Chinese General Practice ›› 2023, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (02): 201-209.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2022.0380

Special Issue: 老年问题最新文章合集

• Population Health Research·Screening • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Development and Validation of Hearing Loss Screening Software for the Elderly in the Community in the Context of Smart Medicine


  1. 1Department of General Practice, Shanghai East Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200120, China
    2Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China
  • Received:2022-03-25 Revised:2022-10-10 Published:2023-01-15 Online:2022-10-27
  • Contact: SUN Xiaoming, JIANG Hua
  • About author:
    GE J L, GENG S S, CHEN X, et al. Development and validation of hearing loss screening software for the elderly in the community in the context of smart medicine [J] . Chinese General Practice, 2023, 26 (2) : 201-209.



  1. 1200120 上海市,同济大学附属东方医院全科医学科
    2200032 上海市,复旦大学附属中山医院
  • 通讯作者: 孙晓明, 江华
  • 作者简介:
    葛剑力,耿莎莎,陈昕,等.智慧医疗背景下社区老年听力损失筛查软件开发及验证[J].中国全科医学,2023,26(2):201-209. [] 作者贡献:葛剑力负责结果分析、论文撰写;耿莎莎负责研究的实施;陈昕负责数据收集及整理;朱英倩负责统计学处理;孙晓明负责论文构思、设计与修订;江华负责论文的督导与审核;孙晓明和江华共同对文章负责。
  • 基金资助:
    上海市卫生健康委员会科研课题(201940235); 全国全科医学教育教学研究课题(B-YXGP20210301-03)



There is currently insufficient effective treatment for hearing loss in the elderly since it is a hidden disease whose damage is irreversible. It is crucial to establish early warnings, screenings and interventions. As of now, there are few studies carried out on the assessment of hearing loss in the elderly based on risk factors at home and abroad. There are no standardized measurement tools or perfect scales.


Utilizing smart medicine and the WeChat platform, investigate high-risk factors of hearing loss in the elderly, develop screening software for hearing loss in the elderly, and explore the screening and management modes of hearing loss in the elderly.


Based on cross-sectional survey, five community health service centers in Pudong New Area of Shanghai were obtained. The tudy was performed from April to December 2019 to investigate the distribution of risk factors for hearing loss in the elderly in the community, and conditional logic was applied, and receiver operation charateristic curve (ROC curve) were used for risk stratification. The screening software for hearing loss in the elderly has been developed using JavaScript language during the period January and June 2020. Verification and evaluation of the screening software were performed between July 2020 to March 2021.


The study involved 401 elderly peoplein across-sectional design. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis revealed that aging〔OR=1.100, 95%CI (1.037, 1.166) 〕, noise history〔OR=3.886, 95%CI (1.077, 14.022) 〕, non-light diet〔OR=2.445, 95%CI (1.127, 5.305) 〕, hypertension〔OR=1.8393, 95%CI (1.015, 3.330) 〕, diabetes〔OR=4.310, 95%CI (1.817, 10.225) 〕and hyperuricemia〔OR=3.174, 95%CI (1.030, 9.779) 〕were independent risk factors (P<0.05) . A total of 18 factors (male, overweight/obesity, living alone, widowed/divorced, noise history, family history of deafness, non-light diet, no exercise habits, smoking, drinking, wearing headphones, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, hyperuricemia, hypothyroidism, ototoxic drug use history) were included in the analysis as a result of the difference analysis and literature review. According to the ROC curve, combined scores of risk factors can predict hearing loss in the elderly with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.777〔95%CI (0.721, 0.833) 〕, and the cut off value is 3.5. According to this study, a cumulative risk factor score of 4 defined the threshold for predicting hearing loss in the elderly. The elderly were then stratified into those with low risk of hearing loss (<4) and those with high risk of hearing loss (≥4) . The software for screening elderly hearing loss is developed on the WeChat platform. There are four parts in total: risk factors stratification assessment, screening version of the Hearing Impairment Scale (HHIE-s) for the elderly, general conclusions, and health education. From July to December 2020, a total of 78 elderly people were recruited to evaluatethe hearing loss screening software, with a completion rate of 55.1% (43/78) .A mode ratecor relation exists between cumulative risk factor scores and HHIE-s scale score (rs=0.360, P=0.018) . From January to March, 2021, a suitability evaluation questionnaire with 8 single item questions was administered to 106 general practitioners to determine the suitability of hearing loss screening software for the elderly. According to the 5-level Likert scale, the proportion of respondents who answered "completely agree" to each question is 85.8% (91/106) , 81.1% (86/106) , 71.7% (76/106) , 68.9% (73/106) , 68.0% (72/106) , 59.4% (63/106) , 15.1% (16/106) and 14.2% (15/106) respectively.


There are 18 risk factors for hearing loss in the elderly. The screening software for hearing loss in the elderly based on WeChat platform has a good effect in early warning of hearing loss in the elderly, which provides a medical basis for screening for hearing loss in the elderly. Hearing loss screening software can support real-time data transmission, optimize, and integrate the hierarchical assessment system of risk factors, HHIE-s and WeChat platform for self-health management. The screening software of hearing loss for the elderly offers general practitioners a new way to manage and control hearing loss provides a new way of hearing loss management and control for general practitioners at the grassroots.It is appropriate and enforceable.

Key words: Hearing tests, Diagnostic screening programs, General practitioners, Screening software, Aged, Hearing loss, Risk factors












关键词: 听力检查, 诊断筛查项目, 全科医生, 筛查软件, 老年人, 听力损失, 危险因素