中国全科医学 ›› 2024, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (19): 2401-2408.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2023.0872

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马乐1,2,3,4, 金花1,2,3,4, 史玲4,5, 易春涛4,6, 侯进4,7, 陈晨4,8, 宦红梅4,9, 倪衡如4,10, 于德华1,2,3,4,*()   

  1. 1.200090 上海市,同济大学附属杨浦医院全科医学科
    2.200090 上海市全科医学与社区卫生发展研究中心
    3.200090 上海市,同济大学医学院全科医学研究中心
    4.200090 上海市全科医学临床质量控制中心
    5.200062 上海市普陀区卫生健康事务管理中心
    6.200031 上海市徐汇区卫生健康委员会监督所
    7.201300 上海市浦东新区社区卫生指导中心
    8.200040 上海市静安区江宁路街道社区卫生服务中心
    9.201102 上海市闵行区古美社区卫生服务中心
    10.201906 上海市宝山区顾村镇社区卫生服务中心
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-16 修回日期:2024-02-21 出版日期:2024-07-05 发布日期:2024-04-28
  • 通讯作者: 于德华

  • 作者贡献:


  • 基金资助:
    上海市领军人才项目(YDH-20170627); 上海市卫生政策课题(2023HP28,2023HP71); 同济大学附属杨浦医院科研基金项目(Se1202218)

Analysis of the Quality of Diagnosis and Treatment of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Shanghai Community Health Service Institutions

MA Le1,2,3,4, JIN Hua1,2,3,4, SHI Ling4,5, YI Chuntao4,6, HOU Jin4,7, CHEN Chen4,8, HUAN Hongmei4,9, NI Hengru4,10, YU Dehua1,2,3,4,*()   

  1. 1. Department of General Practice, Yangpu Hospital, School of Medicine, Tongji University, Shanghai 200090, China
    2. Shanghai General Practice and Community Health Development Research Center, Shanghai 200090, China
    3. Research Center for General Practice, School of Medicine, Tongji University, Shanghai 200090, China
    4. Shanghai General Practice Clinical Quality Control Center, Shanghai 200090, China
    5. Community Health Management Center of Putuo District, Shanghai 200062, China
    6. Shanghai Xuhui District Health Commission Supervision Institute, Shanghai 200031, China
    7. Shanghai Pudong New Area Community Health Guidance Center, Shanghai 201300, China
    8. Shanghai Jing'an District Jiangning Subdistrict Community Health Center, Shanghai 200040, China
    9. Shanghai Minhang District Gumei Community Health Center, Shanghai 201102, China
    10. Shanghai Baoshan District Gucun Town Community Health Center, Shanghai 201906, China
  • Received:2023-10-16 Revised:2024-02-21 Published:2024-07-05 Online:2024-04-28
  • Contact: YU Dehua

摘要: 背景 上海市社区卫生服务机构对于幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染的诊疗水平和质量尚不明确,缺乏系统的评价和监测。 目的 了解上海市社区卫生服务机构对于Hp感染的诊疗及管理现状,评价其诊疗质量,并探讨其存在的问题和改进措施。 方法 于2022年5—6月向上海市16个行政区共计249家社区卫生服务中心及3 875名在社区卫生服务中心工作的全科医生发放调查问卷,调查社区卫生服务中心Hp感染根治处方规范化情况、Hp感染检测情况、Hp感染根治药物配备情况、Hp感染诊疗管理情况、Hp感染诊疗中困难问题,以及社区全科医生对Hp感染诊疗认知情况等。 结果 上海社区卫生服务机构Hp感染处方根治方案正确率仅为32.0%。上海社区卫生服务机构中有能力开展Hp感染检测的卫生服务中心比例较高,近80.0%。大部分社区卫生服务中心能配备基本的根治Hp所需的药物,但铋剂配备率低,为54.6%。Hp诊疗规范督查率80.0%。Hp感染规范化诊疗培训需求较高,占66.7%。在Hp感染诊疗中,存在主要困难为药物配备不齐全、医生诊疗能力不足和设备不足。社区全科医生对Hp感染诊治相关基础知识掌握不足。 结论 上海市各社区卫生服务机构需进一步加强开展Hp检测的能力,特别是远郊社区卫生服务中心,包括增加购入Hp相关检测设备、试剂,完备Hp根治所需相关药物等。此外,需进一步加强对社区卫生服务中心Hp感染规范化诊疗培训,提高全科医师对Hp感染的诊疗能力,同时加强Hp诊疗规范督查,进一步提高社区全科医生Hp感染诊疗能力。

关键词: 幽门螺杆菌, 社区卫生服务中心, 诊疗规范, 诊疗质量, 系统管理, 上海市



The level and quality of diagnosis and treatment of Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infections in Shanghai's community health service institutions is unclear, and there is a lack of systematic evaluation and monitoring.


To understand the current status of diagnosis, treatment and management of Hp infection in community health centers in Shanghai, to evaluate the quality of diagnosis and treatment, and to explore the problems and improvement measures.


A questionnaire was distributed to a total of 249 community health centers in 16 administrative districts of Shanghai and 3 875 general practitioners (GPs) working in the community health centers from May to June 2022 to investigate the standardization of prescriptions for the eradication of Hp infections in the community health centers, the detection of Hp infections, the provision of drugs for the eradication of Hp infections, the management of Hp infections, the difficulties of Hp infections in the treatment of Hp infections, as well as the knowledge of community-based GPs on the diagnosis and treatment of Hp infections.


The result of the prescription eradication program for Hp infection in primary health care facilities in Shanghai was only 32.0 percent correct. The proportion of health service centers with the ability to conduct Hp infection testing in primary healthcare institutions in Shanghai is high, nearly 80.0%. Most of the community health service centers were able to equip the basic medicines needed for the eradication of Hp, but the rate of bismuth equipment was low, 54.6%. The rate of Hp diagnosis and treatment standard supervision was 80.0%. The demand for the training of standardized diagnosis and treatment of Hp infections was high, accounting for 66.7%. The main difficulties in Hp infection diagnosis and treatment were incomplete drug provision, insufficient doctor's diagnosis and treatment ability and insufficient equipment. Community general practitioners do not have enough basic knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of Hp infection.


The capacity to conduct Hp testing needs to be further strengthened in primary care organizations in Shanghai, especially in remote community health service centers, including the purchase of more Hp-related testing equipment and reagents, and the completion of related medications needed for the eradication of Hp. In addition, it is necessary to further strengthen the standardized diagnosis and treatment training of Hp infection for community health centers, improve the diagnosis and treatment ability of general practitioners on Hp infection, and at the same time, strengthen the supervision of Hp diagnosis and treatment standardization, so as to further improve the diagnosis and treatment ability of community general practitioners on Hp infection.

Key words: Helicobacter pylori, Community health service centers, Diagnosis and treatment standard, Quality of diagnosis and treatment, Systems management, Shanghai