Chinese General Practice ›› 2023, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (19): 2395-2401.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2022.0761

Special Issue: 精神卫生最新文章合集

• Original Research·Focus on Mental Disorders • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Epidemiological Survey of the Prevalence and Associated Factors of Mental Disorders in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region


  1. 1. Shihezi University School of Medicine, Shihezi 832008, China
    2. Department of Rehabilitation Psychiatry, First Affiliated Hospital, Shihezi University School of Medicine, Shihezi 832008, China
  • Received:2022-11-16 Revised:2023-03-20 Published:2023-07-05 Online:2023-04-04
  • Contact: ZHANG Guiqing



  1. 1.832008 新疆维吾尔自治区石河子市,石河子大学医学院
    2.832008 新疆维吾尔自治区石河子市,石河子大学医学院第一附属医院康复心理科
  • 通讯作者: 张桂青
  • 作者简介:
  • 基金资助:



Socioeconomic development, lifestyle changes and the COVID-19 pandemic all have an impact on people's mental and physical health, which may affect the prevalence of mental disorders. Currently, there is still no sufficient epidemiological information of mental disorders in Xinjiang.


To investigate the prevalence and influencing factors of common mental disorders among people aged 15 and above in northern Xinjiang, then compare the data with those of their counterparts in southern Xinjiang, and summarize the overall prevalence of common mental disorders in Xinjiang, providing a scientific basis for the formulation of corresponding mental health plans.


From November 2021 to July 2022, a multistage, stratified, random sampling method was used to select 3 853 residents from northern Xinjiang to attend a survey. General Demographic Questionnaire, and self-assessment scales (the 12-Item General Health Questionnaire, Mood Disorder Questionnaire, Symptom Checklist-90, etc.) and other assessment scales (Hamilton Depression Inventory, Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Rating Scale, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, etc.) were used as survey instruments. Mental disorders were diagnosed by the ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioral disorders by two psychiatrists with at least five years' working experience, or by a chief or associate chief psychiatrist when there is an inconsistency between the diagnoses made by the two psychiatrists.


The point prevalence rate and age-adjusted rate of common mental disorders in northern Xinjiang were 9.71% (374/3 853) and 10.07%, respectively. The point prevalence rate and age-adjusted rate of common mental disorders in the whole Xinjiang were 9.69% (750/7 736) and 9.90%, respectively. The point prevalence rates of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, organic mental disorders, and mental retardation in northern Xinjiang were 4.83% (374/7 736), 3.63% (281/7 736), 0.63% (49/7 736), 0.23% (18/7 736), and 0.36% (28/7 736), respectively. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis for northern Xinjiang showed that: the risk of mood disorders in females was 1.854 times higher than that in males〔95%CI (1.325, 2.593) 〕; The risk of mood disorders increased by 5.210 times in 25-34-year-olds〔95%CI (1.348, 20.143) 〕 and 3.863 times in 35-44-year-olds 〔95%CI (1.030, 14.485) 〕 compared with that in those aged ≥65 years; The risk of mood disorders increased by 0.199 times in those with high school or technical secondary school education〔95%CI (0.078, 0.509) 〕 and 0.147 times in those with two- or three-year college and above education〔95%CI (0.056, 0.388) 〕 compared with that in illiteracies. The risk of anxiety disorder in females was 1.627 times higher than that in males〔95%CI (1.144, 2.315) 〕; The risk of anxiety disorder increased by 0.257 times in 15-24-year-olds〔95%CI (0.091, 0.729) 〕, 0.243 times in 45-54-year-olds〔95%CI (0.101, 0.583) 〕, and 0.210 times in 55-64-year-olds〔95%CI (0.067, 0.661) 〕 compared to that of those aged ≥65 years old. The risk of schizophrenia among people living in villages or towns was 4.762 times higher than that of those living in cities〔95%CI (1.705, 13.300) 〕; The risk of schizophrenia among people with high school or technical secondary school education was 0.079 times higher than that of illiteracies〔95%CI (0.015, 0.405) 〕.


The prevalence of mood disorders and anxiety disorders is high among all types of mental disorders in Xinjiang. Females, rural people, or low educated people in northern Xinjiang are more prone to various types of mental disorders.

Key words: Mental disorders, Prevalence, Root cause analysis, Mood disorders, Anxiety disorders, Schizophrenia, Xinjiang







于2021年11月至2022年7月,采用多阶段分层随机抽样法在北疆选取居民3 853例为研究对象。以社会人口学调查表、自评量表(12项一般用健康问卷、心境障碍问卷、90项症状清单等)及他评量表(汉密尔顿抑郁量表、贝克-拉范森躁狂量表、简明精神病量表等)作为调查工具,以国际疾病分类第10版(ICD-10)中的精神与行为障碍分类为诊断标准,由两名具有≥5年工作经验的精神科医师对纳入居民进行精神障碍诊断,诊断不一致者由精神科主任或副主任医师进行二次诊断。


北疆地区常见精神障碍时点患病率为9.71%(374/3 853),年龄调整率为10.07%;全疆常见精神障碍时点患病率为9.69%(750/7 736),年龄调整率为9.90%。其中,心境障碍、焦虑障碍、精神分裂症、器质性精神障碍、精神发育迟滞的时点患病率分别为4.83%(374/7 736)、3.63%(281/7 736)、0.63%(49/7 736)、0.23%(18/7 736)、0.36%(28/7 736)。针对北疆地区的多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示:女性患心境障碍的风险是男性的1.854倍〔95%CI(1.325,2.593)〕,25~34、35~44岁者患心境障碍的风险分别是≥65岁者的5.210倍〔95%CI(1.348,20.143)〕和3.863倍〔95%CI(1.030,14.485)〕,高中/中专、大专及以上文化程度者患心境障碍的风险分别是文盲的0.199倍〔95%CI(0.078,0.509)〕和0.147倍〔95%CI(0.056,0.388)〕;女性患焦虑障碍的风险是男性的1.627倍〔95%CI(1.144,2.315)〕,年龄为15~24、45~54、55~64岁者患焦虑障碍的风险分别是≥65岁者的0.257倍〔95%CI(0.091,0.729)〕、0.243倍〔95%CI(0.101,0.583)〕、0.210倍〔95%CI(0.067,0.661)〕;居住在乡镇者患精神分裂症的风险是居住在城市者的4.762倍〔95%CI(1.705,13.300)〕,高中/中专文化程度者患精神分裂症的风险是文盲的0.079倍〔95%CI(0.015,0.405)〕。



关键词: 精神障碍, 患病率, 影响因素分析, 心境障碍, 焦虑障碍, 精神分裂症, 新疆维吾尔自治区