Chinese General Practice ›› 2020, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (2): 245-250.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2019.00.444

Special Issue: 精神卫生最新文章合集

• Monographic Research • Previous Articles    

Investigation on Clinical Features and Drug Use of Hospitalized Patients with Bipolar Disorder 


  1. Wenzhou Seventh People's Hospital,Wenzhou 325000,China
    *Corresponding author:CHEN Ce,Associate chief physician;
  • Published:2020-01-15 Online:2020-01-15



  1. 325000浙江省温州市第七人民医院
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Background Bipolar disorder(BPD)is a severe mental disorder with a wide incidence and difficulty in treatment.Currently,clinical diagnosis and treatment guidelines in China are based on clinical survey data from foreign countries.Relevant data in China is rare.Objective To understand the diagnosis and medication situation of patients with BPD in Wenzhou in order to make up for the lack of regional data and provide references for the clinical guidelines based on China's national conditions.Methods A cross-sectional random sampling method was used to distribute a self-made questionnaire to doctors on duty in neurological/psychiatric departments randomly selected in 10 hospitals in Wenzhou from May 15 to 19 in 2017.The questionnaire was a mixed form that includes patients' essential information,initial onset status,age at which the diagnosis was determined,the time from the first diagnosis,drug use,doses,current adverse reactions,and the next medication plan.Results A total of 150 questionnaires were distributed and 127 valid questionnaires were returned.The effective recovery rate was 84.7%.The initial onset age was 8 to 56;the age at which the diagnosis was determined was 8 to 78;the time from the first diagnosis was 1 month to 33 years.The most commonly used pharmacological agent was quetiapine with 77 times.Obesity was the most common adverse reaction with 41 cases.There were 106 cases in the medication maintenance period.The average doses of quetiapine,magnesium valproate,and lithium carbonate in maintenance period were 0.50 g/d,1.00 g/d,and 0.85 g/d,respectively.Conclusion The situation in Wenzhou is different from what reported in other regions at home and abroad.Based on different regional situation,deeper and larger-scale investigations should be started as soon as possible to better provide more information for clinical diagnosis and treatment of BPD.

Key words: Bipolar disorder, Diagnosis, Depression, Medication used, Adverse reaction, Age at onset

摘要: 背景 双相情感障碍(BPD)是一种重症精神障碍,发病范围广,治疗困难。我国目前的临床诊疗指南均是根据国外的临床调查数据得出的,国内相关调查数据较少。目的 了解温州地区精神科医生对BPD患者的诊断和用药情况,弥补该地区资料的空白,为制定符合我国国情的BPD临床指南提供参考。方法 2017年5月15—19日采用横断面随机抽样的方法给在温州地区随机抽取的10家医院的神经/精神科当日在值医生发放自制的BPD患者情况调查表。调查表为混合式,内容包括患者基本信息、初次发病状态、确定诊断的年龄、距离首次诊断的年限、使用的药物、用药剂量、目前存在的不良反应和下一步的用药计划。结果 共发放调查问卷150份,回收有效问卷127份,问卷有效回收率为84.7%。初次发病年龄8~56岁;确定诊断年龄8~78岁;距离首次诊断的时间1个月~33年。被使用最多的药物是喹硫平77频次;不良反应最多的是肥胖,共有41例;在维持用药阶段的有106例;维持阶段喹硫平、丙戊酸镁、碳酸锂的平均用量分别为0.50 g/d,1.00 g/d,0.85 g/d。结论 温州地区的情况与国内外其他地区报道的有差异。基于地区性考虑,更深入的大范围调查应该尽快启动,以更好地为临床诊疗提供参考。

关键词: 双向情感障碍, 诊断, 抑郁, 药物使用, 不良反应, 初次发病年龄