Chinese General Practice ›› 2021, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (7): 818-823.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.032

Special Issue: 健康公平性最新文章合集

• Monographic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Self-rated Health Status and Utilization of Health Services in the Elderly 


  1. 1.Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Guangzhou 511430,China
    2.Guangdong Provincial Institute of Public Health,Guangzhou 511430,China
    *Corresponding author:HAO Aihua,Chief physician;
  • Published:2021-03-05 Online:2021-03-05



  1. 1.511430广东省广州市,广东省疾病预防控制中心 2.511430广东省广州市,广东省公共卫生研究院

Abstract: Background The aging rate of Chinese population has greatly exceeded the average global level. More than 180 million Chinese elderlies are suffering from one or more chronic diseases,accounting for 75% of the total elderlies,subjecting them to be the key population for health services utilization. Objective To explore the relationship between self-rated health status and utilization of health services of the elderlies,providing a reference for the construction of a healthcare system ensuring the health of elderly people. Methods China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study(CHARLS) is a large-scale interdisciplinary follow-up survey project conducted by Peking University. The survey sampled around 18 000 middle-aged and old Chinese people residents(≥45 years old) from 450 villages of 150 districts/counties in 28 provinces(municipalities) across China,serving as a set of survey database representing this group of Chinese people. The CHARLS questionnaire includes the basic demographic information,family structure and financial support,health status,physical measurement,health service utilization and medical insurance,work,retirement and pension,income,consumption,assets as well as essential community conditions. In this study,we selected part of the surveyees(≥60 years old) of the 2015 CHARLS as the participants,and studied their demographic information(gender,age,marital status,education level and residence),income(including asset income) and consumption,anthropometric parameters(height and weight),health status(general health status and medical history),lifestyle habit(physical exercise,social activities,smoking and drinking),and utilization of health services(outpatient and inpatient services). We used the framework of Anderson's behavioral model to explore the impact of self-rated health status on health services utilization. We performed statistical analysis using chi-square test and multivariate Logistic regression in SPSS 20.0. Results  Of the 4 089 responders for self-rated health status in the survey,3 266(79.87%) rated their health as poor,and 265(8.11%) of them should have used inpatient services in the past year. Among the 8 340 responders for use of outpatient services in the past 4 weeks,1 681(20.16%) used such services. Of the 8 344 responders for use of inpatient services in the past year,1 382(16.56%) used such services. Logistic regression analysis showed that the utilization rates of outpatient services in smokers who had quit smoking and those who had poor self-rated health status were 1.505 and 2.636 times higher than those who were still smoking and those with good self-rated health status(P<0.05);the utilization rates of inpatient services in elderly people aged over 80 was 1.666 times of those aged 60-69 years,and those who did not drink alcohol were 1.613 times as much as those who drank more than once a month,the utilization rates of inpatient services in smokers who had quit smoking and never smokers were 2.204 and 1.698 times higher than those who were still smoking,the utilization rates of inpatient services in patients with poor self-rated health status were 2.630 times higher than those in those with good self-rated health status(P<0.05). Conclusion The overall self-rated health status of the elderly was relatively poor,which may significantly affect their utilization of health services. To improve the health management of the elderly,the monitoring and research of self-rated health status should be further strengthened for delivering health services,and the construction of primary healthcare system should be strengthened.

Key words: Self-rated health, Medical care utilization, Aged

摘要: 背景 中国人口老龄化速度大大超过世界均值,超过1.8亿老年人患有慢性病,患有一种及以上慢性病的老年人比例高达75%,是医疗卫生服务利用的重点人群。目的 探索自评健康与卫生服务利用的关系,为建设保障老年人口健康的卫生服务体系提供参考借鉴。方法 中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)是由北京大学主持的大型跨学科数据调查项目,调查样本覆盖全国28个省市的150个区县、450个村居、约1.8万余名45岁及以上的中老年人,是一套代表中国45岁及以上中老年人的跟踪调查数据库。CHARLS问卷内容包括个人基本信息、家庭结构和经济支持、健康状况、体格测量、医疗服务利用和医疗保险、工作、退休和养老金、收入、消费、资产,以及社区基本情况等。本研究利用2015年CHARLS追踪调查数据,选取60岁及以上人员为研究对象,研究变量包括:个人基本信息中的性别、年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、居住地;收入、消费、资产中的收入;体格测量中的身高、体质量;健康状况中的一般健康状况和疾病史;生活方式中的体育锻炼、社交活动、吸烟、饮酒;医疗服务利用情况中的是否门诊就诊、是否住院等。以Andersen 模型为理论框架,使用SPSS 20.0软件通过χ2检验、多因素Logistic回归模型对选取的研究变量进行数据分析。结果 4 089名老年人应答了自评健康状况,其中3 266(79.87%)名老年人自评健康状况差;自评健康状况差的老年人中,265(8.11%)名过去1年应住院而未住院。8 340名老年人应答了最近4周门诊服务利用情况,其中1 681名老年人有门诊就医经历,门诊服务利用率为20.16%;8 344名老年人应答了过去1年住院情况,其中1 382名老年人有住院经历,老年人住院服务利用率为16.56%。Logistic回归分析结果显示,已戒烟者、自评健康状况差者门诊服务利用率分别是仍然在吸烟者、自评健康状况好者的1.505、2.636倍(P<0.05);≥80岁老年人住院服务利用率是60~69岁老年人的1.666倍,不饮酒者住院服务利用率是每月饮酒超过1次者的1.613倍,已戒烟和从未吸烟者住院服务利用率分别是仍然在吸烟者的2.204、1.698倍,自评健康状况差者住院服务利用率是自评健康状况好者的2.630倍(P<0.05)。结论 老年人的健康状况整体欠佳,自评健康状况显著影响卫生服务利用,应进一步加强自评健康在卫生服务利用中的监测和研究工作,加强基层卫生服务体系建设,提高老年人健康管理水平。

关键词: 自评健康, 卫生服务利用, 老年人