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曾泳添 1,2,陈日玲 3,农雪艳 3,刘洲 2,梁力中 2,4,5*,朱子健1   

  1. 1.524000 广东省湛江市,广东医科大学公共卫生学院 2.524000 广东省湛江市,广东医科大学附属医院 3.528000 广东省佛山市,广东医科大学顺德妇女儿童医院 4.524023 广东省湛江市,广东医科大学海洋与热带医学学院 5.524023 广东省湛江市,广东医科大学医疗保障研究院
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-16 修回日期:2024-03-12 接受日期:2024-04-29
  • 通讯作者: 梁力中,副研究员/高级工程师;
  • 基金资助:

Clinical Research Progress and Challenges of Digital Therapeutics from Screening to Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder

ZENG Yongtian1,2,CHEN Riling3,NONG Xueyan3,LIU Zhou2,LIANG Lizhong2,4,5*,ZHU Zijian1   

  1. 1.School of Public Health,Guangdong Medical University,Zhanjiang 524000,China 2.The Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University,Zhanjiang 524000,China 3.Shunde Women and Children's Hospital of Guangdong Medical University,Foshan 528000,China 4.School of Marine and Tropical Medicine, Guangdong Medical University,Zhanjiang 524023,China 5.Institute of Medical Security,Guangdong Medical University,Zhanjiang 524023,China
  • Received:2024-01-16 Revised:2024-03-12 Accepted:2024-04-29
  • Contact: LIANG Lizhong,Research associate/Senior engineer;

摘要: 自闭症在儿童中以社交(沟通)障碍和重复刻板的行为及狭隘兴趣为主要临床表现,影响着儿童的社交互动、沟通能力和行为模式。近年来,随着科技进步,数字疗法在自闭症的管理中发挥了重要作用,如多模态数据融合和机器学习算法帮助早期识别自闭症,虚拟现实、增强现实和游戏化学习平台被广泛应用于提高自闭症儿童的社交技巧和认知功能。尽管数字疗法在自闭症领域中展现了巨大的可能性和效益,但也面临着包括治疗反应的个体差异、长期成效的不确定性以及数据隐私保护等挑战。总体而言,数字疗法为自闭症的管理开辟了新的道路,同时也指出了未来研究和应用的重要方向。

关键词: 神经发育障碍, 自闭症, 数字疗法, 早期识别与筛查, 个性化医疗, 医疗健康数字化

Abstract: In children,autism spectrum disorder(ASD)is primarily characterized by social(communication) impairments and repetitive,stereotyped behaviors and restricted interests,affecting children's social interaction,communication abilities,and behavioral patterns. In recent years,with technological advancements,Digital Therapeutics has played a significant role in managing ASD. For instance,multimodal data integration and machine learning algorithms have been used for the early identification of ASD,while virtual reality,augmented reality,and gamified learning platforms have been widely applied to enhance the social skills and cognitive functions of children with ASD. Although digital therapy has shown great potential and benefits in the field of autism,it also faces challenges,including individual differences in treatment response,uncertainty of long-term effectiveness,and data privacy protection. Overall,Digital Therapeutics has opened up a new path for the management of autism,and also points out important directions for future research and applications.

Key words: Neurodevelopmental disorders, Autism, Digital therapeutics, Early detection and screening, Personalized medicine, Digitalization in healthcare
