
所属专题: 神经系统疾病最新文章合集 脑健康最新研究合集

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脑卒中患者医院 - 家庭过渡期体验质性研究的Meta整合


  1. 450001 河南省郑州市,郑州大学护理与健康学院
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-21 修回日期:2023-11-11 接受日期:2023-12-06
  • 通讯作者: 张振香
  • 基金资助:

Meta-integration of Qualitative Studies of Hospital to Home Transition Experiences in Patients with Stroke

JIANG Hu,WANG Xiaoxuan,ZHANG Zhenxiang*,ZHAO Zhixin,MEI Yongxia,LIN Beilei,WANG Wenna   

  1. School of Nursing and Health,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China
  • Received:2023-08-21 Revised:2023-11-11 Accepted:2023-12-06
  • Contact: ZHANG Zhenxiang

摘要: 背景 脑卒中发病率高且复发风险大,多数脑卒中患者在医院治疗后需过渡至家庭康复,患者在过渡期体验复杂,亟需通过 Meta 整合更为全面地了解患者在过渡期的体验和感受。目的 系统评价脑卒中患者医院 - 家庭过渡期体验的质性研究。方法 计算机检索中英文数据库包括 PubMed、Web of Science、Scopus、Embase、CINAHL、PsycINFO、中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台中收录的有关脑卒中患者医院 - 家庭过渡期体验的质性研究。检索日期为建库至 2023-07-11。采用澳大利亚乔安娜布里格斯研究所(JBI)质性研究质量评价标准(2016)对最终纳入的文献进行质量评价,并采用汇集性整合的方法进行结果整合。结果 共纳入 13 篇文献,提炼出 46 个研究结果,归纳出7 个类别,最终得出 3 个整合结果:身心社会各层面的动态改变产生交互影响;整体照护需求强烈;积极应对疾病并逐渐过渡到新的生活常态。结论 脑卒中患者从医院过渡至家庭期间面临复杂的身心挑战和多层次的照护需求。医护人员应关注脑卒中患者医院 - 家庭过渡期的真实体验和未满足需求,为患者提供整体性和连续性的照护服务,促进患者身心社会的全面过渡。

关键词: 卒中, 过渡期护理, 质性研究, Meta 整合

Abstract: Background The incidence rate of stroke is high and the risk of recurrence is substantial. Most stroke patients need to transition to home after treatment,and the experience during this period is complex. Therefore,there is an urgent need to comprehensively understand experiences and feelings of patients during hospital to home transition through Metaintegration. Objective To systematically evaluate qualitative studies on stroke patients' hospital to home transition experiences. Methods A computerized search was undertaken for qualitative studies on the hospital to home transition experience of stroke patients in the PubMed,Web of Science,Scopus,Embase,CINAHL,PsycINFO,CNKI,and Wanfang Databases from inception to July 11,2023. The quality of the final included literature was evaluated using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Quality Evaluation Criteria for Qualitative Research(2016),Australia,and the results were combined using a pooled integration approach. Results A total of 13 studies were included,and 46 findings were distilled and categorized into 7 categories,yielding three final integrative findings:dynamic changes in the physical and psychosocial dimensions have interactive effects;a strong need for holistic caregiving;and active coping with illness and gradual transition to a new life norm. Conclusion During the period of transition from hospital to home,stroke patients face complex physical and mental challenges as well as multi-level care needs. Healthcare providers should pay attention to the real experiences and unmet needs of stroke patients throughout the hospital to home transition,provide holistic and continuous care services,and facilitate the comprehensive physical,psychological and social transition for patients.

Key words: Stroke, Transitional care, Qualitative research, Meta-integration
