中国全科医学 ›› 2024, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (19): 2336-2343.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2023.0581

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龚悦, 黄岳青, 张良, 赵春华, 黄敏*()   

  1. 215000 江苏省苏州市,南京医科大学附属苏州医院 苏州市立医院全科医学科
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-15 修回日期:2024-03-19 出版日期:2024-07-05 发布日期:2024-04-28
  • 通讯作者: 黄敏

  • 作者贡献:


  • 基金资助:
    江苏省医学重点学科(ZDXK202252); 江苏基层卫生发展与全科医学教育研究中心项目(2021A01); 苏州市姑苏卫生人才计划人才科研项目(GSWS2022068)

External Validation of a 10-year Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Tool Based on an Older Population

GONG Yue, HUANG Yueqing, ZHANG Liang, ZHAO Chunhua, HUANG Min*()   

  1. The Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing Medical University/Suzhou Municipal Hospital General Medicine, Suzhou 215000, China
  • Received:2023-11-15 Revised:2024-03-19 Published:2024-07-05 Online:2024-04-28
  • Contact: HUANG Min

摘要: 背景 心血管疾病严重威胁我国老年人的健康,给我国带来巨大的经济负担;早期心血管疾病风险评估工具的准确筛查能够针对性预防和延缓心血管疾病的发展,相关研究提示常用心血管风险评分工具在老年人中预测效能不佳,缺乏相关外部验证,且尚无公认针对老年患者的有效风险预测工具。 目的 在我国社区老年人群中独立验证并比较5种国内外常用心血管风险评估工具预测10年心血管疾病发病风险的效能,探索适合我国社区老年人群的心血管疾病风险评估工具,为基层心血管疾病防治提供理论依据和支持。 方法 2012年1月—2013年12月于苏州市留园社区卫生服务中心和润达社区卫生服务中心,在参加社区体检的2万余人中根据纳入排除标准,最终确定344人纳入研究,在创业体检系统中调取目标人群年龄、性别、居住区域、收缩压、舒张压、BMI、腰围、总胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、三酰甘油、是否有房颤、是否左心室肥厚、心血管疾病患病情况、高血压患病情况、糖尿病患病情况、吸烟情况;在慢病随访中完善人群目前吸烟状态及烟龄、是否服用降压药、心血管病家族史、高血压患病情况及高血压用药情况、糖尿病患病情况、2014年1月—2022年12月是否有心血管疾病发病及具体时间。研究结局事件为脑卒中和冠心病发病,根据发病情况分为阳性组和阴性组,依据2012—2013年研究对象各项指标进行Framingham心脏风险评分量表(FRS-CVD)、改良的Framingham卒中量表(R-FSRS)、欧洲系统性冠状动脉风险评估量表2019(SCORE)、中国10年缺血性心血管疾病风险评分量表2006(ICVD)、China-PAR心血管疾病风险评估,将评估结果与实际心血管疾病发病情况进行一致性指数(Concordance index,C-index)、Hosmer-Lemeshow χ2检验和校准图评价。 结果 纳入的344人研究对象平均年龄62(56,68)岁,截至2022年12月,169人发生心脑血管疾病(阳性组),175人未发生心脑血管疾病(阴性组);分别对两组人群进行5种心血管疾病风险评分,心血管疾病风险评估工具预测情况与实际发病情况的对比分析结果如下,区分度检验:FRS-CVD的C-index为0.711(95%CI=0.658~0.764),R-FSRS的C-index为0.728(95%CI=0.675~0.781),SCORE:C-index为0.724(95%CI=0.671~0.777),ICVD:C-index为0.727(95%CI=0.674~0.779),China-PAR:C-index为0.735(95%CI=0.682~0.788);Hosmer-Lemeshow检验校准情况:FRS-CVD为χ2=16.789(P=0.032),R-FSRS为χ2=11.019(P=0.201),SCORE为χ2=20.396(P=0.002),ICVD为χ2=24.311(P=0.001),China-PAR为χ2=15.149(P=0.056);校准图中,R-FSRS属校准最佳。男性中模型区分度:FRS-CVD的C-index为0.642(95%CI=0.577~0.707),R-FSRS的C-index为0.646(95%CI=0.581~0.710),SCORE的C-index为0.646(95%CI=0.581~0.711),ICVD的C-index为0.628(95%CI:0.563~0.693),China-PAR的C-index为0.636(95%CI=0.571~0.700);Hosmer-Lemeshow检验校准情况:FRS-CVD为χ2=7.371(P=0.288),R-FSRS为χ2=8.470(P=0.293),SCORE为χ2=5.146(P=0.525),ICVD为χ2=6.103(P=0.412),China-PAR为χ2=9.555(P=0.298),校准图中SCORE校准最好。女性中模型区分度:FRS-CVD的C-index为0.698(95%CI=0.633~0.762),R-FSRS的C-index为0.731(95%CI=0.666~0.795),SCORE的C-index为0.733(95%CI=0.668~0.798),ICVD的C-index为0.747(95%CI=0.682~0.811),China-PAR的C-index为0.754(95%CI=0.689~0.818);Hosmer-Lemeshow检验校准情况:FRS-CVD为χ2=14.515(P=0.069),R-FSRS为χ2=12.175(P=0.032),SCORE为χ2=9.611(P=0.022),ICVD为χ2=19.349(P=0.007),China-PAR为χ2=12.372(P=0.135),校准图中China-PAR校准最好。 结论 R-FSRS在预测老年人心血管疾病风险预测方面表现良好,尤其适用于老年人。SCORE在预测老年男性心血管疾病风险方面表现较好,而China-PAR在预测老年女性心血管疾病风险方面表现较好。这些评估工具的应用将有助于医生对老年人的心血管疾病风险进行准确预测,并制定相应防治策略。

关键词: 心血管疾病, 危险性评估, 风险评估工具, 社区, 外部验证, 苏州市



Cardiovascular diseases seriously threaten the health of the elderly in our country and bring a huge economic burden to our country. Accurate screening of risk assessment tools for early cardiovascular diseases can specifically prevent and delay the development of cardiovascular diseases, studies have suggested that commonly used cardiovascular risk scoring tools are not effective in predicting risk in the elderly, but there is a lack of relevant external validation experimental studies, and there is no well-recognized effective risk prediction tool for elderly patients.


To independently validate and compare the efficacy of five commonly used cardiovascular risk assessment tools in China and abroad in predicting 10-year cardiovascular disease risk in our community elderly population, to explore the cardiovascular disease risk assessment tools suitable for our community elderly population, and to provide theoretical basis and support for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease at the grass-roots level.


From January 2012 to December 2013, more than 20 000 people in the Liuyuan Community Health Service Centre and Runda Community Health Service Centre in Suzhou Province took part in community medical examinations. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, three hundred and forty-four people were identified, data on age, sex, region of residence, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, BMI, waist circumference, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride, atrial fibrillation, Left ventricular hypertrophy, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, and smoking were collected from the start-up medical examination system In the follow-up survey of chronic diseases, the current smoking status and smoking age, whether taking antihypertensive drugs, family history of cardiovascular disease, prevalence of hypertension and drug use of hypertension, prevalence of diabetes mellitus, and whether and when cardiovascular disease occurred from January 2014 to December 2022 were improved. The outcome events were stroke and coronary heart disease, and were divided into positive group and negative group, all subjects were assessed with the Framingham Heart Risk Score (FRS-CVD) , the modified Framingham Stroke Scale (R-FSRS) , the European systemic coronary risk assessment scale 2019 (SCORE) , Chinese 10-year ischemic cardiovascular disease risk (ICVD) , and the China-PAR cardiovascular disease risk assessment, concordance Index (C-index) , Hosmer-Lemeshow χ2 and calibration chart were used to evaluate the relationship between the results and actual cardiovascular disease incidence.


Of the 344 enrolled investigators, with a mean age of 62 (56, 68) years, as of December 2022, 169 had developed cardiovascular disease and 175 had not. Two groups of people were carried out 5 kinds of cardiovascular disease risk score, cardiovascular disease risk assessment tool forecast and the actual incidence of the comparative analysis results are as follows, discrimination test: C-index of FRS-CVD was 0.711 (95%CI=0.658-0.764) , C-index of R-FSRS was 0.728 (95%CI=0.675-0.781) , SCORE: C-index was 0.724 (95%CI=0.671-0.777) , ICVD: C-index was 0.727 (95%CI=0.674-0.779) , China-PAR: C-index was 0.735 (95%CI=0.682-0.788) ; Hosmer-Lemeshow test calibration status: FRS-CVD: χ2 =16.789 (P=0.032) , R-FSRS: χ2=11.019 (P=0.201) , SCORE: χ2=20.396 (P=0.002) , ICVD: χ2=24.311 (P=0.001) , China-PAR: χ2=15.149 (P=0.056) ; R-FSRS is the best calibration. In men, model discrimination: FRS-CVD: C-index was 0.642 (95%CI=0.577-0.707) , R-FSRS: C-index was 0.646 (95%CI=0.581-0.710) , SCORE: C-index was 0.646 (95%CI=0.581-0.711) , ICVD: C-index was 0.628 (95%CI=0.563-0.693) , China-PAR: C-index was 0.636 (95%CI=0.571-0.700) ; Hosmer-Lemeshow test calibration status: FRS-CVD: χ2=7.371 (P=0.288) , R-FSRS: χ2=8.470 (P=0.293) , SCORE: χ2=5.146 (P=0.525) , ICVD: χ2=6.103 (P=0.412) , China-PAR: χ2=9.555 (P=0.298) , SCORE was calibrated best in the calibration diagram. Model discrimination among women: FRS-CVD: C-index was 0.698 (95%CI=0.633-0.762) , R-FSRS: C-index was 0.731 (95%CI=0.666-0.795) , SCORE: C-index was 0.733 (95%CI=0.668-0.798) , ICVD: C-index was 0.747 (95%CI=0.682-0.811) , China-PAR: C-index was 0.754 (95%CI=0.689-0.818) ; Hosmer-Lemeshow test calibration status: FRS-CVD: χ2=14.515 (P=0.069) , R-FSRS: χ2=12.175 (P=0.032) , SCORE: χ2=9.611 (P=0.022) , ICVD: χ2=19.349 (P=0.007) , China-PAR: χ2=12.372 (P=0.135) , China-PAR calibration is the best in calibration chart.


R-FSRS model has a good performance in predicting the risk of cardiovascular disease in the elderly, especially in the elderly population. SCORE model did better in predicting cardiovascular disease risk in older men, while China-PAR model did better in predicting cardiovascular disease risk in older women. Therefore, the application of these assessment tools will help doctors to accurately predict the risk of cardiovascular disease in the elderly, and formulate corresponding prevention and treatment strategies.

Key words: Cardiovascular disease, Risk assessment, Cardiovascular risk assessment tool, Community, External validation, Suzhou