Chinese General Practice ›› 2020, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (8): 923-928.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2019.00.746

Special Issue: 肥胖最新文章合集

• Monographic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effect of Flexible Fasting on the Improvement of Central Obesity 


  1. 1.Cognitive and Mental Health Research Center,Institute of Radiation Medicine,Academy of Military Medical Sciences,Beijing 100850,China
    2.Graduate School,Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230032,China
    3.Department of Cardiovascular Diseases,Weihai Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Weihai 264200,China
    4.Department of Neurosurgery,Tianjin Baodi District People's Hospital,Tianjin 301800,China
    *Corresponding authors: DENG Yingfang,Attending physician;E-mail:
    ZHANG Chenggang,Professor,Doctoral supervisor;E-mail:
  • Published:2020-03-15 Online:2020-03-15



  1. 1.100850北京市,军事科学院军事医学研究院辐射医学研究所 全军军事认知与心理卫生研究中心 2.230032安徽省合肥市,安徽医科大学研究生院 3.264200山东省威海市妇幼保健院心血管内科 4.301800天津市宝坻区人民医院神经外科

Abstract: Background Significantly improved quality of life and accelerated pace of life have led to a rapid increase in the number of obese people in China.Overweight and obesity are important risk factors for the "big three"(hypertension,hyperlipidemia and diabetes) and other chronic diseases,seriously affecting people's physical and mental health.Therefore,reducing weight may improve people's health and quality of life.Flexible fasting,a weight loss therapy,may significantly reduce the body weight of central obese people,thereby improving obesity-related diseases.Objective To evaluate the value of flexible fasting in improving obesity and obesity-related symptoms by analyzing the changes in body weight,body mass index(BMI),body circumference,blood pressure and serum homocysteine in central obese people after using this technique.Methods With the strength of  Department of Cardiovascular Diseases,Weihai Maternal and Child Health Hospital,we recruited 32 central obese people who volunteered to participate in the study.After excluding 3 drop-outs,we finally enrolled the remaining 29 cases,and gave them one-week intervention of flexible fasting therapy 〔having a bag of specific prebiotic meal replacement beverage(10 g/bag) for each of the three meals a day〕.We measured their body weight,BMI,body circumference,blood pressure and serum homocysteine before and after the intervention. Results All participants showed decreased mean body weight 〔(92.2±24.2) kg vs(98.8±25.4) kg〕,BMI 〔(31.3±6.6) kg/m2 vs(33.6±6.6) kg/m2〕,waist circumference 〔(95.9±17.1) cm vs(101.9±18.5) cm〕,upper arm circumference 〔(33.1±3.9) cm vs(35.2±4.3) cm〕,thigh circumference〔(60.8±6.2) cm vs(63.8±6.1) cm〕,chest circumference 〔(104.3±10.8) cm vs(108.7 ± 12.0) cm〕,hip circumference 〔(108.8 ± 9.9) cm vs(113.0 ± 10.4) cm〕,waist-to-hip ratio 〔(0.88 ± 0.08) vs(0.90 ± 0.08)〕,systolic blood pressure 〔(123±16)mm Hg vs (129±19)mm Hg〕,diastolic blood pressure 〔(85±13)mm Hg vs(89±12)mm Hg〕,homocysteine level 〔(9.58±3.38) μmol/ L vs(11.64±3.54) μmol/L〕 compared with before intervention(P<0.05).Conclusion Flexible fasting therapy has a certain effect on reducing body weight and waist circumference,and lowering blood pressure,suggesting that it can be used as an adjuvant therapy for improving obesity and obesity-related symptoms.

Key words: Central obesity, Flexible fasting, Body weight, Waist circumference, Waist-hip ratio, Blood pressure, Homocysteine

摘要: 背景 随着生活质量的显著提高和生活节奏的加快导致我国肥胖人群数目增长迅速,超重、肥胖是高血压、高血脂、糖尿病“三高”疾病等慢性病的重要诱因,严重影响人们的身心健康。因此,降低体质量可以改善人们的健康状况,提高生活质量。柔性辟谷可以显著降低肥胖人群的体质量,从而改善由于肥胖引起的相关疾病。目的 研究柔性辟谷对中心性肥胖人群体质量、体质指数(BMI)、身体围度、血压、同型半胱氨酸水平等指标的影响,评价该技术在改善肥胖和相关症状中的效果。方法 2017年1—3月依托山东省威海市妇幼保健院心血管内科面向社会招募中心性肥胖志愿者32名,3人中途退出,最终纳入志愿者29名,进行柔性辟谷1周,每天一日三餐均以1袋柔性辟谷饮料(10 g/袋)代餐,分别于干预前、后测量并记录志愿者体质量、BMI、身体围度、血压、同型半胱氨酸水平。结果 志愿者干预后体质量〔(92.2±24.2)kg与(98.8±25.4)kg〕、BMI〔(31.3±6.6)kg/m2与(33.6±6.6)kg/m2〕、腰围〔(95.9±17.1)cm与(101.9±18.5)cm〕、上臂围〔(33.1±3.9)cm与(35.2±4.3)cm〕、大腿围〔(60.8±6.2)cm与(63.8±6.1)cm〕、胸围〔(104.3±10.8)cm与(108.7±12.0)cm〕、臀围〔(108.8±9.9)cm与(113.0±10.4)cm〕、腰臀比〔(0.88±0.08)与(0.90±0.08)〕、收缩压〔(123±16)mm Hg与(129±19)mm Hg〕、舒张压〔(85±13)mm Hg与(89±12)mm Hg〕、同型半胱氨酸水平〔(9.58±3.38)μmol/L与(11.64±3.54)μmol/L〕均低于干预前(P<0.05)。结论 柔性辟谷对降低体质量、减少腰围、下调血压具有促进作用,可用于中心性肥胖人群肥胖和相关症状的辅助改善。

关键词: 中心性肥胖, 柔性辟谷, 体质量, 腰围, 腰臀比, 血压, 同型半胱氨酸