Chinese General Practice ›› 2021, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (25): 3210-3220.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.183

Special Issue: 社区卫生服务最新研究合集

• Monographic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effect of Standardized Workload Used in Comprehensive Performance Management in Community Health Institutions: a Practice-based Analysis 


  1. 1.Pudong New District Beicai Community Health Center,Shanghai 201204,China
    2.Standardized Workload Reform Project Team,Pudong New District Beicai Community Health Center,Shanghai 200333,China
    *Corresponding author:LIN Jixiang,Chief physician;
  • Published:2021-09-05 Online:2021-09-05



  1. 1.201204上海市浦东新区北蔡社区卫生服务中心 2.200333上海市浦东新区北蔡社区卫生服务中心标化工作量改革项目组

Abstract: Background Standardized workload is a tool that can be used by community health institutions to accurately measure the manpower consumption in delivering a service. The parameters and variables used in the calculation of standardized workload may involve all aspects of the development of such institutions. Therefore,this tool is highly applicable. However,there is a lack of research on guiding the practical use of it in the operation and comprehensive assessment of community health institutions. Objective To comprehensively and systematically analyze the application of standardized workload in staff performance management by Beicai Community Health Center,providing evidence for organizing the services of a health institution,and for using standardized workload to measure the workload of newly developed services,and to build a relationship between different business departments. Methods A real-world research design was used. The measurement of standardized workload by Beicai Community Health Center was discussed in terms of themes(n=4) and steps(n=6). Results The actual operation process,applied principles and formulas for measuring the performance of all employees and for pricing new services were summarized. Conclusion The experience of Beicai Community Health Center analyzed in detail may be directly used by other community health institutions to guide the measurement of standardized workload,including the pricing of newly developed services,performance assessment for workers in different departments,and so on,which may help to maintain the unity of operation strategies of the institution.

Key words: Community health service center, Standardized workload, Measurement practice, New service items

摘要: 背景 标化工作量作为社区卫生服务机构精确测算某个服务项目人力时消耗的工具,在测算过程中用到的参数和变量涉及社区卫生服务机构发展的方方面面,因此,极具实用性,但如何将标化工作量切实完整地用于整个社区卫生机构的运行和全面考核尚缺乏可指导操作的文献。目的 以北蔡社区为例,全面系统地介绍社区卫生服务机构如何应用标化工作量完成机构全体成员绩效薪酬核算问题,并在此过程中,同时回答如何梳理机构全部服务项目、如何建立不同业务科室之间的薪酬关系、如何完成对新增服务项目进行标化工作量赋值等问题。方法 以在真实世界中进行标化工作量测算时的实施流程为时间轴,分为4个主题6个步骤逐一介绍操作实施细节。结果 整理出了使用标化工作量进行全员绩效测算和新项目服务定价时的实际操作流程、遵照原则和计算公式。结论 整个实施过程操作细节的介绍,可以直接指导社区卫生机构同行标化工作量测算和应用等相关工作的开展,并特别介绍了机构对新增服务项目进行标化工作量赋值的操作办法,以及不同科室应采取何种策略保持在标化工作量思想和框架下进行绩效测算,以维持整个机构经营战略的统一。

关键词: 社区卫生服务机构, 标化工作量, 测算实践, 新增服务项目