Chinese General Practice ›› 2024, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (24): 2961-2968.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2023.0538

Special Issue: 睡眠研究最新文章合辑

• Original Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Variations and Clinical Significance of Sleep Monitoring Indicators among Healthy Adults of Different Ages and Genders in Various Altitudes


  1. 1. Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, the Fourth People's Hospital of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610000, China
    2. Sleep Center, Yunnan People's Hospital, Kunming 650000, China
  • Received:2023-07-17 Revised:2024-03-29 Published:2024-08-20 Online:2024-05-08
  • Contact: CHEN Yujie



  1. 1.610000 四川省成都市,四川省第四人民医院呼吸与危重症医学科
    2.650000 云南省昆明市,云南省人民医院睡眠中心
  • 通讯作者: 陈宇洁
  • 作者简介:
  • 基金资助:



Sleep disturbances are the most common health issues in high-altitude environments. Current research on the sleep architecture of healthy populations is limited to the same altitude and involves a small number of subjects, lacking sufficient reliability.


This study aims to analyze the differences in sleep monitoring indicators among healthy adults of different ages and genders across various altitudes, exploring the impact of altitude, age, and gender interactions on these indicators.


Healthy volunteers recruited from the plains of Chengdu, Sichuan Province, and the plateau area of Kunming, Yunnan Province, from January 2020 to September 2022 were selected as study subjects. Volunteers' gender, height, body mass, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) were collected. Total sleep time (TST), sleep efficiency, and sleep parameters [percentage of stage N1 (N1%), stage N2 (N2%), stage N3 (N3%) of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in total sleep time] were recorded. Age was categorized into two groups (20-39 and 40-60 years) for a two-way ANOVA to explore the effects of age, gender, and altitude on sleep parameters.


A total of 91 people were recruited in low-altitude areas, including 48 men and 43 women. A total of 90 people were recruited for the high-altitude area, including 46 men and 44 women. In females, TST was higher in high-altitude areas compared to low-altitude areas (P<0.05). In both males and females, N1% was higher and N2% was lower in high-altitude areas (P<0.05). N3% was higher in females than in males in high-altitude areas (P<0.05). In males, REM% was higher in high-altitude areas (P<0.05). TST was higher in the 20-39 age group than in the 40-60 age group in high-altitude areas (P<0.05). Sleep efficiency was higher in the 40-60 age group in low-altitude areas compared to high-altitude areas, with the 20-39 age group showing higher sleep efficiency in high-altitude areas (P<0.05). In both age groups, N1% was higher in high-altitude areas (P<0.05). In low-altitude areas, N1% was higher in the 20-39 age group than in the 40-60 age group, whereas in high-altitude areas, it was lower in the 20-39 age group (P<0.05). N2% was higher in low-altitude areas in both age groups (P<0.05), with the 40-60 age group having a higher N2% in high-altitude areas (P<0.05). N3% was higher in the 20-39 age group in high-altitude areas (P<0.05). In low-altitude areas, N3% was lower in the 20-39 age group compared to the 40-60 age group, while in high-altitude areas, it was higher in the 20-39 age group (P<0.05). REM% was higher in high-altitude areas in both age groups (P<0.05) .


The factors of age and altitude have varying degrees of influence on total sleep time, sleep efficiency, N1%, N2%, and REM%. Age factors have a greater impact on sleep structure, the older the age, the shorter TST, the lower the sleep efficiency, the higher the proportion of N1. The higher the altitude, the greater the influence of age on sleep structure. In the high altitude area, the TST, sleep efficiency and N3% of the elderly population are lower, and the proportion of N1% is higher.

Key words: Dyssomnias, Altitude, Sleep monitoring, Adult

摘要: 背景 睡眠问题是高海拔环境最常见的健康问题。目前对健康人群睡眠结构的研究仅限于同一海拔高度,且研究受试者数量较少,研究的可靠性尚未得到充分认证。目的 对不同海拔地区,不同年龄、不同性别健康成人睡眠监测指标差异性进行研究分析,探讨海拔高度和年龄、性别的交互作用对睡眠监测指标的影响。方法 选取2020年1月—2022年9月四川省成都市平原地区和云南省昆明市高原地区招募的健康志愿者作为研究对象。收集志愿者的性别、身高、体质量、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)、Epworth睡眠质量指数(ESS)。记录总睡眠时间(TST)、睡眠效率、睡眠参数[非快速眼动睡眠1期占总睡眠时间的百分比(N1%)、非快速眼动睡眠2期占总睡眠时间的百分比(N2%)、非快速眼动睡眠3期占总睡眠时间的百分比(N3%)、快速眼动睡眠期占总睡眠时间的百分比(REM%)]。将年龄作为二分类变量(20~39岁及40~60岁),采用双因素方差分析探究年龄、性别与海拔对各睡眠参数的影响。结果 低海拔地区共招募91人,其中男48人、女43人;高海拔地区共招募90人,其中男46人、女44人。女性群体中,高海拔地区TST高于低海拔地区(P<0.05);男性群体与女性群体中,高海拔地区N1%高于低海拔地区,N2%低于低海拔地区(P<0.05);高海拔地区女性N3%高于男性(P<0.05);男性群体中,高海拔地区REM%高于低海拔地区(P<0.05)。高海拔地区20~39岁群体TST高于40~60岁群体(P<0.05);40~60岁群体低海拔地区睡眠效率高于高海拔地区,高海拔地区20~39岁群体睡眠效率高于40~60岁群体(P<0.05);20~39岁群体与40~60岁群体中,高海拔地区N1%均高于低海拔地区(P<0.05);低海拔地区20~39岁群体N1%高于40~60岁群体,高海拔地区20~39岁群体N1%低于40~60岁群体(P<0.05);20~39岁群体与40~60岁群体中,低海拔地区N2%均高于高海拔地区(P<0.05);高海拔地区40~60岁人群N2%高于20~39岁人群(P<0.05);20~39岁群体中,高海拔地区N3%高于低海拔地区(P<0.05);低海拔地区20~39岁群体N3%低于40~60岁群体,高海拔地区20~39岁群体N3%高于40~60岁群体(P<0.05);20~39岁群体与40~60岁群体中,高海拔地区REM%均高于低海拔地区(P<0.05)。结论 年龄和海拔因素对总睡眠时间、睡眠效率、N1%、N2%、REM%均有不同程度的影响。年龄因素对睡眠结构的影响更大,年龄越大,TST越短,睡眠效率越低,N1占比越高。海拔越高,年龄对睡眠结构的影响更大,在高海拔地区中,高龄人群的TST、睡眠效率、N3%较低,N1%比例更高。

关键词: 睡眠异常, 高海拔, 睡眠监测, 成年人