Chinese General Practice ›› 2021, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (7): 881-885.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.011

Special Issue: 社区卫生服务最新研究合集 中医最新文章合集

• Monographic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Status of and Solutions to the Problems during the Implementation of the Special Scheme for Recruiting TCM General Practitioners to Work in Remote Areas with Harsh Conditions 


  1. 1.School of Basic Medical Sciences,Hebei University of Chinese Medicine,Shijiazhuang 050200,China
    2.Personnel and Education Department,National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100027,China
    3.Metabolic Disease Research Center of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine,the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University,Guangzhou 510006,China
    *Corresponding author:CHEN Lingxuan;
  • Published:2021-03-05 Online:2021-03-05



  1. 1.050200河北省石家庄市,河北中医学院基础医学院 2.100027北京市,国家中医药管理局人事教育司 3.510006广东省广州市,广东药科大学附属第一医院中西医代谢病中心
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Background To gradually solve the shortage of general practitioners(GPs) and licensed physicians in primary care,China has implemented the special scheme of recruiting GPs to work in remote areas with harsh conditions since 2013 to guide and encourage highly qualified medical and health professionals to deliver general care in primary care. At present,there are few investigations on the implementation of this kind of special schemes of recruiting TCM GPs. Objective To investigate the implementation of the special scheme for recruiting TCM GPs to work in remote areas with harsh conditions,to promote the development of TCM workforce in primary care. Methods From July 1 to 20,2019,participants were recruited from 14 provinces of China in which the special scheme for recruiting GPs to work in remote areas with harsh conditions has been implemented as a pilot project. Of them,administrators(n=970) of 970 township hospitals (one administrator from each township hospital) attended an online questionnaire survey,and specially recruited TCM GPs(n=258) working at township hospitals attended another online questionnaire survey,and other 32 informants (4 leaders from county-level administrative institutions of Chinese medicine,4 leaders of county-level TCM hospitals,8 directors of township hospitals and 16 representative TCM GPs) attended group interviews. Results According to the survey,793(81.8%)of the responded administrators thought there was a shortage of TCM medical professionals,and 915(94.3%)thought that the special recruitment scheme was an appropriate project for their hospital,and 851(87.7%) thought the total specially recruited TCM GPs should be increased.Among the 258 TCM GPs,173(67.0%)had junior college degree or below,112(43.4%) had an annual salary of less than 50 000 yuan. Their main difficulties and demands were as follows:access to continuing medical education and training (94.2%,243/258),access to an officially budgeted post(91.1%,235/358),improving the salary (73.6%,190/258),access to the guidance from highly qualified physicians from higher level hospitals during practice(64.3%,166/258). 255(98.8%) of them considered it was necessary to carry out the special recruitment scheme in township hospitals,and 249(96.5%) thought it was necessary to increase the number of special recruited TCM GPs. All the group interviewees were in support of increasing the number of special recruited TCM GPs. Conclusion The specially recruited TCM GPs in township hospitals had solved the shortage of GPs to some extent,and their services had obtained favorable comment from concerned primary care departments and patients. However,on the whole,they were not well-paid,had relatively low education level,limited career development and less training opportunities. To address the needs of TCM GPs in primary care,a set of actions are required such as promoting the pilot implementation of this special recruitment scheme,increasing the number of recruited cases,strengthening continuing medical education for recruited TCM GPs and safeguarding their vital interests via increasing financial investment.

Key words: Special post general practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, Implementation status quo, Countermeasure research

摘要: 背景 自2013年起,国家通过实施全科医生特设岗位计划,引导和鼓励优秀医疗卫生人才到基层医疗卫生机构从事全科医疗工作,逐步解决基层全科医生紧缺和无执业医师问题。目前对中医类别全科医生特设岗位计划实施现状的调研相对较少。目的 了解中医类别全科医生特设岗位计划的实施现状,推进基层中医药人才队伍建设。方法 2019年7月1—20日,在实施全科医生特设岗位计划工作的14个省中采用整群随机抽样的方法,随机抽取970个乡镇卫生院的行政负责人和258例中医类别特岗全科医生进行问卷调查;抽取4名县级中医药主管部门领导、4名县中医院领导、8名乡镇卫生院院长、16名中医类别特岗全科医生进行小组访谈。结果 参与网络调查的970家乡镇卫生院中,793家(81.8%)认为中医技术人员短缺,915家(94.3%)认为特设岗位计划在本院具备适应性,851家(87.7%)认为特设岗位计划有必要扩大规模。参与网络调查的258例中医类别特岗全科医生中,173例(67.0%)学历为专科及以下;112例(43.4%)年薪酬5万元以下;主要困难及诉求分别为接受继续医学教育培训(94.2%,243/258)、解决编制(91.1%,235/358)、提高工资待遇(73.6%,190/258)、工作中有上级医师指导(64.3%,166/258)等;255例(98.8%)认为在乡镇卫生院设置特设岗位计划有必要,249例(96.5%)认为有扩大规模必要。参与访谈的4名县级中医药主管部门领导、4名县中医院领导、8名乡镇卫生院院长、16名中医类别特岗全科医生代表都主张扩大特岗计划实施规模。结论 中医类别全科医生特设岗位计划充实了乡镇卫生院,受到了基层卫生部门和患者好评,但受聘中医类别全科医生学历偏低、待遇不高、职业发展受限、培训机会少等问题突出。应加快推进全科医生特设岗位计划试点工作,扩大覆盖面;强化继续教育,加大投入力度,解决医生切身利益,保障基层对中医全科人才的需求。

关键词: 中医类别特岗全科医生, 实施现状, 对策研究