Chinese General Practice ›› 2019, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (35): 4401-4405.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2019.00.294

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Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy Syndrome Type Ⅱ:a Case Report and Literature Review 


  1. 1.Department of Endocrinology,Affiliated Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine,Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210028,China
    2.Key Research Laboratory of Gall Disease Syndrome and Treatment,Jiangsu Province Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210028,China
    3.Xinyi Central Hospital,Xinyi 221400,China
    *Corresponding author:CAO Wen,Associate chief physician;
  • Published:2019-12-15 Online:2019-12-15



  1. 1.210028江苏省南京市,南京中医药大学附属中西医结合医院内分泌科
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome (APS) refers to a group of syndromes comprising two or more kinds of endocrine autoimmune diseases.We reported a case with APS type Ⅱ combined with Graves disease and type 1 diabetes who admitted to Affiliated Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine,Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine on 10 July 2018.A 12-year-old girl had enlarged neck mass and exorbitsm for 6 years.Antithyroid drugs had poor therapeutic effects,and type 1 diabetes was confirmed in the course of disease.Thyroidectomy and insulin control of type 1 diabetes mellitus can control hyperthyroidism,thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy and type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Hyperthyroidism;Graves ophthalmopathy;Diabetes mellitus,type 1;Polyendocrinopathies,autoimmune;Case reports

摘要: 自身免疫性多内分泌腺病综合征(APS)即同一患者同时或先后出现2种或2种以上内分泌腺自身免疫疾病。本文报道于2018-07-10入住南京中医药大学附属中西医结合医院1例甲状腺功能亢进(Graves病)合并1型糖尿病的APSⅡ型患儿。患儿为12岁女性,因颈前肿大伴双眼突出6年就诊,多年抗甲状腺药物治疗甲状腺功能亢进及突眼效果差,病程中伴发1型糖尿病。予以甲状腺切除术,并以胰岛素控制1型糖尿病,使得甲状腺功能亢进、甲状腺相关性眼病、1型糖尿病得以良好控制。

关键词: 甲状腺功能亢进症;Graves眼病;糖尿病, 1型;多内分泌腺疾病, 自身免疫性;病例报告