Chinese General Practice ›› 2021, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 490-495.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2020.00.235

Special Issue: 社区卫生服务最新研究合集

• Monographic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Further Clinical Training for In-service Medical Workers in a Community Health Center of Beijing 


  1. Yuetan Community Health Center,Fuxing Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100045,China
    *Corresponding author:DING Jing,Chief physician,Associate professor,Master supervisor;
  • Published:2021-02-05 Online:2021-02-05



  1. 100045北京市,首都医科大学附属复兴医院月坛社区卫生服务中心
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Background Further clinical training for medical workers is a way to improve the quality of medical treatment. Further study in primary care community helps to provide targeted training and guidance for medical workers working at the community health center. Moreover,drawing lessons from the statistical analysis of the study results facilitates the hosted healthcare settings to improve the study program. Objective To perform a statistical analysis of the overall status of further clinical training for medical workers from 2016 to 2019 conducted by Yuetan Community Health Center,Fuxing Hospital,Capital Medical University,to provide evidence for improving the design of study procedure in a reasonable way,and enhancing the overall as well as individual effectiveness of training in physicians. Methods Data were collected from Yuetan Community Health Center,Fuxing Hospital,Capital Medical University,during March 2016 to July 2019,mainly including further clinical training status(number of each batch of trainees,training duration,source region,work unit,training cost),demographic information of trainees(n=67)(gender,age,title,department,position),and training arrangements(planned and actual training departments,and number of actual training departments). A group interview was conducted with 7 trainees who participated in the training in July 2019 for investigating their satisfaction with the training in training course arrangement necessity, course content and so on. Results Statistics showed that during this period from March 2016 to July 2019,this community center launched 33 batches of trainings lasting for at least 5 days in total. In 21 batches of trainings(63. 6%),there was only one trainee. 15 batches of trainings lasted for less than 30 days,accounting for a major proportion of the total(45.4%). The trainees participating in 20 batches of trainings(60.6%) came from regions except Beijing or from other countries. The trainees mainly worked at community health centers(stations) 〔16 batches(48.5%)〕. 24 batches of trainings(72.7%) were free. Most of the trainees were female 〔39(56.5%)〕,aged between 30 and 40 years old〔37(53.6%)〕,had intermediate title〔31(44.9%)〕,worked at general practice department 〔21(30.4%)〕 and administrative department 〔16(23.2%)〕,and had no administrative position〔43(62.3%)〕. The top 3 planned training departments were general practice department 〔30 trainees(46.4%)〕,administrative department〔14 trainees(20.3%)〕,nursing department tied with rehabilitation department 〔9 trainees(13.0%),respectively〕. The top 3 actual training departments were general practice department 〔41 trainees(59.4%)〕,preventive health care department〔27 trainees(39.1%)〕,and administrative department〔25 trainees(36.2%)〕. The trainees were trained in 1-4 departments actually,and the largest and the second largest portions of them were 1 department〔32(46.4%)〕and 2 departments〔17(24.6%)〕,respectively. In terms of the necessity of curriculum arrangement,six trainees held the attitude of "very need",one of them held the attitude of "need",and seven people rated the satisfaction of the lecturer as "very satisfied". Seven trainees were interested in the content of the course. Conclusion Yuetan Community Health Center holds many batches of further clinical trainings for medical workers to satisfy the high demand of medical workers. These trainees mainly have intermediate titles with no administrative position,and mainly choose to be trained in 1-4 departments,and the largest proportion of them are trained in one department. Moreover,they are highly satisfied with the training. However,there are also problems such as delays in the update of the training process,so further optimization of the process is required to ensure scientific training,standardized management,and high-quality teaching.

Key words: Community health centers;Community health workers;Education, professional, retraining;Curriculum;Beijing

摘要: 背景 进修学习是医务人员提高医疗质量的途径,在基层进修学习有助于对社区卫生服务中心医务人员进行有针对性的培训和指导,且进修机构通过统计分析进修人员的学习情况,有助于总结经验、设计更好的进修课程。目的 统计2016—2019年首都医科大学附属复兴医院月坛社区卫生服务中心医务人员总体进修情况,为今后合理设计进修程序、提高进修医师专业水平、更好地因材施教提高进修效果提供借鉴。方法 收集2016年3月—2019年7月于首都医科大学附属复兴医院月坛社区卫生服务中心进修的人员资料(n=67),主要包括进修情况(包括每批次进修人员数目及进修时间、来源地区、单位、费用情况)、进修人员信息(包括进修人员的性别、年龄、职称、所在科室、职务)、进修安排(包括进修人员拟进修科室、实际进修科室、实际进修科室数量)。采用小组访谈法,对2019年7月在首都医科大学附属复兴医院月坛社区卫生服务中心进修学习的7名进修人员进行访谈,访谈内容主要包括此次进修课程安排必要性、课程内容等方面。结果 2016年3月—2019年7月首都医科大学附属复兴医院月坛社区卫生服务中心共接收进修时间≥5 d的进修人员33批次,批次进修人数为1人共21批次,占63.6%;进修时间以<30 d为主,共计15批次(45.4%);20批次(60.6%)为非北京地区进修人员;进修人员单位以社区卫生服务中心(站)为主〔16批次(48.5%)〕;免费进修24批次(72.7%)。进修人员以女性为主〔39人(56.5%)〕、年龄集中在30~40岁〔37人(53.6%)〕;职称以中级职称〔31人(44.9%)〕为主,所在科室以全科和管理为主,分别为21人(30.4%)和16人(23.2%);职务以无职务〔43人(62.3%)〕为主。进修人员拟进修科室排在前3位的依次为全科〔30人(46.4%)〕、管理〔14人(20.3%)〕、护理和康复(分别为9人,分别占13.0%),实际进修科室排在前3位的分别为全科〔41人(59.4%)〕、保健〔27人(39.1%)〕和管理〔25人(36.2%)〕。在实际进修科室数量方面,每人进修科室为1~4个,进修1个科室者最多〔32人(46.4%)〕,进修2个科室者次之〔17人(24.6%)〕。在课程安排必要性上,6人持“很需要”态度、1人持“需要”态度,7人对讲课教师满意度评价为“很满意”。7人均对课程内容感兴趣。结论 首都医科大学附属复兴医院月坛社区卫生服务中心进修批次多、进修需求大,进修人员以中级职称和无职务为主,在实际进修科室数量方面,每人进修科室为1~4个,进修1个科室者最多;进修人员对进修满意度高。但也存在进修流程更新滞后等问题,需进一步优化流程以保证科学的培训、规范化的管理、高质量的教学。

关键词: 社区卫生中心, 社区卫生工作者, 进修, 专业, 再培训, 课程, 北京