Chinese General Practice ›› 2018, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (28): 3500-3507.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2018.28.017

• Monographic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

How to Train General Practitioners during the Implementation of the Healthcare Reform Launched in 2009 in China:a Report from a Symposium 


  • Published:2018-10-05 Online:2018-10-05



  1. 曾学军 北京协和医院普通内科主任医师、科主任,北京协和医学院全科学系主任
    沙悦 北京协和医院普通内科副主任医师,北京协和医学院全科学系副教授
    王芳 东城区社区卫生服务管理中心党总支书记、主任
    沈蔷 北京市东城区社区卫生服务管理中心副主任,全科主任医师
    王辉 北京市朝阳区高碑店社区卫生服务中心主任
    曹桂丽 北京市东城区社区卫生服务中心,全科副主任医师

Abstract: We invited the representatives from several health institutions to share their experiences in the training of general practitioners(GPs) during the implementation of the healthcare reform launched in 2009 and invited a representative physician to share her learning from the GP training.ZENG Xuejun,Director of Department of General Internal Medicine,Peking Union Medical College Hospital,and Dean of Department of General Practice,Peking Union Medical College(PUMC) introduced their training goals for GPs and experiences in the building of general practice teaching workforce.SHA Yue,an associate professor of Department of General Practice,PUMC made a summary of PUMC's training of GPs from three aspects(college education,post-graduation education,continuing education).WANG Fang,Director of Dongcheng District Community Health Service Management Center,summed up the problems existing in training GPs in Beijing's Dongcheng District and gave the corresponding countermeasures.SHEN Qiang,Deputy Director of Dongcheng District Community Health Service Management Center,introduced the web-based teaching mode applied in Beijing's Dongcheng District for training GPs.WANG Hui,Director of Chaoyang District Gaobeidian Community Health Center,offered an overview of their experience in the improvement of the service capabilities.CAO Guili,a physician from Dongcheng District Community Center,summarized her learning from the training co-held by Peking Union Medical College Hospital and Dongcheng District Community Health Service Management Center.It is hoped that the above can provide a reference for the implementation of training programs for GPs across the regions of China.

Key words: Education, medical;General practice

摘要: 本文就“新医改形势下全科人才培养”进行主题研讨。其中,曾学军主任就全科医生培养目标、全科师资队伍建设发表意见,沙悦副教授从医学院校教育、毕业后教育、继续教育3个方面总结了北京协和医学院在全科人才培养中的做法,王芳主任提出了东城区全科人才培养中的尚存问题和对策建议,沈蔷副主任介绍了东城区信息化教学模式,王辉主任总结了朝阳区高碑店社区卫生服务中心在提高基层医疗服务能力方面的实践,曹桂丽医生分享了在北京协和医院与东城区社区卫生服务管理中心联合举办的培训中的收获与体会。希望本文可以对各地区开展全科医生培训提供借鉴与参考。

关键词: 教育, 医学, 全科医学