Chinese General Practice ›› 2021, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 432-437.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2020.00.348

Special Issue: 安宁疗护专题研究

• Monographic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Cost Calculation of Community Hospice Care Service Project 


  1. Jing'an Temple Street Community Health Service Center,Jing'an District,Shanghai 200040,China
    *Corresponding author:SHEN Tianhan,Associate chief physician;
  • Published:2021-02-05 Online:2021-02-05



  1. 200040上海市静安区静安寺街道社区卫生服务中心
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Background The hospice care project faces with the problem of insufficient financial compensation for the overall funding,which limits the development of hospice care services,and reasonable compensation depends on the accurate cost calculation of hospice care services.  Existing researches mostly analyze the compensation for community hospice care services from the gap between the income and expenditure of institutions,and lack the accurate calculation of various costs. Objective To analyze the cost calculation of community hospice care services,so as to provide a reference for reasonable compensation for hospice care services in the community. Methods The hospice care services provided by Jing'an Temple Street Community Health Service Center in Jing'an District of Shanghai in 2018 were chosen as the research objects,and the cost data were collected and calculated. Results A total of 234 services were included and 179 services were retained after the merger of inspection services at a cost of 46.5(23.0,84.0)yuan.  Among the 179 services,manual evacuation of faeces had the lowest cost(1.3 yuan)and gradeⅠcare had the highest cost(401.7 yuan).  There were 138 pay items in 179 services,and compared with the price of medical services in Shanghai,only 37(26.8%)service items cost less than the price charged,3(2.2%)service items cost equal to the price  charged,and 98(71.0%)service items cost more than the price charged,including 14 services in the general practice,7 services of traditional Chinese medicine,32 nursing services,27 radiology services,4 services of B-mode ultrasonography and ECG,and 14 inspection services. Conclusion The funding for community hospice care services needs to pay attention to classified compensation,and there is insufficient financial compensation for hospice care services in general practice,traditional Chinese medicine,nursing,ECG,radiology,B-mode ultrasonography and inspection.

Key words: Hospice care, Costs and cost analysis, Price, Compensation

摘要: 背景 安宁疗护项目面临总体经费补偿不足问题,致使安宁疗护服务发展受限,而合理的补偿依赖于对安宁疗护服务项目成本的精确核算。现有研究对安宁疗护补偿分析,多从机构收支缺口入手,缺乏对各项成本消耗的精确核算。目的 测算社区安宁疗护服务项目成本,为安宁疗护服务项目的合理补偿提供参考。方法 以上海市静安区静安寺街道社区卫生服务中心2018年开展的安宁疗护服务项目为研究对象,进行服务项目成本数据的采集和测算。结果 共234项服务项目,检验项目合并后共179项,成本46.5(23.0,84.0)元。其中,总成本最低的为人工辅助通便(1.3元),最高的为Ⅰ级护理(401.7元)。179项服务中共包含138项收费项目,仅37项(26.8%)成本低于收费价格;3项(2.2%)成本等于收费价格;成本高于收费价格的有98项(71.0%),包含全科14项、中医7项、护理32项、放射27项、心电B超4项、检验14项。结论 社区安宁疗护服务项目经费投入需重视分类补偿,且全科、中医、护理、放射、心电B超、检验等安宁疗护服务项目补偿不足。

关键词: 临终关怀医疗, 成本及成本分析, 价格, 补偿