Chinese General Practice ›› 2024, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (07): 789-793.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2023.0046

• General Practice Education Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Teaching of Undergraduate General Practice in China: a Survey Research


  1. Department of General Practice, the First Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, China
  • Received:2023-02-15 Revised:2023-09-20 Published:2024-03-05 Online:2023-12-19
  • Contact: YU Xiaosong



  1. 110001 辽宁省沈阳市,中国医科大学附属第一医院全科医学科
  • 通讯作者: 于晓松
  • 作者简介:
  • 基金资助:



The education of general practice has developed rapidly in recent years in China, but there is still a lack of comprehensive survey for undergraduate general practice education.


To understand the current situation and development trend of undergraduate general practice teaching in China.


A questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the offices of academic affairs of all colleges and universities offering clinical medicine programs in China (n=189) in December 2019, the questionnaires included teaching institutions, faculty and curriculum construction of general practice, which were collected in June 2020. The colleges and universities were categorized into four types for analysis, including comprehensive universities, single-subject colleges (medical colleges or pharmaceutical colleges) , Chinese medicine (TCM) colleges and independent colleges to compare differences in the teaching of undergraduate general practice at different types of colleges and universities.


A total of 175 valid questionnaires were returned, with a response rate of 92.6%. In 2019, 85.7% (150/175) of colleges and universities had undergraduate general practice teaching institutions, and the total number of general practice faculty members in colleges and universities nationwide reached 3 371, with 59.8% (2 016/3 371) of them working in the department of general practice in affiliated hospitals. Among the 175 colleges and universities that participated in the survey, 142 (81.1%) offered elective or compulsory courses in general practice, 68 (38.9%) offered graduation practice in general practice in community health centers, and 22 (12.6%) offered graduation practice in general practice in general hospitals. Among the four types of colleges and universities, the proportion of general practice departments set up in general hospitals and affiliated hospitals of single-subject colleges was over 90.0%, the proportion of TCM colleges was 70.0% (7/10) , and the proportion of independent colleges was only 63.3% (19/30) ; the proportion of independent colleges offering elective or compulsory courses in general practice was 60.0% (18/30) , while the proportions of other three types of colleges and universities offering elective or compulsory courses were ≥80.0%. The proportion of single-subject colleges carrying out graduation practice in general practice in community health centers was the highest (61.2%, 30/49) , followed by comprehensive universities (36.0%, 31/86) , and the proportions of independent colleges and TCM colleges were≤20.0%; the proportion of comprehensive universities and single-subject colleges carrying out graduation practice in general practice in general hospital was over 10.0%, while the proportion of independent colleges was 6.7% (2/30) .


The development of undergraduate general practice education has been relatively rapid in recent years, but there are still many problems, such as general practice undergraduate education is not widely carried out and developed unevenly, non-community faculty members lack practice experience in primary care, teaching and evaluation methods are simple. There is still a need to further improve the universality and balance of development in the future, and to strengthen teacher training, and enrich teaching methods and evaluation tools.

Key words: General practice, Education, medical, undergraduate, Institutional setup, Teachers, Curriculum









共回收有效问卷175份,应答率为92.6%。2019年,设立本科生全科医学教学机构的高校有150所(85.7%);全国高校共有全科师资3 371名,其中59.8%(2 016/3 371)在附属医院全科医学科工作;142所(81.1%)开设了全科医学选修课或必修课;68所(38.9%)高校开设了全科医学在社区卫生服务中心的毕业实习;22所(12.6%)高校开设了综合医院全科医学科毕业实习。在4类高校中,综合院校和单科院校附属医院设置全科医学科的比例均>90.0%,中医院校的设置比例为70.0%(7/10),独立办学院校的设置比例仅为63.3%(19/30);独立办学院校开设全科医学选修课或必修课的比例为60.0%(18/30),其他3类院校的开设比例均≥80.0%;单科院校开展社区卫生服务中心毕业实习的比例较高(61.2%,30/49),其次为综合院校(36.0%,31/86),独立办学院校和中医院校的开展比例≤20.0%;综合院校和单科院校开展综合医院全科医学科毕业实习的比例>10.0%,独立办学院校的开展比例为6.7%(2/30)。



关键词: 全科医学, 教育,医学,本科, 机构设置, 师资, 课程