中国全科医学 ›› 2024, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (33): 4190-4195.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2023.0418

• 论著·中医·中西医结合研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


赵兰慧1, 高婧2, 周尚成2,*()   

  1. 1.450046 河南省郑州市,河南中医药大学管理学院
    2.510006 广东省广州市,广州中医药大学公共卫生与管理学院
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-25 修回日期:2024-03-20 出版日期:2024-11-20 发布日期:2024-08-08
  • 通讯作者: 周尚成

  • 作者贡献:


  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金资助项目(81973979,71774049); 广东省自然科学基金(2019A1515011496); 广东省社科基金(GD19CSH04)

Research on Disability Weights of Wasting Thirst Disorder Based on ICD-11 Traditional Medicine Chapter

ZHAO Lanhui1, GAO Jing2, ZHOU Shangcheng2,*()   

  1. 1. School of Management, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou 450046, China
    2. School of Public Health and Management, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510006, China
  • Received:2023-09-25 Revised:2024-03-20 Published:2024-11-20 Online:2024-08-08
  • Contact: ZHOU Shangcheng

摘要: 背景 《国际疾病分类第十一次修订本(ICD-11)》的审议通过,首次将包括中医药在内的传统医学章节纳入其中。伤残权重是量化非致死性疾病和伤害对健康损失的权重系数,是衡量疾病负担的重要参数。 目的 基于ICD-11传统医学章节,调查消渴病伤残权重,为中医疾病负担测算提供参考,为建立与国际标准相衔接并体现中医药卫生服务信息的统计网络奠定基础。 方法 于2020-06-01—2021-06-01,运用视觉模拟法(VAS)在临床中医师、健康人群中进行消渴病各下位类伤残权重调查。运用带有VAS标尺的欧洲生命质量量表(EQ-5D-3L)在患者中进行伤残权重调查,并对调查结果进行专家意向论证。 结果 对中医师调查的VAS权重显示,上消0.300(0.185,0.380),中消0.430(0.368,0.568),下消0.585(0.510,0.738),消渴厥0.725(0.660,0.908)。对患者调查的消渴病伤残权重显示,患者VAS转换权重为上消0.310(0.225,0.373),中消0.395(0.335,0.453),下消0.445(0.360,0.513),消渴厥0.590(0.550,0.698);调查员赋值权重为上消0.152(0,0.311),中消0.240(0,0.275),下消0.380(0.186,0.622),消渴厥0.484(0.311,0.814)。对健康人调查的VAS权重显示上消0.210(0.150,0.390),中消0.345(0.260,0.510),下消0.425(0.313,0.748),消渴厥0.640(0.380,0.898)。各调查方式得到的上消、中消、下消、消渴厥伤残权重不同,差异有统计学意义(H=153.883、76.561、34.575、74.014,P<0.001)。上消、中消、下消、消渴厥的对中医师调查的VAS权重、患者VAS转换权重、调查员赋值权重、对健康人群调查的VAS权重比较,差异有统计学意义(H=10.543、35.692、19.924、16.327,P<0.05)。通过专家意向论证,认同了消渴病在标准化框架下按照上消、中消、下消、消渴厥的分类进行伤残权重测算的方法;定性认同了上消、中消、下消、消渴厥伤残权重逐渐加重;基本认同了对中医师调查的伤残权重。 结论 初步探索了基于ICD-11传统医学章节以及中医国家标准,运用VAS法以及欧洲生命质量量表进行消渴病伤残权重调查的方法,为中医疾病负担测算提供了参考。研究结果通过了专家意向论证。广州市消渴病伤残权重较重,应重视因伤残导致的消渴病健康寿命年的损失,提升患者的生命质量。

关键词: 国际疾病分类第十一次修订本, 消渴, 伤残权重, 中医药信息学



The approval of the International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision (ICD-11) has for the first time included a chapter about traditional medicines that includes TCM. Disease weight (DW) is a weight coefficient that quantifies the health loss caused by non-fatal diseases and injuries, and is an important parameter to measure the burden of disease.


Based on the traditional medicine chapter of ICD-11, this study investigates the DW of wasting thirst disorder, which provides a reference for the measurement of TCM disease burden, and lays a foundation for establishing a statistical network that is consistent with international standards and reflects TCM health service information.


From June 1, 2020 to June 1, 2021, the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) method was adopted to conduct a survey on the DW of each lower category of wasting thirst disorder among clinical Chinese medicine practitioners and healthy people. The EQ-5D-3L with VAS scale was adopted to conduct a DW survey among patients. In addition, the survey results were demonstrated with expert intentions.


The survey on DW of wasting thirst disorder among TCM practitioners shows that the DWs were 0.300 (0.185, 0.380) for wasting thirst disorder involving the upper-jiao, 0.430 (0.368, 0.568) for wasting thirst disorder involving the middle-jiao, 0.585 (0.510, 0.738) for wasting thirst disorder involving the lower-jiao, and 0.725 (0.660, 0.908) for consciousness loss caused by wasting thirst disorder. The survey on DW of wasting thirst disorder among patients shows that the VAS conversion weights of patients were 0.310 (0.225, 0.373) for diabetes involving the upper-jiao, 0.395 (0.335, 0.453) for wasting thirst disorder involving the middle-jiao, 0.445 (0.360, 0.513) for wasting thirst disorder involving the lower-jiao, and 0.590 (0.550, 0.698) for consciousness loss caused by wasting thirst disorder;the investigator assigned weights are 0.152 (0, 0.311) for wasting thirst disorder involving the upper-jiao, 0.240 (0, 0.275) for wasting thirst disorder involving the middle-jiao, 0.380 (0.186, 0.622) for wasting thirst disorder involving the lower-jiao, and 0.484 (0.311, 0.814) for consciousness loss caused by wasting thirst disorder. The survey on DW of wasting thirst disorder among healthy people shows that the DWs were 0.210 (0.150, 0.390) for wasting thirst disorder involving the upper-jiao, 0.345 (0.260, 0.510) for wasting thirst disorder involving the middle-jiao, 0.425 (0.313, 0.748) for wasting thirst disorder involving the lower-jiao, and 0.640 (0.380, 0.898) for consciousness loss caused by wasting thirst disorder. There were significant differences between the DWs by different methods of wasting thirst disorder involving the upper-jiao, wasting thirst disorder involving the middle-jiao, wasting thirst disorder involving the lower-jiao, and consciousness loss caused by wasting thirst disorder (H=153.883, 76.561, 34.575, 74.014, P<0.001). There were significant differences between VAS DW for traditional Chinese medicine practitioner survey, patient VAS conversion DW, investigator assignment DW, and VAS DW for healthy population survey involved by three jiao of wasting thirst disorder and consciousness loss caused by wasting thirst disorder (H=10.543, 35.692, 19.924, 16.327, P<0.05). Through expert intention argumentation, the method of calculating DWs for wasting thirst disorder according to the classification of wasting thirst disorder involving the upper-jiao, wasting thirst disorder involving the middle-jiao, wasting thirst disorder involving the lower-jiao, and consciousness loss caused by wasting thirst disorder under the standardized framework was agreed upon. Experts qualitatively agreed that the DW of wasting thirst disorder involving the upper-jiao, wasting thirst disorder involving the middle-jiao, wasting thirst disorder involving the lower-jiao, and consciousness loss caused by wasting thirst disorder gradually increased. And they basically agreed with the DW in the investigation of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners.


A preliminary exploration was conducted to investigate the DW of wasting thirst disorder, using the VAS method and the EQ-5D-3L, based on the ICD-11 chapter on traditional medicine and the national standards of traditional Chinese medicine, providing a reference for calculating the burden of traditional Chinese medicine diseases. The research results have been supported by expert intention analysis. The DW of wasting thirst disorder in Guangzhou is relatively heavy, and attention should be paid to the loss of healthy life years caused by disability in wasting thirst disorder, to improve the quality of life of patients.

Key words: International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision, Wasting thirst disorder, Disability weight, Medical informatics (TCM)
