Chinese General Practice ›› 2021, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (7): 784-790.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.098

• Monographic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Development of Evaluation Model of the Configuration and Construction of General Practice Department in Standardized Clinical Residency Training Bases(General Hospitals) Using the Delphi Method 


  1. 1.Department of General Practice,the First Hospital of China Medical University,Shenyang 110001,China
    2.China Medical University Library,Shenyang 110122,China
    *Corresponding author:YU Xiaosong,Professor,Doctoral supervisor;
  • Published:2021-03-05 Online:2021-03-05



  1. 1.110001辽宁省沈阳市,中国医科大学附属第一医院全科医学科 2.110122辽宁省沈阳市,中国医科大学图书馆

Abstract: Background The National Health Committee of the People's Republic of China claims that all clinical bases(general hospitals) responsible for standardized training of general practitioners must set up their own general practice departments. However,there is a lack of research and consensus on how to set up or develop general practice departments in general hospitals in China. Objective To establish an evaluation model for the configuration and construction of general practice department in standardized clinical residency training bases(general hospitals) by Delphi method. Methods Based on the reviewing of 15 relevant studies collected via literature retrieval,our research team〔the general practice department research team of the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University(composed of 9 members)〕 developed initial indices and criteria for the evaluation of general practice department in general hospitals in accordance with the discipline orientation of this department,and improved them after analyzing them intensively via panel discussion,then used them to develop a Delphi expert consultation questionnaire(the first version). After that,we selected 45 experts from different regions of China and invited them to participate in 3 rounds of E-mail-based or on-site surveys using the questionnaire for consulting their opinions on screening the indices,estimating the weight and modifying the evaluation criteria. Results An evaluation model including 6 first-level indices(basic conditions,medical technical team,medical service ability and level,medical quality,teaching and scientific research),22 second-level indices,and 78 third-level indices as well as evaluation criteria was established. The positive coefficients of experts in the three rounds of consultation were 84.4%(38/45),92.1%(35/38),91.4%(32/35),respectively. The authority coefficient of experts was 0.94. The eventual Kendall's concordance coefficient of experts reached 0.716(P<0.001). Conclusion In this study,we shared our experience of establishing and perfecting the evaluation model of general practice department configuration and construction in standardized clinical residency training bases(general hospitals)via reporting the specific development method and process completely and transparently.

Key words: Hospitals, general ;General practice;Subject orientation;Evaluation model;Discipline construction

摘要: 背景 国家卫生健康委要求,所有负责全科医学住院医师规范化培训的临床基地(综合医院)〔临床住培基地(综合医院)〕必须独立设置全科医学科。但国内对于如何设置和建设综合医院全科医学科尚缺乏研究和共识。目的 基于德尔菲法构建临床住培基地(综合医院)全科医学科配置与建设评价模型。方法 2018年11月—2020年5月,由9名研究者组成研究团队,通过文献检索纳入各类资料15篇并提炼评价指标和评价标准,通过专题小组讨论对综合医院全科医学科的定位与评价指标进行深入分析并提炼具体指标和标准,综合结果形成德尔菲专家咨询问卷(第一轮)。然后从全国各地区选取专家45名,以E-mail或现场发放问卷的方式邀请专家参加3轮德尔菲专家咨询,对初步设计的评价体系进行指标筛选、权重设计和评价标准修改。结果 经过三轮专家咨询,构建了包含6个一级指标(基础条件、医疗技术队伍、医疗服务能力与水平、医疗质量状况、教学、科研)、22个二级指标、78个三级指标及其评价标准在内的三级指标评价模型。专家积极系数分别为84.4%(38/45)、92.1%(35/38)、91.4%(32/35),专家权威系数为0.94,第三轮咨询后,专家协调系数为0.716,协调性检验P<0.001。结论 本研究完整和透明地报告了中国医科大学附属第一医院全科医学科研究组开发和完善临床住培基地(综合医院)全科医学科配置与建设评价模型的方法、过程和经验。

关键词: 医院, 综合;全科医学科;学科定位;评价模型;学科建设