Chinese General Practice ›› 2023, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (16): 1938-1945.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2022.0561

Special Issue: 老年人群健康最新文章合集 健康公平性最新文章合集 老年问题最新文章合集

• Original Research·Foucus on Health Equity • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Public Health Service Utilization and Health Equity among Elderly Migrants in China


  1. 1School of Health Management, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China
    2Shenzhen Health Development Research and Data Management Center, Shenzhen 518028, China
  • Received:2023-02-15 Revised:2023-03-12 Published:2023-06-05 Online:2023-03-17
  • Contact: LI Bei



  1. 1510515 广东省广州市,南方医科大学卫生管理学院
    2518028 广东省深圳市,深圳市卫生健康发展研究和数据管理中心
  • 通讯作者: 李贝
  • 作者简介:
  • 基金资助:
    2020年广东省自然基金项目--珠三角城市流动老人社会融合度测量模型与干预路径研究(2020A1515011134); 2020年广州市哲学社会科学发展"十三五"规划项目(2020GZGJ130); 2022年卫生管理学院国家级课题培育计划项目(2022RFT005)



The increasing elderly floating people in China are prone to the risk of impaired health status and low utilization of public health services due to older age and unstable life. At present, there is a lack of research on income-related public health services utilization and health inequities in this population.


To understand the utilization of public health services and health status of elderly migrants, evaluate the utilization of public health services and health equities in them, and put forward suggestions for reducing income-related health inequalities.


In April 2022, elderly migrants aged 60 years or over (n=5 840) were selected from the China Migrants Dynamic Survey 2018 as the study population. Public health service utilization was assessed using the data related to the use of health education, health records and family doctor services. Health status was assessed based on self-rated health and morbidity in the past one year. Socio-demographic, economic and migrant characteristics were collected as explanatory variables. The Erreygers-corrected concentration index (EI) was used to measure income-related inequality in the utilization of public health services and health status. The decomposition analysis based on logit model was used to quantify the contribution of each determinant to total inequality.


Among the elderly migrants, the health education acceptance rate was 72.12% (4 212/5 840), with an EI of 0.021 (P>0.05). The rate of health record establishment was 30.99% (1 810/5 840), with an EI of -0.054 (P<0.05). And the rate of contracting a family doctor was 16.83% (983/5 840), with an of EI of -0.057 (P<0.05). Self-rated good health accounted for 82.29% (4 806/5 840), with an EI of 0.199 (P<0.05). The morbidity rate in the past one year was 29.02% (1 695/5 840), with an EI of 0.123 (P<0.05). The decomposition of EI results showed that per capita income had the highest percentage contribution to the equity of public health service utilization (74.354%, 53.383%), followed by geographic range of migration (43.474%, 32.063%). And per capita income also demonstrated the highest percentage contribution to health inequity (59.561%, 66.641%), followed by the impact of household registration on self-rated health (36.347%), and the impact of geographic range of migration on the morbidity (14.153%) .


Low-income older migrants are prone to low rate of public health service utilization and poor health outcomes. Income is the most important cause of public health service utilization inequity and health inequity among elderly migrants. Relevant departments should do a good job in publicizing public health services in this population, and give priority to those with a low economic status.

Key words: Migrant elderly, Health equity, Health inequities, Public health services, Facilities and services utilization, Health status, Social determinants of health, Erreygers concentration index







于2022年4月,从2018年全国流动人口卫生计生动态监测调查数据库(CMDS 2018)中选取年龄≥60岁的老年流动人口为研究对象(n=5 840)。以健康教育、健康档案、家庭医生服务利用情况反映流动老年人的公共卫生服务利用情况,以自评健康、近1年患病情况反映流动老年人的健康状况,同时收集流动老年人的社会人口学、经济学特征及流动特征作为解释变量。采用修正集中指数(EI)衡量流动老年人公共卫生服务利用和健康状况与收入相关的不平等程度,采用基于Logit模型的分解分析量化每个决定因素对总不公平的贡献。


流动老年人的健康教育接受率为72.12%(4 212/5 840),EI=0.021(P>0.05);健康档案建立率为30.99%(1 810/5 840),EI=-0.054(P<0.05);家庭医生签约率为16.83%(983/5 840),EI=-0.057(P<0.05)。自评健康良好者占82.29%(4 806/5 840),EI=0.199(P<0.05);近1年患病者占29.02%(1 695/5 840),EI=0.123(P<0.05)。EI分解结果显示:对公共卫生服务利用不公平贡献最高的因素为家庭人均月收入(对健康档案、家庭医生服务利用的贡献率分别为74.354%、53.383%),其次为流动范围(对健康档案、家庭医生服务利用的贡献率分别为43.474%、32.063%);对健康状况不公平贡献率最高的因素亦为家庭人均月收入(对自评健康、近1年患病情况的贡献率分别为59.561%、66.641%),其次为户籍类型对自评健康的影响(贡献率为36.347%),流动范围对近1年患病情况的影响(贡献率为14.153%)。



关键词: 流动老年人, 健康公平, 健康不平等, 公共卫生服务, 设施与服务利用, 健康状况, 健康社会决定因素, 修正集中指数