Chinese General Practice ›› 2021, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (7): 829-833.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2020.00.534

Special Issue: 社区卫生服务最新研究合集

• Monographic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Perceptions of Grief Counseling in General Practitioners from Wuhan and Countermeasures 


  1. 1.College of Health Science and Nursing,Wuhan Polytechnic University,Wuhan 430023,China
    2.Research Office,Tongji Hospital,Tongji Medical College of HUST,Wuhan 430030,China
    3.General Medical Department,Tongji Hospital,Tongji Medical College of HUST,Wuhan 430030,China
    4.Department of Spine Surgery,Affiliated Nanhua Hospital,University of South China,Hengyang 421000,China
    *Corresponding author:WANG Simei,Chief superintendent nurse;
  • Published:2021-03-05 Online:2021-03-05



  1. 1.430023湖北省武汉市,武汉轻工大学医学技术与护理学院 2.430030湖北省武汉市,华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院科研处 3.430030湖北省武汉市,华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院综合医疗科 4.421000湖南省衡阳市,南华大学附属南华医院脊柱外科
  • 基金资助:


Background Although the concept of grief counseling has been introduced into China in recent years,it has developed slowly in China. Many general practitioners(GPs) have not received relevant training and do not know how to comfort the bereaved scientifically. Therefore,the purpose of this study was to analyze GPs' perceptions of grief counseling,and find out the deficiency of grief counseling in community. Objective To investigate the perceptions of grief counseling of GPs in Wuhan,to provide a reference for improving community health services. Methods From October to December 2019,a total of 263 GPs from 23 community health centers,Wuhan,were sampled by convenience sampling and investigated using a questionnaire consisting of demographic information,skills and attitudes of grief counseling scales. Multiple linear stepwise regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of skills and attitudes of grief counseling. Results Altogether,241 GPs(91.6%) who returned responsive questionnaires were included for final analysis. The average score of grief counseling skills was(19.05±4.76),with a scoring rate of 59.5%. Multiple linear stepwise regression analysis showed that influencing factors of grief counseling skills included roles and responsibilities,training,and frequency of contact with the bereaved family member(P<0.05). The average score of grief counseling attitudes was(32.70±9.36),with a scoring rate of 65.4%. The influencing factors of grief counseling attitudes included other skills of grief counseling,education level,communication ability,and working experience seniority(P<0.05). Conclusion The skills and attitudes of grief counseling of GPs should be improved. The community should set up a group of grief counseling and build a related long-term and comprehensive training system.

Key words: General practitioners, Skills of grief counseling, Attitudes of grief counseling

摘要: 背景 近年来哀伤辅导这一理念虽被引入国内,但在国内发展较缓慢。许多全科医生并未接受过相关培训,不懂如何科学地安抚丧亲者。本研究旨在分析全科医生对哀伤辅导的认知状况,发现社区哀伤辅导工作中的不足。目的 调查武汉市全科医生对哀伤辅导的认知情况,为完善社区卫生服务工作提供参考。方法 2019年10—12月,采用便利抽样法抽取武汉市23家社区卫生服务中心的263例全科医生进行问卷调查。调查问卷包括3部分:基本情况、哀伤辅导技能量表、哀伤辅导态度量表。采用多元线性逐步回归分析哀伤辅导技能与态度的影响因素。结果 共计发放263份问卷,回收有效问卷241份,问卷有效回收率为91.6%。全科医生的哀伤辅导技能得分为(19.05±4.76)分,得分率为59.5%。多元线性逐步回归分析结果显示,哀伤辅导技能的影响因素包括角色和专业职责、哀伤辅导培训、接触丧亲者的频率(P<0.05)。哀伤辅导态度得分为(32.70±9.36)分,得分率为65.4%。哀伤辅导态度的影响因素包括哀伤辅导其他能力、教育程度、人际沟通能力、工作年限(P<0.05)。结论 全科医生的哀伤辅导技能和态度均亟须提高。建议在社区中成立哀伤辅导小组,构建长效、健全的培训体系。

关键词: 全科医生, 哀伤辅导技能, 哀伤辅导态度, 武汉