Chinese General Practice ›› 2018, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (28): 3508-3512.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-9572.2018.00.042

• Monographic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Demographic and Professional Analysis of the General Practitioner Workforce Receiving "5+3 " Model of Standardized Training in Shanghai's Pudong New Area 


  1. 1.Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital,Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine,Shanghai 200011,China
    2.Pudong Institute for Health Development,Shanghai 200129,China
    3.School of Public Health,Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 201203,China
    4.Shanghai Pudong New District Zhoupu Hospital,Shanghai 201318,China
    5.Pudong New Area Health and Family Planning Commission,Shanghai 200125,China
    6.Medical Institutions Administration Center of Pudong New Area,Shanghai 200129,China
    7.Pudong New Area Zhuqiao Community Health Center,Shanghai 201323,China
    *Corresponding author:JING Limei,Associate research fellow;
  • Published:2018-10-05 Online:2018-10-05



  1. 1.200011上海市,上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院 2.200129上海市浦东卫生发展研究院 3.201203上海市,上海中医药大学公共健康学院 4.201318上海市浦东新区周浦医院 5.200125上海市浦东新区卫生和计划生育委员会 6.200129上海市浦东新区医疗机构管理中心 7.201323上海市浦东新区祝桥社区卫生服务中心
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To analyze the general practitioner workforce receiving  "5+3" model of standardized training in Shanghai's Pudong New Area from the demographic and professional perspectives.Methods We conducted this study in a cohort of 1 469 registered general practitioners(GPs) from 46 community health centers in Shanghai's Pudong New Area in 2017.By reviewing the relevant studies,and analyzing the results of survey conducted in the institutions involved in the study,we collected the data about demographic characteristics and theoretical and practical examinations and compared them between GPs who received  "5+3 " model of standardized training and those did not.Results 202(13.8%) became registered GPs after receiving  "5+3 " model of standardized training,and all of them(100.0%) were found with a first degree of undergraduate or above.Furthermore,64(31.7%) of them had an intermediate professional and technical title;94(46.5%) were from the community health center located in urban areas.Among the 1 431 took the theoretical examination,GPs receiving  "5+3 " model of standardized training achieved much higher total score and scores in domains of introduction of general practice,tumor and rehabilitation and maintaining good health with Chinese medicine compared with other GPs(P<0.05).Among 586 took the practical examination,GPs receiving  "5+3 " model of standardized training obtained much higher total score and scores in performing urethral catheterization as well as suturing a wound compared with other GPs (P<0.05).Conclusion Compared with other types of GPs,GPs receiving  "5+3 " model of standardized training in this area demonstrated better performance in professional examinations.Moreover,the development of general practitioner workforce receiving  "5+3 " model of standardized training shows a rapid trend.However,the number of such type of GPs is need to be increased to meet the residents' demands.Therefore,it is suggested to employ more GPs,and improve GPs' qualities by strengthening the  "5+3 " model of standardized training.

Key words: General practitioners;Education; "5+3 ", standardized training;Professional capability

摘要: 目的 了解上海市浦东新区规范化培训全科医生的队伍现状及专业能力。方法 以2017年上海市浦东新区46家社区卫生服务中心的全部共1 469例注册全科医生为研究对象。采用文献收集法、机构调查法,收集全科医生的人力信息及全科医生理论和技能考试得分,比较“5+3”规范化培训全科医生与其他类别全科医生的理论和技能考试得分。结果 1 469例全科医生中,经“5+3”规范化培训获得全科医生资质者202例(13.8%),其中第一学历为本科及以上者202例(100.0%),职称为中级者64例(31.7%),所在社区卫生服务中心在城市地区者94例(46.5%)。共1 431例全科医生完成了理论考试,“5+3”规范化培训全科医生的全科概论、肿瘤、中医养生康复学模块的得分及理论考试总得分高于其他类别全科医生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。共586名全科医生完成了技能考试,“5+3”规范化培训全科医生的导尿、缝合模块得分及技能考试总得分高于其他类别全科医生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 上海市浦东新区“5+3”规范化培训的全科医生队伍发展较迅速,但数量仍不足;“5+3”规范化培训学员的全科专业能力考核成绩优于其他类别全科医生。建议进一步加快“5+3”规范化培训全科医生的培养,加大社区全科医生引进力度,发挥规范化培训全科医生的服务引领作用。

关键词: 全科医生, 教育, &ldquo, 5+3&rdquo, 规范化培训, 专业能力