Chinese General Practice

  • Introduction of Chinese General Practice

    Chinese General Practice was founded in 1998, approved by National Press and Publication Administration, governed by National Health Commission, and sponsored by the Chinese Hospital Association and the Publishing House of Journal of Chinese General Practice. ISSN 1007-9572, CN 13-1222/R; Postal Issuing Code: 80-258. 


    Promote the concept of “wellness”, timely report results in general practice and clinical research, facilitate the development of general practice in China and community health services, disseminate general practice research around the world, and establish a platform for scientific research and academic exchanges. 


    Researchers, education personnel, policy makers, managing staff, personnel in general practice and community health services and related specialties.

    Publishing Scope: 

    Research funded by national/provincial projects or major research projects, guidelines/consensus and applied research in clinical disciplines, clinical research, research on primary health care, research on national health policy, research on public health, research on community health (population health, multimorbidity, active health/health promotion) 

    Article Types: 

    Original research (clinical randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, case-control studies, prevalence surveys, epidemiological studies, etc.), guidelines/consensus, reviews, systematic reviews, methodologies, commentaries and reflections, and other types of scientific papers.

    Featured Columns: 

    Original Research, Guidelines/Consensus, Epidemiology Research, Research on Special Issue, Community Health Research, Family Medicine/Community Health Services Research, Medication Guidance, Frontiers in Chronic Disease Management, World Family Medicine Insights, Patient Experience/Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, Reviews/Clinical Hot Topics/Controversies/Reflections, Health Research/Real World Research.

    Indexing and Awards: 

    (1) Domestic Indexing:

    ① Chinese Core Journals by Peking University (2020-2023);

    ② Key Magazine of China Technology (the Statistical Source Journal of Chinese Scientific and Technological Papers) (2024); 

    ③ Research Center of China Science Evaluation (RCCSE) (A+) by Wuhan University ( 2017-2023).

    (2) International Indexing:

    ① Ulrichsweb;

    ② DOAJ;

    ③ Scopus; 

    Chemical Abstracts (CA); 

     Excerpta Medica Database (EM);

     Abstracts Journal (AJ);

     Index of Copernicus (IC);

    ⑧ Japan Science and Technology AgencyJST

    ⑨ World Health Organization The Western Pacific Region Index Medicus (WPRIM). 

    (3) Awards:

    ① In the Citation Report of Chinese Science and Technology Journals (2023), the journal ranked No. 1 in the "Core Total Citation Frequency" and "Core Comprehensive Evaluation Ranking" among 39 comprehensive clinical medicine journals;

    ② Continuously selected for the WJCI (World Journal Impact Index) from 2021 to 2023, and ranked in Q1 among global medical journals; 

    ③ "100 Chinese Outstanding Academic Journals" from 2016 to 2023; 

    ④ "Chinese Excellence in Science and Technology Journal" from 2016 to 2024;

    ⑤ Several  journal articles selected in the program of "Top Academic Papers in Chinese Fine Science and Technology Journals (F5000)" from 2016 to 2024; 

    Contact information: 

    Tel: 010-68318198、0310-2067118 (Chen Min) 

    Service Hotline:13103104959 (the same as WeChat number, Chen Min) 、13161921728

    Scientific research consulting hotline: 15010211890 (Gao Xiaohuan) 


    Official website:

    International Platform:

    Scientific Data Bank:

    Preprint platform:

    Office Account of Chinese General Practice Academic Platform of Chinese General Practice

    Office Account of 

    Chinese General Practice

     Academic Platform of 

    Chinese General Practice

     Submission Inquery

  • 2024-11-11 Visited: 59278