Chinese General Practice ›› 2020, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (1): 14-18.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2019.00.699

• Monographic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Current Status of the Construction of Family Doctor Group and Corresponding Countermeasures in the Implementation of Hierarchical Medical Treatment System 


  1. School of Medicine and Health Management,Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430030,China
    *Corresponding author:TAO Hongbing,Professor,Doctoral supervisor;
  • Published:2020-01-05 Online:2020-01-05



  1. 430030湖北省武汉市,华中科技大学同济医学院医药卫生管理学院
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: With the deepening of medical and health reform in China,the service system of family doctor group has been constantly improved.But it still faces many problems including insufficient service ability and enthusiasm and lack of supporting tools.And worst of all,remaining in a disadvantaged and subordinate position,family doctor group cannot play a core and basic role in hierarchical medical treatment system.Based on the above problems,according to the literature review and field research,this paper summarizes the construction experience of family doctor group in Minhang District of Shanghai City,Luohu District of Shenzhen City,and Xi County of Henan Province,and then puts forward the following suggestions:to stratify health risk and develop personalized service plan centered on residents;to increase personnel in family doctor group and adjust the team structure of family doctors;to improve the salary of family doctors and narrow the gap of remuneration between them and doctors in superior hospitals;to strengthen the emphasis of superior hospitals on family doctors through medical insurance bundled payment;to formulate the clinical pathway of two-way referral;and to speed up the informatization construction that is conducive to medical services of family doctors.

Key words: Hierarchical medical treatment, Contracted family doctor services, Family doctor team, Capacity building

摘要: 随着医药卫生体制改革的深化,我国家庭医生团队服务制度不断健全,但家庭医生团队在发展中仍存在服务能力和服务积极性有待提高、支撑工具不足等问题,尤其在分级诊疗实施中较为被动,未能充分发挥网底与核心作用。本文基于上述问题,根据文献研究和实地调研情况,总结了上海闵行、深圳罗湖、河南息县三地家庭医生团队的建设经验,进而提出如下建议:以居民为中心进行健康风险分层和个性化服务方案制定;扩充家庭医生队伍,调整家庭医生团队结构;提高家庭医生待遇,缩小与上级医院差距;医保打包付费,以加强上级医院对家庭医生团队服务的重视程度;制定双向转诊的临床路径;加快有利于家庭医生医疗服务的信息化建设。

关键词: 分级诊疗, 家庭医生签约服务, 家庭医生团队, 能力建设