

    Abstract: Background In 2012the World Health Organization announced that ischemic heart disease was the leading cause of death worldwide.In additionit is also one of the most common causes of death in China.Acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarctionSTEMIis one of the most common types of ischemic heart disease.Its treatment methods include traditional drug therapy and interventional therapy.Howeverthe quantification of medical resources utilized for both therapy methods has not been elucidatedto some extentwhich limits the effective allocation of medical resources.Objective To investigate the utilization of medical resources of traditional drug therapy and interventional therapy in hospitalized patients with acute STEMI and the related influencing factors.Methods Patients with acute STEMI admitted for traditional drug therapy or interventional therapy in the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University from 10 October2014 to 31 December2016 were enrolled by retrospective analysis.The demographic informationdisease and treatment characteristics of patients were captured.As traditional drug therapy and interventional therapy were the main predictorsthe hospitalization days and the total hospitalization expenses were used as indicators to evaluate the utilization of medical resources and the main influencing factors were analyzed by multivariate linear regression.Results A total of 315 patients were enrolledincluding 6721.3%patients in traditional drug therapy group and 24878.7%patients in interventional therapy group.There were significant differences between the two groups in ageinfarct siteKillip gradetime distribution of SO-to-FMCadmission formdeathCCU or ICU occupancytotal hospitalization expensesand western chargesP<0.05).The multifactor linear regression results showed that females(β=4.03),the 50-59 years old(β=3.71),and interventional therapy(β=3.63were the influencing factors of the increase of length of stayP<0.05).Clinical pathway(β=-3.18and death(β=-4.87were the influencing factors of the decrease of length of stayP<0.05).The 50-59 years old(β=12 483.39),medical insurance(β=7 769.88),interventional therapy(β=36 703.60),and stayed in CCU or ICU before(β=13 539.14were the influencing factors for the increase of hospitalization expenseswhile death(β=-13 347.59was the influencing factor of the decrease of hospitalization expensesP<0.05).Conclusion The interventional therapy utilizes more medical resources than the traditional drug therapy.Femalethe 50-59 years oldand interventional therapy are all correlated to an increased length of staywhile the implementation of clinical pathway can shorten the length of stay.The 50-59 years oldmedical insurance and interventional therapy are main influencing factors of the increasing total hospitalization expenses.


    Effect of the Regional Cooperative Treatment System on the Treatment Efficiency and Short-term Prognosis of Patients with Acute ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction 

    CAO Mengzhu1QIAO Zengyong2*    

    1.School of MedicineAnhui University of Science and TechnologyHuainan 232000China

    2.Department of Cardiovascular MedicineSouth Campus of the Sixth People's HospitalShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityShanghai 201400China

    *Corresponding authorQIAO ZengyongChief

    Abstract: Background Delayed treatment of acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarctionSTEMIusually leads to prolonged total ischemia time and increased mortality.Regional cooperative rapid treatment system can shorten the treatment time of acute myocardial infarction and reduce the occurrence of adverse cardiovascular events.Objective To explore the effect of the regional cooperative treatment system on the treatment efficiency and short-term prognosis of patients with acute STEMI.Methods This study relied on the treatment data of patients with acute STEMI before and after the operation of the regional cooperative treatment system with the South Campus of the Sixth People's HospitalShanghai Jiao Tong University as the treatment centerand the treatment data were retrospectively analyzed.Patients who received emergency PCI therapy for acute STEMI were selected as the control group from April 2017 to March 2018n=84),and the patients with acute STEMI from April 2018 to March 2019 were selected as the experimental groupn=122.Patient's clinical datafrom onset to the first medical contactS-FMCtimefrom first medical contact to balloon dilatationFMC2Btimefrom onset to balloon dilatationS2Btimefrom entering hospital door to balloon dilatationD2Btimestandard-reaching rate of FMC2B timestandard-reaching rate of D2B timewhether combined with adverse cardiovascular events rate were collected and compared.Results There was no significant difference in genderagehistory of coronary heart diseasehistory of previous PCIhistory of cerebral infarctionhistory of angina pectoris before infarctionhistory of hypertensionhistory of diabeteshistory of smokingBNPblood lipid index and distribution of criminal vessels between the two groupsP>0.05.S-FMC and FMC2B were positively correlated with S2Brs =0.94795%CI0.9240.963),P<0.001rs=0.49695%CI0.3810.591),P<0.001.S-FMCFMC2B and D2B were positively correlated with S2B in self-admission group and calling ambulance groupP<0.05),while only S-FMC and FMC2B were positively correlated with S2B in non-PCI hospital referralsP<0.05.The time of S-FMCFMC2BS2B and D2B in the experimental group were shorter than those in the control groupwhile the proportion of ECG transmission through WeChat was higherand the rates of adverse cardiovascular events were lowerP<0.05.Conclusion The regional cooperative treatment system can shorten the treatment time of acute myocardial infarctionimprove the treatment efficiencyand reduce the occurrence of adverse cardiovascular eventswhich should be vigorously promoted.


    Quality Evaluation and Content Analysis of Lifestyle and Dietary Guidelines/Consensus on Secondary Prevention of Myocardial Infarction 

    LI Wenjiao1CHENG Lyu1ZHAO Mengzhu2RAO Chang3JIN Changde4JIN Yinghui5LI Yan4*    

    1.Graduate CollegeTianjin University of Traditional Chinese MedicineTianjin 301617China

    2.Department of Cardiovascular MedicineFirst Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of TCMTianjin 300193China

    3.Acupuncture DepartmentFirst Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of TCMTianjin 300193China

    4.School of NursingTianjin University of Traditional Chinese MedicineTianjin 301617China

    5.Center for Evidence-based and Translational MedicineZhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University/Center for Evidence-based and Translational MedicineWuhan University/Teaching and Research Section of Evidence-based Medicine and Clinical EpidemiologySecond Clinical College of Wuhan UniversityWuhan 430071China

    *Corresponding authorLI


    Abstract: Background As an important part of secondary prevention of myocardial infarctiona healthy lifestyle and diet can effectively reduce the risk of recurrent myocardial infarctionand improve the prognosis of patients with myocardial infarction.It is necessary to summarize the high-quality evidenceso as to promote the clinical practice of secondary prevention of myocardial infarction.Objective To systematically retrieve and screen the evidence-based practice guidelines/consensus on lifestyles and dietary for secondary prevention of myocardial infarction at home and abroad and evaluate rigorously the quality of included guidelines/consensusand to extractanalyze and summarize relevant recommendations in order to provide a theoretical basis for promoting the clinical transformation of evidence.Methods Guidelines/consensus on myocardial infarctionor guidelines/consensus on lifestyle or dietary guidelines for myocardial infarction preventionwere electronically retrieved in the website of Guidelines International NetworkGIN),National Institute for Health and Care ExcellenceNICE),Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines NetworkSIGN),National Guideline ClearinghouseNGC),Australian Clinical Practice GuidelinesACPG),New Zealand Guidelines GroupNZGG),and World Health OrganizationWHO),and databasessuch as PubMedCNKIWanFang Dataand VIP from January 1 in 2013 to December 31 in 2018and the search was completed in June of 2019.In additionrelevant guidelines/consensus were recommended by cardiovascular expertsand the references of related guidelines/consensus were also searched to supply the guidelines/consensus.Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation InstrumentAGREE Ⅱ) was used to evaluate the quality of guidelines/consensusand then the recommendations for lifestyles and dietary were summarized.Results A total of 10 guidelines/consensus were included from the United Statesthe United KingdomAustraliaNew Zealandand China.For the overall qualityone of them was grade Aseven of them were grade Band two of them were grade C.Finally49 items of recommendations were summarized including six parts of lifestyles in smoking cessationalcohol controlweight managementsleep managementemotional managementand physical exerciseand dietary recommendations covering dietary habitsnutritional structuredietary patterns and dietary goals.Conclusion The overall quality of the included guidelines/consensus is highbut the formulation and reporting process of the guidelines/consensus still needs to be further standardized.The lifestyle and dietary recommendations in guidelines/consensus for myocardial infarction cover a wide range providing evidence for clinical practice.It is recommended that clinical practice should be based on the best evidenceand clinical staff should fully integrate the research evidence into the provision of health care.After considering the promotion and hindrance of evidence applicationand patient values and preferencesthen the best evidence for clinical practice could be selected.The makers of guidelines/consensus should further consider the opinions of patients and other stakeholdersand then refine the recommendations in a more targeted way to ultimately improve patient outcomes.


    Effect of Cilostazol on Cardiac Function in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients with Congestive Heart Failure and Aspirin Intolerance 

    HE Mei12LI Feng1HU Houxiang3LIU Fu12*    

    1. Department of PharmacyAffiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical CollegeNanchong 637000China

    2. School of Pharmaceutical SciencesNorth Sichan Medical CollegeNanchong 637000China

    3. Department of CardiovascularAffiliated Hospital of North Sichan Medical CollegeNanchong 637000China

    *Corresponding authorLIU FuChief

    Abstract: Background Aspirin is the cornerstone for treating acute myocardial infarctionbut about 2%-9% of patients can develop aspirin intolerance. Cilostazol may be used as an alternative to aspirinbut its cardiovascular safety is unclear. Objective To investigate the safety of cilostazol in acute myocardial infarction patients with congestive heart failure and aspirin intolerance. Methods Patients with a primary diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction and congestive heart failure who were hospitalized in three hospitalsAffiliated Hospital of North Sichan Medical CollegePengan County People's HospitalChangan Branchthe First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong Universityfrom January 2018 to August 2019 were retrospectively included. All were treated according to the diagnosis and treatment criteria of myocardial infarction. Specificallythose with aspirin intolerance received cilostazol and clopidogrel cases),and the other received aspirin and clopidogrelcontrols),and the two groups were matched based on propensity scores in a 11 ratio. Outcomes were compared between the groups in terms of 1-year cardiac death1-year readmission for heart failureleft ventricular diastolic diameterand ejection fraction measured by echocardiography before and after treatment. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was used to explore factors associated with 1-year cardiac death and heart failure readmission. Results Of the 5 244 hospitalized cases in the period3 893 who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were finally included. After matchingthe cases and controls had no statistically notable differences in left ventricular diastolic diameterand ejection fractionP>0.05. But the cases had higher rates of 1-year cardiac death and heart failure readmissionP<0.05. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that NYHA class andⅣ,and combined with diabetes were associated with 1-year cardiac death P<0.05. NYHA class andⅣ,diabetesand cilostazol treatment for more than 90 days were recognized as the influencing factors of heart failure readmission P<0.05. Conclusion It may be safe to use cilostazol in acute myocardial infarction patients with NYHA class and . Given increased safety riskscilostazol is not recommended for those with NYHA classandⅣ,and combined with diabetes. Moreovercilostazol is not suggested to be used for more than 90 daysdue to increased potential risks of heart failure readmission.


    Association between Discharge Destination and Medium-term Mortality in Elderly Patients with ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction 

    WANG Qi*LIN ZhenCHEN HairongZHOU Yanhui    

    Department of General PracticeHaikou People's Hospital/Haikou Affiliated Hospital of Central South University Xiangya School of MedicineHaikou 570100China

    *Corresponding authorWANG QiAssociate chief

    Abstract: Background Population ageing has led to an increase in the number of elderly patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarctionSTEMIreceiving percutaneous coronary interventionPCI. Coexistence of diseasesfrailtyimpaired immunitypoor nutritional status and other conditions may occur in elderly patientswhich may have an impact on their recovery and return to their families. There is a lack of a comprehensive assessment on the relationship between this group's discharge destination and prognosis. Objective To assess the relationship between discharge destination and medium-term mortality in 80-year-old STEMI survivors receiving PCI. Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on STEMI patients undergoing PCI in Haikou People's Hospital from December 2015 to December 2018with the following information collectedincluding general dataagegenderBMIhospital staysmajor medical histories heart failuremyocardial infarctionPCIcoronary artery bypass graftingstrokegastrointestinal bleedingperipheral arterial diseasedyslipidemiadiabeteshypertensionsmokingchronic kidney diseasesystolic pressurediastolic pressureheart rateKillip classification),proportion of left ventricular ejection fractionLVEF<40%〕,laboratory findingshemoglobinalbuminwhite blood cell countC-reactive proteinblood glucosepeak CK during hospitalization〕,pathological features of coronary arteryleft main coronary arteryLMCA),left anterior descending arteryLADA),left circumflex arteryLCXA),right coronary artery RCA),number of patients with 2-vessel disease and time from symptom onset to reperfusion〕,post-discharge medication aspirinclopidogrel or ticagrelorwarfarinnew oral anticoagulantsstatinsACEI/ARBcalcium receptor antagonist,β-receptor blockerand severe debilitating condition. The follow-up started at discharge and ended in December 2020with the terminal event of being all-cause death. Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the influencing factors of all-cause death. Results In all2 450 patients completed thefollow-upincluding 2 090 who were discharged to home home discharge groupand 360 to other facilities non-home discharge group. During the follow-up period370 patients17.5%died after dischargeand the most common cause of death was infection21.6%80/370),followed by sudden death18.9%70/370and heart failure16.2%60/370. The cardiovascular death rate of the homedischarge group was higher than that of the non-homedischarge groupP<0.05. Two groups showed significant differences in the cumulative mortality curveP<0.05. Univariate Logistic regression analysis showed that non-home dischargeprevious heart failurelesions in the LADAserum albumin <35 g/LLVEF<40% may be the risk factors of all-cause death during follow-up P<0.05. Further multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that LVEF<40%OR=3.16195%CI1.5646.389),P=0.001〕,previous heart failureOR=4.89995%CI1.83513.078),P=0.002〕,non-homedischargeOR=2.61795%CI1.1885.765),P=0.049〕,lesions in the LADAOR=2.21095%CI1.1374.295),P=0.019〕,albumin level<35 g/LOR=2.14795%CI1.0644.330),P=0.033were all risk factors of death during follow-up period. Conclusion There is a relationship between non-family discharge and an increased risk of medium-term mortalityin STEMI patients over the age of 80. Active searching for causes of non-homedischarge and early delivering targeted interventions may reduce the medium-term mortality in thesepatients.


    Interventional Therapy Prevalenceand Influencing Factors in Patients Aged 75 and over with Acute Non-ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction 

    LYU Xiao1LI Shuren2*SHEN Zexue1HAO Xiao2CHEN Jialun1MENG Yang3LUO Fei1BAI Yuhao1YUAN Zhihui3    

    1. Graduate SchoolNorth China University of Science and TechnologyTangshan 063210China

    2. No. 1 Cardiovascular DepartmentHebei General HospitalShijiazhuang 050051China

    3. Graduate CollegeHebei Medical UniversityShijiazhuang 050017China

    *Corresponding authorLI ShurenProfessorChief physicianMaster

    Abstract: Background Older age is an independent risk factor of the onset and poor prognosis of acute non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction NSTEMIpatients. Although older age is not alimitingfactor for reperfusion therapy theoreticallythe prevalence of reperfusion therapy in Chinese older NSTEMI patients is far lower than that of those in developed countriesso it is necessary to analyze the factors associated with inability to receive reperfusion therapy in such patients. Objective To analyze the prevalence and associated factors of invasive therapy in patients aged 75 and over with NSTEMI.Methods Five hundred and thirty-sixcases with an admission diagnosis of NSTEMI were selected from Hebei General Hospital from November 2016 to August 2019. The following variables were collectedincluding agesexKillip class >Ⅱ,admission blood pressure and heart ratemedical history including history of old myocardial infarctionPCI historygrade 2-3hypertensiondiabeteshyperlipidemiachronic kidney diseaseanemia),smokingdrinkingGRACE scoreleft ventricularejection fractionwhite blood cell counthemoglobinplatelet countalbuminfasting blood glucoseserum creatinineglomerular filtration ratetotal cholesteroltriglyceridehigh-density lipoproteinlow-density lipoprotein and treatment strategies. The differences between patients under 75 years of age and those aged 75 and over were compared after being matched using the propensity score. Subgroup differences were analyzed between those with interventional therapy and with conservative treatment in the 75-and-over age group. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the influencing factors of invasive treatment. Results After propensity-score matchingit was found that patients under 75 years of age had higher prevalence of interventional therapy P<0.05. Compared with conservative treatment subgroupinterventional therapy subgroup had decreased GRACE score and serum creatinineand elevated total cholesterol and albuminP<0.05. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed systolic blood pressureOR=1.02295%CI1.0021.044),P=0.034〕,GRACE score OR=1.01595%CI1.0011.030),P=0.031〕,albumin levelOR=0.8695%CI0.7630.969),P=0.013〕,serum creatinine levelOR=1.01895%CI1.0001.035),P=0.044were associated with interventional therapy. Conclusion The rate of interventional therapy in elderly patientsage75 years oldwith NSTEMI is lower. The possibility of receiving invasive therapy may be increased with lower blood pressure and higher albuminand may be reduced with higher GRACE score and serum creatinine level.


    Risk Factors and Predictive Scoring System for Long-term Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Acute Non-ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

    LYU Xiao 1LI Shuren2*LI Wenjing3CHEN Jialun1LIU Ran1MENG Yang3YUAN Zhihui3HAO Xiao2BAI Yuhao1LUO Fei1    

    1. Graduate SchoolNorth China University of Science and TechnologyTangshan 063210China

    2. No. 1 Cardiovascular DepartmentHebei General HospitalShijiazhuang 050051China

    3. Graduate CollegeHebei Medical UniversityShijiazhuang 050017China

    *Corresponding authorLI ShurenProfessorChief physicianMaster

    Abstract: Background The risk prediction scoring systems for acute coronary syndrome ACShave been extensively used for assessing the long-term prognosis of patients with acute non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction NSTEMI. Both STEMI and NSTEMI belong to ACSbut NSTEMI shows an increasing percentage in ACSwith a possible trend of exceeding the percentage of STEMI. Moreoverthey have significant differences in incidencemortality risk during the acute phaseand long-term prognosis. Howeverthere is no literature about tools for effectively predicting long-term prognosis of patients with NSTEMI. Objective To identify the risk factors for long-term major adverse cardiovascular eventsMACEsin discharged patients with NSTEMIand based on thisto develop a predictive scoring system. Methods Three hundred and twenty-four patients with an admission diagnosis of NSTEMI were recruited from Hebei General Hospital from January 2017 to August 2018. Clinical data were obtainedincluding agesexKillip classsystolic and diastolic blood pressureheart ratecardiac function at admissionpast medical historyhistory of old myocardial infarctionPCIcoronary artery bypass graftingthrombolysishypertensiondiabeteshyperlipidemiachronic kidney diseaseold cerebral infarctioncerebral hemorrhageanemia),smokingdrinkingincidence of in-hospital heart failurein-hospital medicationGRACE scoreleft ventricular ejection fractionhemoglobinwhite blood countlymphocytesplatelet countalanine aminotransferaseaspartate transaminasetotal proteinglobulinalbuminserum creatinineglomerular filtration rateelectrolytesblood lipidsand treatment strategies. All cases were followed up till 2020-09-01during which the incidence of MACEs and all-cause death were recorded. The risk factors of out-of-hospital MACEs were identifiedand used to construct a predictive scoring system. Results (1Compared with patients without MACEsthose with MACEs had older mean agehigher mean higher prevalence of grade 2-3 hypertensionin-hospital betamethasone treatmentin-hospital heart failureand non-revascularization treatmentlower prevalence of smokingas well as lower mean levels of glomerular filtration ratelow-density lipoproteinlymphocyte countand hemoglobinP<0.05. 2Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed lymphocyte countOR=0.62195%CI0.4080.946),P=0.026〕,hemoglobinOR=0.98395%CI0.9690.996),P=0.013〕,non-revascularization OR=2.03095%CI1.1533.573),P=0.014〕,and the cut-off value of total proteinOR=2.41295%CI1.2444.675),P=0.009were associated with out-of-hospital MACEs in NSTEMI patients.3A regression equation based on these risk factors of MACEs was developedlogitP=3.98-0.476X1-0.018X2+0.88X3+0.708X4X1-X4 stand for lymphocyte counthemoglobintotal proteinand non-revascularizationrespectively. Combined with the risk coefficient β of each factora scoring system with a total score of 21 points and a predictive threshold of 9 points was constructedwith an AUC value of 0.704. Conclusion Long-term MACEs were common in patients with acute NSTEMIwhich may be associated with lymphocyte counthemoglobintotal protein and non-revascularization. Our predictive scoring system for long-term MACEs with a total score of 21 points and a predictive threshold of 9 pointsand has good predictive capability.


    Predictive Value of Glycogen Protein 125 Combined with Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor for Acute Heart Failure in Elderly Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction 

    WANG Yating1YAO Jie1GUAN Shihe1*CHENG Cheng2    

    1.Department of Laboratorythe Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical UniversityHefei 230601China

    2.Department of Cardiologythe Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical UniversityHefei 230601China

    *Corresponding authorGUAN ShiheProfessorSenior

    Abstract: Background Acute myocardial infarction AMIis currently an important clinical cause of sudden cardiac death in patients. The occurrence of AMI in general patients can easily lead to myocardial damagewhich can lead to acute heart failure AHF. Early diagnosis of AHF in AMI patients has positive significance for improving the prognosis of patients and reducing the risk of death. At presentthe main clinical diagnosis of AHF is based on brain natriuretic peptide BNP),but there are many related factors which can affect BNPand when BNP reaches a diagnostically meaningful valueAHF has occurred in the patientwhich may seriously affect the prognosis and survival of the patient. Thereforea more accurate diagnosis method is needed to predict the occurrence of AHF in the early stage of AMI. Objective To explore the diagnostic value of glycogen protein 125 CA-125combined with brain-derived neurotrophic factor BDNFin predicting the occurrence of AHF in elderly patients with AMI. Methods 144 patients with AMI admitted to the Department of Cardiology of The Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University from September 2017 to March 2020 were enrolled. The clinical data of all patients were collected at the time of admission and their fasting venous blood was drawn after admission to measure serum CA-125 and BDNF levels by an automatic immunoassay analyzer. The enrolled patients were divided into heart failure group 42 casesand control group 102 casesaccording to whether AHF occurred within 1 week after coronary reperfusion therapy. The clinical data of the two groups were comparedand the multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the independent risk factors that affect the occurrence of AHF in AMI patients. Receiver operating characteristic ROCcurve was drawn to analyze the predictive value of CA-125 combined with BDNF for AHF in elderly patients with AMI. Results The patients in the heart failure group had higher cardiac troponin cTnI. BNPCA-125BDNFand higher number of diseased branches than the control group P<0.05. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that elevated levels of BNP OR=1.01595%CI 1.0031.026)〕,CA-125 OR=23.22895%CI 4.095131.748)〕and BDNF OR=1.45595%CI 1.1481.845)〕 were independent risk factors for AHF in AMI patients P<0.05. The ROC curve shows that the area under the ROC curve of CA-125 combined with BDNF in prediction of AHF in AMI patients is higher than that of CA-125 and BDNF alone P<0.05),with a diagnostic sensitivity of 78.57% and a specificity of 89.22%. Conclusion Monitoring serum CA-125 and BDNF levels can effectively predict the risk of AHF in elderly patients with AMI.


    ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients with Failed Thrombolysis with Recombinant Human Prourokinase: Clinical Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Thrombolysis Failure 

    WANG YanboDIAO JingchaoZHI WeiWANG QingFU YangJIANG YunfaHAO Guozhen*FU Xianghua    

    No.5 Cardiovascular Departmentthe Second Hospital of Hebei Medical UniversityShijiazhuang 050000China

    *Corresponding authorHAO GuozhenChief

    Abstract: Background Intravenous thrombolysis is still a major reperfusion therapy for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarctionSTEMIpatients in China's rural primary carebut some patients have failed recanalization after using thrombolysis with recombinant human prourokinaseRHP.Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of patients with STEMI with failed thrombolysis with RHP and influencing factors of thrombolysis failure.Methods From January 2018 to October 2019a total of 131 STEMI inpatients treated by early interventional therapy following thrombolysis with RHP were selected from No.5 Cardiovascular Departmentthe Second Hospital of Hebei Medical Universityand divided into recanalization and non-recanalization groups by coronary angiographic findings in infarct-related arteries.The general clinical datareperfusion parametersas well as clinical events during hospitalization were recorded and compared between the two groups.Multivariate Logistic regression was used to analyze the related factors of failed thrombolysis.Results Thirty-two cases had failed thrombolysisaccounting for 24.4%the other 99 had successful thrombolysis.Compared with patients in recanalization groupthose in non-recanalization group had younger agelarger average body mass index and body surface areashorter average APTT and higher platelet aggregation rate after thrombolysisP<0.05.Moreovernon-recanalization group had higher rates of using thrombus aspiration and stentshigher average peak values of creatine kinase and creatine kinase isoenzyme and lower average left ventricular ejection fractionP<0.05.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis found that agebody surface arealevels of APTT were associated with failed thrombolysis with RHPP<0.05.Conclusion The clinical characteristics of STEMI patients with failed thrombolysis with RHP were including being younger agelarge body surface areashorter APTT after thrombolysislarge myocardial infarction area and poor cardiac function.Younger agelarger body surface area and shorter APTT after thrombolysis may be risk factors for failed thrombolysis with RHP in STEMI patients.


    Effect of Intracoronary and Intravenous Bivalirudin Administration of on No-reflow during PCI and Short-term Outcome in Acute ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients 

    LI XiufenXIE YangPA Erhati?TuerxunJIANG Shubin*    

    Cardiology CenterXinjiang Medical University Affiliated TCM HospitalUrumqi 830001China

    *Corresponding authorJIANG ShubinChief

    Abstract: Background Coronary no-reflow is an important factor associated with the effect of emergency PCI in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction STEMI),which is also a prognostic factor as it increases the risk of death.So it is essential to identify effective drug treatment to improve the effect of PCI and reduce the possibility of developing coronary no-reflow.Objective To perform a comparative analysis of intracoronary with intravenous administration of bivalirudin and intravenous administration of bivalirudin in patients with acute STEMI in terms of safety and effects on no-reflow during PCI and short-term outcome.Methods Participants were 110 inpatients who were diagnosed with acute STEMI and underwent PCI within 12 hours of symptom onset in Xinjiang Medical University Affiliated TCM Hospital from June 2017 to January 2019.They were evenly randomized into observation group with intracoronary with intravenous administration of bivalirudinand control group with intravenous administration of bivalirudin.Intraoperative and postoperative observation indicesnumber of diseased coronary artery vesselsinfarct-related arteryIRA),preoperative TIMI flow grade of target vesselGensini scoredoor-to-balloon timenumber of thrombus aspiration casesnumber of implanted stentsrate of poststenotic dilationrate of postoperatively using ACEIs or ARBsrate of postoperatively usingβ-blockers),therapeutic evaluation indicescorrected TIMI frame countCTFCof the IRA measured immediately after stent implantationand rate of coronary no-reflow during PCIdegree of ST-segment depression within four hours after PCIserum CK-MB and LVEF at 24 hours after PCI〕,and major adverse cardiovascular eventsMACEwithin 30 days after PCI were compared between the two groups.Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the effect of intracoronary and intravenous bivalirudin bolus administration during PCI on some therapeutic indices.Results There were no significant differences in intraoperative and postoperative observation indices between the two groupsP>0.05.The CTFC of the IRA measured immediately after stent implantationrate of coronary no-reflow and degree of ST-segment depression within four hours after PCI differed significantly between the two groupsP<0.05.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that intracoronary and intravenous bivalirudin bolus administration during PCI was associated with reduced number of CTFC of the IRA measured immediately after stent implantation OR=0.42395%CI0.3210.656),P=0.005〕,reduced possibility of developing coronary no-reflow OR=0.43195%CI0.2620.812),P=0.002〕,and greater degree of ST-segment depression within four hours after PCIOR=1.53295%CI0.6272.517),P=0.003.Conclusion The results of this study demonstrate that intracoronary and intravenous bivalirudin administration during PCI could reduce the incidence of coronary no-reflow and the risks of acute heart failure and all-cause deathand improve short-term clinical outcome in acute STEMI patients with good safety.


    Circadian and Workday and Off-day Variations of Treatment of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction

    CHENG Lianchao1ZHOU Minggang1HE Dan2TONG Lan1ZHANG Cui1WANG Yanfeng1CAI Lin1*    

    1.Cardiovascular DepartmentAffiliated Hospital of Southwest Jiaotong University/the Third People's Hospital of ChengduChengdu 610031China

    2.Dujiangyan Medical CenterChengdu 611830China

    *Corresponding authorCAI LinChief

    Abstract: Background Patients presented to hospital during off-hours may experience poorer quality of care and clinical outcomes.Howeverin Chinafew studies examined the variations in clinical processes and outcomes across presentation times and days in patients with acute myocardial infarctionAMI.Objective This study aimed to comparatively analyze the impact of daytime and nighttime presentations and workday and off-day presentations on treatment efficiency and in-hospital mortality in AMI patients.Methods We consecutively enrolled 2 109 AMI patients admitted to 11 tertiary general hospitals in Chengdu with accreditation as chest pain centers during January 2017 to June 2019.Patients were stratified into daytime group n=1 235and night-time group n=874according to admission timewhile were divided into workday group n=1 442and off-day group n=667according to admission date.Clinical characteristicstreatment efficiency of STEMI patients with emergent PCI including S-to-B timeS-to-D timeFMC-to-B timeD-to-B timecompliance rate of FMC-to-B time and D-to-B time),and in-hospital mortality were investigated between different groups.Multivariate regression analysis was used to analyze the influencing factors of in-hospital mortality.Results Compared to STEMI patients with emergent PCI in daytime groupthose in nighttime group had dramatically longer average S-to-BFMC-to-B and D-to-B timeand much lower compliance rates of D-to-B and FMC-to-B timeP<0.05),while there was no obvious difference in the treatment efficiency between such patients in workday group and off-day groupP>0.05.In-hospital mortality of AMI patientsnon-STEMI patientsand STEMI patients underwent emergent PCI in nighttime group was significantly higher than that of those in daytime group P<0.05.But the in-hospital mortality was similar in AMI patients in workday and off-day groupsand so was that in non-STEMI patientsSTEMI patientsand STEMI patients with and without emergent PCI in the two groupsP>0.05.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis revealed that age OR=1.05195%CI1.0231.080)〕,diagnosisOR=2.82095%CI1.1636.841)〕,cardiogenic shock OR=7.46395%CI4.06613.697)〕,sudden cardiac arrest OR=5.72995%CI1.61620.314)〕,multi-vessel disease OR=1.88995%CI1.0803.303)〕,and nighttime presentation OR=1.78895%CI1.0363.087)〕 were influencing factors of in-hospital death in AMI patients.Conclusion It was proved that there was circadian difference but not workday and off-day difference in the treatment of AMI patients in Chengdu in our study.AMI patients admitted at night-time had more in-hospital treatment delayslonger total ischemic timeand higher in-hospital mortality when compared with those admitted during daytime.


    Advances in Etiology and Prognosis of Myocardial Infarction with Non-obstructive Coronary Arteries 

    ZHANG YimanHUANG BaotaoSHI RuijuanCHEN Mao*    


    Department of CardiologyWest China HospitalSichuan UniversityChengdu 610000China

    *Corresponding authorCHEN MaoProfessorChief physicianDoctoral

    Abstract: Myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteriesMINOCAis a syndrome with multiple causeswhich accounts for 5%-25% of acute myocardial infarction and arouses widespread concern in clinical practice in recent years.As the global definition of myocardial infarction has changedthe etiology of MINOCA may have also changed.Meanwhilethe prognosis of MINOCA remains unclear due to the influence of different causes.In this reviewaccording to the Fourth Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction and recent accumulating evidence on MINOCAthe etiology and diagnostic algorithm of MINOCA were further summarizedand the short-term middle-term and long-term prognosis of MINOCA were analyzed.We suggested that patients diagnosed with MINOCA should be evaluated to uncover the potential cause as far as possible for improving the prognosisand hoped that further research would be carried out to explore the impact of different causes on the prognosis of MINOCA.







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