Chinese General Practice ›› 2024, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (28): 3520-3528.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2023.0611

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Effects of Chronic Disease Prevalence and Comorbidity Patterns on SRH Status in Middle-aged and Elderly Populations in Rural Areas


  1. School of Public Health, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830054, China
  • Received:2023-12-14 Revised:2024-05-11 Published:2024-10-05 Online:2024-07-16
  • Contact: GULIBAHAER Kadeer



  1. 830054 新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市,新疆医科大学公共卫生学院
  • 通讯作者: 古丽巴哈尔·卡德尔
  • 作者简介:



  • 基金资助:



With the acceleration of China's aging population, the prevalence of chronic diseases and comorbidity patterns pose significant challenges to global health. There is a close relationship between the prevalence of chronic diseases and individuals' self-related health (SRH) status. However, there is limited research on the prevalence of chronic diseases and comorbidity patterns among middle-aged and elderly populations in rural areas of Xinjiang, China, and their impact on SRH status.


To understand the prevalence of chronic diseases and comorbidity patterns among middle-aged and elderly populations in rural areas of Xinjiang and to explore the impact of chronic diseases and comorbidity patterns on SRH status, providing effective reference for improving the health level of this population.


The data for this study were derived from the survey database of the National Social Science Foundation project (17BRK030) from 2016 to 2019. A questionnaire survey was conducted on the demographic characteristics, chronic disease status, and self-rated health status of male and female heads of households. Ordered logistics regression analysis was used to screen the influencing factors of SRH status. SOM network training analysis and partial least squares method were employed to evaluate the interrelationships among 14 chronic diseases and the degree of their impact on SRH status.


A total of 3 400 middle-aged and elderly individuals were surveyed. Residents' SRH status varied significantly by geographical distribution, gender, age, education level, occupation, marital status, illness or disability, and chronic disease status (P<0.05). Geographical region as southern Xinjiang, education level of primary school below, and presence of chronic diseases were identified as risk factors for SRH status (P<0.05). Being male, aged 45-59 years, occupation as pastoralists, staff of government or public institutions, or technical workers, being divorced, and having illness or disability were identified as protective factors for SRH status. The prevalence of chronic diseases among middle-aged and elderly populations in rural areas of Xinjiang was 36.47%. The top three diseases were hypertension (17.47%), arthritis or rheumatism (8.62%), and heart disease (5.68%). The comorbidity rate of chronic diseases was 8.09%, with hypertension (6.12%), arthritis or rheumatism (5.18%), and heart disease (4.71%) being the top three comorbid diseases. The predominant comorbidity pattern was the co-occurrence of two chronic diseases (78.18%). The most common comorbidity pattern among individuals with two chronic diseases was hypertension combined with heart disease, and among those with three chronic diseases was hypertension combined with heart disease and arthritis or rheumatism. The impact of chronic disease status on SRH status revealed that individuals with chronic diseases had significantly lower SRH status than those without chronic diseases, and individuals with two or more chronic diseases had lower SRH status than those with one chronic disease.


The prevalence of chronic diseases and comorbidity among middle-aged and elderly populations in rural areas of Xinjiang is high. Chronic respiratory diseases, arthritis or rheumatism, heart disease, anemia, and other chronic diseases have a significant impact on SRH status. Therefore, it is necessary to further strengthen the construction of chronic disease service systems, improve the health records of middle-aged and elderly individuals, establish specialized clinics for chronic disease comorbidity to detect and control the comorbidity of chronic diseases among middle-aged and elderly populations. Additionally, efforts should be made to enhance health education for middle-aged and elderly groups, increase awareness of chronic diseases, and promote active and healthy lifestyles to improve the health level and quality of life of middle-aged and elderly populations.

Key words: Multiple chronic conditions, Rural population, Chronic disease comorbidity patterns, Self-related health status, Middle aged, Aged, Root cause analysis









共调查3 400名中老年人。不同疆域分布、性别、年龄、文化程度、职业、婚姻状况、患病或伤残情况、患慢性病情况居民SRH状况比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。其中疆域为南疆、文化程度为小学以下、患有慢性病是SRH状况的危险因素(P<0.05);性别为男性,年龄为45~59岁,职业为牧民、机关或事业单位员工、技术工人,婚姻状况为离异,患病或伤残情况是SRH状况的保护因素(P<0.05);新疆维吾尔自治区农村地区中老年群体慢性病患病率为36.47%,其中患病率排在前三位的疾病分别是高血压(17.47%)、关节炎或风湿病(8.62%)、心脏病(5.68%);慢性病共病率为8.09%,共病患病率排在前三位的疾病分别是高血压(6.12%)、关节炎或风湿病(5.18%)、心脏病(4.71%);共病模式主要以患2种慢性病为主(78.18%);患2种慢性病共病模式主要以高血压+心脏病为主,患3种慢性病患病模式主要以高血压+心脏病+关节炎或风湿病为主;患慢性病情况对SRH状况的影响结果显示,患慢性病患者SRH状况明显低于未患慢性病人群,患2种及以上慢性病患者的SRH状况低于患1种慢性病患者。



关键词: 慢性病共病, 农村人口, 慢性病共病模式, 自评健康状况, 中年人, 老年人, 影响因素分析

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