中国全科医学 ›› 2024, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (01): 15-26.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2022.0852

所属专题: 指南/共识最新文章合集 心理健康最新文章合集

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Searle Kendall1,*(), Blashki Grant2, Kakuma Ritsuko3, 杨辉4, 吕淑荣2, 李宝琪5, 肖莹莹5, Minas Harry1   

  1. 1VIC 3010 Global and Cultural Mental Health Unit,Centre for Mental Health,School of Population and Global Health,University of Melbourne,Parkville,Australia
    2VIC 3010 Nossal Institute for Global Health,University of Melbourne,Melbourne,Australia
    3WC1E 7HTE London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,London,England,UK
    4VIC 3168 Monash Institute for Health and Clinical Education,School of Primary Health Care,Monash University,Notting Hill,Australia
    5518107 广东省深圳市,中国科学院大学深圳医院(光明)
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-26 修回日期:2023-07-25 出版日期:2024-01-05 发布日期:2023-10-23
  • 通讯作者: Searle Kendall
  • 注:本文首次刊登于International Journal of Mental Health Systems

    作者贡献:Kendall Searle负责设计、协调和开展德尔菲研究,分析数据,并起草手稿;Grant Blashki、Ritsuko Kakuma、Harry Minas为研究设计提供建议,并对研究过程提供支持;杨辉促进了与深圳市社区卫生服务机构的持续联系,并就文化适应问题提出宝贵建议;吕淑荣为德尔菲方法提供方法和软件培训,并提供具有文化敏感性的翻译支持;李宝琪、肖莹莹负责翻译项目报表,并就如何执行和完成招募提供具体方案;所有作者对文章初稿发表了意见,并对文章终稿进行校对。

Adapting the Depression Component of WHO Mental Health Gap Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG.v2) for Primary Care in Shenzhen, China: a Delphi Study

Searle Kendall1,*(), Blashki Grant2, Kakuma Ritsuko3, YANG Hui4, LYU Shurong2, LI Baoqi5, XIAO Yingying5, Minas Harry1   

  1. 1Global and Cultural Mental Health Unit, Centre for Mental Health, School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia
    2Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia
    3London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London WC1E 7HTE, England, UK
    4Monash Institute for Health and Clinical Education, School of Primary Health Care, Monash University, Notting Hill, VIC 3168, Australia
    5Shenzhen Guangming Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bao'an District, Shenzhen 518107, China
  • Received:2023-04-26 Revised:2023-07-25 Published:2024-01-05 Online:2023-10-23
  • Contact: Searle Kendall

摘要: 背景 中国全科医生越来越期望能够识别和预防抑郁障碍,但其接受的心理健康培训有限,社区卫生服务中心(CHCs)也缺乏针对抑郁障碍的诊断和服务规范。WHO《心理健康差距干预指南》第2版(mhGAP-IG.v2)是为非心理健康专业人员提供的决策支持工具,可用于评估、管理、随访精神障碍、神经疾病及物质使用障碍患者。鉴于mhGAP-IG.v2的通用性,其在中国的应用应根据抑郁障碍在不同文化下的差异性和中国心理健康系统特点进行调整。 方法 开展两轮基于网络的德尔菲(Delphi)调查。邀请来自深圳市的全科医生小组对mhGAP-IG.v2中涉及抑郁障碍的199条表述进行五分制的赞同程度打分,即"如要把该表述用在深圳市,是否赞同调整其内容和结构"。如果>80%的全科医生"有些/肯定赞同"调整某表述,则视为全科医生对调整该表述达成共识;如果>80%的全科医生"有些/肯定不赞同"调整某表述,则视为全科医生对不调整该表述达成共识。 结果 全科医生对79%的表述达成了需要调整的共识,平均得分为4.26分,即全科医生"有些赞同"对mhGAP-IG.v2中涉及抑郁障碍的相关表述进行调整。具体调整建议包括:抑郁评估方法应考虑更广泛的抑郁症状,并考虑病情的发展阶段;增加抑郁筛查工具的使用指南;明确全科医生的作用,以及家庭参与和跨部门服务的转诊途径;药物治疗建议应与中国用药规范保持一致;指南所有章节要强调预防自杀;情境化健康教育;强调"以人为本"的服务方法。全科医生认为,应维持mhGAP-IG.v2中对经历抑郁发作的双相障碍患者的诊断和治疗建议。 结论 对mhGAP-IG.v2抑郁部分的调整研究反映出对指南的评估应考虑文化和国情背景,包括中国特色的初级卫生保健系统、健康优先领域、治疗可得性,以及多样化的社会心理教育需要。调整后的mhGAP-IG.v2可以给中国全科医学教育和全科医疗服务提供参考,也可以为其他国家的非精神病学专业人员开展心理健康服务提供有益借鉴。

关键词: 抑郁障碍, 心理健康差距干预指南, 德尔菲, 调整, 概念化, 初级保健, 跨部门服务, 世界卫生组织, 中国, 深圳



Primary care doctors in Shenzhen, China are increasingly expected to identify and prevent depressive disorder; however, they have received limited mental health training and community healthcare centres (CHCs) do not provide standardised protocols for the diagnosis and care of depressive disorder. The World Health Organization's mental health gap intervention guide, version 2 (mhGAP-IG.v2) is a decision support tool for non-specialists for the assessment, management and follow-up of mental, neurological and substance use disorders (including depressive disorder). Given that mhGAP-IG.v2 is a generic tool, it requires adaptation to take account of cultural differences in depression presentation and unique characteristics of China's emergent mental health system.


A two-round, web-based, Delphi survey was conducted. A panel of primary care doctors from Shenzhen, were invited to score their level of agreement with 199 statements (arranged across 10 domains) proposing changes to the content and structure of mhGAP-IG.v2 for use in Shenzhen. Consensus was predefined as 80% panelists providing a rating of either "somewhat agree/definitely agree", or "definitely disagree/somewhat disagree" on a five-point scale for agreement.


79% of statements received consensus with a mean score of 4.26 (i.e. "somewhat agree"). Agreed adaptations for mhGAP-IG.v2 included: an assessment approach which considers a broader spectrum of depression symptoms and reflects the life course of disease; incorporating guidance for screening tool usage; clarifying physicians' roles and including referral pathways for intersectorial care with strong family involvement; aligning drug treatment with national formularies; stronger emphasis of suicide prevention throughout all sections of the guide; contextualizing health education; reflecting a person-centred approach to care. Panelists chose to maintain diagnostic and treatment advice for bipolar patients experiencing a depressive episode as in the current guide.


An adapted mhGAP-IG.v2 for depression recognises China's cultural and contextual needs for assessment guidance; unique primary healthcare system organization, priorities and treatment availability; and diverse psychosocial educational needs. An adapted mhGAP-IG.v2 could both inform the future training programs for primary care in Shenzhen and also offer an additional mental health resource for non-specialists in other countries.

Key words: Depressive disorder, Mental Health Gap Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG.v2), Delphi, Adaptation, Conceptualisation, Primary care, Intersectorial care, World Health Organization, China, Shenzhen