Chinese General Practice ›› 2020, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (16): 2020-2024.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2020.00.192

• Monographic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Main Practices and Results of Comprehensive Standardization Construction for Community Health Services in Minhang District of Shanghai 


  1. Gumei Community Health Service Center,Minhang District,Shanghai 201102,China
    *Corresponding author:MA Xuedong,Associate chief physician;
  • Published:2020-06-05 Online:2020-06-05



  1. 201102上海市闵行区古美社区卫生服务中心
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The standardization of community health services is an important means to establish and improve the community health service system in China.Gumei Community Health Service Center as the only pilot unit of comprehensive standardization in Shanghai,has been exploring the comprehensive standardization construction since 2011.Based on the definition of What,Who,and How to comprehensively standardize community health services,the standardization construction was carried out by means of the PDCA cycle,and a set of standard system for community health services was formed,which was composed of 3 first-level directories,20 second-level directories,2 international standards,127 national standards,170 industry standards,11 local standards,1 association standard,and 420 institution standards.The standardization construction of community health services has improved the satisfaction of contracted family doctor services and the efficiency of services in Child Health Management Center to a certain extent.It is recommended that when carrying out related work,the scientific organizational structure design,the construction of standardized talents echelon,and the standardized work plans should be rationally formulated.In addition,with the deepening of community health service reform,the standardization for community health services needs to be continuously improved in accordance with the actual needs of community health service development.

Key words: Community health services, Comprehensive standardization, Shanghai

摘要: 社区卫生服务标准化建设,是建立健全我国社区卫生服务体系的重要手段。上海市闵行区古美社区卫生服务中心作为上海市唯一一家综合标准化试点单位,自2011年开始探索标准化建设。在明确社区卫生服务综合标准化的What、Who、How基础上,借助PDCA循环进行标准构建,形成了一套由3个一级目录、20个二级目录、2个国际标准、127个国家标准、170个行业标准、11个地方标准、1个团体标准、420个中心标准组成的社区卫生服务标准体系。社区卫生服务标准化建设,在一定程度上提升了家庭医生签约服务满意度和儿童健康管理中心服务效率。建议同行在开展相关工作时,合理制定科学的组织架构设计,标准化人才梯队建设,标准化工作计划。另外,随着社区卫生服务改革的深入,社区卫生服务标准化需要结合社区卫生服务发展实际需要进行持续完善。

关键词: 社区卫生服务, 综合标准化, 上海