中国全科医学 ›› 2024, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (22): 2714-2723.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2023.0481

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余海燕, 王海棠, 杜兆辉*()   

  1. 200126 上海市浦东新区上钢社区卫生服务中心全科医学科
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-11 修回日期:2024-03-15 出版日期:2024-08-05 发布日期:2024-05-28
  • 通讯作者: 杜兆辉

  • 作者贡献:


  • 基金资助:
    上海市浦东新区民生科研计划项目课题(PKJ2021-Y93); 上海市浦东新区卫生和计划生育委员会优秀青年医学人才培养项目(PWRq2022-13); 上海市浦东新区卫生健康委员会社区卫生服务示范学科建设项目(PWYsf2021-03)

Effects of Intervention Based on Behavioral Change Wheel and Behavioral Change Technologys on the Behavior, Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Quality of Life in Patients with Hypertension

YU Haiyan, WANG Haitang, DU Zhaohui*()   

  1. Department of General Practice, Shanggang Community Health Service Center of Pudong New Area District, Shanghai 200126, China
  • Received:2023-12-11 Revised:2024-03-15 Published:2024-08-05 Online:2024-05-28
  • Contact: DU Zhaohui

摘要: 背景 目前高血压控制率较低,高血压患者生命质量较正常人低。通过行为干预改善高血压患者血压、提高其生命质量是研究热点。基于理论的行为干预对高血压患者的行为方式改善更为有效和持久。行为改变轮(BCW)及行为改变技术(BCTs)可充分挖掘可干预因素在国外被广泛应用于慢性病管理中。国内基于BCW及BCTs理论行为干预对高血压患者动态血压及生命质量影响研究相对较少,需进一步研究。 目的 研究基于BCW及BCTs制定干预模式,研究其对高血压患者行为、动态血压及生命质量的影响。 方法 选择2021年12月—2022年8月符合入选标准的高血压患者100例作为研究对象,采用简单随机法将研究对象分为干预组和对照组各50例。对照组50例只接受常规的门诊药物及健康教育生活方式指导,干预组50例在接受常规药物干预基础上进行BCW+BCTs模式的干预指导。干预前后采用高血压知识水平量表、Morisky中文修订版用药依从性量表、国际体力活动量表短问卷、健康问卷抑郁自评量表、广泛性焦虑障碍问卷、动态血压监测及健康调查简表进行评分,比较干预前后患者各项行为指标、动态血压数据、生命质量评分差异。 结果 干预后,干预组高血压患者高血压知识水平、服药依从性、生命质量评分、高服药依从性及中等体力活动比例高于对照组(P<0.05)。干预后干预组高血压患者日间收缩压和舒张压平均值、夜间收缩压和舒张压平均值、清晨收缩压和舒张压平均值、24 h收缩压和舒张压平均值、24 h收缩压和舒张压变异系数、BMI、焦虑评分、抑郁评分、焦虑比例、抑郁比例、高钠摄入及过量饮酒比例低于对照组(P<0.05)。 结论 BCW+BCTs干预模式对高血压患者的行为干预效果良好,能够改善高血压患者行为方式,降低患者血压水平,提高患者生命质量,可在高血压慢性病管理当中推荐应用。

关键词: 高血压, 行为改变, 健康干预, 动态血压, 生命质量



The control rate for patients with hypertension remains suboptimal, with hypertensive patients experiencing a lower quality of life compared to healthy individuals. Enhancing life quality and lowering blood pressure in patients with hypertension through behavioral interventions is currently a critical area of research. Theoretical-based behavioral interventions are shown to be more effective and sustainable in modifying the behaviors of hypertensive patients. The Behavior Change Wheel (BCW) and Behavior Change Techniques (BCTs) are widely utilized in the management of chronic diseases globally to maximize the exploration of modifiable factors. Nevertheless, in the domestic context, studies on the impact of BCW and BCTs-driven behavioral interventions on the ambulatory blood pressure and quality of life of hypertensive patients are relatively limited, indicating a need for more comprehensive research.


This study aims to develop and evaluate the intervention based on BCW and BCTs, focusing on its impact on behavior, ambulatory blood pressure, and quality of life in hypertensive patients.


From December 2021 to August 2022, a hundred hypertensive patients who met the inclusion criteria were selected as study participants. They were allocated into an intervention group and a control group using a simple randomization method, with each group comprising fifty participants. Patients in the control group received conventional outpatient medication and health education lifestyle guidance. In contrast, patients in the intervention group was treated with standard medication supplemented by the BCW and BCTs-based intervention guidance.Before and after the intervention, assessments were conducted using the Hypertension Knowledge-Level Scale, the Chinese Version of the 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9, the General Anxiety Disorder-7, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, and the 12-Item Short-Form Health Survey. The study examined changes in behavioral indicators, results of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, and quality of life pre- and post-intervention.


The results indicated that after the intervention, the intervention group exhibited significantly higher levels of hypertension knowledge, medication adherence, quality of life scores, proportions of high medication adherence and engagement in moderate physical activity compared to the control group (P<0.05) . Additionally, the intervention group showed lower average daytime systolic and diastolic blood pressures, nighttime systolic and diastolic blood pressures, morning systolic and diastolic blood pressures, 24-hour systolic and diastolic blood pressures, variability coefficients of 24-hour systolic and diastolic blood pressures, BMI, anxiety scores, depression scores, and lower proportions of individuals with anxiety, depression, high sodium intake, and excessive alcohol consumption compared to the control group (P<0.05) .


The BCW and BCTs-based intervention model positively impacts behavioral interventions for hypertensive patients. It effectively improves the behaviors of these patients, lowers their blood pressure levels, and elevates their quality of life. This model is recommended for incorporation into the management of hypertension as a chronic disease.

Key words: Hypertension, Behavioral change, Health intervention, Ambulatory blood pressure, Quality of life