Chinese General Practice ›› 2021, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (34): 4364-4371.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.302

Special Issue: 全科医学教育专题研究

• Monographic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

General Practitioner Trainers' Perspectives on Continuing Medical Education in General Practice in China:a Qualitative Study 


  1. 1.Department of Community Healthcare,Jishuitan Hospital,Beijing 100096,China
    2.Institute of Applied Health Research,University of Birmingham,Birmingham B15 2TT,UK
    3.Department of Pediatrics,Peking University First Hospital,Beijing 100034,China
    *Corresponding author:QI Jianguang,Chief physician,Master supervisor;
  • Published:2021-12-05 Online:2021-12-05



  1. 1.100096北京市,北京积水潭医院社区医学保健科 2.B15 2TT Institute of Applied Health Research,University of Birmingham,Birmingham,UK 3.100034北京市,北京大学第一医院儿科
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Background Continuing medical education in general practice(CMEGP)is an important approach to improve quality of general practitioners(GPs). GP trainers are indispensable participants in the implementation of CMEGP. Understanding their perceptions and experience regarding CMEGP could help discover and solve problems in CMEGP from a new perspective. Objective To explore GP trainers' perspectives on CMEGP in China,offering evidence for further improving the quality of CMEGP. Methods From November 2020 to February 2021,snowball and purposive sampling methods were used to recruit qualified GP trainers with rich experience in CMEGP to attend an in-depth,semi-structured personal video interview. The interview results were recorded,and transcribed,then coded using NVivo 12,and analyzed using thematic analysis. Results In total,10 GP trainers(6 men and 4 women)in the age range of 29-49 years〔average age of(38.7±5.8)years〕,attended the interview,8 of whom had a master or doctor degree;9 worked as a GP in a tertiary medical institution. The average years of them working a GP trainer was 4-12 years〔(7.8±2.8)years on average〕. Five themes emerged from the analysis:Self-factors of GPs affect the effect of CMEGP;construction and management of GP trainers are insufficient;teaching theories are important but insufficient for CMEGP;the effect of CMEGP may be improved by taking actions in accordance with the development needs of primary care and teaching approaches;the quality of CMEGP may be affected by external factors. Conclusion There are many difficulties and challenges in the development of CMEGP in China:defects in the management and training of GP trainers,and the quality of CMEGP needs to be improved. Clarifying the connotation of GP trainers,and improving the training system and assessment standards for GP trainers are essential for exploring effective training models and improving the quality of CMEGP.

Key words: General practice;Education, medical, continuing;Trainers;Interview;Qualitative study

摘要: 背景 开展全科医学继续教育(简称全科继教)是加快全科医生队伍建设的重要途径,而全科医学师资是全科继教不可或缺的参与方。了解全科医学师资对全科继教现状的看法有助于发现当前我国全科继教存在的主要问题,并可为现存问题的解决提供一个新视角。目的 从全科医学师资角度出发,了解我国全科继教现状及全科医学师资对现状的看法,探索全科继教师资的内涵,旨在为改善和提高全科继教的质量提供借鉴。方法 2020年11月至2021年2月,采用滚雪球式抽样、目的性抽样法选取符合全科医学师资标准且具有丰富全科继教培训经验的全科医学师资作为研究对象,通过线上视频对其进行一对一的半结构化深度访谈。应用NVivo 12软件对访谈内容进行编码、归类;采用主题框架分析法对资料进行整理、分析,并提炼访谈主题。结果 共纳入10例全科医学师资,其中,男6例,女4例;年龄29~49岁,平均年龄(38.7±5.8)岁;8例学历为硕士研究生及以上;9例在三级医疗机构从事全科医疗工作;从事全科继教培训工作的年限为4~12年,平均年限(7.8±2.8)年。通过对访谈资料进行分析,提炼出5个主题:全科医生方因素影响全科继教培训效果;全科继教师资队伍建设和管理存在不足;教学理论对于全科继教教学较为重要,但全科医学师资培训中缺少相关内容;立足基层需求、改进教学方式,以提升全科继教培训效果;全科继教培训受外部因素的影响。结论 我国全科继教面临师资管理水平较低、培训质量参差不齐等诸多困难和挑战。明确全科继教师资内涵,并完善全科继教师资培训体系和考核标准,对于探索有效的全科继教培训模式和提升全科继教质量具有重要意义。

关键词: 全科医学;教育, 医学, 继续;师资;访谈;定性研究